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Archived questions from: September, 2008 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

Am I being naive or am I just plain dumb in love?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5154 days ago

30 September 2008 (F - I've been together and living with my boyfriend for almost 3 years. The first 6 months were like that out of a fairy tale novel; surprise trips, PDA, affection, respect and a complete gentleman willing to do anything to make me smile/laugh. After ...

Should my boyfriend be watching porn?

This question has 43 answers - newest was posted 4293 days ago

30 September 2008 (F - Should my boyfriend be watching porn? I've been with my boyfriend over 4 years and we live together. I am so happy apart from the fact that he watches porn. I cant accept it and it makes me feel very insecure. Why does he have to get turned on by ot...

Husband want anal sex but it's too painful for me! What should I do?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5428 days ago

30 September 2008 (F - My husband seems to like painful anal sex. I do it and he knows it hurts me. He likes to watch porn about it too. Any ideas? ...

How do I build my confidence back up so I don't always feel like I'm competing with the "hot babes"?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5779 days ago

29 September 2008 (F - my boyfriend knows i have an issue with porn, but i am working on becoming more open to it. he knows it has greatly affected my self-esteem and i feel very insecure and even jealous when a "hot blonde with huge boobs and a tiny waist" comes on TV ...

Just found out my husband of 8 years is a member of 100 online pornography sites!! Now what?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5777 days ago

29 September 2008 (F - Three weeks before I was to get married I caught my soon to be husband trolling for sex on the internet. He promised nothing other than curiosity was happening and I forgave him. Now here we are 8 years and 2 kids later and I catch him with an ...

He kept dropping hints about escorts...what does all this mean?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5775 days ago

29 September 2008 (F - Hello people, this question is mainly for the guys out there!! Recently my partner and I started talking about changing our sex life. We have been together since we were both 22 and though we have both been with other people before this, I g...

Why exactly do people have anal sex when it's so disgusting?!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5779 days ago

28 September 2008 (F - Here's the thing, all these people brag about anal sex, the porn industry claims that women love anal sex. We tried anal sex and all I can say about it is that it felt like i was taking a big crap. It was discusting and the thought of it made me ...

On having a bisexual boyfriend.....

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5775 days ago

28 September 2008 (F - I am currently dating a bisexual guy. I know he loves me and would do anything for me - that's not what is in question here. I recently found out that he's been looking at pictures of naked guys. Fine- it's like how straight guys look at porn. Wh...

I don't know if it's healthy, I'm only 13. I feel supid, it started when I was using the bathroom at home!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5776 days ago

28 September 2008 (M - i know its stupid neither not good, but i usually get horny a lot. and i jock on my self. i dont know what to do to controlled my self but its hard. i need help with that, i cant stop watching porn and . sometimes it hurt my feeling. i dont know...

My boyfriend stays on line for days at a time, lately he has been mean and hateful to me, please help.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5781 days ago

27 September 2008 (F - well my problem is lately my boyfriend who lives with me; we have been together a year and he has been mean and hateful to me, pushes me away and has been masturbating to online porn instead of making love to me and i treat him very ...

I have an extreme attraction toward transexual pornography. Does it mean I'm gay or bi?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5760 days ago

27 September 2008 (? - I have a problem. I'm 16 and I fancy girls, I fantasize about girls, but I also have an extreme attraction to transexual pornography. Does this make me gay or bi sexual? Even the thoughts of gay porn arouse me......

Why go to eat pork chops when you got steak at home?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5760 days ago

26 September 2008 (F - I'm just a little confused here. We've been together 3 years and have a 16 month old daughter. We have a pretty good relationship other than our never ending battle about his porn. We started our relationship with him saying that all he wanted wa...

Why does my guy hide his porn habit from me?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5782 days ago

25 September 2008 (F - What should I do about my guy porn habit? We've been together for almost two years, and when we started dating I made it very clear that porn was not an option because I consider it cheating. I told him that if he wanted to watch the stuff that I ...

He watches porn even when I am in another room or in the same room, he just sits and stares at the computer images while ignoring me... I don't know how to handle this, it makes me feel bad and ignored.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5784 days ago

24 September 2008 (F - I've been with my boyfriend for 6 years. I have known for a while that he watches porn, we have watched it together and even bought various sex toys to use with each other. About a year and a half ago, he started using the computer. It took a wh...

Has porn really become so prevalent that it has shaped the sexuality of people today?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5783 days ago

24 September 2008 (F - Are all young men fascinated by porn? After 20 years of marriage to my first and only sex partner, I got divorced and decided to live a little and see much younger men. In the bedroom, they all seem to want to live out their porn fantasies. They...

Does my husband have a porn addiction?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5740 days ago

23 September 2008 (F - I have just discovered my husbands porn addiction. We have been married for 27 years. I have always known that he looks, but accepted it. Recently I was off work with a broken bone for 6 weeks, and he kept disappearing to the computer room. When I ...

How I can explain to my girlfriend better that my porn watching does NOT mean I don't love her! I do!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5603 days ago

23 September 2008 (M - I recently found out that my girlfriend has a huge problem with me watching porn. I'm not addicted or anything, i only watch it maybe once a week.I tried to explain to her that its just a normal thing that guys do and it doesn't mean i love her or ...

He prefers sex with 'himself' than me! What can I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5787 days ago

22 September 2008 (F - i have been with the same man for about nineteen years, and we stop sleeping together for about eight years in the same bed. thats ok with me. its the sex that i am concerned about. he would rather watch porn than to have sex with me. i dont even ...

My boyfriend is masturbating to little girls and no longer seems interested in sex. I fear he's not attracted to me, what do I do?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5653 days ago

21 September 2008 (F - Hi im 23 and my boyfriend is 26 we have a son that is 7 months old and we had a few up's and downs in the beginning of our relationship, he messed me around with a 16year old girl that was in april 2007 and i forgived him for it and things where ...

Should I tell my mom my brother watches porn? He's been doing it since he was 12, and is 17 now.

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5781 days ago

20 September 2008 (F - HI, I have this problem since my older brother was 12 he started watching porn...since I was a little girl I didnt really understand but while I was getting older he was still doing it. Now he is 17 and I have seem him watching porn almost every ...

Is it normal after a 12 hr love making session to get up, switch on the pc and start going at it to porn??

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5779 days ago

17 September 2008 (F - Can anyone tell me, is it normal for a man, after a 12 hour love-making session the day before and a night spent together, to wake up the next morning, switch on the computer in the bedroom, and start wanking to porn while his girlfriend (me) is in ...

Please explain why it is that when men look at porn and get aroused, they don't go to the wife to include her!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5786 days ago

16 September 2008 (F - I have a problem with my husband wacking off to porn! I'm a woman that believes in pleasing her husband! Even if I'm not in the mood, I will still give him sex. My other delima is that I want sex at least 2-3 times a day every day and he is usually ...

My partner gets off on watching 'she-males' and he wont stop!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5777 days ago

16 September 2008 (F - please help. I love my partner, but he loves watching she males all the time and he stimulates watching them. Its breaking my heart. Itold him to stop and he says its normal and wont stop. I have just had a baby and feel down. Is he right to do th...

I am just so outraged! Is he some kind of pervert? What should I do?

This question has 20 answers - newest was posted 5789 days ago

16 September 2008 (F - I recently made a horrific discovery that is making me questioning the man I thought I loved. While helping to clean out his room, I came across a stash of some 30 or more porn magazines and several DVDs stashed away. I was shocked. He told me ...

She hasn't spoken to me or returned any of my calls since she found the porn mag!! What can I do?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5768 days ago

15 September 2008 (M - My girlfriend is an ardent feminist who strongly advocates that all women should be totally independent, financially and otherwise. I agree with her but difficulties have arisen lately. Two weeks ago, she found a Playboy magazine in my room and went ...

I watched porn and got aroused. Then there was all this stuff down below... is it normal?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5793 days ago

15 September 2008 (F - I found porn films in my brothers bedroom and I started watching them and got turned on but I had all this white and clear stuff down below and I mean a lot is this normal....

Is it normal for me, as a female, to enjoy watching porn?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5728 days ago

14 September 2008 (F - Hiya, I am just wondering if I am normal, or this situation is normal. Well, I have been in a relationship with my fiance for nearly three years and I have always looked at porn on the internet. He does not know this, nor will I tell him beca...

I caught my boyfriend looking at VERY young girls online!

This question has 26 answers - newest was posted 5283 days ago

14 September 2008 (F - so here's my problem I am 22 and my boyfriend 26 have been together for almost a year and we recently moved in together. I was on the computer the other day and I saw that he had been looking at sites such as and others related....

Guys- If a woman who looked like a porn star propositioned you for sex, could you say no?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5795 days ago

13 September 2008 (F - If a girl who looked like a porn star propositioned you for sex, would you agree? Like if she looked like Briana Banks, a young Pamela Anderson, Jenna Jameson, or Jesse Jane? I was just wondering because I heard that my boyfriend was at a party a...

Please help me, my marriage is falling apart.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5796 days ago

13 September 2008 (F - My husband and I have known eachother for several years. We have been married about 2. We are busy people and tend to not have sex a lot of the time. Truthfully its gotten boring and he spends more time watching porn (and hiding it from me), then ...

My husband masturbates to porn and it makes me feel unadequate! I need your advice on how to change things!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5106 days ago

12 September 2008 (F - I caught my husband masturbating to porn. I guess I can't understand it... given I always felt he could open up to me and talk about such things... he also could have come to me, as I enjoy sex a great deal. But instead he would wait for me to go to...

We found my best friend on a porn website, what should we do??

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5306 days ago

11 September 2008 (F - I honestly don't know what to do! Me and my boyfriend decided to look at some porn on the internet together to try it out and see whether it was fun or not. Whilst we were looking, we found a website for people to post pictures of themselves on it ...

He's on the internet looking for tranny's...what should I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5797 days ago

11 September 2008 (F - My husband and I have been married for 4 years. We have a daughter and he is now in the military. Before he joined the military we were having some issues. I found emails verifying that he had traveled to San Francisco to do porn. He was on dating ...

I knew that he watches porn before we got together, but now the self-doubt has started!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5797 days ago

11 September 2008 (F - i have been with my partner for 9 years we have 3 children together (the last one being 2 months old). I have know since before we got together that he watches porn. I have also know that he is into shemales and gay porn as well as straight and ...

Don't know how to talk to my boyfriend about finding mother/son incest porn on computer!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5798 days ago

10 September 2008 (F - I really love my boyfriend and we've been together almost two years now. He's very close with his mother - he even slept in her bed with her until he was 11 or 12 - and I tease him that she's his "other girlfriend". Their relationship is very close ...

Am I wrong for feeling upset about him looking at porn?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5396 days ago

9 September 2008 (F - I don't know if it's just me or not but i have been with my boyfriend for nearly 9 months and i found out that he was looking at porn on the interent when we first starting dating and a few times after that, I know its normal but it gets me quite ...

He has been looking at porn since I got pregnant! How do I aproach him about this issue?

This question has 42 answers - newest was posted 5567 days ago

9 September 2008 (F - My husband and I have been married for just over a year. We dated for four years before deciding to get married. We seemed to be on the same page about all the big decisions, including having children young. I am now almost 6 months pregnant. I ...

After my pregnancy, my husband prefers to look at porn instead of sex with me!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5800 days ago

8 September 2008 (F - I have been with my husband for 5years now, we have 2 babies.. a while back , late at night, he asked what i was about to do... I said,"go sit on the couch"... well, the t.v. timer came on for lesbian sex. I figured I wasnt doin the job, so i go to ...

Does this mean I like porn more than I like my girlfriend?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5795 days ago

8 September 2008 (M - Hi, i'm 17 years old and have a girlfriend of 10 months. I sometimes look at porn and masterbate when she is away for long periods of time, and when i get an erection looking at porn it is always bigger and harder than when i get an erection doing ...

Porn and sex, not so black and white...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5784 days ago

8 September 2008 (F - Married for two yrs, one child. My husband and I have sex daily. He orgasms at least twice a day by sex, oral, and you name it, i'm game. Yet he still looks at porn. One, i am completely amazed he has it in him, and two it hurts that despite my best ...

How can I aproach my wife so that we make love at lease once a week?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5798 days ago

8 September 2008 (M - Hi... I'm 32 and she's 37.We've been together for 5 years.Every year we have less sex(1-2 times/ month) but the quality of our sex is phenomenal. My desire for her is very intense but she refuses to have sex more than 1-3 times/ month and it's ...

Is his need for porn normal?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5801 days ago

8 September 2008 (F - As far as I know my husband is happily married. We have been married just over a year and we have a very active and open sex life. I get that masturbation is normal, but he has to look up porn every time, like submit your ex on sublime directory. We ...

When a man is aroused by a sex scene in movies or porn, is it due to the beauty of the woman or the act of sex?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5799 days ago

7 September 2008 (F - When a man is aroused by a sex scene in a movie or a porno, is it because of the amazing beauty of the individual woman or the act of sex itself? Thanks....

Why do women always want their men for themselves only, if it's known that men like "variety"?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5797 days ago

7 September 2008 (? - Hello, I've noticed a lot of porn related questions from females lately. The age-old question is "Why does he like to look at other women when he has me?". And the answer is difficult... Well, now I have a less common question. I'm a woman m...

Why does my boyfriend deny he has watched porn with all the evidense on his face?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5801 days ago

7 September 2008 (F - i kee finding evidence of porn viewed on my partners pc but when i confront him about it he adamantly denies it, when it is blatantly obvious! we are from different countries which has meant that we have been apat for months at a time! please ...

I don't want to feel ugly every time I run into porn, any practical solutions for me?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5761 days ago

6 September 2008 (F - I hate porn. Or the entire sex industry really. And I'm not gonna lie and be all "it's degrading to women". No, I hate it because the women are so perfect. They all have big tits and tiny waists, with a round butt. They have gorgeous faces (ok, some ...

Working on our insecurities is most times better than changing the other person to fit our wishes.

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5256 days ago

6 September 2008 (? - The porn questions on this board are just overwhelming. There are many more "my boyfriend uses porn" questions than "I can't get over my girlfriend's past" questions. I don't think that is because women are that much more insecure than men, but ...

My man has lied a lot about his "hobbies" and I don't know what to do about this.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5803 days ago

6 September 2008 (F - My man is not descriptive of his attraction regulars of women or new interests, he claims to be pristine as men go, he has lied alot and done repeated hidden female related actions (porn , small mistakes with othr women) I have found out on own or ...

I feel he wants something different but knows he can't have it so he settles with me. Why? Because of his porn-watching...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5802 days ago

5 September 2008 (F - I recently caught my husband masturbating to porn....since then I simply cannot bring myself to want to be intimate with him...I feel undesirable and cant help but notice all of the women looked about 15-20yrs younger than me (im in my 40s) and none ...

Do men who don't watch porn exist or should I give up and stay single?...

This question has 76 answers - newest was posted 2259 days ago

5 September 2008 (F - when I commit to a special man I hope to be his only and for him to get his sexual arousal from my body this too much to ask.....I cant imagine ever needing to look at another mans body for arousal once commited....and I cant imagine ever ...

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