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Archived questions from: August, 2007 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

What shall I do. I've been doing an anger management session on paper and I think I've shredded it. My assistant will probably have seen it beforehand?????

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6174 days ago

31 August 2007 (F - What am I going to do?! I have been doing an anger management training session on paper. I think I may have put it to be shredded by mistake. My assistant shredded all my papers and made reference to some of the documents. What if I did put them ...

I'm obsessed with looking up skirts! Yes i know, sounds strange, whats going on???

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5601 days ago

29 August 2007 (M - not sure if you could help me.I supose its an addiction.I am obsessed with womens knickers and constantly try to look up womens skirts,even schoolgirls.I know its wrong but i love to see the day i will be caught and arrested,am i a ...

What is it called when a girl uses a sex toy on a guy??

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6101 days ago

27 August 2007 (M - what is it called when a girl uses a dildo on a guy to shag them? me and my gf saw it during a porn vid we watched together and are extremely interested in trying it. If any1 has any experiences of this please can you give us sum tips to prep...

He's got to go to a stag do at a strip club, I'm not happy about!!!

This question has 20 answers - newest was posted 6161 days ago

27 August 2007 (F - My BF is going for a Bachelore party next month - yeah,that doesnt sound like a big deal to you guys, but to me - I AM GOING NUTS! I don't agree with Strip clubs at all. I don't unerstand why guys go there. To me its the biggest disrespect to th...

We watch porn together but i found a mag with only women in,he hid it from me, should i be hurt?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6179 days ago

26 August 2007 (F - My boyfriend and I watch porn movies and magazines together but I recently discovered a magazine that wasn't porn, just women,I feel more hurt because it wasn't porn and he hid it from me. Am I wrong in feeling this way? ...

He said he prefers porn to me sometimes.

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6164 days ago

23 August 2007 (F - Alright, I need some advice on what I should do or say in this situation. Last night my boyfriend and I were talking about us getting married, Just the cutsie, lovey dovey conversation. Well to bring up a past problem, when I would go to bed my ...

He has subjected me to mental abuse.

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5306 days ago

23 August 2007 (F - I have been with my partner for 13 years. I am 32 and he is 42. About a year ago we decided we were in a good position in our lives to have a family. We always said if we had children we would get married so we also decided we would do this as well. ...

He wakes up and reads porn like it's the newspaper and masterbates...what can I do?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 6176 days ago

22 August 2007 (F - my boyfriend gets up in the mornings before me sometimes i do wake up to find him reading porn stories like its the sunday paper and masterbating i dont want to but i get mad because i would rather him come wake me so that i can please him i need to ...

What would be the definition of being addicted to porn websites?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6160 days ago

22 August 2007 (F - What would be the definition of being addicted to porn websites? For instance, when a guy looks at porn once every night, does that mean he is addicted? Or if a guy looks at it every other night does that mean he is addicted? I just don't know how ...

Are they really addicted or just being guys?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6087 days ago

21 August 2007 (F - When guys say that they are addicted to porn, is that REALLY that bad or are they just normal people being guys?...

I cant get a date and have become addicted to porn

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6183 days ago

21 August 2007 (M - Hey I have a problem. I'm 19 and a couple of times I have tried to ask girls out but they all say no when i ask if they want to go on a date with me. I always asked them questions, and was polite etc. but it hasn't worked for me and it has led me ...

My fiancee is addicted to porn!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5510 days ago

20 August 2007 (F - I have been in a previous relationship which ended badly, leaving me insecure about my looks and myself. I gradually got over this and have built up my self esteem. A couple of years ago I got into a relationship with a fantastic guy, with 1 flaw. ...

My 12 year old daughter is viewing graphic porn!

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 6143 days ago

20 August 2007 (M - My 12 year old daughter looks at porn on the internet. I already talked to her about it. But I'm worried. She's been going on some really nasty sites. Sites that use the F word, P word, and c word. She's been going on quite alot of them to. She does ...

I think he is a child porn addict.

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 6166 days ago

18 August 2007 (F - My boyfriend was out of town last night. I got drunk by myself (mistake) and had a thought that I would go to his apartment and look through some photos that he seemed to be hiding from me (mistake). So after much delay and trying to talk myself ...

My husband has a strong desire for internet porn!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5983 days ago

18 August 2007 (F - I have been married for 15 years and I have never stepped outside of my marriage. I do not believe my husband has either. But every once in a while, I have my doubts. My husband has a strong desire for internet porn. He searches for it at least 3-4 ...

My 11 year old daughter is looking at porn on the internet.

This question has 42 answers - newest was posted 4888 days ago

17 August 2007 (M - I found out my 11 year old daughter looks at porn on the internet. She doesn't know I know yet. Should I say something to her? If so, what? And should I tell my wife first?...

My husband is buying gay porn videos and asking me to watch them with him!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6161 days ago

17 August 2007 (F - please if anyone can give me advice id really appreciate it? My husband is buyibg gay videoes and asking me to watch with him, he has explained he has gay tendencies and would go for the whole sexual experience with a man but only if im ok with ...

Should I be concerned by his frequent porno viewing?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6190 days ago

16 August 2007 (F - Should I be concerned that my boyfriend of 6 years views porn every time he is by himself (3-5 times a week)??...

I haven't had my period yet, but could I still become pregnant?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6189 days ago

16 August 2007 (F - if i had sex when i was 12 before my first period ever can i have a kid? or like a reaction after when i had my first period can i become pregnant even if i did not have sex after that first time when i was 12? and i am 13 and stell did not have my ...

When he doesn't get to have sex with me he goes to porn websites and pleasures himself, Should I worry about that

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6121 days ago

14 August 2007 (F - My boyfriend of 11 months has a very high sex drive. He likes to just grab and touch me when we are at home, which I don't mind because at least he is attracted to me right? So as you can see he likes to have sex. Well of course there are certain ...

He'd rather masturbate to porn than have sex with me.

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6187 days ago

14 August 2007 (F - I have been married about 5 years. My husband wanted to have babies when we were dating so I said I would but only if we get married. So then we got married. I got pregnant but he never wanted to have sex unless it was to make a baby. Once I was ...

I'm an 18 year old and a porn model. Most people look down on me. Why is that?

This question has 34 answers - newest was posted 5011 days ago

9 August 2007 (F - I'm an 18 year old and a porn model. Most people look down on me. Why is that? What is so wrong about it? What is everyone's opinion on me? ...

He knows that I hate porn... so when he came home with two videos on his mobile phone I hit the roof!

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5040 days ago

8 August 2007 (F - Hi..... I have a little prblem.. It may seem silly to most but to me its a big deal.. I hate porn or any form relating to porn weather its a girl stripping or full sex I just hate it. My views on this is if a guy or a lassie has pron in thei...

My wife is accusing me of visiting a dirty website when I didn't!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6190 days ago

8 August 2007 (M - My wife found a dirty website on our computer and thinks it was me that looked on it but it wasn't. She is going mad at me and says its like cheating. Even if i did look at other girls in that way is it classed as cheating? Is my wife over reacting? ...

Yes, it is very nice that he wanted to buy that for me but I don't agree with where he looked or what he look at.

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6197 days ago

7 August 2007 (F - Hello everyone, I am curious if anybody else would have the same problem or if it is somehow reasonable that I thought this: My boyfriend and I had a conversation about web sites we visit (to see if we go to any porn sites etc). He said that he...

We have sex 3 times a week... how many times is it therefore normal for him to please himself?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 6187 days ago

6 August 2007 (F - Can someone please tell me what would be "reasonable" and "normal" number, for a guy in a relationship (have sex about 3 times weekly or even more when schedules are not so busy) to mastrubate? Lets say we have great sex three times a week. What ...

He joined a dogging website and uploaded a photo of his erect "thing"... all while I'm having chemo

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6190 days ago

5 August 2007 (F - My partner of 9 months regularly looks at porn on the internet. I have accepted this. I have just discovered that last week he joined a 'dogging' website and even uploaded a photo of his erect penis! I am currently receiving treatment for breast ...

I'm feeling insecure because of his porn habbits and his online buddy. Help!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6200 days ago

5 August 2007 (F - Ok well I'm very insecure about myself and I'm 17. The other day I found that my boyfriends been watching porn and that really makes me feel bad about myself. I never even look at other boys in 'that way'. When I told him I knew he just denied i...

So I'm not jealous about porn, looking at other females or anything.. is anyone else out there like that??

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 6145 days ago

3 August 2007 (F - I see that probably about 90% of females are really bothered by porn and I kind of get it but at the same time I don't. I know some of my friends are this way but is anyone else out there not bothered by it? or bothered by anything for tha...

I am trying to be ok with his porn viewing, but am having a hard time with it

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6204 days ago

1 August 2007 (F - I can't stand it when my boyfriend looks at porn on the internet. He says he does it because they do things that I dont really do, like deep throat. I know that he is a guy and most guys masturbate to porn but then again, I wanna be a cool ...

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