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Archived questions from: March, 2009 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

Student/teacher porn

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5590 days ago

31 March 2009 (F - Hey, I'd like some advice especially from you guys out there about my boyfriend. We've been together 6 years, he's a teacher. Recently, I found he'd downloaded loads of student-teacher style porn films from the internet. Some of them involve the ...

Porn good for my guy?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5596 days ago

31 March 2009 (F - Is porn good for my boyfriend to watch once in a while, even though we live together?...

I found porn, and there is no intimacy in our relationship!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5598 days ago

30 March 2009 (F - Ive been in a relationship for 3 years and recently realised that there is no intimacy. sex is great there is no problem there he doesnt like kissing and never tells me that he loves me. Recently i found porn and it was hidden. Do men look at porn ...

My girlfriend and porn

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5593 days ago

29 March 2009 (M - My girlfriend looks at porn and it annoys the heck out of me. I don't think it would annoy me if she was more open about it (I.E. watch it with me), but she is very closed minded when it comes to it. I've also noticed when she looks at porn, w...

Why can't I get hard?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5598 days ago

29 March 2009 (M - i cant get a boner i watch porn i do all this stuff and nothing happens and i cant cum and my girlfriend hates so can u help me? please...

On The Matter Of Porn Addiction and Masturbation

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5593 days ago

29 March 2009 (M - Because of the easy availability of all genres of porn, in all levels of explicitness and in the media of one's choosing, many people, especially men, are using it for their entertainment. To some, these activities are vilified and this behavior is ...

Fiance addicted to porn

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29 March 2009 (F - ok i think my fiance is addicted to porn. he likes to watch it all the time on tv like there regular movies and hes really badabout it on the internet but he hides it from me. well i kinda started watching it tv with him thinking that it would ...

I'm getting addicted to porn but don't want to!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5600 days ago

28 March 2009 (M - Friends plz advice me I am married and away from home. I get into bad habbit watching porn sites...I m feeling myself getting addict to it... I want to get rid of this... Please advice... Thanks in advance......

I feel so insecure about my body.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5600 days ago

27 March 2009 (F - I feel so insecure about my body. And this makes me feel weak and abnormal... I see so many women being ok with who they are, and I just can't seem to accept these issues. But here it goes. My boyfriend watches porn, and the other day he told me h...

Porn issues: He totally ignores me or tells me "not right now"

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5600 days ago

27 March 2009 (F - I need advice!!!!! me and my boyfriend have been going out for about 2 years and we have been living together for about a year. I dnt know what to do anymore, sometimes I try to have sex with him and he always tells me that he's tired. and he alway...

My partner has been viewing porn sites and I'm not happy

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5452 days ago

26 March 2009 (F - I have found out that my partner has been viewing porn sites and Im not happy. Should I confront him...again. I have told him i dont like him doing this and he promised not to do it again. Some of these sites have teenagers in them and we have tee...

Child porn located on his computer! Now what?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5596 days ago

25 March 2009 (F - Hi i recently found numerous videos of child pornography (VERY VERY GRAPHIC TITLES AND HORRIBLE FREEZE FRAMES, NEVER WATCHED BY ME I CAN ONLY STARE AT THE SAVED FILES)on both my boyfriends computers, both of which the children use and his profiles ...

Porn & my husband's midlife crisis?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5601 days ago

24 March 2009 (F - My Husband and I have been happily married for 7 years now but over the past year he's masterbating over porn more than we have sex, it seem to be taking over our sex life. he doesn't know that I know about this. I didn't mind him looking at porn ...

Help! Wife saw porn, I think I might lose her and my son!

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5600 days ago

24 March 2009 (M - I have a big problem. My wife looked through the history of my laptop and saw some porn sites I had went to. I'm living a few hours away from home because of my job, and get home on the weekends. She had seen that I had searched for MILFs and a ...

I really want to be in porn!!!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5596 days ago

23 March 2009 (F - I really want to be in porn. It's my dream. What do I do. I'm even on chatrooms where I meet up for all sorts of sex with all sorts of people and send photos of me. Everyone says I'm a stunner and I really just really want to be a porn star. Advice ...

Is a girl sending him photos of herself?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5604 days ago

23 March 2009 (F - I'm 14. My boyfriend is 17. I found loads and LOADS MEANS LOADS of porn on his laptop. I came off straight away, but can't stop thinking about it! He asked me to show me my vagina on webcam anf i refused! Some of the pictures look like from phones ...

He sneaks downstairs to watch porn when he thinks I'm asleep!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5605 days ago

22 March 2009 (F - I am having several problems with my fiance. Distance lying and now porn. When we first got together we would watch it every now and then as a couple and we have done that for almost 4 years. Well in the last 2 weeks since I have discovered all the ...

Husband seems unattracted to me only after 1 1/2 years of marriage. :(

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5585 days ago

19 March 2009 (F - I need help with my marriage. I've only been married for 1 1/2 years and I feel like my marriage is already getting stale. My biggest problem is my insecurity with my body. I've always had high self esteem until I got married. My husband LOVES big ...

Hidden porn on my laptop from boyfriend!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5609 days ago

18 March 2009 (F - I have just found hidden porographic videos on our joint laptop that we collected from his mum's on saturday evening. LO and behold i opened up the browser history and he's been masturbating to these videos everyday since saturday... it's now ...

He likes porn because "they look better than you"

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5581 days ago

18 March 2009 (F - i am with a lovely man who is kind and gentle. He likes his porn and one day i asked him why. His response was that "they are better looking than me". Well, I was devastated. Since then I have forgiven him but I find intimacy with him very di...

My boyfriend seems to like porn more than me.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5597 days ago

17 March 2009 (F - Hi, I've been together with my boyfriend for 2 years. When we first started dating, everything felt magical. Now, we live together for about a year and a half. In the beginning, we used to have a lot of sex. However, he started watching porn on ...

My husband is addicted to porn and pics of really young girls

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5610 days ago

16 March 2009 (F - my husband is addicted to porn and he also looks at pics of really young girls, how can I help him? hi every one, for most people, I have a perfect relationship, and to some extent i believe it. me and my husband are in our 28-29s and been togethe...

Alot of issues with my boyfriend

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5612 days ago

15 March 2009 (F - I have had a serious of problems with my current boyfriend that are seriously bothering me--- a couple of months ago my boyfriend and I were having sex. in the middle of it he decides to open up his computer and put on porn..after asking why he wa...

Are people ever just joking about threesome offers like this?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5613 days ago

13 March 2009 (M - Do people really joke about threesome invitations? I don’t want to over react over nothing. Im sorry for how long the question is. I am 19. I am still a virgin mostly by choice. I have a long time close friend “bob” that has sort of a girlfr...

Is it normal for fiancee to look for nude pics on craigslist?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5615 days ago

12 March 2009 (F - I thought I was hot but fiancee is bringing me down! seems like he likes to look for random (and free) places to view naked pics of chicks. seems to happen daily to some degree and I also thinks he looks on his phone at work. he seems to especial...

How normal is it for a girl to enjoy watching gay sex?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5596 days ago

12 March 2009 (F - Right, basically what i want to ask is how normal is it for a girl to enjoy watching gay sex? I started off just enjoying gay films, like nothing explicit or anything just normal films. But then it kinda started getting more than that, i really don'...

His porn viewing has made me feel insecure! Help!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5615 days ago

12 March 2009 (F - I told my fiance I don't want him to look at porn and I found out he did twice. He finally confessed one day out of the blue when I was talking bout porn. That's been almost a month ago.(When he confessed.) I thought it was because I just had a ...

How much porn is too much porn?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5612 days ago

11 March 2009 (F - How much porn is too much porn?!? I ask this question because I found downloaded porn on my boyfriends computer. I had never used his computer before ( mine was broken). I then saw there were folders full of it, as well as bookmarked pages...

He turned to porn because he said he was worried he wasn't attracted to me

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5616 days ago

11 March 2009 (F - while we were talking/fighting, my boyfriend told me recently that a while ago he had doubts about whether or not he was sexually attracted to me anymore, so he turned to porn to see if those girls were more attractive. he told me that he thought he ...

We have a great sex life but he still watches porn without me

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5616 days ago

11 March 2009 (F - I am very active sexually. In fact, I just sucked my husband off this morning before we left for work. I probably give it up to him 3-5 times a week. So please, someone tell me why he has to sneak around and watch porn? I am one of those wo...

Husband who blames wife for anything & everything

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5389 days ago

11 March 2009 (F - Hi, I have been married for 27 years. I have always been faithful and a good wife. For over 20 years, we worked for my Dad and were to inherit the business, but after Mom died- My Dad married a much younger quote golddigger who made sure that d...

He likes me to do things to him while he watches porn

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5617 days ago

11 March 2009 (F - Ok, so I'm all about being freaky, but lately what my man has been getting off to kinda hurts emotionally. He likes when I do things to him while he watchs porne; but the part that bugs me is that he doesn't want me seeing what he looks up. He plugs ...

How can I control my urges without slipping into addiction?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5603 days ago

10 March 2009 (M - Hello, my question is about porn. I am a recovering porn addict who is currently in the process of trying to break that addiction. From a moral standpoint, I see nothing wrong with porn, masturbation or anything along those lines, so long as they ...

Why can't men understand how women feel about porn?

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 5597 days ago

10 March 2009 (F - Why cant men understand how many women feel about porn? Especially after we marry and have babies.Like it or not guys, we mothers often give up a lot when we marry and have kids, Its pretty heartbreaking when we lose our pre baby bodies and end up ...

My husband shows my naked photos to his female friends. Should I be concerned?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5617 days ago

10 March 2009 (F - My husband has a lot of friends who are girls. Recently he told me that he likes to show my naked photos to his female friends and may be a video of two of us having sex. The thought turns me on. Is his behaviour normal? or is it reason for concern? ...

Why is he looking at gay porn?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5618 days ago

9 March 2009 (F - why is my boyfriend of 2 years looking at gay porn online? What could this mean? Please advise...

He's hiding porn in the ceiling, should I just leave him?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5603 days ago

9 March 2009 (F - My husband lies about porn, he hides them in the ceiling and an unfinished room wall. I've caught him several times and he lies to my face. Then just pretends everything is OK. To top it off he has every excuse not to have sex We are 43 years old...

Do I quit my marriage altogether? Confront him then quit? Help!!!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5378 days ago

8 March 2009 (F - I am a 24 year old, I have been married for just over 2 years and in a relationship with my husband for just over 7 years. We dated young and married young, but we were both experienced sexually with others. What I mean to say is that we weren’t ...

Porn addicted husband wants my help.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5619 days ago

6 March 2009 (F - My husband and I have been married a year in May. We have a son who just turned 3 months. I found out about 8 months ago that he has a porn addiction. I confronted him on several occations and he always told me he would stop. He didnt. I have a p...

I feel like I hate him and love him because of his porn-watching. How to deal with this?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5599 days ago

6 March 2009 (F - When my boyfriend and I first started dating, I told him how I feel about porn. I think it is nasty and hurtful. Well, I just got out of the hospital delivering my son. I'm only 18 years old. I found out on our e-mail address he was not only looking ...

I'm pregnant but it's come at the wrong time and I'm freaking out about it!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5584 days ago

5 March 2009 (F - I just found out I am pregnant and I think I am in shock. I am a 21 years old, senior in college. I am a biology major and I planned on going on to medical school, dental school, or some other graduate school. I am an excellent student with my whole ...

How can I ever trust him when he lies about porn?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5619 days ago

5 March 2009 (F - How can a spiuse regain trust after sneaking in porn and lieing ab outout it? We had an agreement that he would not look at porn when I'm home as I feel that is very disrespectful, but I have caught him several times taking quickie porn looking ...

Is it normal to masturbate while watching porn?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5600 days ago

3 March 2009 (M - sometimes, when i get kind of horny.. i masturbate.. and sometimes i think of sex or i watch porn while i do it, is this normal? do you people do it too? If u are, what age do you do this?...

Is porn addictive?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5600 days ago

3 March 2009 (F - Ok well me and my boyfriend have been together for 8 months but have known each other for 7 years. Just recently we moved into our own place. I was unpacking one day wen his phone vibrated so I took a look to see who it was. Just a message. I had ...

My husband's boss is making increasingly WEIRD demands of his employees

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5626 days ago

1 March 2009 (F - My husband told me this morning he is not looking forward to work at all. He said that his boss has started acting strangely over the past few weeks making all sorts of weird and excessive demands on him and the rest of the employees he wor...

Losing erection due to watching pornography & masturbation?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5626 days ago

1 March 2009 (M - ok so i'm 18 years old and i'm having issues with keepin an erection during sex because i'm just not feeling anything. I masturbate to pornography and it feels great, it feels like what i think sex should feel like, except i've had sex twice now and ...

Hubby visiting porn sites..I don't want to keep having this fight!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5627 days ago

1 March 2009 (F - Three months ago, I found out my husband was visiting a ton of porn sites. I don't have a problem with him looking at porn, however, I do have a problem with him viewing live webcams, and registering for accounts on websites that appear to be sex ...

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