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Archived questions from: October, 2010 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

If he needs to watch porn does it mean I am not enough?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4985 days ago

31 October 2010 (F - I am not sure whether to be offended or not I've been with my boyfriend for roughly 2 years and the only time ive known him to put porn on is when he is trying to wind me up by putting it on the computer so i can see it, but i have recently noticed ...

I'm a girl who loves porn!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4851 days ago

31 October 2010 (? - When I was about sixteen, like most people, i got curious about sex and so i started searching the internet for sexual videos. People always talk about how horrible it is for guys to watch porn and i feel like being a girl...its even worse for me ...

My husband wont talk to me. Every time we have words he will stop speaking to me for months.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5018 days ago

30 October 2010 (F - My husband wont talk to me. Every time we have words he will stop speaking to me for months. He comes in from work and goes straight upstairs, makes his own tea, cleans his own plates etc. When i try an talk to his he just swears at me. Theres a lot ...

Why is my husband watching so much porn?

This question has 32 answers - newest was posted 4952 days ago

29 October 2010 (F - we have been married for 4 years at first i had no clue . but every moring after i left for work my husband would watch porn and get him self off, even if we had sex the night before . now its geting to where he gets on the internet to watch coupels ...

Isnt being a porn star harmful to their normal lives?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5017 days ago

29 October 2010 (M - All porn stars perform in porn movies to make money but isn't harmful to they real life? how they'll live in real life what are they daily schedule do that's also get married make they own kids if they do that how they can work in porn after ...

How do I get myself together and what do we do now?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5020 days ago

28 October 2010 (F - When i get angry sometimes, I tend to say stuff I dont mean(names or things, that I manipulate him into believeing) I hurt him, and was lowering his self esteem, He wasnt happy so he got out. WHat do I say he said hes not holding grudges but he also ...

How common is it to see women that resemble porn stars in reality?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5004 days ago

28 October 2010 (M - I got a question its kinda weird.. Minus the girls with boob jobs, Is the natural breast in porn really what most girls breast look like? How common is it to see pornstar material in reality? Just wondering.. its not that its important to me, i ...

Is it normal for him to masturbate to porn whenever I am not at home?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5021 days ago

27 October 2010 (F - my guy masturbates every time I am not home to porn is this normal? Even if we have sex on a regular? It always makes me angry when I find out , should I be worried ? I have talked to him about it but he says its normal but it hurts my feelings ...

We can have sex three times a day and he will still beat off to porn or role play with women on the net!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5022 days ago

26 October 2010 (F - i have been with my bf for almost three years. we have one kid that is 2 and another one on the way. when we first got together he always beat off to porn or was role playing with other women on the net. he promised that he was done but i kept ...

How to handle trust issueswith pornography, boyfriend & lying

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 4881 days ago

26 October 2010 (F - I've been with my boyfriend for a year and a half now. My previous boyfriend was addicted to porn and lied about it. I'm one of those girls who hate it--it's demoralizing in my eyes, sick, and perverted. So when I asked him about watching it or ...

Husband religious but watches porn

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5023 days ago

25 October 2010 (F - I am a married woman for 8 years. I have 3 children. My husband is religious person but he love to watch naked women on the internet or in the movies. He knows that this is wrong and he hide it from me but I always discover it. I am overweight but i ...

The obsession with gender bending porn material and sexual orientation.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5021 days ago

24 October 2010 (M - Some people especially men like to watch porn, for the spouse it could be a difficult experience especially if the intimacy in their relationship is affected. Usually men would search for porn when they have some level of stagnation in their lives, ...

We had sex, all was good, then he dumped me via text!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5024 days ago

24 October 2010 (F - Alright so here's the deal. My boyfriend and I have been dating for about a month. Everything was going Super Great! Then one day, The morning was really good.. we woke up together.. we were cuddling.. he told me he loved me and didn't want to lose ...

I just don't get it about porn!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5024 days ago

24 October 2010 (F - just asking a general question most women wonder when there boyfriends look at porn do they wanna f... the porn girl or are they thinking of fucking there girlfriends? also naked pic like maxim or playboy or just naked mags. what turns them on its ...

Is porno all the same to women?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5025 days ago

23 October 2010 (M - Ok so if a girl finds evidence of her guy using "porn", does it make any difference what kind? like would some swimsuit issues be as bad as an X-rated video? Does the type of content matter? What exactly is porn to you? When people hear the ...

Should I tell my mother I am addicted to porn?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5005 days ago

23 October 2010 (F - I watch a lot of porn and I know I should not but I do because I'm addicted. Should I tell my mom so she can block it? Or do you no ways to become unaddicted ?! Please help!...

I don't think that this marriage is worth salvaging!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5026 days ago

22 October 2010 (F - My husband and I have been married for 3 years, and we dated beforehand for 6. It hasn't been an easy road and it's been filled with emotional abuse and at times it borders on physical abuse. We have also had our good times and I do love him, but I ...

Another Porn Issue

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 5019 days ago

21 October 2010 (F - Again....another porn issue. My boyfriend (who will be 50 next year) has 1182 snipettes of short porn movies, at least 3 folders of nude 20 somethings for his viewing pleasure and he doesn't understand why I might have an issue with this. I don't ...

Porn the reason he's tired all the time?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5027 days ago

21 October 2010 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years and have lived together for 2 years. We are planning to get married next year. We used to have sex about 2-4 times a week. He always tells me I'm sexy. However, within the last 6 months, we've hardly ...

My husband always watches sex videos how can I make him stop?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5026 days ago

19 October 2010 (F - hi everyone I have a problem.....I am married. Its been two years. Every thing is cool. Even my sex life too. Here comes the problem my husband always sees sex videos.It makes me feel very bad when he watches sex videos. I want to make him stop se...

He watches porn every single day while I am asleep

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5029 days ago

18 October 2010 (F - I've been with my fiance for 5 years now. We have our second child on the way, he's a great guy and a great dad, however I am having a big issue with him. He watches porn EVERY SINGLE DAY when I am asleep, and it's starting to really bother me. I ...

I know he loves me, but doesn't want me. Porn is his turn on!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5023 days ago

18 October 2010 (F - My husband is always watching porn. It's gotten so bad he doesn't want to touch me if he can't run to the bathroom to view porn on his phone. He watches it at work. When we are alone. When we have tv time. If I want to have sex with him he tells me ...

Its obvious he clearly doesn't want to stop looking at porn!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5028 days ago

18 October 2010 (F - My boyfriend of two years told me when we started dating he never watches porn. turns out he watches and masturbates everyday. it makes me feel gross about myself. i love him we have a 6 month old son together and i wanna stay with him. i asked him ...

Husband masturbates to porn videos but doesn't get an erection with me

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5030 days ago

18 October 2010 (F - My husband and me are both 27 years old.We been together for almost 6 years.for the last few months,he hasn't been able to get an erection.when is does,he only last about 2minutes before he non funtional.he says it has nothing to do with me.I was ...

I refuse to be with someone who would be into that stuff!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5025 days ago

17 October 2010 (F - Ok so im dating a guy for about 3 months now. I moved with him and everythng seems fine. Except one thing. We got a computer from his friend and downloaded limewire. A few times i caught him downloading porn. I didnt make a deal about it. But then ...

I realized that he was watching porn as I was cooking his dinner. Why does he hurt me this way?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5032 days ago

15 October 2010 (F - im with my bf 9 months now and when i got with him things werent so good as i just split up from an x things got really good and i changed everything for him how i dressed my friends and feel like a totally new person. he has accused me of looking ...

Sexually frustrated... again...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5031 days ago

15 October 2010 (F - 27... I'm starting to believe I'm sexually frustrated and can't resolve my problem... After I broke up with my ex 4 years ago, I never dated or been in another relationship other than fuck buddies with no strings attached, when I was with my ex I...

Why would my coworker act this way?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5034 days ago

14 October 2010 (F - Why would a man do this? Theres this man where I work who has really been pushing it with me lately. He initiates conversations with me then starts asking me about whether I watch porn, that I should go browse dvd stores with my partner, and sta...

Is it ok to be a guy who doesn't like porn

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 4960 days ago

14 October 2010 (M - Ok here is the situation, I am visually turned on by females, and always have been. Thats important because the next part of what im about to say hinges off that fact. Porn as a whole has never done anything for me. I have always been more ...

Are men who watch porn more likely to ogle women?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5016 days ago

12 October 2010 (F - I understand men glance, and I understand men look at attractive women. If the woman is extremely attractive or if she is scantily clad, I understand men will probably want to look a little longer. So, what I am wondering is if my boyfriend wat...

Do you always need to compromise on the things you want in a relationship?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5035 days ago

11 October 2010 (F - Hi there. I broke up with my boyfriend (of 3 years) about a month ago because he was downloading porn. He refused to meet me half way on the subject and didn't care about how i felt on the topic. To be clear, the issue is not him downloading porn...

Normal for a guy to watch porn once a day?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5037 days ago

11 October 2010 (F - ok, just want to know is it normal for a guy to watch porn alot? i mean like almost once a day? and why? when you have the real thing that does anything you want and enjoys it just as much....and why don't he ever initiate if he just wants oral or ...

Devastated... Is my husband gay???

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5038 days ago

10 October 2010 (F - Today was the worst day of my life. My husband thought he had cleared the history on our computer, but this time he wasn't thorough enough. When I clicked on what websites he was visiting, they included teenage girls, boys, she-males (this was the ...

He has webcam chats with men, but won't have sex with me.

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5039 days ago

10 October 2010 (F - Hi I have been dating this guy for 2 years, living together for 6 months. His bisexual. We have never had the honeymoon stage, he has never seemed to chase me for sex. I thought this was odd and found out he web cams to men and mastubates to porn ...

Is my husband abusive or is it just me?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5020 days ago

9 October 2010 (F - I need an outside opinion of my relationship...I don't know if my husband is abusive or if I an or both or what I'm supposed to do about it!! I feel like I'm losing my mind!! I've been married almost 2 years and we've been separated on and...

I'm nervous to watch porn with my man!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5038 days ago

8 October 2010 (F - I recently saw my boyfriend watching porn, he does a few times a week he didn't know that I knew, it bothered me but I decided to ask him if we can watch together, he of course is all for it, the problem is I'm not quit sure how to act, I mean I ...

I want to have sex with my wife like in the porn movies

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5039 days ago

8 October 2010 (M - 1) How to make my wife to blow mine back after I had make love with her btw she always blow mine first before we have sex. I had ask her to but she always said it's very irritating and I told her that's is yours what so irritating I lick hers until ...

Is he replacing sex with porn after a year?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5035 days ago

8 October 2010 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together a year in five days. For the last couple of months, I've known about his porn problem. He didn't tell me, I had to find it on the computer one day. There was A LOT of it too. I tried talking to him about it, but ...

I almost caught my b/f having a "crafty tug", how do I tell him I'm not freaked out about it?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5040 days ago

8 October 2010 (F - This question could be a bit long and I apologise for that. The situation is, today I came home from work early and when I let myself in the hall I noticed my partner jumped up and switched off the telly really quickly and sat back down again....

Tired of feeling worthless... Is this porn addiction?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5041 days ago

7 October 2010 (F - I've been with my boyfriend on and off for 3 years. i've known him for 8. we get along great, have alot of fun together, we live together at his mothers house. i've known for a long time that he looks at porn, and masturbates to it. i don't li...

She likes porn now... so what's the problem???

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4866 days ago

7 October 2010 (M - 9m relationship - fantastic - my girl shes hotttt, crazy about me (brings a long stem rose to the airport), very very hot (did i say that lol - 50kg, great ass, cute waiste, etc) loves to dance, (when im with her), just a bubbly vivacious girl (and ...

I see porn everywhere and go haywire!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5043 days ago

6 October 2010 (F - hi just wondering if i am okay! i am 18 and whenever i see porn or naked pics i go haywire and i get thick white discharge on my vagina. it goes EVERYWHERE espiacially when i have sex. is this ok? my bf loves it bt i do not! ...

Hellllp!!!!How much porn is too much?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5043 days ago

5 October 2010 (F - Recently I've found my boyfriends porn stash on his hard drive. We've been together a year and I know he has always watched porn but it has never bothered me before. I watch it myself and use toys, plus we are both very adventurous in bed! Howe...

Do I end my marriage or keep letting him destroy my self esteem?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5043 days ago

5 October 2010 (F - I'm 41 years old, my husband and I have been married for 6 years, I knew when we got married he was into porn but thought he had gotten better, but here recently he got a new cell phone, and every time I look, when he's not expecting me to, its ...

Advice on boyfriend's porn.....

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 5033 days ago

5 October 2010 (F - I’ve been with this guy for almost ten years in a serious relationship and he is wonderful on many levels. However, long story short, I discovered porn on my boyfriend’s internet history by accident earlier this year and I confronted him about it. ...

Boyfriend caught on dating sites and texting other women...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5040 days ago

4 October 2010 (F - Hi I am new to this. I just did not know where else to turn. I have no one else to discuss this with. My boyfriend and i have been together 3 years. He is considerably older than me but it has never been an issue for either of us. WE get on ...

He watches porn while I"m lying right next to him

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5044 days ago

2 October 2010 (F - Help...Well me and boyfriend have been together about seven months.Everything has been great..Well I THOUGHT.He lives with me and I am a single mom of four and was in a bad marriage for 8 years and didnt won't to have sex and didnt for 2 years then ...

Could two unknown people have the exact same room?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5045 days ago

1 October 2010 (F - My boyfriend has been acting weird lately. Like he doesn't care and seems uninterested in me. So i started thinking he is seeing some other girl and decided to snoop in his email. I found pictures of naked girls i his inbox and outbox pictures ...

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