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Archived questions from: December, 2008 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

Found explicit pictures while snooping on his computer!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5683 days ago

31 December 2008 (F - My fiance moved in a few months ago. I was snooping around on his computer and found several explicit pictures of him with other women.I am ticked off! I really didn't need to see any of that! They were is a hidden file created a few days after ...

Getting off on pornography....need some advice!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5680 days ago

30 December 2008 (F - I have been married to my husband for three years now,when i first met him we would walk around and he would turn his head at any sexy girl,i thought this would pass,,,but since last september of 2007 he has gotten worse,on once occasion we went to ...

Too much porn, not enough sex?!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5688 days ago

29 December 2008 (F - My bf and I have been together for almost 6 years. He's always liked porn (a lot) and watch it every chance he gets. However, we have sex like once a week, but he watches porn almost every other day or every three days by himself(that's if I leave ...

I'm too jealous and I don't understand why!!!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5687 days ago

28 December 2008 (F - Hi, I've got a bit of a problem. I'm too jealous and I don't understand why!!! My boyfriend watches a lot of porn and I get absolutely furious about it. I don't understand what my problem is, because I love too watch it myself!!! I love watching it ...

I need help on how to stop watching porn movies!

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 5692 days ago

24 December 2008 (? - I have a a best friend that recently started to act strange and I asked him what's the matter with him being so quiet all the time recently and he told me that "I watched a porn with some other friends and since then he can't stop watching it and ...

My brother is addicted to porn and I don't know what to do.

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5688 days ago

24 December 2008 (F - my brother(33yaers old) is always looking up porn sites which are very disturbing. like teenage girls having old enough to be there great grand father its sick. this 25 sites a day there is no talking to him. escort web sites about 20 sites again, ...

Should I help his soon to be ex? I have texts, photos!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5688 days ago

24 December 2008 (F - I'm just feeling so ashamed and confused and I'm hoping someone can help me know whether or not I could have legal rights when it comes to a certain situation: Approximately 1 month ago, on Facebook, I heard from a guy whom I had dated nearly 11 ...

I want to leave him or should I give him some leeway as he is so young?

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23 December 2008 (F - hi i am a 24year old mum to a 2year old boy and am 5months pregnant with my second son.i have been with the father of both boys for 3years and we break up get back together all the time but i have caught him out lying about his whereabouts, he comes ...

How can I get him to do things without revealing that I snooped?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5693 days ago

22 December 2008 (F - Hi! I need some friendly advice. I've been married for 5 years to a wonderful man. He is, however, a very shy and private man. He isn't aware of it but I know he looks at porn online. I'm ok with it really. He's discreet about it and I'm not the ...

I'm getting sick of his porn/masturbation addiction!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5696 days ago

21 December 2008 (F - My boyfriend likes to masterbait alot!!! When I ask if its me he says no....We have been together for almost 4 years I thought our relationship was fine but I seem to always find porn sites.....I was thinking that he was addicted to porn but I just ...

How can I tell if online porn sites are legit?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5696 days ago

21 December 2008 (F - I have some serious questions about online porn. There is this one site that I would love to buy some from but I'm worried it could cause some future problems. How can I tell if they are legit. I mean in college I saw one of their porn videos that I ...

What can I do to kick my porn habit?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5666 days ago

21 December 2008 (M - Help me. I have a porn habit. What can I do to kick it?...

I'm turned on by lesbian porn but I'm straight, does this mean I'm bi?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5690 days ago

19 December 2008 (F - i am a straight female. i dont know if this normal or not but i have only dated men and really had no interest the other way around. But recently i noticed that when i watch porn, i am more turned on by watching women than i am a regular couple. i ...

Bisexual trouble

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5699 days ago

18 December 2008 (F - Hi, I am kind of having problems writing about my issues in a structured way so please bear with me... I always knew I could love a person of either gender, but ended up sleeping with guys and eventually falling in love with one. We have bee...

My boyfriend masturbates to trans-sexuals

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4798 days ago

17 December 2008 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together for over one year and we are both in our early 20's. About 3 months ago, I was dinking around on his computer and I found a site with t-girl porn (men qo view themselves, and live, as women). I asked him about ...

How can I break his porn habit?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5689 days ago

17 December 2008 (F - Me and my boyfriend of 3 years are now engaged!!! But I have one question... why does he seem to be so addicted to porn?? All of the pictures on his Sony PSP are mainly porn.Every time he gets to use a computer or when he gets to a WiFi hotspot, he ...

"Rough Doggy-Style Porn"- should I even ask?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5701 days ago

16 December 2008 (F - My boyfriend and I rarely get intimate, once every two months to be exact. A couple of days ago I found porn on his computer. That doesn't bother me. What bothers me is that it was titled "Rough Doggie Style" and the first few seconds shows a man ...

I found porn on his PC, young girls about 14 years old and it's freaking me out.

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5619 days ago

16 December 2008 (? - I should first mention that I have recently been pretty down, dealing with stress, sadness, and so forth. It is taking it's toll and making me suspicious and irritable. My boyfriend and I are in our twenties, and we have been dating for 3 years. On ...

Porn CAN be great foreplay...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5695 days ago

16 December 2008 (? - So I had never watched porn with my boyfriend before. I am kind of in the insecure side when it comes to my body, so I thought it'd be disastrous for him especially since it'd probably put me off sex for the night. Last weekend we went on a trip, ...

If my boyfriend watched porn, does this mean he is obsessed with sex? Can people change?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5009 days ago

15 December 2008 (F - Ok so my basic question upfront is- can people change? I know it's possible. But I'll ask with my specific situation. If it ends up getting long I apologize but bear with me. My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 months. A couple of months a...

Husband's deployed now I'm addicted to porno!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5703 days ago

14 December 2008 (F - I am not sure how to say this or ask .. Ever since my husband deployed I have been pretty much addicted to porno.what does this mean?...

Porn is his life!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5704 days ago

13 December 2008 (F - My husband also did Masturbating when I busy at work. He likes to watch porn every day and like them feel them than me, if one day cannot see them he will go in a mood and make the reason to fight with me, I am very sad because I think he loves ...

His ex keeps butting in and telling me she is sleeping with him

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5705 days ago

12 December 2008 (F - My husband I love very much and I guess what bothers me is that he talks to his ex girlfriend wich they don't have any kids together. But she sticks her nose in our marriage by calling me and saying that she sleeping with him and when I ask my ...

Sex takes too long, he'd rather masturbate

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5704 days ago

12 December 2008 (F - I am 24 and my husband is 34, we love each other very much, he was never really into sex, he rather masturbate then have sex because he feels like he may take too long.... recently i have noticed that he does not want to have sex at all, like he ...

He waits till I go to sleep then watches porn and masturbates

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5671 days ago

12 December 2008 (F - i always caught my husband watching porn sexy gals and girl live on webcam and he masturbating i felt so really hurt.he start lied to me and even im in the house he still do it he just wait if im going to bed or busy .he always slept late i always ...

Too young to buy a dildo- Now what?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5681 days ago

11 December 2008 (F - i masturbate and watch porn, but i want a vibrator or dildo. the thing is, im only fourteen, and i dont think anywhere will sell them to me, or will they? ive looked at some online, but i cant buy them because it will be sent home which will be ...

Wife too tired for sex-is an affair the answer?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5561 days ago

11 December 2008 (M - Ok, here's the situation. My wife and i are both 27 and been married for 3 years. we have a 1yr. old son and a 2yr. old daughter who has special needs. We are both college graduates, which attracted us to each other in the beginning along with alot ...

Boyfriend can't stay away from porn!!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5703 days ago

11 December 2008 (F - Im sorry if this is a bit long! I met my bf a just over a year ago, we wasnt expecting to fall in love, it was meant to be a bit of fun every now any again. I was in a care home when we met, he would come over and we would just go and sit in a empty ...

He lies about small things, what else does he lie about??

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5702 days ago

11 December 2008 (F - MY bf of one year lies to me. Its only small lies like, im going to bed now when he is playing on his playstation and things like im now at work when he isnt. Just silly little things. The other day he lied to my face, even though he knew that i was ...

My boyfriends promise to stop watching beastiality porn is broken and I can't stand it.

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5703 days ago

11 December 2008 (F - Hey there. I'm sure that you got many emails including weird sex questions. Here it is mine: My bf and i are together for a year and live together for 8 months. We had a great relationship until the time i found out that he is watching beastia...

Husband has breath holding fetish!!

This question has 35 answers - newest was posted 4139 days ago

10 December 2008 (F - My husband has a breath holding fetish. He enjoys seeing women hold their breath for as long as they can stand it. He loves to see their cheeks puffed out and get red and to see their bellys contract as they push their limits. He visits fetish sites ...

He has cybersex with women in the Internet! Should I leave him?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5709 days ago

8 December 2008 (F - i've been married for 6yrs and i always knew that my husband was into porn but i didn't know how bad til i look into his i thought he's really into this.but at frist i thought it was just a guy thing that all guys do it?then ...

We never have sex and he doesn't want to talk about it...

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5706 days ago

7 December 2008 (F - I need some advice, I posted a question about a month ago or so when I was very upset after having found out my boyfriend had been watching porn behind my back throughout our entire relationship. He denied it for a while and finally admitted it and ...

My boyfriend is addicted to pornography online, should I worry?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5321 days ago

6 December 2008 (F - Pole dancers and pornography issues. I have been dating a guy for around nine months and we recently moved in together. We are really in love and are incredibly compatible and have discussed very long term plans together..however a stash of internet...

My fiance turns out to be a porn addict!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3942 days ago

6 December 2008 (F - hi my name is priscilla. i just came to united state to met my fiancee we been dating for 4 years now but distant relashionship so now i,m here with him i,d just foundout that he is a porn addict we use to have a lot of sex but his not satisfied ...

Suffering over his porn habit...

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5707 days ago

5 December 2008 (F - I know there are many posts here with variations on this theme, but I'm just desperately searching for some insight and haven't yet found a situation similar enough to mine to bring me any comfort. I'm in a 3+ year relationship with a guy that ...

When a guy is checking out big boob porn, what is he thinking of his small chested GF?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5709 days ago

4 December 2008 (F - When a guy is watching a porno with big breasted women, what is he thinking in that moment if his girlfriend has small boobs? What about afterwards? When they are watching, do they wish they could squeeze, lick and just play with big breasts? Do ...

My husband can masturbate but not have intercourse! Help!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5709 days ago

4 December 2008 (F - hi, i am married for 3 years, but never have had intercourse. my husband was addicted to masturbation. now he wants to correct his act. but not able to penetrate. from the past 6 months we are trying in vain. he loses erection. can a man be able to ...

The porn and the ex have to go! Help!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5706 days ago

4 December 2008 (F - I love my husband but he thinks it's nomal for him to contact his ex girlfriend after the hell she put us through. He also thinks it's nomal for him to watch porn by himself while he is married he loves double d's for breast and he likes thick hair ...

Am I losing my husband?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5713 days ago

4 December 2008 (F - my husband and i are both twenty yearsold and just married in october. Sadly to say, we havent been having the best newlywed relationship. i work,he stays home with our 3yr old. my hours vary at work, so when i come home i cook dinner and dose off ...

My partner of 15 years is treating me like, well, sh*t... please advise!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5713 days ago

4 December 2008 (M - My partner of 15 years who I love and very much do everything for like a 50's house wife treats me like shi.... I am in my late 30's and he is in his 60's. When I ended up in Sept this year having a brake down and I had to live on our boat for ...

Am I stupid for trying to fix our marriage... can I ever trust him again?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5709 days ago

3 December 2008 (F - Hi, My husband and I have been together for 16 years, married for 11 years. This is the second time around for both of us. Our ages are him 45 myself 47. A little more than two years ago my husband stop making love to me so often. To be exact...

Is porn and masturbation everyday bad?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5706 days ago

1 December 2008 (M - Im 15 and i masturbate every day and look at porn is that a bad thing to do?...

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