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Archived questions from: February, 2010 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

Porn, relationships, and confidence of women today.

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5245 days ago

26 February 2010 (F - Okay, so i'm just going to talk about relationships and porn and let me know your opinions on what I have to say, if you're a woman that doesn't mind her man looking at it then fair enough but don't come ranting how us women who aren't are ...

Boyfriend says no porn, yet I catch him watching it.

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5241 days ago

25 February 2010 (F - Dear Cupid, I'm so devistated right now. I have begged my fiancee to watch porn with me but his excuse is that he has me so he doesn't need to watch it. But just last night I caught him in the bathroom watching porn and relieving himself. That re...

I am jealous of his female friends and I hate his porn watching!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5252 days ago

25 February 2010 (F - I have been with a guy for about 9 months, and though he he treats me well and makes me feel special, I found out while being with him iam extremely insecure and jealous. Him also being in a pretty well known band makes it worse for me, even though ...

Why is it only the mans biology that's considered when discussing porn in relationships?

This question has 34 answers - newest was posted 5259 days ago

24 February 2010 (F - Okay, so there's lots of questions here about men and porn, and relationships being destroyed over it. But what i'd really like to know here, is why it's only mens feelings and biology considered? So men are more sexually driven than women, they are ...

My husband's porn use has affected me this normal?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5267 days ago

23 February 2010 (F - Okay, this is going to be very long so please bear with me. When I first got with my boyfriend in August '08, I made it very clear to him that some very bad things had happened to me in the past concerning sex when I was only young, and that bec...

A womans need to feel desired and my husband falls short of that!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5267 days ago

23 February 2010 (F - My husband and I have been married for 12 years. During that time he has never complimented me or shown much attraction to me. Actually he has made negative comments about my looks, like my breasts arent perky or my skin has scars from pregnancies ...

I'm not gay, but I like to watch gay porn. Help me!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5264 days ago

23 February 2010 (M - Okay, so I am between 18 and 21 and i've never had sex (with a male nor female). At age 15 and 16 I started watching regular porn, and masturbated. After a year or two I began getting interested in the guys in the clip. In regular porn the girl has ...

He watches porn every other day, we have sex once every month or two this normal?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5269 days ago

22 February 2010 (F - My husband watchs porn every other day but we have sex once a month or every two months. Is this normal??...

Wife Unsure Whether To Confront Husband About Porn Watching

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5267 days ago

21 February 2010 (F - I am a woman in my 40s, with two kids. I'm in good shape -- I've always exercised a lot. My husband and I have a healthy sex life (about 2x per week.) I'm not trying to sounnd conceited, but I'm often told that I'm very attractive by peers. ...

I am uncomfortable with the recent increase in porn by boyfriend watches

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5270 days ago

21 February 2010 (F - Whats the opinion on boyfriends watching porn now and again? My bf and i have been together for three years now, live together. one day last year i found in our computers history that he had searched for some porn. not just for a porn site however ...

I miss sex and emotional support from my husband, help!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5271 days ago

19 February 2010 (F - hello, im 27 and have been married for 1 yr now .. i ve known my husband for 6 yrs before we got married .. since 6 months he hardly wants to have sex with me ... he usually complains of being too tired .. but when i check his browsing history ...

I'm white, my BF is black, and I find ebony porn on my computer every so often.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5273 days ago

18 February 2010 (F - *OPs own title* First of all, my boyfriend tries to deny that he watches porn for the purpose of sexual excitement--as Myself, I have no problem with porn. I'll be the first to admit that I watched plenty of it when I was single, and I wouldn't mind...

What to do when Porn destroys two relationships, and I'm fully detatched more than emotionally...

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5263 days ago

18 February 2010 (F - I have to start from the beginning so its understandable.. (prepare for a long one...) It starts with my ex "James", We had an okay relationship. It seems okay now, mainly because we are over everything that happened and can laugh about it. We bro...

My boyfriend wants to watch a sex video of his friend, is this bad or not?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5274 days ago

17 February 2010 (F - i m in a long distance and committed relationship.recently i and my bf were chatting through sms and when we were talking,he was telling me that how he knows some guys who cheat their gf by keeping hidden cameras and taking video and selling them.i ...

My girlfriend found my fetish through my computer history, now I'm worried she will never be able to get over this!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5275 days ago

16 February 2010 (M - Hi, I'm in a horrible situation and its killing both me and my gf. I've been in a relationship for two years now and despite what I'm about to say, I've never been happier, I can imagine not growing up and living my life with my gf, my freinds s...

My brother caught me watching porn, should I talk to him about this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5275 days ago

16 February 2010 (M - ok so it was about 11:00 at night it i had the week off of school due to snow and i was watching porn. all of a sudden my 18 year old brother comes in and asks what is this. i really didnt know what to say. well its been a day now and i dont think ...

I saw my boyfriend cheating on a porn video!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5276 days ago

15 February 2010 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together for over three years now. He's currently in his second semester of his freshman year of university and I'm in my second semester of my sophomore year of university. We go to different universities 6.5 hours away ...

Does he want to gangbang?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5250 days ago

13 February 2010 (F - Question: My boyfriend doesnt know but i know he watches porn which is fine cuz i do it but most of the time i notice on the history on the computer he watches a lot of gangbang pornos and its mostly like 5 black guys and one white girl. does this ...

At first he seemed interested, and now he only chats for sex. What happened?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5245 days ago

13 February 2010 (F - i met this really amazing guy on a social site and we would talk for hours everyday then it moved to sending naught pictures then it moved to the webcam.then he started disappearing and getting offline when i would get online.and giving short ...

Help!!! How can I last longer???

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5276 days ago

12 February 2010 (M - i was watching porn the other day and i got very excited over it. at every exciting part my penis will "jump" as if i was cumming. after that i decided to go masturbate and i realized i came really fast. is there any way to not cum fast other than ...

My father watches porn even though he has a wife - is it right?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5273 days ago

12 February 2010 (M - My parents have been married for 15 years. My dad has a short temper and gets very angry at my mum (non violent though) she has always just let him push her about, also he is always sneaking glances at other women on the street or on a bus whatever, ...

My boyfriend lied to me about looking at porn, I feel like he has cheated on me!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5274 days ago

12 February 2010 (F - Okay, so I've been with my boyfriend for more than 2.5 years and everything has been going great. So, the last night I was on his computer and I saw that he had been looking at porn. When I asked him about it he said it wasn't his, and he didn't ...

I cant cope with my husband's penchant for porn!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5280 days ago

11 February 2010 (F - I need some advice! My marriage is, for the most part, amazing! I am crazy in love with my husband, and he feels the same way for me. There is one thing I cannot seem to get over. He has a penchant for porn. When I don't think about him lookin...

I watch porn but am insecure about my man watching any sex scenes.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5282 days ago

9 February 2010 (F - Hi ok I'm 23 and iv be in a steady serous relationship with a guy 32yrs old and I love him to death. I am terrified he will watch sex in films and music videos and wish I was like them girls. I'm very pritty myself but this doesn't change how I ...

My boyfriend has repeatedly looked up pictures of a girl he knows. Sometimes while looking at porn!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5280 days ago

9 February 2010 (F - My boyfriend has repeatedly looked up pictures of a girl he knows. Sometimes while looking at porn, other times while not. We broke up over it a year ago, but I just found him doing it again recently. Does this mean he has feelings for her? I know ...

I am a virgin but think about doing threesomes, porn and striptease. I am really confused about my morals!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5281 days ago

9 February 2010 (F - I want to wait until i have sex so my first time can be with someone i am in love with...but at the same time the thought of having threesomes, for example, makes me feel really aroused. also i feel desperate to have sex, i matsturbate very often ...

Why should I put up with my man looking at porn?

This question has 70 answers - newest was posted 5226 days ago

9 February 2010 (F - Ok, why do I just "have to accept" porn in my life? My boyfriend jacks off to porn. Sure, our sex life is great, and believe me I don't mind quickies or gettigng him off without anything in return. But why does he have to look at other naked women? ...

I stayed up all night plotting and rehearsing revenge on my hubby for watching porn! But I watch it myself!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5282 days ago

9 February 2010 (F - I did a google search to see if I could find some answers to something that's been bothering me. I am 8 months pregnant, and my husband told me last night that he had been looking at porn again. We have an open relationship, and really don't keep ...

3 months married and I feel I've made a BIG mistake!!!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5283 days ago

8 February 2010 (F - Reposted with an update: We've been married for 3 months, been together for 3 and half years in total. We lived together for a year but I moved back in with my parents cos I hated his housemates. We got our own place and moved in a week before th...

He would rather me look at porn and pleasure myself then go to him.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5277 days ago

7 February 2010 (F - I have been with my boyfriend for 6 years. I am 24 he is 28. About 3 years ago he started to go on a lot of meds due to an injury.(long term injury) Long story short about 6 months or so after he started taking the meds his sex drive was almost t...

My husband wont stop watching porn

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5208 days ago

6 February 2010 (F - My husband of only a year loves to watch porn. I dont think he is addicted to it. But if i leave the house for a long period of time he will sneak off and watch it behind my back. I used to have better self esteem. But ever since i found out about ...

I feel he doesn't love me anymore

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5284 days ago

6 February 2010 (F - My husband and I will have been married for a year in about a week. We had a son before our marriage, and all throughout my pregnancy he never had an issue with wanting to have sex with me. About a month ago we found out I am pregnant again. Since ...

Are other girls like this, or is it just me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5282 days ago

5 February 2010 (F - Am I the only person who is bipolar about masturbation? :/ Like, sometimes, I like doing it, and it feels really good. But then, sometimes, maybe afterwards, I'll ask myself what I just did, hate it, then squeeze my eyes shut and wish I could jus...

Was he looking at porn or flirting on line befoe having sex with me?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5287 days ago

3 February 2010 (F - Ummmm, without trying to be too specific, I took a shower and then when I was done I went to my bedroom to put on clean clothes, and my man was in the room with something in front of the door, and when I walked in he was more then ready to get ...

Fiance just doesn't seem to want sex! Instead watches porn and takes care of himself!!!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5288 days ago

2 February 2010 (F - I am a 25 year old, my fiance really doesn't seem interested in me in bed. He kisses me all the time grabs my butt but just really doesn't seem interested in sex! Just recently I found out that he has been wathcing porn on the computer. He is 38 so ...

His porn has become a problem in the bedroom!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5289 days ago

2 February 2010 (F - i have been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years now and weve had some problems with is porn addiction. i left him bout 7 months ago because he had such a problem with not only porn but datin sites and personals ads. i left him for about 3 months ...

Why do men like porn? I can't see the appeal.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5290 days ago

1 February 2010 (F - Ok, this is probably a dumb question but why do men like porn? I'm a girl and I've watched porn but I don't see the appeal. Just like guys don't see the appeal in chick flicks, I guess. I'm a small breasted girl, with huge hips, normal ass that ...

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