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Archived questions from: July, 2011 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

Will I ever quit feeling like he's hiding something from me

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4740 days ago

31 July 2011 (F - I caught my boyfriend looking at internet porn and some of it was illegal. After confronting him and forgiving him, things seem fine. I am able to search his internet history (complete history, including anything he might delete or look...

Turned on by porn but not my husband!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4731 days ago

29 July 2011 (F - Hi!I'm a 31yr married female and i love watching porn so much and it always turns me on but when my husband touches me or does foreplay with me i don't get turned on and i don't even enjoy sex but before i used to enjoy it. i don't know why is this ...

Stick it out? Or end things now?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4741 days ago

28 July 2011 (F - Hey, I need some advice on whether I should stick things out in my current relationship or end things now, because I feel I am starting to fall out of love with my bf. We've been together 10 months, and had both been single for a year before meet...

Should I stop watching porn?

This question has 20 answers - newest was posted 4741 days ago

27 July 2011 (F - Can anyone tell me of any reasons that they can think of as to why I shouldn't watch porn? I watch it every couple of weeks, or so - just when I'm in the mood to. But then I feel sort of guilty, like I shouldn't be watching it. Do you think I should ...

I like watching gay sex but got turned off having real gay sex. So what does that mean?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4745 days ago

24 July 2011 (M - Ok, so i am 19 years old and confuse right now. Since i was 15, i starts watching gay porn and found myself horny and turned on everytime watching it. I also always fantasizing myself with guy when i masturbate. The problem is, i am physically at...

Should I tell him I know about the porn he watches?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4730 days ago

22 July 2011 (F - My bf is 25 and we have sex once a month! last time I had it was 6 weeks ago. and he was drunk. it was perfect though. but the first 3 intercourses (when we just started dating)were unsuccessful, I mean he couldnt come at all. and he just stopped. I ...

Is it normal for him to masturbate daily? Is porn the problem?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 4745 days ago

21 July 2011 (F - Hello everybody.I discovered this site accidentally and I started to like it ,so i will also tell my story to you all,to find out what you think and other opinions.First of all,sorry if I’ll be making some grammar mistakes,English’s not my mother ...

Disgusting problem and feel of shame

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4755 days ago

20 July 2011 (M - Ok, there's my problem: through a long time I used to watch and like some bizarre bestiality porn (Women with dogs, horses etc., animals mating). I'm not into real animals. Having sex with an animal - grossie, too weird... Currently I don't wa...

Is he planning on being unfaithful?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4746 days ago

20 July 2011 (F - My husband and I have been together for 20 years. We have been quite stable except for the years that he was not interested in having sex with me. At the time I was upset and obviously thought of all different reasons for this. We had many arguments ...

So should I worry about this magazine?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4747 days ago

20 July 2011 (M - Advice please. My wife dated this guy in 2003 - 2004. We started dating in 2004 and got married in 2005. Early in 2006, this guy called my in-laws to get our phone number. They were smart enough not to give it out, but to get his number and pass ...

Is it just a normal guy thing to be like this, or should I worry? I seem to come second after his porn and video games.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4756 days ago

20 July 2011 (F - Hi there, my boyfriend and i have been together for a year now, and we have known each other for over 11 years, we were best friends growing up, and everything was great in the begining but now, it just seems like i get pushed aside for his vide...

How much porn is TOO much? Is my boy friend's need for Porn excessive?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4755 days ago

20 July 2011 (F - Im usually cool with porn. I watch it myself several times a week and often browse naughty picture websites. I generally see it as not a big deal most the time. Sure, sometimes it upsets me and makes me feel bad but I understand those are MY ins...

I feel like he's bringing things he's seen in porn into our bedroom

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4743 days ago

19 July 2011 (F - I'm getting concerned. I feel my boyfriends' porn viewing is coming into our bedroom. On one hand, we have this amazing sex life, but on the other, I am noticing more and more that its taking a LOT to get him off, if he does at all. He does not ...

I found my dad's been surfing porn and maybe using escort services, what should I do now?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 4757 days ago

14 July 2011 (F - I was on my dads computer and I found sexual escort websites...I also found pornography on his cell phone. I am really worried that he is using these escorts and really don't know what to do. I would rather not confront him but its one of those ...

My boyfriend said porn stars are hotter than me!

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 2758 days ago

13 July 2011 (F - My boyfriend and porn. Ever since my boyfriend got a new job we've had less time for sex. Whenever we see each other we have a lot of sex. I'm not a prude, so with me anything goes (except threesomes). I let him do whatever he wants. I sometimes ...

Do women really enjoy having fingers in their mouths?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4757 days ago

11 July 2011 (M - A common thing in porn is for the man to put his fingers in the mouth of the woman during foreplay. I have never done this in my sex life. Is this something women enjoy? ...

Do I really know my guy? Now that I know he looks at Gay'Tranny and SheMale porn?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4765 days ago

11 July 2011 (F - My baby's dad and I have been together off and on for 6 years. It hasn't been a good past 6 years. He has 2 children with another woman and yes, they were both during these last 6 years. We are currently not together but he has come over and...

Why would a man still enjoy watching porn if he was truly affected by a miscarriage?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4748 days ago

10 July 2011 (F - Hey, I'd like some advice on how to deal with my feelings of anger towards my bf who has been watching porn while i've been coping with a miscarriage. We've been together 9 months, and I know he's been watching porn occasionally (like one short ...

My fiance is addicted to internet and phone sex!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4747 days ago

10 July 2011 (F - my fiance loves women and he talks to women all the time about everything. he befriends them and then have sex with them over the phone. he is addicted and i dont know what to do. we look at certain flicks together but he is too deep into it..what ...

B/f lied about porn plus he watches really violent pornography!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4767 days ago

9 July 2011 (F - why would a man randomly need skype? When I asked him about it he did not really give me an answer as to why he needs it. Also I just had a talk with my man about how I don't feel comfortable being with a man who watches or is addicted to porn and ...

Husband has panties that aren't mine!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4767 days ago

9 July 2011 (F - i found a jelly vagina on my husband jacket and some pair of panties and the panties are not mine i ask hem why he had that plus some blue pills too and he dint answer my question he toll me that i was making a big deal but i think that the panties ...

I'm feeling emotional. Last week I had a miscarriage. So why is he not supporting me and still watching porn?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4771 days ago

5 July 2011 (F - Hi, I need some advice on how to stop feeling angry with my bf and to understand his actions. We've been together 9 months, and a few weeks ago, we found out we had an unplanned pregnancy of 7 weeks. We spent a lot of time trying to decide whether ...

Does watching lesbian porn mean I'm a lesbian?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4754 days ago

4 July 2011 (F - Dear people Lately I've been thinking about my sexual orientation. I used to watch porn and I stopped because I hated it and I felt disgusted every time I do it. I watched lesbian porn and I felt aroused. But I HATED it afterwards. lesbian sex...

Why is Divorce Ok? I am put off if I find a person is divorced.

This question has 20 answers - newest was posted 4750 days ago

3 July 2011 (M - Im asking the question: Why isnt it shameful to be divorced? Why would anyone admit it? to me it makes the person look selfish and non commital really.. I have to admit it puts me off a person quite a lot. What does everyone else think? ...

I found gay porn on my boyfriends laptop and he is getting closer to his gay friend, help!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4772 days ago

2 July 2011 (F - I love my boyfriend very much but I found gay porn on his laptop a few months ago. After much talking and thinking, I decided to ignore it and I hadn't really thought about it. My boyfriend claims it was spam and had no idea why it was on there...

I feel like I am a bad partner because I lack a sex drive!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4754 days ago

1 July 2011 (F - my last question was about shemale porn and my husband, and I had wonderful replies so I am back. my new issue is my lack in the bedroom. I got that one of the reasons that he watched (or is still watching, I don't know anymore) the shemale porn was ...

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