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Archived questions from: January, 2011 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

Help!!! Is my boyfriend addicted to porn?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4924 days ago

31 January 2011 (? - My boyfriend of one year is addicted to porn. Well I think he is. I used to think it was ok but now I'm not so sure. WE used to watch porn together and have fun with it but lately it seems that he prefers to please himself to porn rather than being ...

Is cybersex with others considered cheating?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4914 days ago

31 January 2011 (F - I met a guy many years ago online and we started to have cybersex. It became very intense and eventually we fell in love. We spent many hours talking on phone, IM, email etc. We plan on getting married but due to some unforseen circumstance have not ...

My boyfriend wants my hand in marriage, but he won't stop flirting with other girls!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4926 days ago

30 January 2011 (F - Okay, so I've been with this guy for about 2 years now, and I loved him for 2 years before that. We know that we are everything we want in each other and would like to get married. But, because of finances and age we can't. He has struggled with ...

I don't think I should date this online man, seeing as he exposed himself to me!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4926 days ago

30 January 2011 (F - Hi, I met a man online 3 years ago. We chatted along time before meeting he seemed normal other than enjoying exposing himself to me. We were seeing eachother approx 5 months when I felt something was up. We would chat online and his responses...

Cheating and the Internet...A Wife's Perspective

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 3383 days ago

30 January 2011 (F - Recently, I discovered that my husband had been looking at personal ads on the internet. And, not only was he looking, he was emailing responses. I’m sure you all know the ones I am talking about. The “casual encounters,” section of a popular ...

I can't tolerate porn due to a horrible experience in my past!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4928 days ago

28 January 2011 (F - My problem is that I hate porn. It dates back to many years ago when I had an awful experience and I have explained this to my partner and how it reminds me of a horrible time in my life which I have sought profession help to overcome. I told him ...

Is my husband just not aware of his embarrassing behavior?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4897 days ago

27 January 2011 (F - I'm separated from my 57yr old husband as I found hundreds of porn images hidden on disc and on our computer last year, he'd promised me before that he would stop he always lies about this sort of thing.Although he no longer has access to our ...

Sex has stopped after we got married, is this because I cant give him a baby? Or is he just not into me anymore?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4910 days ago

27 January 2011 (F - I been having this problem for almost 3 years, its about me and my husband. We used to be sexually active when we were bf and gf but, when we got married we hardly had any sex at all. He tried getting me pregnant but with no luck. So everytime i ask ...

Why are man always so concerned about there performance and not about what porn actually can do to their brains and judgement?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 4928 days ago

26 January 2011 (F - Porn is a big topic in a lot of relationships. For my own opinion, it is quite sad to see so many guys using porn to get satisfaction,despite having willing and loving partners. The argument is often just to have a quick gratification and not to ...

Why does he look at porn when he still thinks I am beautiful and we have great sex?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4931 days ago

25 January 2011 (F - We all know about the ups and downs in a marriage.But my husband and me managed to really deeply fall in love again for the last two years. Married for 17 years and two kids. We have lots of wonderfull fullfilling sex.I love and appreciate him. So I ...

Selfish boyfriend - porn and sex all for him and not for me

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4925 days ago

25 January 2011 (F - My boyfriend and I have been seeing eachother for about 7 months. I love him and want to do anything to make us work, but I feel like he's more interested in porn than me. We have sex once a week, if that, and usually I have to ask for it to get it. ...

Concerned about my boyfriend watching one particular porn star daily!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4928 days ago

24 January 2011 (F - Hello all, please let me know if I should be concecrned here. I recently found out that my boyfriend looks at porn daily. I also found out that he subscribes to one girl's porn/webcam site so all the porn he has is just of her. I have been feelin...

Boyfriend watching porn, says he doesn't care if I break up with him or not

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4928 days ago

23 January 2011 (F - Ok, I recently found out that my boyfriend has been going on this website called [name removed but suggests pictures with no clothes on]... ALL THE TIME!. He wont reply to my texts, he doesn't talk to me, i feel like he has emotionally with...

Would watching gay porn bring out these feelings in me?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4930 days ago

23 January 2011 (M - : Ok i hav been masturbating on gay porn and i feel so horny looking at all these buff guys naked, i also hav developed crushes on boys at school and i dont like girls anymore that much! Plz help! Im 15!! Is this because i watched gay porn?...

My wife has webcam sex chats with men, and hides things from me. Should I be worried?

This question has 30 answers - newest was posted 4931 days ago

22 January 2011 (M - My wife does webcam sex chats and hides a lot of stuff from me. Should I be worried? ...

Husband needs the aid of porn to have sex with me

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4932 days ago

22 January 2011 (F - Why when my husband and I have sex we always have to have porn on. When it is not on and we are kissing sometimes he gets on hard, but most of the time he is soft until we have porn on every night. We were apart for almost 2yrs and he said this...

Help needed to get over an obsession with an online webcam model......

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4933 days ago

21 January 2011 (M - well hello i found this site while in desperate need of some advice to help me with a trying situation that has literally drained me. i joined this adult website one of those solo girl websites at first it was just for entertainment then i started ...

My husband is obsessed with porn, we have a second baby on the way, live with his mother, and I had a summer romance!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4936 days ago

20 January 2011 (F - I am 24 and married to a 25 year old firefighter that is obsessed with sex and continuously is on sex sites, looking at porn, answering personal ads, and talking to and having sex with other girls on a virtual chat site. I am unhappy and have been ...

Should I be worried now that my boyfriend is hiding his porn use?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4936 days ago

20 January 2011 (F - My boyfriend started watching porn when I became pregnant. When I found out, he told me that he was stressed, so he watched porn. After the baby was born, he continued to watch it, saying that he was a grown man and would do what he wanted. He ...

My boyfriend is disinterested in sex, maybe porn is the root of the problem?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4935 days ago

19 January 2011 (F - My boyfriend doesn't want to have sex as often as we used to. We used to have sex maybe 3-4 times a week. Now... sometimes it's about twice a month. He always says that he just doesn't feel like it or the "chase" isn't there anymore because I'm ...

Lying about porn?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4932 days ago

19 January 2011 (F - I recently found some hardcore porn on my boyfriends wireless device, which is attached to his computer via the TV. Now - can I just point out that I am no prude and I have no objection to porn, and myself and my boyfriend do not live together...

Am I gay, bi, straight, or what?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4934 days ago

19 January 2011 (M - Hey everyone. I need your opinions. A year ago i started *asturbating on gay porn, I wasnt really attracted to guys, I just wanted to see it. And me, stupid idiot, kept doing it, cos I thought "Ah So what, I can stop anytime". I also did it on some ...

Boyfriend prefers cyber sex to me, Emotionally detatched

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4938 days ago

18 January 2011 (F - So I have been with my boyfriend for a year and a half. I am 22, he is 29 and this is his first real relationship, I am basically his first real love. When we first got together I was going through some medical issues and couldn't have sex for the ...

He just says he doesn't mean to hurt me and doesn't know why he does it, but thats not enough for me. Should I give him another chance?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 4939 days ago

14 January 2011 (F - Hi, about 8 months ago I found out that my boyfriend of 3 yrs has been txting dirty messages to at least 3 girls, one of which I know. I found this out just after we had purchased a house together, so decided to forgive him and try and move on. He ...

Why does my husband want me now after all these years?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4943 days ago

13 January 2011 (F - I have been with my husband for 12 years and been married 7 years we got together and our sex life was not good at all i found magazines with just naked women in i confronted him he told me that it was his brothers i just laughed i am a open women ...

I think he's watching porn all the time and I can't deal with it!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4943 days ago

13 January 2011 (F - i have been with my boyfriend for over a year now. it is mostly an internet relationship because of the distance. though we plan on moving in together and getting married. i have alot of feelings floating up inside my head and i dont know how to t...

After all these yrs & all that we've been through why porn?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4942 days ago

12 January 2011 (F - In need of some advice. Me and my child's father are trying to work things out. We've been off and on for almost 9 yrs (majority of it was my fault) and we have a 2 yr old. He say's that he's forgiven me and is willing to let the past be the ...

I'm not ready yet. But I seek your guidance on how to initiate sex for the first time?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4940 days ago

12 January 2011 (F - Okay.. Please don't be mean with answers to this. I'm not planning to make an instant decision here. To start off, I'm 19. I am a virgin, by choice. I've had a lot of chances of "Losing it", but I didn't want to until I was ready, and with someone ...

What is the point of looking at porn?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4938 days ago

10 January 2011 (F - My boyfriend once told me i was sad and pathetic for looking at porn on my mobile phone. I have now since found out he does the same, when i reminded him how sad and pathetic this was he told me he doesnt masturbate over it. What is the point ...

My husband doesn't treat me well or help out, is it because of our age difference?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4947 days ago

9 January 2011 (F - Hello every body, here is my story,I am 23 years old and my husband is 37 years old,we have been married for 2 years now and his mother was living with us since we got married. he was my 1st love and relationship so I do not really have any experie...

I can get an erection during porn but, I can't get one will kissing my girlfriend!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4937 days ago

9 January 2011 (M - Okay, So I have no problem getting and keeping an erection when I'm by myself watching porn. I have no problem getting an erection when I'm intimately kissing my girlfriend. I do have a problem getting an erection when it comes time to actually get ...

The one time I look through his found I find these pictures of slutty girls!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4947 days ago

8 January 2011 (? - Hi I'm so confused and really need some help. My bf of a year just went out the shop and I stupidly looked through his phone. I've had plenty of opportunities before but never took them because in all Honestly, I trusted him. The same still goes, It...

I don't like women in any way but I watch lesbian porn. What does this mean?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4914 days ago

7 January 2011 (F - im 110% straight. but i watch lesbian porn. i dont like women in that way just the porn. what does this mean??...

He touches himself and then denies it!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4941 days ago

7 January 2011 (F - my boyfriend knows about my 1st relationship and how screwed up it made me especially being so young and finding my bf/baby daddy watching porn and jacking off instead of getting it from me.there were other sexual traumas but this alone affected me ...

Will I ever be accepting of his porn usage?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4928 days ago

6 January 2011 (F - First of all, I don’t want answers to my post or comments on it from people who are totally against porn. I am not against it, I am just asking for advice and I don’t want advice that I absolutely will not take. I mean no offense, but I see it on ...

My fiance is into sheMale porn and has listed himself as bisexual on a dating site. I want him to be faithful and honest to me

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4941 days ago

5 January 2011 (F - My fiance is into porn like just about every other normal Joe out there. I have no problem with this. I have no problem with him viewing the occasional she-male porn either. I get that some guys just need to look at different things. However, ...

Why is he looking at porn when he has an available, willing wife in his bed??

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4949 days ago

5 January 2011 (F - My husband and I are both in our twenties and have only been married a few months. We're expecting our first child and ever since we've been together I've always been very sexual with him. Since I've been pregnant, my sex drive has doubled and Ive ...

Is the porn industry corrupting me?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4940 days ago

3 January 2011 (M - My new years resolution would be not to masturbate while dating. Though since im not I do everyday after school ( Finished all my homework etc.) will it be hard to stop. the reason(s) are below 2. I heard that an over consumsion of Pornagra...

I'm female and get turned on by lesbian porn???

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4847 days ago

2 January 2011 (F - im not a lesbian or bi. i dont find women sexually or mentally attractive at all. im completely 100% straight. but i get turned on and have orgasms to lesbian porn. what does that mean? please help !!...

My life is a mess... what tips do you have for me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4954 days ago

1 January 2011 (M - My life is fucked up... What to do? I am 23 year old guy. For the past 1 year, things havent been going the way i wanted..or rather i should say it never went. I am neither a sportsman nor a geek. I am lazy. First of all, Internet Pornogr...

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