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Archived questions from: May, 2010 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

Husband masturbates to porn when we have sex every day!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5157 days ago

28 May 2010 (F - Hi I'm 18 years old. My question is why does my husband masturbate watching porn on tv if we have sex every day. Iv seen him masturbating when he thought i was asleep. What can i do. ...

Please help me: After discovering his porn obsession my confidence and life has plummeted, I'm depressed, not aroused and coucilling is doing nothing

This question has 25 answers - newest was posted 5166 days ago

28 May 2010 (F - Where to start, well my boyfriend of three years looks at a lot of pictures of nude women on the internet. I discovered this almost a year ago, and before I knew about it, I was very confident about the way my body looked, not in an egotisti...

I caught my boyfriend of 6 years watching transexual porn!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5148 days ago

27 May 2010 (F - Yesterday I caught my boyfriend of 6 years watching transexual porn, he cried and claimed that it was normal and that he wasnt interested in men. Hes always told me that hes interested in strap ons and female domination and has requested that I...

"My boyfriend said that porn is disgusting but I found out he watches it"

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5148 days ago

26 May 2010 (F - Dear Cupid, A few day a ago I found out that my boyfriend had been looking at a porn website when he stayed over at his friend's house. I heard it from both of the people he was with at the time and apparently he wanted to look at the lesbian ...

Why is he always searching for pornography that is the complete opposite of me?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5147 days ago

26 May 2010 (F - Hi everyone. I am 38 and with a long time partner. We have a son together (and I have another one from my marriage)and get on reasonably well. We have quite busy lives up at 6 am and running around till children in bed at 9 pm. The normal rat r...

Porn isn't entirely harmless

This question has 75 answers - newest was posted 5153 days ago

21 May 2010 (F - I would like to point something out that is making me feel really sad about the state of things. Every day women come on here asking for help for a porn related issue. Basically they say I'm really upset he looks and it's worse because he lies to ...

Is masturbating dangerous at 14?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5178 days ago

20 May 2010 (M - i am 14 years old.i'm extremely excited about sex and i do masterbating by watching porn videos through the web. what i'm worried is that is masterbating good for health?.will it effect me in anyways?...

Disgusted by my boyfriends interest in porn.

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5174 days ago

19 May 2010 (F - dear cupid, i feel so disgusted. this morning i went online to listen to music and as i was typing visited porn sites started appearing in the browser. i love my boyfriend, weve been together for 3 years, recently moved in together. hes always b...

Pictures of his ex on his bedroom wall! And porn-type ones with her on his phone and computer!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5183 days ago

18 May 2010 (F - ive been with my boyfriend for just under 2 months, and when i was over his i noticed on his phone and computer he has porn like pictures of him and his ex and a photo of her on his bedroom wall. so i gave him time to delete them etc. but he didn...

I knew my boyfriend watched porn, but now I have found out he watches it every day!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5183 days ago

18 May 2010 (F - hi ok i really need help. i knew that my boyfriend watched porn, and i was a little hurt but i just didnt really think anything of it. but now ive realised he watches it EVERY day even yesturday when it was his BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! i was with him all ...

Blue films vs porno films

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5184 days ago

17 May 2010 (F - what is the difference between blue flims and porn movies..? can anyone give the differentiation please.....

Accidentally discovered my fiance had been loking at porn online - should I worry?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5170 days ago

17 May 2010 (F - ok, well i'm very much in love with my fiance, who I have two beautiful kids with - our eldest who is 19 months and our new arival who is just 11 weeks. I feel so close to him and can't imagine my life without him - i can't wait for him to be my ...

Are there really guys who would stop watching porn if it really was a problem for me?

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 5180 days ago

16 May 2010 (F - I was wondering. It seems the general consensus on this website is that women who have problems with porn are insecure and that all men watch it and it's not fair to them to ask them to stop. However, I was wondering if it's fair in my case to ask. ...

My wife tells me I have a porn addiction

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5173 days ago

16 May 2010 (M - how do i stop porn addiction? i have alot more sexual desire than my wife and it got to where i felt horable for asking for it all the time. I eventualy turned to porn magazine and it created more problems than i thought it would. she said i have ...

How do I get my point accross and tell him that his porn watching is affecting our marriage?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5188 days ago

14 May 2010 (F - My husband is very addicted to porn. i have asked him over and over to stop, but he still wont. i have even threatened him with divorce and told him he would never be able to see his daughter. he still watches it. i feel like crap when he watches ...

Love my boyfriend but no sex makes me want to move on

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5184 days ago

11 May 2010 (F - my boyfriend and i are having problems i guess you could say. we have been together for a year and a half now. we only have sex about twice a month. his first excuse was that he never wanted to cause im too pushy about it but now he says he has a ...

Is he telling the truth or is he a liar?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5190 days ago

11 May 2010 (F - I was on my boyfriend's computer and was searching for my favorite magazine's website. When I started typing, a list of visits to this one porn site came up. My heart sank. My boyfriend had told me repeatedly that he found it disgusting and ...

Wont have sex but keeps getting off 2 porn!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5184 days ago

9 May 2010 (F - hi i am a 26 year old woman and i am with a man 17 years older than me. for a while now he keeps making every excuse you could think of so he dosnt have to sleep with me. he might look for it once or twice a month and expects me to be all on for ...

Him watching porn is a side to him I don't know and I don't like it!

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 5184 days ago

8 May 2010 (F - Basically, I have the best boyfriend, soon to be fiancee but I hate him wanking to porn. I have never been bothered in past relationships but I think because we are so close I hate the fact he hides it from me. I feel it's a side to him I don't know ...

I told him I had a problem with porn, now I watch it myself

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5190 days ago

8 May 2010 (F - Thank you for taking the time to read this. I'll get to the point. My boyfriend and I have been together for a year. I love him very much. Each passing day I want and need and taste for him. I have had many abusive relationships. I told him that I ...

How do I know if I've climaxed?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5192 days ago

7 May 2010 (F - Hey guys I'm 13 and i masturbate a lot but I'm not sure if i have had a orgasm yet. i cant ask my mum because she doesn't know that i masturbate anyways. can someone help me?...

B/f cheated and he is still watching the girl on her Twitter videos

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5195 days ago

6 May 2010 (F - Three months ago my boyfriend confessed to cheating on me with a classmate for over a month. Since then, we have been trying very hard to work things out between us. In an attempt to be completely open with me he has encouraged me to check his ...

Should I hound my husband or just see if he will follow through on what he promised?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5171 days ago

6 May 2010 (F - My husband's intimacy issues and sexual hang-ups stem from his addiction to adult pornography websites. He has not been able to transcend his addictions to having a normal sex life with me. This is actually been going on for the past 12 years ...

Am I damaging our relationship?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5174 days ago

5 May 2010 (F - Hey everyone I am a 24 year old female and my bf is 39. We sometimes engage in mutual masturbation and when we do this, we view videos of women stripping on webcam. I find this very erotic and so does he. When he is watching the woman ...

I'm worried that he doesn't want me as much as the porn stars!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5195 days ago

5 May 2010 (F - hi there, ok so im 17 and my boyfriends 21, we have been together for about 8 months now and since pretty much day 1 we have sex everytime we see each other. we have a great relationship so dont worry about askin me anythin about that and we are v...

Porn, anger, mistake.

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5195 days ago

5 May 2010 (? - Well a little while ago I got on Facebook. I wanted to see what my boyfriend was up to so looked at his Facebook page. (I didn't go onto his account just wanted to see if he had updated). I saw that he had befriended some girl. Curious I clicked on ...

Is he masturbating over girls we know?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5197 days ago

4 May 2010 (F - about a month ago I was on my boyfriends computer, and while i was typing in an web address a porn site popped up, as one he was looking at recently. So I looked at his history, i know i probably shouldnt have, but i did. i wanted to see what kind ...

We used to watch porn together but now he hides it!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5198 days ago

3 May 2010 (F - my boyfriend and i used to watch porn together all the time, now he is hiding it. any idea why? i love watching it with him and i loved that he was into sharing that with me. we used to have wild crazy fun times and shared very openly about our ...

I've become attracted to a cartoon character, and can't imagine a relationship with a real person.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5197 days ago

3 May 2010 (F - Hey I am 16, closer to 17 and I have never had a relationship of any sort or wanted to. I read and write erotic literature regularly and get turned on, often by things involving girls more so than guys, but the idea of anything doing anything with a ...

I discovered something worrying on his computer

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5198 days ago

3 May 2010 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together for almost three and a half years and we love each other very much. I have a problem of snooping his computer from time to time - I am too curious for my own good - but I have managed to all but stop myself ...

Boyfriend, drugs and pornography

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5184 days ago

2 May 2010 (F - I found out that my boyfriend has been lieing to me for maybe the duration of our three year relationship about porn, i foud some on his computer. since then he has been treating me diffrently and i even foud out he has been snorting legal coke from ...

I bought him a "man's" magazine but he tried to downplay his enjoyment! Surely a man would be thrilled his wife bought him such a thing?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5184 days ago

2 May 2010 (F - Looking for a man's perspective... I bought my husband a popular men's magazine because I get turned on at the thought of him being turned on by looking at other women. I am 100% straight, but I also get turned on by the magazines. Wh...

The guy I am seeing wants to engage in incest themed role play!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5199 days ago

1 May 2010 (? - Sorry, I'm sure you get questions like this all the time... Anyway, I'm 18 and I'm "seeing" a guy who is mid 40's, he is divorced and has no kids and I'm going off to uni soon so it'll be goodbyes in a bit, the other day we were laying in bed and he ...

I don't mind if my husband watches porn but he lies to me about it!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5181 days ago

1 May 2010 (F - i have a problem,i husband loves porn and so do i but i dont tell him problem is when he watches it he lies to me about it,and i have told him several times that i dont care just dont lie to me about it ya know.and another thing is ...

Poll for men concerning porn

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5196 days ago

1 May 2010 (F - Quick poll for the men, how many of you look at porn when you're in a relationship? How many of you lie about your porn use? How many continue to use porn despite being asked not to? How many of you would actually stop if she asked? How many have ...

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