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Archived questions from: February, 2011 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

I googled my girlfriend's name and found a homemade sex video that may be of her. Should I ask her about it, or just drop it?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4898 days ago

27 February 2011 (M - So, I regularly play on Google just randomly googling up stuff and I tried googling my girlfriend just to see what came up, all ordinary, Facebook, Myspace, etc. Then I took off the filter and after going through many of the main pages, I found ...

After watching porn, I feel insecure about my penis size. Is there a way to make it larger?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4884 days ago

27 February 2011 (M - Hi, I am 22 years old man. My penis size is 2-3 inches in normal condition and it is 5 inches when erect. I am feeling so shy about my penis after watching porn videos. If I get married, will my wife live happily with me? These are some of ...

I'm this normal?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4878 days ago

27 February 2011 (F - I am 23 female and straight. But i'm only turned on by lesbian porn, is this normal???...

He's tetchy and says its because of no sex. Should I end things?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4899 days ago

25 February 2011 (F - I have been together with my fella for 8 years. When we met, he had an addiction to porn. I did not want porn to be part of our relationship and told him this clearly. We battled for 5 years and finally he gave it up saying he wanted me more than ...

How can I heighten my sexual experience with my mate?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4901 days ago

24 February 2011 (F - I'm interested in heightening my sexual experience with my mate. I've done the porn thing with him and while that satisfies my immediate need and his, it doesn't take me where I want to go. I want to be so high on the orgasm that nothing else ...

4 years and I don't think I can stay any longer!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4902 days ago

22 February 2011 (F - I have been with my little girls dad for 4 years now. Our baby is 11 months old and I have a little boy that is 7, from a previous relationship. My boyfriend constantly looks at porn and pictures of naked girls. He even looks at girls when we go ...

Am I asking for trouble if I sent naked photos of myself?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4902 days ago

21 February 2011 (M - okay, so recently i had a girl i know ask me to send her pictures of myself naked. i do have a great body and am not shy but refrained as i am not interested in her and dont want to give her the wrong impression. that being said i now have an urge ...

Do I have the right to be concerned about his porn use, and the fact that he lied about his facebook friends?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4904 days ago

21 February 2011 (F - I've been with my boyfriend almost a year now and everything is absolutely perfect to me. I've never loved a man the way I love him. I've been in relationships before, but we both feel we’re made for each other. He treats me very good, but sometimes ...

I have a large labia. Is that unattractive?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4903 days ago

21 February 2011 (F - This is kind of embarrassing for me, but I am very self-concious about my vagina. I have a rather large labia and fear that men would find it unattractive. Though I've never had sex, I've been sexually involved with a couple of guys in other ways ...

How do I deal with the change in my body, after having a baby?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4904 days ago

19 February 2011 (F - Okay so I have been with my partner for three years already and have already had a child with him. I used to not be afraid to show my body off because my boobs were bigger and perky size c, my body was nice and big I even had them lil dimples on my ...

His porn watching is upsetting me.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4906 days ago

18 February 2011 (M - Im 19 years old and away at university, my boyfriend is 25 and is at home working, we have constantly disagreed on subjects but this one has effected me the most, he likes to use porn as a masturbation aid, downloading around 50 porn video's I have ...

I get turned on by different types of porn?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 4878 days ago

18 February 2011 (M - Hey guys, basically i am concerned about my mental health as recently i have been thinking about all the porn i have viewed in my lifetime im 19 and started watching it when i was 13, basically i have gone through a variety of it some of which is ...

Porn video sent to me, how will g/f react?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 4887 days ago

17 February 2011 (M - ive been with my girlfriend for over 1 year and 6 months and she wanted me to give up p*rn after we first had intercourse which i understand but i failed about 4 times breaking her heart which made me relise what a twat ive been about it and for ...

How can I find out if boyfriend is watching porn?

This question has 21 answers - newest was posted 4892 days ago

17 February 2011 (F - Other than the history, how can you find out if porn is being viewed on the internet? or webcams being viewed? boyfriend vows that he hasn't been watching it anymore, but how can I be sure? He lives with me and uses my computers, I have thought ...

Why did boyfriend lie about watching porn when I was open to it?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4895 days ago

17 February 2011 (F - I've been dating my BF for over 4 years. he always had the stand that he didn't get into porn and it didn't do anything for him. I was open to it, I had my own collection. I tried to introduce it into our relationship at one point and he couldn't ...

195 pictures of porn stars in his phone!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4901 days ago

17 February 2011 (F - i am very saden with my baby's dad recently i wanted to surprise him to make a picture collage with the pictures that he had in his phone with my little girl and for my surprise he had 195 pictures of naked women specially with porn stars and i ...

I'm terribly insecure about our sex life, his porn-habit isn't helping!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4892 days ago

16 February 2011 (F - I discovered the other day that my boyfriend watches porn. I'm terribly insecure about our sex life as it is as i do not cum from just sex as most women don't and i worry that this may put him off. I don't want to start 'Faking it' but after ...

Married only 3 months, and we haven't had sex for 2 months. He watches porn and rejects my advances. Advice needed!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4903 days ago

16 February 2011 (F - I have been married only 3 months, and we had sex in the 1st month of marriage. I caught my husband watching porn in the morning when I was not around, and we do not have sex now. Whenever I try to seduce him he gets irritated and tells me he's ...

Hundreds of porn sites in one week on his computer!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4911 days ago

11 February 2011 (F - I posted earlier but cannot find where it went. I couldn't help myself, after seeing just a few porn websites on my boyfriends history, I searched through the rest of his history and there are literally hundreds of porn sites and google searches ...

I don't like him using pornography and he thinks I am controlling him

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4887 days ago

11 February 2011 (F - i need some advice... i don't know if i have the right to be insecure about this subject or if i am just crazy,here is the situation. my boyfriend and i have been together for a year now, we are living together and are very happy.i have just one...

Help me understand his mind!!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4912 days ago

11 February 2011 (F - Dear Cupids: I have been with my man for three years this March and we've been through more than most couples I know... I have always known about his hyper-testosterone and do my best to keep up with him and please him so he does not stray....

He watches porn first then comes to me. I feel cheated!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4912 days ago

11 February 2011 (F - My husband comes to me at night after seeing porn videos and images on internet, he is already aroused and when he starts touching me i feel he finds it hard to keep himself aroused. We do end up having sex somehow, but I feel cheated. He doesn't ...

He's looking at porn every day, and defensive about it

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4915 days ago

9 February 2011 (F - My boyfriend and I had a huge fight last night about porn. I dont mind he viewing porn but I saw he was viewing porn on everyday basis on his computer. I asked him why does he like porn and he told me , he doesnt know himself. He actually told me ...

Boyfriend broke up saying he is bored of me

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4916 days ago

9 February 2011 (F - Hello All, Ok, so today my boyfriend told me that he doesn't love me anymore and that he is bored of me... while 2 days prior he said i love you,and just the night before was cuddling me in bed.. He was planning on moving in in 2 weeks, and all his ...

The what's and why's of watching Porn!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4917 days ago

8 February 2011 (F - Hi I just need some advice from Women and Men I have been with partner for 10 years we have four children he is 27 and I'm 32!! We have sex every day almost!! We recently got wireless devices which he watches Porn on ok so here goes the questio...

Broke up with partner who was using escorts, and I feel more relieved than sad. Is this normal?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4909 days ago

7 February 2011 (F - I am a 42-year-old woman who just found out that her partner of 2 years has been visiting prostitutes. I ended the relationship yesterday afternoon when I found solid proof that he had been lying to me about his internet porn use, but got the final ...

Why can't I just trust him that he isn't looking at porn?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4918 days ago

5 February 2011 (F - I have been with my current boyfriend for almost a year now (anniversary is in a few days). It is in fact a long distance relationship, but we meet often. Anyway, I've always had this issue about him watching porn. Except this is a little differe...

He watches porn every day and has so many excuses why he cant have sex with me!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4920 days ago

5 February 2011 (F - I have a major concern about my boyfriend...We have been together for almost 9months now and things have been okay until I noticed he likes to look up porn daily. Truthfully I watch porn but not before I decide to go to bed with him. I think Porn is ...

I prefer lesbian porn over heterosexual.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4911 days ago

4 February 2011 (F - I like to watch lesbian porn and whenever my boyfriends at work and I'm on my own I go on the internet and watch it. I love my boyfriend so much and I've been with him nearly 2 years but I don't understand why I like this more than heterosexual ...

Is watching porn while your in a relationship a form of cheating?

This question has 19 answers - newest was posted 4914 days ago

4 February 2011 (F - Is watching porn while your in a relationship a form of cheating? I've found out my boyfriend has watched porn a few times and confronted him about it. I told him that I feel degraded when he looks at that stuff because he has ME, so why should he ...

Once a regular porn user, always a regular porn user?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4918 days ago

3 February 2011 (F - I am worried that my boyfriend is lying to me about his use of porn. When we first met we were open about discussing it and I asked to see his collection. It was huge. I was shocked at the amount he had but understood as he had been single for a ...

I'm insecure with my b/f about swinger emails, porn ...

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 4921 days ago

3 February 2011 (F - Hi.. I have seen on the search history that my boyfriend stays viewing porn. At first it didn't bother, but now he sees it everyday. I also saw he was getting emails from a swingers club but it was dated several months after we started dating.. he ...

I feel so much guilt for doing this!

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4917 days ago

3 February 2011 (M - I have a gf but we haven't had sex in a while she is out of town ... I miss it and sometimes i watch porn and porn videos of gays come out .... so today there is someone that i didnt know and we were talking on the internet and he asked me if i wa...

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