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Archived questions from: May, 2007 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

He watches porn and 'gets off', every morning! Is this why we don't have sex?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5938 days ago

30 May 2007 (F - My bf and i have been together for 3 years now. We hardly have sex. He has a habit of watching porn and getting off in the morning. Could that be one of the reason why we hardly have sex? We had talked about this matter.His answer was because he is ...

How can I stop? I am TOTALLY addicted to porn!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6260 days ago

29 May 2007 (M - I am totally addicted to porn. I try not to think about it but when im on my own all I do is sit there and stare at my laptop until I get up and look at porn. It's getting annoying but I can't stop it. I don't think it porn is acceptable either but ...

My partner of 6 years looks at a lot of online pornography... can't help but feel degraded by it

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6271 days ago

25 May 2007 (F - I have been with my partner for 6 years, and in most aspects of our relationship we are a normal happy couple. However, I know he looks at a lot of online pornography. I am quite open to this, and feel quite happy looking with him sometimes and ...

Why is it that porn has become just 'acceptable behavior' for all guys? But many of them are not cool about it, when their gf's do it.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6274 days ago

23 May 2007 (F - Dear all, I have a question to ask. Sorry this is so long but I had to get it off my chest because I am very upset about it. When I was young, everyone knew that blokes would buy the odd Mayfair and a right of passage it seems would be your Mum ...

Is his watching porn caused his lack of sexual interest in me?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6274 days ago

22 May 2007 (F - My 30 yr old bf likes to watch porn featuring 50 yr old women. He said it has nothing to do with how attracted he is to me, but lately has not been able to perform sexually. Im really afraid he doesn't find me sexually attractive and is just with me ...

My friend fears she is addicted to internet porn! What strategies can she employ to stop herself when she gets the urge to view internet porn?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4469 days ago

20 May 2007 (F - My friend is worried that she is becoming addicted to masturbation/internet porn. She believes in only sleeping with men she loves which has been torturous for her at times since she has a very high sex drive so when there was no man she would ...

Found out my bf has ordered some really, really sick porn! Is he a pervert and what should I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5728 days ago

18 May 2007 (F - I have found out when on my bf's computer, that in an email he had in his inbox, he has ordered 9 hardcore sick sick sick porn.!!!! What does this mean? is he a perve? He never seems like that. does it mean i'm not enough for him? I feel like i ...

He doesn't have sex with me. But he says he loves me! Is it because of the porn he watches.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6279 days ago

18 May 2007 (F - My husband has been secretly watching porn, and this has taken over our sex life, for months he was not interested in me, then when I found out why, he wanted to have sex with me to prove that nothing was wrong between us, what, I'm confused, but ...

Is my boyfriend addicted to porn?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5087 days ago

17 May 2007 (F - my boyfriend of 3years has stopped any sexual contact with me what so ever and the second he gets to be alone he looks at porn on the computer well the 40inch hd tv computer screen that is (great)! he got his pc last september and weve had sex about ...

Are the nudie pics on his phone really normal?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6281 days ago

16 May 2007 (F - is it normal for my boyfriend to masturbate watching tv, while i sleep beside him, is it normal for a man of 38 yrs old to have naked pictures of other women on his phone, is it normal for him to hide porn in our home. We are 3yrs together...

should I feel insecure because my husband is watching porn?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6270 days ago

13 May 2007 (F - I caught my husband jacking off to internet porn. This makes my so insecure about us. Should it?...

He looks at porn all the time, I feel as if I'm losing him!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6285 days ago

12 May 2007 (F - Dear cupid, on a few occasions I have found out that my husband was looking at teen porn sites or pictures, i asked him about it and he denied it, looking back from before we were married and not living together he had been paying to go a a few ...

He calls out his 17 year old daughter's name in bed and he likes underage porn! What is going on with this guy?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 6213 days ago

8 May 2007 (F - My boyfriend has a giant porn collection that i discovered recently. he watches them when i leave the house even if its for a few minutes. some of the dvds are underage porn. i am worried because his 17 yr old daughter is coming to live with us. ...

Caught my husband watching gay porn on the internet!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5639 days ago

4 May 2007 (F - hi all,well dont know what to do i caught my husband watching gay porn on internet,he says he is not gay just likes watching it .cant understand please help...

I don't have a problem with pornography per se, but it has been quite excessive with him in the past.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6294 days ago

3 May 2007 (F - He says I Live in cloud cuckoo land because he hides pornography in his car and I say its not right. I don't have a problem with pornography per se, but it has been quite excessive with him in the past. Some time back I noticed the carpet in front ...

Im 18, and have been getting stomach cramps, could I be pregant!?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6293 days ago

2 May 2007 (F - okay im 18 years old. i have been with me boyfriend for awile now. well we have stared haveing sex alittle under two weeks ago but here latly i have been haveing little stumch cramps. and my brest are a little sore. i was reading that thoses are ...

He has no time for me any more and lies about his porn on the PC

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6140 days ago

1 May 2007 (F - hi there dont know what to do got a bit of a problem what would you think if your partner was downloading porn on the computer you told him you didnt like it the first time and how it hurt you espicially when he said he didnt until you showed him ...

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