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Archived questions from: January, 2012 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

Great love life but sneaky boyfriend. What do you think?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4556 days ago

31 January 2012 (F - My bf and I have been together for 9 yrs. We are both late 20's and he is good to me and loves me. However I say he is "sneaky" because pretty much every 3-4 months like clockwork I will discover something that makes me really question my ...

More porn = less sex. What's not to get?

This question has 38 answers - newest was posted 4557 days ago

31 January 2012 (F - Just wanted to put an opinion out there... I have posted questions and answers about porn, spoken to girlfriends and read endless articles about men and womens views on porn. One thing seems glaringly obvious yet so often overlooked by me...

Am I Bi or a Sicko? :(

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4560 days ago

30 January 2012 (M - Hello guy's my name is Dan and i am 20 years old please don't judge. I have been very worried recently over the type of porn i used to watch as a teen 13 - 19(not sure when i actually started) I used to watch normal hetrosexual porn (not for lo...

My B/f says he's desensitized from all the sex and needs a three day break! Is that even possible? And he watched porn the very next night!

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4563 days ago

28 January 2012 (F - So my boyfriend and I have been having sex pretty much every night for the past week to the point where he can't cum. He says he's desensitized from all the sex and needs a three day break, which we both agreed to under certain conditions: he not ...

People think he's perfect. Yet how do I cope with his secretiveness and fact he may be seeing escourts? He has excuses for everything.

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4560 days ago

26 January 2012 (F - Hi, I'm married with two kids and have serious trust issues with my husband. We've been together for 12yrs and everyone who knows us thinks he's the perfect guy as he is a great father, helps around the house and is easy going. About 2 yrs ago I ...

What are the negative aspects of the porn industry?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4560 days ago

25 January 2012 (F - My apologies if this question has been asked before. Can somebody tell me of the negative aspects of the porn industry? Not the effects of porn on viewers... things which those behind the scenes are often subjected to. I'm trying to deter myself ...

I am tempted to have sex with my ex. He is flirting with me and I really would like to respond! Please advice?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4566 days ago

24 January 2012 (F - Hey guys, I'm getting tempted by my ex and don't want to cheat on my bf, what should I do? My ex sends me racy FB and text messages, and has asked for/sent me pictures of himself in various stages of undress, telling me what he would do to me if we ...

Porn woes!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4566 days ago

24 January 2012 (F - Looking for a male perspective; in the throes of a wonderful new relationship and I'm the happiest I've been for years. The emotional side of the relationship is perfect and the physical side the same. I'm very open-minded!! The only niggle I have ...

I'm in the depths of depression. Is there a way out?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4567 days ago

24 January 2012 (M - Hey guy's I'm going to apologize before hand as on the education front I don't have much. Here's my story.. and why I have self diagnosed myself with social anxiety and depression. I started to realise I was different around the age of 13 I...

I want to watch porn with him, but can't get comfortable enough!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4568 days ago

23 January 2012 (F - I used to be dead set against porn when me and my partner first got together. That was 7 years ago. Now that I have grown up and gotten older, I realize it is not so bad, and that I actually enjoy it. i dont obsess over the peopl in the movies, ...

My body isn't the same after having a my bf's porn watching bothers me... a lot! What can I do?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4558 days ago

23 January 2012 (F - My boyfriend and I have been dating for three years we have a two year old daughter and we live together. I caught him watching porn the other night while i was supposed to be napping. I approached him and he lied to my face when i could see it on ...

Men, do you watch porn? Woman, are you okay with your man watching it?

This question has 26 answers - newest was posted 4485 days ago

19 January 2012 (F - Okay I need to know answersfrom men an women! Men do you all watch porn? Me an my boyfriend of 6 years has had this issue I the past year I found him lookin at porn. So it hurts that he has to look at other women it's not like he's watching a video ...

I think I'm addicted to internet porn!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4572 days ago

18 January 2012 (M - i am a man of 26 i have always loved porn and mosted fantasys i have tried to explore most of my sexual appertite but i feel its not enough i have a fiance that is 23 years old as much as i love her she just doesnt fufill my needs is this wrong of ...

He says he was in a bad place at the time ...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4572 days ago

14 January 2012 (F - I found out that my boyfriend of 10 years had been involved in a texting relationship. I also found a large amount of computer file folders with womens pictures. Each woman had their own folder. The women were downloaded pictures from facebook, ...

His continued porn use is eating away my love for him!

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 4575 days ago

12 January 2012 (F - I need some male answere to understand what is going on or going wrong in our relationship. I try to make it simple. Here are the facts: We are married for a long time,still in love, have lots of hot sex (never boring!!!!), I am still very attra...

Found boyfriend on a fetish website!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4572 days ago

11 January 2012 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together for a year. He is very kind, sweet and generous and I've never had any doubts that he's a good person. The only real problem we've had is his porn usage - I don't like it, I think the majority is degrading to ...

Husband is watching porn on our honeymoon!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4572 days ago

10 January 2012 (F - My husband and I are on ourhoneymoon and we were about to get in the hot tube in our room (ending in having sex) but when I looked over I saw he was on his computer watching porn. As I was walking over he quickly exited out of it. I confronted him ...

He wants pictures of my private bits, what should I do?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 4558 days ago

9 January 2012 (F - I talked to this guy once on the phone, i'm not sure how old he is, he is divorced and has a daughter that lives with his ex and he sees his daughter on the weekends. we chatted a little bit and he wants me to send pictures of my breasts and my ...

He was reading (possibly more) old explicit chats with his ex, should I worry?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4556 days ago

8 January 2012 (F - I have been with my boyfriend for 18 months. He hasn't been with his ex for 2.5 years now. I have always felt that he still has feelings for her. Numerous things have happened to make me feel uneasy but the latest one really has me distrusting ...

Boyfriend asks me to download porn since he doesn't have a computer!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4584 days ago

7 January 2012 (F - is it wrong for me getting upset that my "fiancee" watches to much porn even after i had told him that it bothers me that he do, he even watches it in front of me when we get in to a argument and even asks me to download his favorites for him ...

Was the photo on my boyfriend's phone pornography he downloaded or was it proof of him cheating?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4588 days ago

1 January 2012 (F - Hello! My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 yrs and have 2 children. He recently has bought a new phone (his old one was an old phone he had for a yr, but it was an older type phone, with the mobile browser that charges you for every mi...

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