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Archived questions from: November, 2010 (see latest in Pornography category)

Pornography: Help and advice

My boyfriend would rather masturbate then have sex with me!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4928 days ago

29 November 2010 (F - Please i need some answers mainly from men... Iv been with my boyfriend for 10months now and from the start we had sex quite a lot, not as much as id like to because he worked a lot running his own business. anyway we moved into a new house a few ...

I'm scared my mom will find out I've been watching porn on the internet!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4974 days ago

27 November 2010 (F - Does this mean I should stop? I've been having night terrors where I can't remember if what happened was a dream or reality. I fear my mother will find out I have watched porn on the internet. She's found out a sex conversation before and a naughty ...

Is the fact that he looks at porn and lies to me about an issue of incompatibility?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4959 days ago

27 November 2010 (F - My question concerns pornography. Context: My boyfriend and I are 23 years old and have been together for almost 2 years. I love having sex and virtually never turn him down. Really, I'm the one that gets turned down the most. We currently ...

B/f wants a room he can fill with pictures of naked women!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4114 days ago

26 November 2010 (F - Girls (or boys can answer too i guess to give your side) How do you feel about the fact your bf/fiance/husband has or wants a room to be his (like a games room) and have it filled with pictures of naked women??? I was just talkin to my bf and...

Do all men watch porn and hide it?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4983 days ago

25 November 2010 (F - me and my boyfriend have a very good sex life and have sex at very least once a day. but he always watches porn and then hides it, this really upsets me, am i being silly, do all men do this? ...

Boyfriend looks at porn all the time! He won't stop or understand my feelings

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4993 days ago

25 November 2010 (F - my boyfriend looks at porn and we have sex all the time and i mean more than once so i dont understand y he has to look at porn...and when i ask him about it he gets mad and doesnt talk to me i dont know what to do please help me...

Can someone help me get rid of this affliction?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4993 days ago

24 November 2010 (M - Okay here's the deal. I'm in my teens and I have had homosexual feelings since I was ten. I was not assualted in any way. I have recently been feeling very convicted about my "feelings" and also about watching homosexual or gay pornograhy. I ha...

I look at pornography when I am stressed

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4994 days ago

23 November 2010 (F - I don't know why I keep browsing pornography on the internet whenever I feel stress from school work. Is it normal for a girl to do so?...

Dependant on porn and worried about my fantasies

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4994 days ago

22 November 2010 (F - I'm a 39 year old woman and a single mum. Not found a relationship that makes me happy and have become dependant on porn, but I feel sick with myself and this is the only place I feel I can share it without being judged. Problem is that when I surf ...

Why won't my husband watch porn with me?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4996 days ago

21 November 2010 (F - Ok, I have been with my husband for years,married 7 mons. ago. We have a great relationship except this 1 thing...He has always liked porn,mostly "barely legal"teen girls(or so they say)and I guess im at a loss cause I have said hey!why dont we ...

Boyfriend watches gay porn on a regular basis!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4996 days ago

21 November 2010 (F - I found out that my boyfriend of 5 years watches gay porn on a regular basis. He has always watched a lot of porn, but about 1 year ago I noticed gay porn and gay dating sites in his search history. He used to say that it was all pop ups from the ...

My husband always talks about how hot porn stars are.

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4992 days ago

18 November 2010 (F - my husband watches porn. we have a great sex life. but when he watches porn he says comments like, o look at that big ass, mm those boobs are huge or her pussy looks good i want to fuck it. he says he loves me and loves my body. why would he say ...

He has a tape of him and his ex together, why does he want to keep it? And what is with all the lies?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5000 days ago

17 November 2010 (F - I have been dating this guy for 4 months and everything seemed fine. Then (2 months into it) I found out he was watching porn. I have told him about the fact that I have a problem with it. He looked me in the eyes and promised not to look at it ...

Why does my boyfriend prefer porn over his hot girlfriend?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4998 days ago

16 November 2010 (F - Okay, My boyfriend and I have been dating for two years now and been living together for about a year. At first we had a really good sexual relationship and had sex often. Now we have sex like once a month, but all other aspects of the relationship ...

He's browsing women's sexy clothing websites!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5000 days ago

16 November 2010 (F - Hi everyone, I'm the girl that had the boyfriend who wanted a break. Well things haven't gone as far as that but I have found that he has been checking out girls wearing sexy clothes online. He is no way looking at pornography, just girls weari...

What is the big deal with ones partner watching porn?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5003 days ago

14 November 2010 (F - I always see a lot of married couples or people dating complaining about their husband/boyfriend watching porn. Why dont they like it when they do it? Because really I would be up for watching it with them, but other people dont seem to feel that ...

How can I make him explode again, without the aid of porn?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 4838 days ago

10 November 2010 (F - I love my boyfriend 5 months. We are both virgins but engage in oral sex. My problem is the blowjob. FYI I love to please him. I've given him 6 complete ones so far. (there were others in between but dont count because we were distracted interrupted ...

How can I get him to fall in love with me again?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4999 days ago

10 November 2010 (F - Dear Cupid, My husband and I have been married for 3 years. I had a complete hysterectomy 2 1/2 years ago and since then I lost some of my sex drive. In the past year I feel as he has fallen out of love with me. I know he has cheated at least tw...

My husband keeps lying to me about watching porn! How can I get him to stop?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4998 days ago

9 November 2010 (F - My husband and i have been married for almost 2 years now, but together for almost 6. We also have a duagter. We have always had great sex life, full of adventure. I was up to anything really. Within the past few months though, he has really ...

Is my Fiancée lying when he tells me 'he doesn't need Porn because he's got me??

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5002 days ago

9 November 2010 (F - Do you think my Fiance is lieing to me when he tells me 'he dont need Porn because he's got me??...

Am I overreacting if I don't like it when my boyfriend looks up naked women online?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5009 days ago

8 November 2010 (F - It was in July this year that I first found out that my boyfriend has been watching pictures of naked women on the internet. I was looking for a web page I couldn't find but had visited before so I tried to look for it in his browsing history. When ...

Why do I feel so guilty about watching porn by myself?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5010 days ago

7 November 2010 (F - My partner and I both watch porn but I prefer to watch it seperately as i feel uncomfortable watching it with my partner and i like to be soley with him when we are together. i know he would like to watch it together but he doesnt press me to watch ...

Am I going to get a huge bill from this porn site?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5005 days ago

6 November 2010 (M - So let me explain a few things I was really horny one day and I decided to buy on of those pre-paid credit cards for 50bucks and get a membership to one of those porno site and I filled out everything and got the membership for one month and spen...

A previous porn addict balancing masturbation/porn in new relationship

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5008 days ago

6 November 2010 (M - I have in my past been strongly addicted, and satisfied somewhat, with porn browsing, gathering, viewing and masturbation. I enjoyed every aspect of it, and though I've struggled with it's influence on my relationships and tried countless times to ...

He seeks out young women online to sexually entertain him, compared to them I feel like I am not good enough

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5010 days ago

5 November 2010 (F - My husband is 49 and I am 53. We have been married for 13 years. He watches and masturbates to young women around 21-23 years of age, stripping and masturbating on line. I take good care of myself and have a good figure but now feel like I am ...

I know I am not gay and would never even kiss a guy, but why do I get turned on by gay porn?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5011 days ago

3 November 2010 (M - i'm straight and in a relationship, i've been with many girls, i'm really attracted to them and lesbians, i often find im turned on by girls i shouldnt been like my ex's sisters and stuff. anyway my question is, i like to watch gay porn and get ...

Why do women complain about porn?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 4999 days ago

3 November 2010 (? - Okay...So i just have a question in general. Why do women complain about they're Love watching porn or anything else for that matter to porn? It's like such a big deal, oh no. But theres so many women out there who do it themselves. I...

He doesn't masturbate to porn but still watches it regularly?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5010 days ago

2 November 2010 (F - I know this is yet ANOTHER complaint about porn, but i'm just trying to understand my fiancé. Before me he had not had a for filling sexual relationship (i.e barely ever did anything sexual with his girlfriend). I was aware he watched porn bef...

Admit it guys, you're fantasizing about the girls in porn, the rest is just excuses

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 4980 days ago

2 November 2010 (F - I have opinion's I’d like to express about male sexuality. Porn. I understand that not all girls have an issue with it, just as some guys don’t watch it. I often hear of guys feeling like they have to hide it from there spouse. "what they don’t know ...

He's watching porn... is he a player? Am I too ugly for him?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5012 days ago

1 November 2010 (F - Hi everybody. I need you to judge me. My boyfriend said I'm too jealous. We been together for 3years on and off. I always check on his stuff. Like his cell phone, computer. I always see what he been watching on the internet. I found out last pas...

Why does my boyfriend keep looking at porn???

This question has 19 answers - newest was posted 5015 days ago

1 November 2010 (F - I've caught my boyfriend for the second time looking at porn and masturbating over it. I hate the thought of my boyfriend looking at other naked girls on the internet and wanking off to them. Iv been seeing him for just over 2 years and its ...

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