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We agreed not have watch porn, now I've seen he's been searching it...

Tagged as: Dating, Pornography, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (29 April 2009) 2 Answers - (Newest, 2 May 2009)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, *ooty24 writes:

Me and my boyfriend told each other that we would not watch porn when we weren't around each other - a mutual agreement...

However, I have watched porn once and literally by accident just now, I have seen on his past searches that he has been looking up porn.

I realise we're both as bad as each other but I can't help but feel angry... How should I go about it? Ignore it or admit to it and then tell him I saw that he'd been watching it?

I know this may not seem like a very desperate question but he'll be back home soon and I don't know how to act.... :(

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A female reader, sooty24 United Kingdom +, writes (2 May 2009):

sooty24 is verified as being by the original poster of the question

sooty24 agony auntThank you, I've discussed it with him and after a long chat it's been sorted :)

Thanks again!


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A female reader, anonymous, writes (30 April 2009):

Well I would say if you both agreed- maybe he doesn't want to stop?

You should tell him you know he broke the trust and it should not be a one sided thing.

I know myself I have tried to cut down both by myself and with my partner. But have found myself watching by myself now and again.

It is very addictive.

You should not come across critical just try and do it for each other with mutual help.

But saying that most guys say they have stopped and still carry on!

Hope this helps.

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