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*bella agony aunt


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"Always be Kinder than necessary"... J M Barrie

I've added some new quotes today (but also kept the earlier ones below)

And the next two quotes are from a wise Uncle on this site called BrownWolf

“I very thankful for the ounce of common sense I have...because sense is not that common. :) “

"Stay away from foolish people; they have nothing to teach you."

That quote about foolish people from BrownWolf is so true. A weak person cannot be trusted. With a strong person you have more certainty, they are not afraid to stand up and be counted when they are needed.

And I especially like BrownWolf's first quote above on common sense and so I asked BrownWolf for permission to replicate it here. BrownWolf then generously offered the second quote, above, as well.

When you meet a person for the first time, then imagine they are facing their biggest challenge ever:

With this mind-set it reminds us to be kind and use empathy because we can never truly know the extent of personal challenges a person is currently facing.

Badgering a person and humiliation with unreasonable demands for "I have to know" is more likely to harm than help. We do not "have to know". Be kind. Listen carefully and remain supportive. Then the person will willingly reveal more and feel safe to reveal more again.

We can never assume that things are much easier than things are for ourselves.

It encourages one to listen carefully and employ empathy in our dealings with others.

In life we face many things. But with each challenge we can grow a little stronger. When you meet a person with great strength of character it is possible that they grew that strength as a result of some very tough obstacles and some personal tragedies.

Never underestimate such a person.

Strength does not imply brutality nor cruelty and often not even physical strength.

A truly strong person will never seek to harm another. They know their strength and they know that kindness will move mountains more easily than brutality.

Then there is one of my favourites: Sun Tzu.

The wisdom of Sun Tzu is still as fresh as the day he wrote it 4000 years ago:

“A leader leads by example not by force. “

And now some less well known quotes:

“It is much more valuable to look for the strength in others. You can gain nothing by criticizing their imperfections.”

by Daisaku Ikeda

“I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.”

by Maya Angelou

“Challenges are what will make us stronger.”

by Zainab Alsaati

Respect other people's feelings. Even if it doesn't mean anything to you, it could mean everything to them. (quoted by many, but generally considered to be by 'unknown')

'As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.'.....Andrew Carnegie

I also respect the Chinese idea of "face" - there is no need to humiliate people. It demeans the one doing the demeaning. there are better ways to call a person to account with dignity. Focus on the Issue when there is a problem rather than be accusatory to the person

'Spilled water is hard to regain' (fù shu nán shou)

"Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt,

kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate." .....Albert Schweitzer

'A sunny disposition is worth more than fortune.

Young people should know that it can be cultivated; that the mind like the body can be moved from the shade into sunshine'. .Andrew Carnegie

"We will not be remembered by our words, but by our kind deeds." ... Author Unknown, from A Great Life Lesson

“It always seems impossible until it's done.”... Nelson Mandella

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." .....Mother Teresa

"Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough." .....Franklin D. Roosevelt

'Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.'...Andrew Carnegie

what's your favourite quote?

But all is not sweetness, kindness and light in this complex world.

There really are afflicted and inadequate people in this world who get their pleasure from deliberately trying to hurt others.

They do this out of an inflated sense of their importance in the scheme of things. They feel entitled to be mean to others. They have become arrogant over the years.

Yet they are not the strong individuals they think they are. Instead they are passive aggressive bullies.

There are those afflicted with traits that are so petty and unkind that one wonders what has happened to make them that way?

Their arrogance will not allow them to step back and get help for their afflictions.

Instead, like a bull in a china shop, they just keep on head butting harder and harder, using the same tactics they've been using for years to try to get their own way.

What traits cause the problems for such insecure arrogant persons with an inflated sense of entitlement?

Here are a few of the afflictions that continually cause problems in their relationships:


Passive Aggression?

Being Hate filled towards those they see as ''less'' than themselves = everyone?



For those afflicted with those horrible traits all I can feel for these tormented souls is pity that they are beset with such inadequacies and negativity.

The traits result in them concocting a lie that they are the victims, when in reality they are instead the bullies, the overly judgmental and nasty arrogant persons who enjoy hurting others.

Just feel sorry for them and their inadequate responses.

Then go forth and find things to enjoy in life. Find the positive, find ways to be supportive and kind to others. It is win win in every way on all sides.

Turn your back on cruel unkind and bitter people. Leave them to scheme alone. Their negativity causes their faces to betray their bitterness within.

Their hearts harden and they wonder why others can be so unaffected by all their schemes to hurt others. They are the losers who think their nastiness towards others is justified.

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A.   9 January 2017: I like your spirit and optimism because it is clearly doing wonders for your outlook and you clearly are coping well with life. I commend you for keeping active and running your own household, remembering appointments, and paying your own bills. ... (read in full...)

How can I make this work, with her? We both need to lose weight, but her motivation is waning.

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A.   28 December 2016: You can motivate yourself. You can become fit with a nice flat midriff and toned legs and arms. You can become fit enough to cycle 100 miles effortlessly or swim laps for 5 hours without raising a sweat. You can get to that point because you are ... (read in full...)

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A.   30 October 2016: What a horrible situation to be in. Of course you must feel shattered. and betrayed and used. This woman is NOT worthy of you. I do NOT think this is a situation where you need to let them know your plans. After all your gf is already movin... (read in full...)

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A.   26 October 2016: Yes your mother is behaving as a petulant insecure child. This is all about her control over you. It is disrespectful for her try to monopolise your time. And it is time for her to learn that you have boundaries that cannot be crossed. No s... (read in full...)

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A.   23 October 2016: it is great that you feel that you have always had a great relationship with your partner's mother. That is a very good start. But many have seen situations where the mother in law and daughter in law relationship relationship is any thing but cord... (read in full...)

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A.   9 October 2016: write the name down in phonetic form. I will give you and example. I cannot spell the following words in another language as I am choosing to learn the language via a phonetic pathway. so if I write down this: Hun-gee I know that equals the ... (read in full...)

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A.   3 October 2016: You will be the one in debt if you keep on being so generous. You do not need to woo her with restaurant meals and fancy clothing. Start as you mean to go on. If she is on a low income and you earn more does not mean that you are there to lif... (read in full...)

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A.   2 October 2016: Did you know only one percent of men have a penis of that size? Around 11 inches? There is an even tinier percentage with an even longer penis. Surprisingly the height of the man does not always ensure the penis will be similarly of greater ... (read in full...)

Is it really wrong to pay for sex

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A.   21 September 2016: I am glad that you've dated a little. Though very sorry that she callously cheated on you. That was low. You have correctly identified that high-end prostitutes are very expensive. This is where your Doctor comes into the picture. Ask if the medi... (read in full...)

My eight year old son is such a handful. What action should I be taking to address the problems I face?

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A.   8 September 2016: Your daughter can see through your EX.Seems like your daughter has her life together. You have brought her up to be a responsible capable daughter. Give yourself credit for that. You CAN do the same with your son if your efforts are not regularl... (read in full...)

My eight year old son is such a handful. What action should I be taking to address the problems I face?

Q.   I just don know what to do. My. Son spends school holidays with his dad who lives abroad, My son is eight. every time school holidays approach i'm exhausted and really stressed because he's such a handful. I have some health problems too and...

A.   8 September 2016: I am so sorry that you are suffering mounting challenges and that you are having to get through all this stress with such minimal support. It is impossible for you to do every thing and be every thing for your son. You need help and support... (read in full...)

He has no answer... can someone help me out here with advice? Why can't he last longer?

Q.   At the beginning (11 years ago) we lasted quite long... my husband (7 years) now cums so fast... or his urge to let it go happens as soon as I do anything to him, from stroking it, BJ and as soon as he enters me he can't hold out. But with his ex's...

A.   7 September 2016: He might be working too hard. Not getting enough relaxation time. Long hours, stress at work or even juggling finances can all impact on a person. Does he eat on the run? Does he choose healthy options when it comes to food? Or is he needin... (read in full...)

How do I go forward? He often lied to me. Why did he hurt me like this?

Q.   I left my boyfriend after a six year turbulent relationship. I gave him everything, I saved him from losing his house and bailed him out on numerous occasions. The final straw was finding out he was online sexting with his ex, I walked away. ...

A.   5 September 2016: I am so very sorry that you have been reduced to couch surfing. Try to find a situation where you can house sit for various people while they are on vacation. That way you can live a better life and not pay rent. Try to start getting your fina... (read in full...)

Why do I keep attracting married men instead of available single men?

Q.   Dear cupid I have been single for some years now but the only men that seem to be attracted to me is married men. Why is this happening to me? Do I have some type of vibe that they figure I date married men? I just don't understand this.I been a...

A.   30 August 2016: Not all people in a (assumed) commited relationship cheat. Not all married people cheat. Many would never contemplate being unfaithful to their spouse. Personally I find cheating distatetful and disrespectful. It solves nothing and causes much ... (read in full...)

My Bf's cousin died recently, in a car accident. Now he's acting all weird. What did I do wrong?

Q.   I have been dating my bf for the past 3 1/2 months and I love him so much and he loves me. but recently he lost his cousin in a car accident. He was acting fine all day yesterday and then my friend called me. He is gay and he lives across the coun...

A.   18 August 2016: Grief has stages and it is a terrible time for those suffering grief. It takes time to work through all those feelings. I think an Unexpected death is crushing and shocking an plunges a person into grief. Although similar grieving occurs with an ... (read in full...)

Married but cheating on my husband with two other men. Exciting for me but it's becoming too much. What are my options?

Q.   I'm a married female,no kids, who has been cheating on my husband with a single man for almost two years now... A couple months ago when I arrived at my guys apartment,another man was there with him, who he said was one of his friends from way back...

A.   14 August 2016: It would appear that your husband is either away serving in the military, in jail, or in some form of hospital, or he is working shift work or is working far away. Otherwise he would notice all your absences. once your husband becomes aware of... (read in full...)

What's his problem? My father is rude and abrasive to me. Yet treats my sister with respect and helpfulness?

Q.   I am a young adult still living at home with my parents. I get along with my mother, she is like my best friend and a wonderful mother and she sees what my father has been doing to me and her. My father is just horrible to me for no reason. I ha...

A.   30 July 2016: This would indeed be very distressing. It should be true that all parents treat their children fairly and while not equally, at the very least it would be nice if they treated their children with equity and fairness. But, people being people, it i... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   29 July 2016: and my list of Great Articles written by others needs an addition and here it is: A little humour goes a long way. The above article was published in 2008 and was written by one of th... (read in full...)

Nurses are nasty! I'm a nurse facing surgery and fear I'll be treated badly by other nurses!

Q.   Im going into hospital soon for small surgery and worried the staff andnurses will treat me badly? The surgeon and anaesthetist know I'm a nurse as my own Dr told them! so now all the staff and nurses will know I am a nurse, I cannot even hide tha...

A.   27 July 2016: when I've gone to hospital I take my super pretty nighties. I sit back and enjoy being looked after nicely and I ask the nurses, "what do you need me to do now?" The Nurses love being the ones in charge, I have always found. I bring a puzzle ... (read in full...)

Does anyone have any ideas I can try to help me with my 2 year old son? I'm concerned about his actions

Q.   i really need some advice. im 22 years old and i have two beautiful kids. my daughter is 3 soon to be 4 and my son is just tuned 2. my kids have very diff. personalities. my daughter is very calm and very well behaved, she is amazing. my so...

A.   18 July 2016: I am sure you love your children very much. But your son is in real need of help (not directly for a 2 year old) but for you to help you deal with the aftermath of his behaviour. counselling. This needs to be addressed and I hope that you ca... (read in full...)

Should I disown her for rejecting my name?

Q.   This may be an inappropriate question for this site but I am furious with my daughter. She is 29 and she has recently announced that she plans to get a legal name change, and I am boiling mad. I have a mind to disown her. Even though her mom and I ...

A.   11 July 2016: Your daughter will always be your daughter and you will always have a place in her heart for bringing her into the world. She has gone to some effort to assure you of your place in her life. So I am surprised that your current wife would dare to ... (read in full...)

How to stop my family buying me unwanted unnecessary gifts? Solutions needed, please?

Q.   My parents and grandparents keep buying me things I don't want or need. In the last week I got two puffer vests, a pair of cheap trainers and a shirt two sizes too big. I appreciate the gesture, but the regular buying of things I don't need jus...

A.   18 June 2016: I do think that they want to be needed and appreciated. To them you are still their loved girl. It is their way to stay in touch. Maybe occasionally send them a funny joke or a picture of a place you visited that week or a lovely view you recently ... (read in full...)

Am I sick for doing what I'm doing?

Q.   My friends and me were goofing around one day near some trees in a backyard. We noticed a hole in a bend of the tree trunk and joked how it looked like a butt hole. My friend put his finger in the hole and said it felt gooey. We all did and it f...

A.   18 June 2016: A big thank you to Myau for locating this funny post with 60 answers. Good detective work by Myau to find this and post about it in the public forum. Why are Christmas trees better than other trees? thanks to ebaumsworld and bombsdavid for t... (read in full...)

40 something women don't seem to frequent the places I frequent. So where should I go to meet the 40 something women I feel are so sexy?

Q.   I'm a 25 year old black male who is biracial. My black side is more dominant as my skin color is more of a rich brown color. I have dated girls of all races without a problem. BUT my weakness is older white women. Usually 40 and up. I don't know...

A.   3 June 2016: Here are some suggestions on where to find women, suitable to meet your preferences, where the women are in their 40s and beyond 1. Learn to play the game called bridge. Partners who can bid correctly and understand the rules of the game are alwa... (read in full...)

My Boyfriend's Doberman comes first. It's making me miserable. What do I do?

Q.   Hi I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years. We have a 1 yr old son. The problem is when me and my boyfriend met he had a Doberman but the problem is he treats the dog better than me. He takes the dog everywhere with me. The dog can do no wrong. T...

A.   22 April 2016: As the dog is walked 4 times a day I can only imagine that the dog was asserting dominance and marking his territory by urinating on the sofa. I would not want my baby stumbling into dog urine. However Dobermans can be trained and out of respe... (read in full...)

He has a crush on me and it's making me uncomfortable

Q.   I'm in need of help! I'm just gonna get right into this bc it's one long story. A few months back this boy in my class started to chat with me. After a few weeks we became really good friends. We started to text and FaceTime/Skype a lot. Now this...

A.   14 April 2016: hi, you don't feel a real connection to him, in a way that would suit him. There are many situations where A does not feel a connection with B yet B feels a strong connection with A. I would suggest that you don't even try to speculate nor d... (read in full...)

An opportunity to say hello to all the long term Aunts and Uncles and an update

Q.   Its been a long time since logging in here, regrettably I do so now to procrastinate an assignment... But hey! lets not let that small detail belittle the moment ;) I'd like to say a big thank you to anyone who is still here from back in the day....

A.   13 April 2016: welcome back and it is lovely to hear from you. You were one of the first Uncles who I saved as a friend when I joined. Share Bear and Cary Grant and Mystiquek were the very first Aunts and Uncles who I saved as friends. and felt welcomed by their... (read in full...)

Breaking Up: What Am I Doing?

Q.   Hello Everyone! So I'm going through a break up, after 6 long years together and everyone keeps asking me "How on earth are you doing this?" and "I can't believe how strong you're being" so I thought perhaps I could help you lot in some way. ...

A.   2 April 2016: My wise lovely mother in law taught me to always remember to ask yourself: ''is this good for me'' and ''do something nice for you every day and you will know that one person, who truly deserves to be treated well, has been treated well. ... (read in full...)

Am I a woman who just can't help herself? I've fallen in love with a married man

Q.   He is married, I have fallen so deeply in love with him I can't let go. My feeling is since we both can't and don't want to let go we should just ride the situation that we are in and see where it takes us. Every man who is single only wants to sl...

A.   31 March 2016: and I tried to cover every base possible for the future. I know ever scenario does not apply, at the moment. But it is hard to predict who you may fall in love with, at some time in the future. And I just thought of one more guy to avoid. Somet... (read in full...)

Am I a woman who just can't help herself? I've fallen in love with a married man

Q.   He is married, I have fallen so deeply in love with him I can't let go. My feeling is since we both can't and don't want to let go we should just ride the situation that we are in and see where it takes us. Every man who is single only wants to sl...

A.   31 March 2016: Early days in a relationship are full of the glow from rose coloured glasses. It seems too good to be true. It is exciting. And it is likely that you are seeing more of the promise than the reality. He is married and believe me he will break yo... (read in full...)

Is he wasting my time? Am I kidding myself, for considering that one day he may want to get married?

Q.   I have been with my boyfriend (hate that word at my age) for almost 2 years, he moved in with me a little over a year ago. A while back we had a conversation about commitment type things and he said he had a four year rule, that he wouldn't...

A.   30 March 2016: Life is for living so I do hope that you will though consider some enjoyable activities and past times and hobbies to fill the next 50 years. Up until now I guess you have just been too nice for your own good. Now you can choose which activiti... (read in full...)

Is he wasting my time? Am I kidding myself, for considering that one day he may want to get married?

Q.   I have been with my boyfriend (hate that word at my age) for almost 2 years, he moved in with me a little over a year ago. A while back we had a conversation about commitment type things and he said he had a four year rule, that he wouldn't...

A.   30 March 2016: He is using you and he has no intention of making a commitment to you, not now and not in the future. If a man is serious he will make a commitment and follow through with it in the first two years. After that if he has not made a commitment h... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   31 January 2016: and similar to the one with 70 replies is this great contribution with 50 replies on ideas suggested and some implemented to improve the site over the years. Great t... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   24 January 2016: This Article is Gold and deserves to be sitting alongside the other star articles, even though it is not an article. But with 70 plus responses I think it qualifies as an article on what you would like to see developed on the dearcupid site. Histo... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   15 August 2015: this is not an article but it is a gorgeous answer that Missy_25 wrote in reply to a poster. Missy_25 answered the following question - and her answer is worth pinning up somewhere prominent at home. Her advice was AAA all stars and I loved it... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   21 May 2015: Dating tips. Thanks to a fairly new poster commenting on the following post I would see that this great contribution deserved to be in this compilation. So here it is: Need to think of some questions to ask on a date? Below is a great list o... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   12 April 2015: Well I just realized that GeeGee255 's article is so good that I have recommended it twice. That's what happens to really good articles. They are enduring. Wise advice is worth sharing with others. And certainly does have a lot of w... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   12 April 2015: GeeGee is a wise Aunt with three sons and some amazing life experience. She started dispensing advice at age 13 and is now a very busy grandmother. I've let her know that I thought her post was really relevant to teens today and so I am highlighting ... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   2 March 2015: Relationships - it's not plain sailing sometimes. Now the following is not from an article. But the answer from very wise Uncle wiseowle was so good to this question below that I am including the post in this compilation of really Great arti... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   24 February 2015: Looking much younger than your chronological age. What a great article One of the Uncles: mfj78 has written here: I love articles that really demonstrate a key is... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   1 September 2014: Always on the lookout for new good articles to group together in this archive of great articles on It makes it easier to find the articles so that I can recommend the articles to others . Today I am adding a guide o teen dating w... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   1 September 2014: I am adding a new Article to the DEAR CUPID Hall of Fame. It is about DATING TIPS and deserves to be here with the Best Although it started off as a question it is so good that the ans... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   28 June 2014: Online dating: Thank you Mark1978 I just added an article by Mark1978 to my list of TOP articles. Mark1978 has just created this excellent article on online dating. (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   29 May 2013: This compilation is so useful. I just recommended three articles celebrated within this Article. You can find out which articles I just recommended by clicking on to the link below. My responses to the question below are all about datings. a... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   1 March 2013: Thank you for reading the article on articles. You Should be on the list of my favorite Articles DirtBall. You write some wonderful advice. Not only is the article a great way to find a group of good articles I also hope it alerts people ne... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   6 February 2013: Valentine’s Day – that special time each year for lovers. To some people Valentine’s day is very very special. To others the day passes without another thought. So often people start thinking about Valentine’s day and need some ideas or some sup... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   6 February 2013: When I see an outstanding Article I intend to add it to this resource. So I can easily find the article again in the future. So now this resource holds 58 really Great Articles by really thoughtful and excellent Aunts and Uncles on this site. ... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   19 September 2012: There can always be new variations and new issues that have not yet been asked and have not yet been posted on Dear Cupid. So if you are in love with your teacher or your lecturer then DO post your NEW question please Sometimes some addition... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   15 September 2012: Teacher Student Crushes keep on happening. Often the student wants to know if others understand their feelings So today I thought I would create the Definitive resource on past advice on Students in love with their teacher or with a Crush on their... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   12 September 2012: Thank you anonymous, for your Recommendation for an Article that really Resonates with you, and no doubt many other readers. And "I am here to help you" is indeed a big contributer on this site. Well spotted. There is nothing worse than that hor... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   12 September 2012: This following question from 2010 has a response by Yos. There are 66 responses to this question on Retroactive Jealously from some amazing Aunts and Uncles in Now Amazing Yos if you do not yet know it is, seriously, the BEST expo... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   2 September 2012: Now over 40 articles so far in this resource - the ones in the initial article at left, plus the additional articles I have added in through followups, including this new follow up. And it is not finished yet. I am still going through lists of... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   1 September 2012: Another reason not to post an Article as Anonymous. I have been trawling through some Articles that might be almost impossible to find. Except some digging around has revealed four more articles from the past that deserve to be read again. I cou... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   31 August 2012: Thank you So Very Confused. I am not finished yet. Still looking for more good articles Regards Abella. ... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   31 August 2012: Thank you CTR And I intend to add any article I need to find in a hurry and think might be useful in the future, be it an article published 4 years ago or 4 minutes ago I can't guarantee to put up every article. Only the ones that I think might ... (read in full...)

22 Great Articles from Great Aunts and Uncles on this site. Can you add to the list? Do you have a favourite article on DearCupid?

Q.   Articles written by other Aunts and Uncles on DearCupid. Which ones are your personal favourites and which ones helped you the most? I often find it hard to find the best articles on DearCupid. I know there are some great articles on the site, bu...

A.   31 August 2012: I have just found some more articles that deserve to be added to the list of my favourites This resource is already proving to be very useful when I go looking for that amazing article. wish I had thought of this earlier. Here are the extra ar... (read in full...)

*bella's friends

These are mutual friends, so *bella has added them and they have added *bella!

 agonyauntsanonymous agony aunt agonyauntsanonymous
 Amethyst  agony aunt Amethyst
 Ben ja min agony aunt Ben ja min
*problems* agony aunt*problems*
[?]BitterSweetFinale;[?] agony aunt[?]BitterSweetFinale;[?]
0000BraveHeart0000 agony aunt0000BraveHeart0000
02DuszJ agony aunt02DuszJ
0Guest0 agony aunt0Guest0
1000lies1000sorrys agony aunt1000lies1000sorrys
1sunshine agony aunt1sunshine
3much4u agony aunt3much4u
a_maldita agony aunta_maldita
Abass Abassi agony auntAbass Abassi
adamskidude agony auntadamskidude
ailemaaax agony auntailemaaax
alex74 agony auntalex74
Ali_x agony auntAli_x
AlisaVali agony auntAlisaVali
Alkalign agony auntAlkalign
Allenwhite agony auntAllenwhite
alley96 agony auntalley96
allthatjazz agony auntallthatjazz
Aluenee agony auntAluenee
Ambassadeur Koko agony auntAmbassadeur Koko
Amy cares agony auntAmy cares
Anarch agony auntAnarch
Andie's Thoughts agony auntAndie's Thoughts
Andy00 agony auntAndy00
angelDlite agony auntangelDlite
angelic08 agony auntangelic08
angelvoice agony auntangelvoice
AnnalisaV agony auntAnnalisaV
anonem agony auntanonem
Anonny agony auntAnonny
Anonymous 123 agony auntAnonymous 123
anonymous12345150 agony auntanonymous12345150
anonymous2016 agony auntanonymous2016
anonymous206 agony auntanonymous206
Anonymousmale1 agony auntAnonymousmale1
answerfromtheheart agony auntanswerfromtheheart
anya jayne agony auntanya jayne
ArtisticBiscuit agony auntArtisticBiscuit
Artistry agony auntArtistry
AskCatherine agony auntAskCatherine
AskEve agony auntAskEve
Atsweet1 agony auntAtsweet1
audrey millicent agony auntaudrey millicent
Aunty Susie agony auntAunty Susie
AvgGuy1 agony auntAvgGuy1
Awkward_and_Confused agony auntAwkward_and_Confused
Ayan Ganguly agony auntAyan Ganguly
B123 agony auntB123
badger543 agony auntbadger543
Barnes66 agony auntBarnes66
bat1410 agony auntbat1410
BazingaToZulus agony auntBazingaToZulus
BE125 agony auntBE125
beautifulwoman agony auntbeautifulwoman
Been there   Now over it agony auntBeen there Now over it
Beile agony auntBeile
Believe what you see agony auntBelieve what you see
belle1 agony auntbelle1
BettyBoup agony auntBettyBoup
Billy Bathgate agony auntBilly Bathgate
bini magna agony auntbini magna
birdwriter agony auntbirdwriter
birdynumnums agony auntbirdynumnums
blessing80 agony auntblessing80
Blod agony auntBlod
blue_warrior agony auntblue_warrior
Blue10 agony auntBlue10
bluecow agony auntbluecow
blueskyday agony auntblueskyday
boo22 agony auntboo22
boogie4 agony auntboogie4
Briggy agony auntBriggy
bronzed adonis agony auntbronzed adonis
BrownWolf agony auntBrownWolf
bubbletea agony auntbubbletea
C. Grant agony auntC. Grant
Candid Cally agony auntCandid Cally
cantpretendanymore agony auntcantpretendanymore
Capri2 agony auntCapri2
captainh agony auntcaptainh
carefree agony auntcarefree
Caring Aunty A agony auntCaring Aunty A
caringgirl agony auntcaringgirl
CaringGuy agony auntCaringGuy
cattycakes agony auntcattycakes
celtic_tiger agony auntceltic_tiger
cheers agony auntcheers
chickpea2011 agony auntchickpea2011
chigirl agony auntchigirl
ChiRaven agony auntChiRaven
chrysie agony auntchrysie
Ciar agony auntCiar
CindyCares agony auntCindyCares
CJH agony auntCJH
Claraw1 agony auntClaraw1
cloran14 agony auntcloran14
clueless8989 agony auntclueless8989
cmarieky agony auntcmarieky
CMMP agony auntCMMP
code_red agony auntcode_red
Crazysecret agony auntCrazysecret
Crissydavelle agony auntCrissydavelle
cupid lover agony auntcupid lover
cupidus agony auntcupidus
cute angel agony auntcute angel
Daisy_Daisy agony auntDaisy_Daisy
DancerGirl1984 agony auntDancerGirl1984
Danielepew agony auntDanielepew
dannythatsme agony auntdannythatsme
Darrell Goodliffe agony auntDarrell Goodliffe
DarrellG agony auntDarrellG
Dave356 agony auntDave356
dayvide agony auntdayvide
dean93 agony auntdean93
dearkelja agony auntdearkelja
Deeksha agony auntDeeksha
deirdre agony auntdeirdre
DenimandLace44 agony auntDenimandLace44
denis49 agony auntdenis49
Denizen agony auntDenizen
Denizli agony auntDenizli
devont agony auntdevont
Devoted love agony auntDevoted love
dharshanie agony auntdharshanie
DieHard88 agony auntDieHard88
dineshbhati agony auntdineshbhati
Dionee' agony auntDionee'
dirtball agony auntdirtball
Disappointment_Ghurl agony auntDisappointment_Ghurl
DisenchantedMan agony auntDisenchantedMan
Dodds agony auntDodds
donna.keenan agony auntdonna.keenan
Donna35 agony auntDonna35
donofanewage agony auntdonofanewage
DoubleL agony auntDoubleL
Dr.LanceMerryweather agony auntDr.LanceMerryweather
DrPsych agony auntDrPsych
eddie agony aunteddie
eddie85 agony aunteddie85
eek agony aunteek
EFM94 agony auntEFM94
ellsie96 agony auntellsie96
EmilyTheStrange agony auntEmilyTheStrange
empty-1 agony auntempty-1
Erick Rens agony auntErick Rens
erico agony aunterico
eternallyinfinite agony aunteternallyinfinite
Euphoria30 agony auntEuphoria30
Euphoric29 agony auntEuphoric29
eyeswideopen agony aunteyeswideopen
Fatherly Advice agony auntFatherly Advice
Fefi agony auntFefi
Felicity160 agony auntFelicity160
femmenoir agony auntfemmenoir
fi_the_tree agony auntfi_the_tree
fishdish agony auntfishdish
fishy fish agony auntfishy fish
followtheblackrabbit agony auntfollowtheblackrabbit
Forge agony auntForge
Frank B Kermit agony auntFrank B Kermit
frogs84 agony auntfrogs84
fullmetal agony auntfullmetal
Gabrielle Stoker agony auntGabrielle Stoker
Gaea agony auntGaea
Garamba agony auntGaramba
Garbo agony auntGarbo
Garm agony auntGarm
GD agony auntGD
GeeGee255 agony auntGeeGee255
Gherkinsaregrim agony auntGherkinsaregrim
gimmeansers agony auntgimmeansers
Glacier agony auntGlacier
goldie22 agony auntgoldie22
Got Issues agony auntGot Issues
Grayscreetch agony auntGrayscreetch
Guardian wings agony auntGuardian wings
H8Reality217 agony auntH8Reality217
HappyPlace agony auntHappyPlace
haveiafuture agony aunthaveiafuture
HayleyAlice agony auntHayleyAlice
Hellofriends2014 agony auntHellofriends2014
Help from Lisa agony auntHelp from Lisa
Helpmeeee agony auntHelpmeeee
hendrietta agony aunthendrietta
HisGirl0516 agony auntHisGirl0516
holeymoley agony auntholeymoley
Honeygirl agony auntHoneygirl
Hotchick169 agony auntHotchick169
howcomehoney agony aunthowcomehoney
hustler.bustler agony aunthustler.bustler
I am available agony auntI am available
IanHenryCooper agony auntIanHenryCooper
Ilha agony auntIlha
Ima FreAk!  agony auntIma FreAk!
ImmortalPrincess agony auntImmortalPrincess
Intrigued3000 agony auntIntrigued3000
Invincible agony auntInvincible
Irish49 agony auntIrish49
Ivyblue agony auntIvyblue
izzygurl agony auntizzygurl
jadedpearl agony auntjadedpearl
janniepeg agony auntjanniepeg
Jayne wayne agony auntJayne wayne
JDinCali agony auntJDinCali
Jeanette82 agony auntJeanette82
Jessica M Payne agony auntJessica M Payne
Jessica1350 agony auntJessica1350
jls022 agony auntjls022
Jmtmj agony auntJmtmj
john michael lewis agony auntjohn michael lewis
jpcomputer87 agony auntjpcomputer87
jrns96 agony auntjrns96
judgedick agony auntjudgedick
Juliet79 agony auntJuliet79
just say lovely agony auntjust say lovely
justmen agony auntjustmen
Justneed2know  agony auntJustneed2know
k_c100 agony auntk_c100
k4ren agony auntk4ren
Kalyani agony auntKalyani
Karlos83  agony auntKarlos83
Keeley345 agony auntKeeley345
KeighleySky agony auntKeighleySky
Kendle agony auntKendle
kenny agony auntkenny
kim.2013 agony auntkim.2013
kingjoe king agony auntkingjoe king
KingZeus agony auntKingZeus
KlassyKirsty agony auntKlassyKirsty
kloren82 agony auntkloren82
KristenJ agony auntKristenJ
Kutiedamsel agony auntKutiedamsel
la petite belle agony auntla petite belle
Lady in Love agony auntLady in Love
Ladycandy2911 agony auntLadycandy2911
ladyInLove2 agony auntladyInLove2
lalanay1 agony auntlalanay1
landomando agony auntlandomando
Lasterloh agony auntLasterloh
lawncare agony auntlawncare
Lexine07 agony auntLexine07
like I see it agony auntlike I see it
lillylightly agony auntlillylightly
Limpet agony auntLimpet
linzey agony auntlinzey
little lollypop  agony auntlittle lollypop
Little Miss Love agony auntLittle Miss Love
LivingWithBadDecisions agony auntLivingWithBadDecisions
LJCX agony auntLJCX
llifton agony auntllifton
Lola1 agony auntLola1
Lola333 agony auntLola333
looloo123 agony auntlooloo123
love wife agony auntlove wife
lovehel agony auntlovehel
Love-Wisely agony auntLove-Wisely
lOvex3Jenny agony auntlOvex3Jenny
Lucky786 agony auntLucky786
lucy.whittaker agony auntlucy.whittaker
Mabugs agony auntMabugs
macdubh712 agony auntmacdubh712
Madalo 1 agony auntMadalo 1
maisy1 agony auntmaisy1
malvern agony auntmalvern
marianox agony auntmarianox
Mark1978 agony auntMark1978
MarlonT agony auntMarlonT
MaskOn agony auntMaskOn
masquerade711 agony auntmasquerade711
Maua agony auntMaua
maverick494 agony auntmaverick494
me7654321 agony auntme7654321
MenLoveMe agony auntMenLoveMe
mfj78 agony auntmfj78
Militaryman1234 agony auntMilitaryman1234
Milo117 agony auntMilo117
Milo118 agony auntMilo118
mima agony auntmima
Mina_Bhamji agony auntMina_Bhamji
mirabelle1-3 agony auntmirabelle1-3
mis_2017 agony auntmis_2017
mishi 1 agony auntmishi 1
miss frank agony auntmiss frank
Miss35 agony auntMiss35
MissKin agony auntMissKin
missy_25 agony auntmissy_25
Mistercatbean agony auntMistercatbean
mj390 agony auntmj390
mrspiggy agony auntmrspiggy
MsSadie agony auntMsSadie
mum2two agony auntmum2two
Myau agony auntMyau
mystiquek agony auntmystiquek
N91 agony auntN91
naley agony auntnaley
Nehemie Mb agony auntNehemie Mb
NFenix agony auntNFenix
nirotam agony auntnirotam
nisha23 agony auntnisha23
nisreen agony auntnisreen
Nittynora agony auntNittynora
no nonsense Aidan agony auntno nonsense Aidan
NORA B agony auntNORA B
Not good enough agony auntNot good enough
notconfused agony auntnotconfused
ocean425 agony auntocean425
Odds agony auntOdds
OhGetReal agony auntOhGetReal
okito agony auntokito agony
Ormskirk360 agony auntOrmskirk360
Pac-Man18 agony auntPac-Man18
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