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I'm trampolining with my crush! What should I wear that'll impress him, but is still comfortable?

Q.   Hey everyone. So, on Saturday, I'm going out with this group of people, (including my crush). And we're going trampolining...And so basically, I just wanted some help on what I should wear. I mean, I know it's not a date, but I want to look good, ...

A.   5 February 2016: Thank you, Honeypie :) Hope all is well with you! x... (read in full...)

I'm trampolining with my crush! What should I wear that'll impress him, but is still comfortable?

Q.   Hey everyone. So, on Saturday, I'm going out with this group of people, (including my crush). And we're going trampolining...And so basically, I just wanted some help on what I should wear. I mean, I know it's not a date, but I want to look good, ...

A.   4 February 2016: Hi all, just to let you know, I ended up wearing leggings, and a long top ... Sorry it has taken me long to say that, but I've been dealing with a broken heart, and I wasnt up to doing anything... Anyway thank you all again ...... (read in full...)

Help me beat my fear of violent sex

Q.   I have a problem that's seriously interfering with my sex life. When I was 11, I learned about how sex worked by looking up naughty videos. These videos and games were hentai, and often portrayed sex as bloody and painful and that the woman di...

A.   30 January 2016: This sounds like a phobia to me. Or maybe anxiety. So yes, I agree with everyone else. Talk to a therapist, or someone you can trust, and hopefully you'll be able to overcome that fear. Good luck!... (read in full...)

I'm trampolining with my crush! What should I wear that'll impress him, but is still comfortable?

Q.   Hey everyone. So, on Saturday, I'm going out with this group of people, (including my crush). And we're going trampolining...And so basically, I just wanted some help on what I should wear. I mean, I know it's not a date, but I want to look good, ...

A.   29 January 2016: Ahhh, great idea, Honeypie!! Thank you very much!... (read in full...)

I'm trampolining with my crush! What should I wear that'll impress him, but is still comfortable?

Q.   Hey everyone. So, on Saturday, I'm going out with this group of people, (including my crush). And we're going trampolining...And so basically, I just wanted some help on what I should wear. I mean, I know it's not a date, but I want to look good, ...

A.   28 January 2016: Thing is im not allowed to show my arms or legs, which is why im wearing leggings in the first place! Thank you all for your answers! Deeply appreciate it! xx... (read in full...)

Having an affair with my friend's husband

Q.   I m 22 years old n i love a guy he is 23 and married to my friend.we have known each other since 1 year ago before evwrything was ok but since 4-5months we are regularly talking with each other and meeting secretly.we both have feelings for each ...

A.   27 January 2016: I think you should end it with him, and tell your friend, what's been going on. How do you know he has feelings for you? As Aunt Honesty said, if he did love you, he'd pick you. So do the right thing....... (read in full...)

I'm trampolining with my crush! What should I wear that'll impress him, but is still comfortable?

Q.   Hey everyone. So, on Saturday, I'm going out with this group of people, (including my crush). And we're going trampolining...And so basically, I just wanted some help on what I should wear. I mean, I know it's not a date, but I want to look good, ...

A.   27 January 2016: Thank you, Aunt Honesty, And for your helpful answer:) And @ the anonymous female, ahh yes! I forgot about that! Thank you!... (read in full...)

We've been married 7 months and I'm still a virgin because I'm terrified of getting pregnant!

Q.   Hi, I'm embarrassed writing on here but I don't have anyone I can confide in.... I hope I don't offend anyone with my post but I'm so sad and frustrated I don't know what to do.... I'm 34, and got married 7 months ago after being with my hu...

A.   24 January 2016: I agree with the other poster, I think you need some help, because this is really sounding serious. Also, think about it, ALL this protection out there, there is a very low chance of getting pregnant. And even if you do somehow end up pregnant, you ... (read in full...)

My Bf and I, both 14, kiss a lot. Should I be worried about the recent way he's behaving when we kiss?

Q.   my boyfriend and me have been in what i would say is a serious relationship for about 6 months. We are the same age and have got to the point where we kiss a lot, for a long time. recently, whilst kissing he's been pulling me a lot closer than usua...

A.   24 January 2016: I agree with the other poster, in that its quite normal. Because you're both at that age, its the time when hormones are all over the place, and puberty is kicking in. But be careful at all times, 14 is quite young. I'm 15, & havent even had my ... (read in full...)

Difficulties in the bedroom with boyfriend and I don't know how to fix them

Q.   I am having difficulties in the bedroom with my boyfriend of three years and I don't know how to fix any of it. We have been very adventurous in the past. Our sex life was always amazing and I can't believe I'm asking for advice. A few...

A.   21 January 2016: I absolutely and completely agree with BrownWolf. Why keep a man who points out your flaws in your life? He just seems to be after sex, and you should be with someone who LOVES you, not just LUSTS after you.... (read in full...)

I'm fed up and tired of my girlfriend and her drama. There's a new woman on the scene. How do I approach her?

Q.   Hello, I have been in a relationship with my gf for almost three years. However throughout those years it's been good and it has been REAL bad. She has a short temper and gets mad real easy. She also loves to argue. When I ignore her she comes back ...

A.   10 January 2016: Break up with your current girlfriend first. Then just continue to be friends with the other woman, but don't jump into anything too fast... Just break up with this current girl, and just have fun, whilst getting over that relationship, and let ... (read in full...)

I feel guilty for giving him back some of his own medicine!

Q.   My husband has been abusing me verbally, emotionally, physically and financially for the last 4 years. We have been separated for a month now and he is trying to be nice sometimes and then can be nasty. I am feeling upset at the moment as I have...

A.   10 January 2016: Please, please, please walk away from this man... It's not safe for you. You should avoid any man who makes you feel horrible about yourself, and abuses you, especially physically... It's dangerous, and he needs help. He does NOT deserve your ... (read in full...)

She lies to me all the time so how can I trust her?

Q.   I have been with an older woman for two years and she has continuously lied to me during that time, pretty relevant stuff at the beginning like who she is seeing, spending time with etc. but as time has gone on we have gotten over that but now it is ...

A.   9 January 2016: Personally, I would just end it with her, because the trust is gone.. And it's not easy to get back... Why waste time trying to trust someone who keeps doing it? On the other hand, you could try and talk to her, and tell her that what she is doing ... (read in full...)

Do all girls just want to play games when it comes to dating?

Q.   I was having dinner with my guy friends last night, and we were sharing recent dating experiences. Two of us are in our early 30s and the other guy his late 30s. As we shared our stories, a common theme emerged - we were tired of people playing ...

A.   9 January 2016: I agree with Honeypie. Maybe it is the type of girls you go for... And maybe you should find other ways to meet girls..there are many girls out there who desire a great guy, and there are others out there, who just like to play mind games....... (read in full...)

Dating secretly. I don't think I can lie to my parents again. What should I do?

Q.   My parents are overly protective. They are the type of parents who don't allow us to date unless the guy is willing to ask them to date us. Just wanted to clear that up first. I have a boyfriend. They don't know about him. The first time they ...

A.   1 January 2016: At the same time that it's important to respect your parents, it's also important that you're happy. So you are right, about not to lie to them. You and your bf should talk to your parents together. Make sure for your boyfriend to explain the ... (read in full...)

How do I assert myself without alienating those I care about?

Q.   How do you stand up to somebody you love? I've always had problems with sticking up for myself. I've only ever done it once and it ended my friendship of four years with my ex bestfriend. How do I stand up to somebody like my parents or boyfr...

A.   31 December 2015: The first thing is to be calm about whatever it is. Make sure to tell them that you are not intending to ruin the relationship, but that you'd like to have control over whatever the situation is too. If they care about you, they'll understand, and ... (read in full...)

I'm scared to trust him - please help

Q.   My boyfriend told me he's been having sex since 6th grade. We've had an off/on relationship because of friends and family but he says he wants to kiss me the next time he sees me. I've never kissed anyone and I'm also afraid he'll go too far. What ...

A.   31 December 2015: I know you're scared to stand up to him, but you need to talk to him. It's obvious, that you are not ready for this, and if he has any respect for you, whatsoever, he will respect your choice. But don't be pressured into doing something you don't ... (read in full...)

Should I get checked by doctor for any STI?

Q.   Please help me. The other day I was "hooking up" with this guy, but we didn't have sex (I'm a virgin). I was curious from never doing it before so I put his penis in my mouth and gave him a brief blowjob, only for a few seconds. I wasn't even ...

A.   31 December 2015: Book an appointment with your GP, as soon as possible. They'll be able to help you. But just because there was no condom, it doesn't mean that you've got an STI.. but its always a good thing to check. and next time, make sure to use protection.... (read in full...)

My mother is having an affair with a married man. Worried that she'll be hurt. What can I do?

Q.   Dear cupid, My mum is having an affair with a married man. It started 5 years ago when she was caring for my father who had dementia. He was coming around the house as his job is to teach computers and mum wanted to learn. I knew about it b...

A.   30 December 2015: Just don't do anything... You've already tried to warn her, and she didn't listen..There's not more you can do... But if he does hurt her, just make sure to be there for her .. There's a chance that you may be wrong..maybe this guy does love her? ... (read in full...)

Why? And how should I handle the fact that my brother deliberately ignores me?

Q.   My brother and I used to be very close but now for some reason he doesn't even speak to me. At school he always pretends he doesn't know me, for example, My Dad sent me a message that I needed to pass onto my brother, so at the end of the day I tr...

A.   30 December 2015: He is being very immature, and that's not fair on you. Maybe he's just having a rough time..maybe it's just a phase? You obviously live together, so try talking to him alone, and if that doesn't work, then tell your parents. The things that he i... (read in full...)

Are we through? I can't tell

Q.   I have recently ended a relationship with a guy who I was with for 14 months. We had hit a hard patch and argued a lot over the last month or so, specifically over his army career which was hindering our relationship. I have been cheated on in th...

A.   30 December 2015: He did try to get back with you though, but you didn't respond. And I know he's made mistakes, but why do you expect him to keep trying, when you're not responding? Maybe you should ask him to meet up, so you can talk about it face-to-face. you're ... (read in full...)

How do I survive this nightmare of bitchiness at work

Q.   I have a problem with the people I work with and I'm thinking of leaving as it's getting to me a bit. I work in a small local business and there are only a few of us. We all have to put rotas in the system every day for gas and plumbing enginee...

A.   30 December 2015: You need to complain to your boss.. I know you don't want to, but it's the best thing to do. These women are being very immature, and it's not fair on you, or the other workers. Why don't you all go and complain about these women? That way your boss ... (read in full...)

This girl has left me feeling confused. Can you help me ??

Q.   I met a girl at work and it became apparent after a couple of weeks that we liked eachother. She had literally just split with her ex of four years. After expressing to each other that we liked each other we kissed and things were good. We went o...

A.   30 December 2015: Give her some time ...... (read in full...)

Is my boyfriend's brother attracted to me? What should I do?

Q.   I really don't want to sound arrogant or full of myself but I think that my boyfriend's brother may be attracted with me and need an outsider view of the situation to tell me if I am looking too much into things. I also fear that I may now be attra...

A.   30 December 2015: And if things are rocky with you and your bf, and he's treating you like this, maybe you should talk with him, and try solving things before you get another bf, like Abella suggested.... (read in full...)

What could I say in a love letter to girl, without frightening her off?

Q.   I need to write a love letter for this girl im going to ask out. Only thing is I dont want it to be one of those over the top corny love letters. I just want to tell her how I feel about her, a little romance is ok but i dont want to scare her off....

A.   30 December 2015: Personally, I would just ask her face to face, because at least then you'll get a reply. I remember once, when I asked a guy out by note, but i got no response .... But if you really just want to send her a love letter, something like: "Dear (... (read in full...)

Is my boyfriend's brother attracted to me? What should I do?

Q.   I really don't want to sound arrogant or full of myself but I think that my boyfriend's brother may be attracted with me and need an outsider view of the situation to tell me if I am looking too much into things. I also fear that I may now be attra...

A.   30 December 2015: If he has changed, just be nice back to him too.. But I think you should have a break from your bf and the other guy, so that you can sort out your feelings. Don't break up with him for good, just temporarily ..... (read in full...)

Is my boyfriend's brother attracted to me? What should I do?

Q.   I really don't want to sound arrogant or full of myself but I think that my boyfriend's brother may be attracted with me and need an outsider view of the situation to tell me if I am looking too much into things. I also fear that I may now be attra...

A.   30 December 2015: One main thing in a relationship is trust...And if he can't trust you, then there is no point. If he really loves you, he'll try to understand. And this other guy may have changed, because a lot of people do... Being away from his family probably ... (read in full...)

Does what appear to be scratch marks automatically mean your partner is cheating on you?

Q.   Does what appear to be small scratch marks bring you to the automatic conclusion your partner is cheating on you? It's nothing obvious and he has rashes and a skin condition. The lines don't seem to last long either and they are on the back ...

A.   30 December 2015: As you said, he has a skin condition, so the scratches were probably made by himself, when his skin was itchy. Don't automatically jump to conclusions. Have faith in him, and trust him.... (read in full...)

How can I deal with my co-worker crush?

Q.   I'm 18 years old, female and have a crush on my supervisor who is 32, also a female and married. I have had several boyfriends over the years and slept with 5 men in total - never had any feeling for any women until I started my new j...

A.   29 December 2015: Maybe you should find a way to get some more time off, so that you can reset your feelings. I don't think she likes you in that way, but don't take my word on it. No-one on here can give you a certain answer on whether she likes you, because only ... (read in full...)

Is my boyfriend's brother attracted to me? What should I do?

Q.   I really don't want to sound arrogant or full of myself but I think that my boyfriend's brother may be attracted with me and need an outsider view of the situation to tell me if I am looking too much into things. I also fear that I may now be attra...

A.   29 December 2015: Maybe, he has changed, and maybe he does like you .. But if you're having mixed emotions, you need to break up with your current boyfriend, because it's not fair on him ..... (read in full...)

She pushes me away but expects me to stay when shes hurting and says she needs me. What can I do to be more compassionate and understanding?

Q.   I'm having a dilemma. My girlfriend is an incredible woman....considerate, generous, supportive, affectionate, honest, loyal, hardworking, compassionate, goal orient, intelligent, sensitive. Her amazing side is amazing. Then there is her other ...

A.   29 December 2015: You need to talk to her, when you both are calm. Tell her how she's making you feel, and explain to her that you're trying your best. What she's saying and doing isn't nice, and it isn't fair to you either. So tell her that. Otherwise, just have a ... (read in full...)

I am 15 and I love writing lyrics for songs. How do I chart a path to get my lyrics noticed, find the right professional contacts and a path to succeed?

Q.   Hi there, I am writing, to seek some help on my future career in writing. So, I absolutely, and truly, love to write. I write poems, and stories, and songs. I also love to sing, a lot. I have been singing, pretty much since I was a toddler,...

A.   29 December 2015: Thank you, Maverick494 for your answer... (read in full...)

I just caught my fiance, cheating on me numerous times with tgirls. What should I do?

Q.   I just caught my fiance, cheating on me numerous times with tgirls, CD, etc. He appears to have a serious t fetish. He claims to love me and wants to marry me. However, when I confront him with the obvious evidence, he denies everything. The wier...

A.   29 December 2015: Talk to him, and tell him you know the truth. And if he lies to you again, then end things with him. Whatever you have with him, is not worth it. He's lying to you to your face, and hurting your feelings. That's not fair on you.... (read in full...)

I regret taking my Bf back. I've fallen for one of my other friends. What can I do?

Q.   So I've been with my boyfriend for about a year... And we've broken up quite a bit, but we ended up getting back together again. Today was one of those days, and he begged me to take him back. I agreed, which I really regret now. I no longer f...

A.   29 December 2015: Why did you take him back, if you don't feel the same? You need to ask yourself that, and once you find the answer, you need to talk to your bf. You should end things with him, because it's not fair on him. Tell him that you still want to remain ... (read in full...)

I ended things but now I'm totally in love with him and I think he's moving on!

Q.   Hello, I really need your help. I’ll start by telling you the situation. You’re in for a long one so sit back. About a year and a half ago I met this guy; I’ll call him Josh, at my tennis club. I didn’t know him very well at all, but straight awa...

A.   29 December 2015: Talk to him, talk to him, talk to him. You don't know for sure that he's moved on... You have to give things a try, to see if they work. So talk to him. Tell him all the things you've just written. He may still be in love with you, in which ca... (read in full...)

Self Confidence - an easy step by step guide to help you develop self confidence.

Q.   SELF CONFIDENCE I started writing an answer to a question, namely and my answer just grew and grew. I recognized it had become an article rather than an answer after I ex...

A.   29 December 2015: I really needed this article!! Thank you for posting it! I'm certain it's helped a lot of people..Well, it's definitely helped me! And I'll try your tips!! Keep on writing more of these articles, because they are great!! ... (read in full...)

Am I falling out of love? Four years together

Q.   Hi there, first of all thank you for taking the time to give me advice! Right so I have been with my boyfriend for nearly four years. Bit of background of our relationship.. we met and I was actually with someone else but nothing happened we ...

A.   29 December 2015: I think, you still love him ... It's just that you're bored, as you said. You don't need to break up with him, but try doing different things. You seem to have a lot in common with him which is good, but sometimes, it's nice to have some difference ... (read in full...)

I am 15 and I love writing lyrics for songs. How do I chart a path to get my lyrics noticed, find the right professional contacts and a path to succeed?

Q.   Hi there, I am writing, to seek some help on my future career in writing. So, I absolutely, and truly, love to write. I write poems, and stories, and songs. I also love to sing, a lot. I have been singing, pretty much since I was a toddler,...

A.   29 December 2015: Thank you, Anonymous female reader, for your answer! Thanks for the ideas, and the tips!... (read in full...)

Am I jealous? Or am I being disrespected?

Q.   Okay, i'm not really used to girs being all flirty because my previous relationships didn't have any sort of problems with girls. But this relationship i'm in now all we seem to fight about is this topic. He says "you never want me to talk to any ...

A.   28 December 2015: I don't think he's disrespecting you .. He just sounds like a genuine guy .. I think, try talking to him one moore time, don't shout and scream and fight, just handle the situation calmly.... You say that these girls are all over him, so why... (read in full...)

Based on his actions does my crush feel the same as I about him?

Q.   My crush spent the night at my house as a sleep over before we went to bed, I noticed that he went into my room and kissed my cheek softly and whispered goodnight. Does this mean he likes me or he only thinks of me as a friend?...

A.   28 December 2015: Everybody has different ways of expressing their feelings. He may like you, he may not... He probably does, but you can't be sure. Only he knows how he feels.. So maybe, give him some subtle hints about how you feel? Or just tell him your feelings.... (read in full...)

I am 15 and I love writing lyrics for songs. How do I chart a path to get my lyrics noticed, find the right professional contacts and a path to succeed?

Q.   Hi there, I am writing, to seek some help on my future career in writing. So, I absolutely, and truly, love to write. I write poems, and stories, and songs. I also love to sing, a lot. I have been singing, pretty much since I was a toddler,...

A.   28 December 2015: + Been there Now over it, sorry i got ur username wrong! Thanks again :)... (read in full...)

I am 15 and I love writing lyrics for songs. How do I chart a path to get my lyrics noticed, find the right professional contacts and a path to succeed?

Q.   Hi there, I am writing, to seek some help on my future career in writing. So, I absolutely, and truly, love to write. I write poems, and stories, and songs. I also love to sing, a lot. I have been singing, pretty much since I was a toddler,...

A.   28 December 2015: + Been there now over it, Thank you very much:) I really appreciate your advice:) Thank you for the tips, and the kind words of encouragement :)... (read in full...)

I am 15 and I love writing lyrics for songs. How do I chart a path to get my lyrics noticed, find the right professional contacts and a path to succeed?

Q.   Hi there, I am writing, to seek some help on my future career in writing. So, I absolutely, and truly, love to write. I write poems, and stories, and songs. I also love to sing, a lot. I have been singing, pretty much since I was a toddler,...

A.   28 December 2015: Hi, Abella, Thank you very much for this answer!:) Yes, all my lyrics are written from my own experiences. And I do perform in front of crowds, but I haven't performed one of my own songs yet! :) But I'll do that some day:) And I also pla... (read in full...)

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