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*ettyBoup agony aunt


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Why is he mad that I moved on?? When he did not want me.

Q.   My ex fiancé left me for someone else two years ago. He always said he wanted to be friends. Recently, him and I connected over Facebook and began a friendship for the past three months. He was nice at first but when I told him out I had a boy...

A.   26 July 2020: He is like a child, having a tantrum because someone else is playing with his toy. He wasn't playing with the toy anyway, but when he remembered he had the toy and was thinking about maybe playing with it again, he found out that someone else is ... (read in full...)

Does my friend to date want me?

Q.   I have been friends with a guy for a few years now. I don't get to see him that often as we live over an hour away from each other and I was unwell for a while. For most of this time he contacted me weekly or even every few days. When I was unwell ...

A.   31 March 2020: I would take a chance and ask him out. Possibly wait until the COVID situation has passed and it's safe to meet up with him. It's possible that he does like you more than a friend. The fact he contacts you every day shows that he thinks of you ofte... (read in full...)

I constantly feel pressure to have sex even when I just don't have the emotional energy and it makes me feel frustrated and resentful

Q.   I'm really confused about what to do and I need some advice. Thanks in advance. I'm 36 and engaged to my fiance. We have an exceptionally loving, caring, and loyal relationship. There's no issue there or question about that. Well about a ye...

A.   23 February 2020: You have done so well to recover from your stroke and you made a career change to reduce the pressure on yourself, while you heal. To me, it sounds like you are still recovering and need to take it easy a bit more. While bar work may be less ... (read in full...)

Lost GF because I would not propose because I am struggling with depression from long-term unemployment

Q.   Hi, I am in a quandary. My long-term girlfriend just broke up with me because I have not proposed. I don't know what to do. Here is the background: I am 48 years old, never married. I have been dating a woman, now 46, also never married, sinc...

A.   11 August 2019: Hello. Put your career out of your mind. Do you love this woman? Do you want to keep her in your life? She is slipping away and perusing her life goals, so if you want her you will have to move fast. Decide what is most important. Your career situ... (read in full...)

She's 18, I'm 25. Am I a creep for talking to her?

Q.   I've been doing some online speed dating to fire up my social life. Recently I met a girl (and fellow foodie). It was almost too easy to small talk my way to a date this Thursday. The problem is, she is 18... She just finished highschool and is ...

A.   21 November 2018: I wouldn't say that you are a creep. She is legally an adult and you are only 7 years older. There is no harm in talking to her. That way you will find out whether you do have more in common than just being foodies. There's no harm in having younger ... (read in full...)

My best friend and my boyfriend were flirting with each other on my b-day right in front of me

Q.   I went out for my birthday with my boyfriend. We met up with friends. Later in the night my best friend came to join us in a bar. We all sat around a table, me, a friend, my boyfriend and best friend sat next to each other. They were both very ...

A.   20 November 2018: I hear you and although most of my "friends" didn't make it, I did get some great gifts and well wishes. I was just feeling a bit down because a few people who had said they were coming, cancelled on the day. Rationally I know it's life, but I felt ... (read in full...)

I saw my boss on a dating app... and swiped yes! OMG!

Q.   Shit I didn't realise it was her until after I swiped Yes. Normally at work my boss is this conservative lady with thick glasses but she was this totally hot chick on this dating app. I mean I have never seen her even wearing a sleeveless top in the ...

A.   1 August 2018: Oh no, how embarrassing! I think neither of you realised who you were swiping right to, until you looked at the picture closer. She probably didn't recognize you with the beard, so when she read your profile and realized, she must have been ... (read in full...)

Kicked out of a cosplay group, what did I do to cause such a bad reaction?

Q.   We got DRUNK and I slept at a member’s house. His idea. He’s got a gf. He’s asked me over his place before. The leader went mad. He lost it when we hadn’t done anything and were on separate sofas. There is nothing romantic between me and the ...

A.   21 July 2018: It sounds like you unintentionally caused a drama within the group, just by trying to be friendly and hang out. Being a new attractive female in a group with lots of males, can cause issues. They can squabble over you. I wouldn't advise staying over... (read in full...)

How do I move on and am I to blame?

Q.   I'm just in despair right now. I absolutely love this site and it's helped me in times of need for so long now, so here goes. I've recently broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years. We lived together for two years in his family house (his famil...

A.   16 July 2018: He told you to F off in anger. He was angry that you reclaimed you power and refused to go running back to him when he wanted you to. He expects his girlfriend to come home when he wants to cook his tea. He'd conditioned you to do that. So when you ... (read in full...)

Everyone tells us moving in together after 2 months of dating is too soon!

Q.   What's the consensus for knowing when you're ready to move in with someone? My boyfriend and I have only been dating for a little over 2 months, but we see each other every day (we work at the same company), spend hours/weekends at a time togeth...

A.   16 July 2018: I think that if you both agree that you want to, and it'd be a good financial decision as you'll save money renting together, go for it. Definitely find a place that will let you move out at a month's notice, so if it does go pear shaped, you won't ... (read in full...)

Is my way of orgasming normal? And was it normal to start so young?

Q.   When i was 8 years old, I've literally been having an orgasm and i didn't even knew what orgasm is. I would get it when ever i squeeze my legs together, and i would feel pleasure and relaxed feeling, i also feel pressure down there when i do it. ...

A.   12 July 2018: I was the same as you. I learnt to orgasm from a young age, by squeezing my pelvic floor muscles with my legs together and my hands between my legs. It is the pressure, I guess, that works. I don't know how common or normal it is but I have read ... (read in full...)

I overheard my wife saying that her ex was the best sex she'd ever had and now my ego is shattered!

Q.   So my ego has been devastated and I really don’t know how to handle this. Turns out I’m not the best sex my wife has ever had. Any advice is appreciated. About a week ago my wife had one of her friends at our house for some drinks. After ha...

A.   11 July 2018: It's true, the person we have the best sex with, may not be the one we end up with. It is what it is. You can have amazing sexual chemistry with someone, but the passion makes both of you crazy and you can't keep it together. This is my experience. ... (read in full...)

I don't want to ruin my future with this guy by not making the right choice. What should I do?

Q.   I've been with my boyfriend for just over a year but we've known each other for three years as we met at university. He is starting a masters degree this year, whereas I've decided to go straight into employment. His masters is at a university over ...

A.   7 July 2018: I kind of think 3 hours is a long way to commute every weekend, if you will be doing that to spend time with him. Who do you spend more time with, him or your friends and family? You can either be closer to him or friends/family, and commute to see ... (read in full...)

My husband is super clingy!

Q.   Hello I have been married for 27 years. In those years I have left my husband twice. My husband is super clingy. If I enter a room in the house, he is behind me. If I want to take a bath, he comes into the washroom to talk. I don't seem t...

A.   7 July 2018: Hmm clinginess can be a good thing, in that it's a sign he is faithful and really into you. But, as he doesn't listen when you ask for space and argues with you, plus his critical comments, this makes me think he is trying to be controlling, which ... (read in full...)

I'm wasting the prime of my life. What should I do?

Q.   Hello all, I've been in a rut for 8 years now and can't shift it. I'm alive but not living I guess. I have no drive or ambition. I can't remember the last time I thought yes I really wanna do this. Problem is I don't know what I want nothing ...

A.   7 July 2018: You are right, medication is not the best way to improve depression and should only be used if you are severely depressed to help get you up to a place where you can make the changes in your life to be happy again. Or, as I know some people believe, ... (read in full...)

He’s ignoring me all of a sudden! How do I react?

Q.   I’m 27 from UK and recently reconnected with my ex from 7 years ago who I broke up with. We had an amazing couple of days together rekindling and we’ve been very romantic since. Awkward part - he lives in America right now for work. He has men...

A.   7 July 2018: In my experience, if a man is interested in a relationship with a woman, he wI'll not ignore her. He will be in touch. Also, if he was truly keen to see you, he would be happy to plan a visit to see you first. It sounds like you are keen to see ... (read in full...)

I'm 8 weeks pregnant and questioning my relationship with my partner because I just found out that he's slept with numerous prostitutes before we met.

Q.   Hello. I am 8 weeks pregnant , was so happy with everything and looking forward to the future but now I’m seriously re thinking the whole thing. I have been with my partner a while and we were just discussing the blood tests I am getting for...

A.   5 July 2018: I'm sorry that you are going through this. I would feel the same in your situation as I feel paying for sex is very sleezy. If I found my parter had done that a lot in the past, I would look at him differently, despite loving him very much. It's ... (read in full...)

Should I volunteer for the first time for three months in another country?

Q.   ive never known what I want to do career wise and ive never really had any ambitions or hobbies as such . I often get slightly worried that in a few years I don't know what ill be doing and I don't know if ill have a job . ive been wanting to ...

A.   1 July 2018: Yes, go for it! I volunteered in a children's charity funded school in Cambodia in my early 20s, after University and it was the best experience. I'd do it again in a heartbeat if I could afford to. Like the other Aunts have said, make sure the ... (read in full...)

The death of my pet caused me to perform terribly at work!

Q.   Hi everyone. This is a coworker relationship question. Nothing romantic. Just wasn't sure where to go to ask this as I like going here. I started this job about two months ago. It is a unique job. Without getting into too many details, I...

A.   21 June 2018: Tell them you have lost your pet and appologize for not being at your best because of it. They won't be able to understand if they don't know what's going on with you. They don't know you well yet, so they can only judge on what they see at work. If ... (read in full...)

I don't want a boyfriend, I'm not interested in sex and I just want to be left alone!

Q.   I have absolutely no interest in sex and while I've had it before, I'm honestly disgusted by it. The whole thing: having people in my bubble, having a face too close to mine, random unnecessary touches, kissing is just gross to me. I don't like the ...

A.   21 June 2018: It sounds like you are asexual, which means you like companionship, emotional intimacy and cuddles, but nothing more sexual and have no desire for sex. That is 100% ok. I disagree with some Aunts who said you can't have cuddles and a romantic... (read in full...)

I hate my boyfriend’s best friend and don’t want him at my wedding!

Q.   I got engaged to my boyfriend and we are currently planning the wedding, making guest lists etc. My partner wishes to invite his best friend to the wedding. The thing is i can’t stand being in the same room as my fiancées best friend as he severely ...

A.   21 June 2018: Does your fiance know that his best friend bullied you? Being bullied is nor pleasent, and it can leave lasting effects on self esteem. I can understand why you would not want a person who caused deliberate harm at your wedding. Some Aunts here have ... (read in full...)

How do I distract myself from his absence?

Q.   I have been dating this guy for 4 months now and he is going on vacation for 6 weeks. What should I do during that time that won't make me sad or depressed that he is gone?...

A.   8 June 2018: You're being smart, asking for ideas for things to do to keep busy while you're apart. You don't want to dwell on his absence. A healthy relationship involves being able to enjoy time apart so you can both do things separately with other friends and ... (read in full...)

Everyone around me seems to want to sabotage me.

Q.   Hello, this is less a romantic question and more of a coping question. Due to some mistakes I’ve made and struggles I keep having, I had to move into a homeless shelter. I’m going to call it The Haven and I want to make it clear that any names and ...

A.   8 June 2018: It sounds like you did the right thing moving out from living with Andrew. It sounds like he wanted a romantic relationship with you and his behavior sounds controlling. If you need your post and documents, do you have a mutual acquaintance who ... (read in full...)

Boyfriend ignores me for computer games, should I be upset?

Q.   Hi, I feel like this is a bit of a strange question and I'm not sure if I am allowed to feel this way or not. Hopefully you can shed some light for me. I've been with my boyfriend for 10 years and recently moved in together 3 years ago. I fe...

A.   8 June 2018: I came across a website that has good advice... (read in full...)

Boyfriend ignores me for computer games, should I be upset?

Q.   Hi, I feel like this is a bit of a strange question and I'm not sure if I am allowed to feel this way or not. Hopefully you can shed some light for me. I've been with my boyfriend for 10 years and recently moved in together 3 years ago. I fe...

A.   23 May 2018: I tried answering this question earlier, but my answer has not appeared. So I will try to answer it again as best as I can. .. I've been where you are. I could have written your question 10 years ago when I was with a man for 3 years who was obse... (read in full...)

My ex said hurtful things about my body. I'm self conscious and my get up and go has gone

Q.   I I hope you guys don't mind me asking for advice. I have been feeling low since splitting with my ex around 5 month ago, I have lost my get up and go and I work and then come home and that's it or I go to bed and fall asleep crying. My ex said I ...

A.   14 May 2018: Those men in your life who told you that you are ugly and no good were 100% WRONG! You are a perfect, beautiful woman exactly how you are, without changing a single thing. Only you get to decide if you want to change your appearance, and you don't ... (read in full...)

This is the second abusive relationship I've been in. Am I picking the wrong type of men?

Q.   Last night my boyfriend punched me in the mouth. I've left him. He asked me not to leave. But I said I have to be alone right now. It came about after an argument over a male friend of mine. My boyfriend said that my face lit up when my friend a...

A.   18 December 2017: Thank you Honeypie. You have helped so much. I have no one else to talk to about this as everyone in my life knows him... I did meet up with him today, briefly. I wanted to see what he would say and how it would feel to see him. It was not good... (read in full...)

This is the second abusive relationship I've been in. Am I picking the wrong type of men?

Q.   Last night my boyfriend punched me in the mouth. I've left him. He asked me not to leave. But I said I have to be alone right now. It came about after an argument over a male friend of mine. My boyfriend said that my face lit up when my friend a...

A.   17 December 2017: I have heard of a mean drunk, and that does describe him. He has made jokes at my expense, spoken to me in mean ways, not let me go to sleep because he wanted to argue, and has tried to throw me out in the middle of the night, whilst drunk. He has ... (read in full...)

This is the second abusive relationship I've been in. Am I picking the wrong type of men?

Q.   Last night my boyfriend punched me in the mouth. I've left him. He asked me not to leave. But I said I have to be alone right now. It came about after an argument over a male friend of mine. My boyfriend said that my face lit up when my friend a...

A.   11 December 2017: Ok, the reason for not leaving immediately was because it had been snowing and I did not want to walk up a snowy, icy hill in the dark to get home. In the end, when I started walking he felt bad, appologized and convinced me to stay the night. I ... (read in full...)

This is the second abusive relationship I've been in. Am I picking the wrong type of men?

Q.   Last night my boyfriend punched me in the mouth. I've left him. He asked me not to leave. But I said I have to be alone right now. It came about after an argument over a male friend of mine. My boyfriend said that my face lit up when my friend a...

A.   10 December 2017: Thanks for your advice. The reason I got angry was because he had been having a go at me for most if the night, then when I'd had enough, I tried to go to bed but he wouldn't let me, he wanted to keep arguing, and then he told me to get out, in the ... (read in full...)

The sex is just not working out. What are we doing wrong?

Q.   My boyfriend often complains that we don't have enough sex. But he doesn't initiate ot, or try to turn me on. The other day we were hugging in bed then he rolled over, saying that he had to because he was horny ... like, sex could've happened if he ...

A.   18 September 2017: Thanks. I had a talk with him today and told him if he wants more sex he needs to initiate it by making moves on me. It's really annoying and a turn off when he complains that we "don't have enough sex" and makes little sarcastic comments about it, ... (read in full...)

Why do guys keep breaking up with me?

Q.   Why do guys keep on either playing me or just break up with me?...

A.   9 August 2015: It is hard to say without more detail on your past relationships. I'll try to help from my personal experience. I have been played or humped n dumped a few times. My guess as to why, is that I only sleep with guys who I am strongly attracted to, ... (read in full...)

What makes a man fall in love with a woman and want only her?

Q.   What makes a man fall in love with a woman and want only her?...

A.   7 August 2015: I think there is no one person who can fulfil every relationship need and desire we each have. Each person we connect with will complement different parts of ourselves. I guess what makes us choose to stay with someone is when there is a strong ... (read in full...)

Should I stop having a FWB relationship? Or go with the flow?

Q.   I've only been in two serious relationships... One ended because my ex forced me to give him head a few times and told me he was using me for sex. The other guy was recent, he was my everything, but I go to college out of state and it ruined us. He ...

A.   12 March 2015: I won't hold promiscuity against men, because I respect the fact that they are adults capable and allowed to make their own decisions about what they do with their body. I accept a man's sexual past and require he accepts mine, or how can you love ... (read in full...)

Should I stop having a FWB relationship? Or go with the flow?

Q.   I've only been in two serious relationships... One ended because my ex forced me to give him head a few times and told me he was using me for sex. The other guy was recent, he was my everything, but I go to college out of state and it ruined us. He ...

A.   11 March 2015: I'm just wondering what would happen if we turned anonymous's statement around and said: "Most girls like promiscuous guys when they want to be promiscuous, not when they want a boyfriend. A casual sex reputation will hurt your appeal among girl... (read in full...)

Should I stop having a FWB relationship? Or go with the flow?

Q.   I've only been in two serious relationships... One ended because my ex forced me to give him head a few times and told me he was using me for sex. The other guy was recent, he was my everything, but I go to college out of state and it ruined us. He ...

A.   11 March 2015: Sorry I just have to interject with anonymous saying... "A casual sex reputation will hurt your appeal among guys looking for anything committed. And that problem will not go away if you stop sleeping around later. It's unattractive that you were... (read in full...)

Why does every girl I like only want to be friends?

Q.   So what should I do about my terrible luck with girls? Why does every girl I like or show interest in chose not to date, too busy, or just want to be friends. For example there was a shop I worked at, girl A would come by everyday, never bought a...

A.   11 March 2015: Aw man you have had a run of bad luck. Don't blame yourself, I think life just isn't fair to some people. But don't be disheartened. You sound to be doing the right things. Girls obviously enjoy your company, it's just unfortunate you've not met a ... (read in full...)

Is it okay to send your boyfriend a video of you masturbating?

Q.   Would you consider it okay to send your boyfriend who is away for a few weeks on business a naughty video of you masturbating? Just to keep the spark going and to give him something to look forward to when he comes back?...

A.   10 March 2015: I really wouldn't, simply because once it's recorded, it is entirely possible for it to end up being viewed by someone other than your boyfriend. That would have repercussions for you down the road. Worst case scenario it gets out there after you ... (read in full...)

I bought the ticket, now I am not sure if I should go or not!

Q.   This isn't really a big relationship questions, but it's bothering me a lot. I met this guy from Germany last month, he was travelling around my country with his friends and we hung out a lot, eventually made out and had a really fun week togethe...

A.   31 August 2014: Oh no, that's an awkward situation. Yeah it sounds like at the time he was really up for you going to Peru to see him, but at the same time, like he didn't expect you to actually go for real. You said he changed his travel plans to come to visit you ... (read in full...)

I'm worried I may be paranoid about them laughing behind my back.

Q.   Basically I met this group of girls through my job. I've been there about 8 months now and I would like to think I get on with everyone, however, generally I just do my work and go home. I don't do 'office gossip' if you will. I am quite introverted ...

A.   31 August 2014: It sounds like they are a bit cliquey. You may be being a bit paranoid, but then again, they could be a little bitchy or gossipy about you, as you sound like you are new to their group and are not yourself around them. It seems to be pretty common ... (read in full...)

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