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*eeGee255 agony aunt


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Well I wish I could claim that I waited until I was older and wiser before deciding to share my advise with others but the truth is that I have been handing out my version of the unvarnished truth for as long as I can remember.

I can clearly recall myself at 13 years of age telling my girlfriend's mother that she was raising her daughter all wrong and screwing her up in the process. The funny part is that she stood there crying and actually listened to me and never held it against me. Looking back now, I find it pretty amazing because these people were well educated and rich. And I was nobody special, just a friend that cared enough to open my mouth.

And that never changed, over the years people came to know they could come to me for truthful advise and I would give it to them straight, no sugar coating.

I have been married for 23 years to a wonderful man. I have 3 sons and 2 grandchildren, they call me GeeGee, which is short for groovy grandma, hence the agony aunt name, lol.

I have a degree in the allied health field and have worked as an EMT and as a beautician. So I have heard a lot of sad storied in my day and my heart goes out to all of them.

So I guess, this site is just a way for me to reach out and try to do the same for a bigger crowd.

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To all young girls with a boyfriend

This question has 3 answers by readers of DearCupid.ORG.
Newest answer was posted

17 March 2011: So you are young and in love, that is so sweet and romantic. I am happy for you. I really am, there is nothing better then being young and in love. It is a very special time for all of us. But what happens when it is over?? Maybe you have ...

1234567891011Next > [13 pages, 479 answers]

I’m falling out of love with my boyfriend because he keeps rejecting me due to my weight gain of 15 lbs!

Q.   My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3.5 years, during which time I have been enrolled in a rigorous PhD program. I am 5’8 and when he met me, I weighed 155 lbs. A year ago he told me he hadn’t been attracted to me for about 6 months. He had b...

A.   26 April 2016: The one thing I haven't seen mentioned yet is the fact that he could be very aware that now that you are close to achieving your academic goals and moving up career wise that you will suddenly wake up and realize that you could do so much better ... (read in full...)

Please please help me! Retroactive jealousy is driving me insane and it's getting out of control

Q.   (Ps. English is not my mother tongue so I apologize for the grammar errors etc..) Hello; It's been more than a year since I started to date my girlfriend (fiancee). Unfortunately I'm in the claws of retroactive jealousy. I guess there is not a...

A.   24 April 2016: Dear OP I feel bad that you are suffering so much but in this day and age most people you meet will have had a past that includes a few ex lovers. You never really explained what she did or what you learned about past or how you found out, and i ... (read in full...)

Can I ever encourage this man to come back? He broke up with me after finding I was once engaged to another man

Q.   I met this guy one (Mr. X) and half years ago but we started dating about eight months ago. before him, I was previously engaged to another man, who called off the wedding just one week before. We had had engagement ceremony, as is custom in my c...

A.   24 April 2016: Unfortunately lying and/or omitting the truth about your first failed wedding for 8 months makes you look guilty or like you are hiding something. Now he may think the first man had a good reason for calling off the wedding, and he doesn't trust you ... (read in full...)

Does she love me for my money? She never offers to pay!

Q.   My girlfriend Lisa and I have been going together for almost ten months and our relationship seems to be sailing along quite smoothly. We're very compatible. We always have a lot of fun together and she never nags me. She's beautiful, classy and ...

A.   23 April 2016: Wow this is a tuff one. But I'm thinking that since you first asked her to go out with you that you probably paid for everything and never once asked her to split the bill. So weather that's what she tradionally expected from males in the past or ... (read in full...)

Why do I still want to know how my ex is doing?

Q.   I was dumped 3 years ago. It was a serious relationship. I was desperate and have been through every step after the breakup. We're not friends on Facebook, and this did help me a lot. After 3 years, I can say that I'm finally over him now. But I ...

A.   23 April 2016: Dear op, it's very normal to be curious after a break up good or bad. You used to care about this guy, you want to know if he's happy or maybe even if he regrets dumping you. All very normal just don't let it become an obsession. How well have you ... (read in full...)

Why do I still want to know how my ex is doing?

Q.   I was dumped 3 years ago. It was a serious relationship. I was desperate and have been through every step after the breakup. We're not friends on Facebook, and this did help me a lot. After 3 years, I can say that I'm finally over him now. But I ...

A.   23 April 2016: Dear op, it's very normal to be curious after a break up good or bad. You used to care about this guy, you want to know if he's happy or maybe even if he regrets dumping you. All very normal just don't let it become an obsession. How well have you ... (read in full...)

Am I a rebound? I'm concerned about his continued contact with his ex.

Q.   Hi dearcupid, I have been dating a pretty nice guy for the last few months. Everything seems pretty good except I'm concerned about something. I'm not sure if I have a right to be concerned. What I'm concerned about is he is still in frequen...

A.   22 April 2016: I think you have reason to be concerned, contact 3-4 a week between exes is a lot. So Id advise you to keep a close watch on things but not say a lot about it to your boyfriend, YET.... Unless something more happens. How long were they together? ... (read in full...)

I've been hurt before and I don't want it to happen again

Q.   Hey I,m in a bit of a dilemma and i could use some help. Last night i went out with my friends and one of my friends brother. Now i hardly know this guy but his sister and my best friend told me he's a nice and sweet guy. Last night I ended up...

A.   30 July 2011: It has only been a day have some patience. I am sure you will hear from him again.... (read in full...)

Guys, would you be put off by a 21 year old virgin?

Q.   hi there! im 21 years old. i'm a university student. basically i am still a virgin and never had a boyfriend. its not that i don't get asked out. im a normal girl, love going out and having a good time. but i guess i just haven't met a guy i...

A.   30 July 2011: The only typre of guy that would be put off is a guy that likes to sleep around with a lot of women, because he knows it has more importance for you then to someone who gave it away years ago, and that scares some men. Some men might be afraid o... (read in full...)

I never used to have problems lasting during sex, now I do! help!

Q.   Hey, Im 18 and have been with my girlfriend for a year. I'm worried about sex. I've been with about 5 girls over the past couple of years. But when it comes to sex i'm always worried about lasting long. I had no worries or troubles with...

A.   30 July 2011: There is nothing wrong with unloading the gun before intercourse with a girl and lasting 45 minutes is actually very impressive. No matter what you have to do to get there. If this workes for you then why fight it? Forget about what you could d... (read in full...)

Suggestions! what can we do when she comes over so I don't bore her?

Q.   Hello everybody. I've come to this site seeking some suggestions and maybe even some tips? My situation is this: I've been texting one of my friends back and forth and while doing so, we've gotten a bit close and I learned how she really acts ...

A.   30 July 2011: Well most women are flattered when a guy asks us questions about ourself and really makes an effort to get to know us and how we think and feel about things. And don't be afraid to have fun and get a little silly. We love a guy that makes us la... (read in full...)

Should I feel like crap because I let him win? or do I ignore it and see what happens?

Q.   My bf and I have been together for almost 4yrs now. I'm not even going to get into our history because it's been a long, exhausting, emotionally draining rollercoaster of him cheating, neglecting me, and just being a jerk in general. Lately, i...

A.   30 July 2011: We all like to win, but Aunty BimBIm is right, your winning the battle but losing the war. You guys need to act loving toward each other even when you don't feel like it, and give the love a chance to follow. Otherwise your just going to k... (read in full...)

I can't get these cruel words out of my head

Q.   My boyfriend and I have been together 6 months and everything was going great however I did always feel a bit smothered, if I wanted to go out with my friends he ALWAYS wanted to come along. My ex boyfriend is an event ticket salesman and there we...

A.   30 July 2011: He didn't express his anger or dissapointment at your actions, he attacked you as a person in an attempt to inflick as much emotional pain as possible. That a rotten thing to do to someone you supposedly care about even if they did lie to you about ... (read in full...)

Why is this happening when he touches me to roughly?

Q.   Hey, I've been with my boyfriend for just over a year. Lately he's tried a new fingering technique which makes me bleed while he does it. He has been going deeper and does it harder than normal. I've never bled during sex or fingering before. ...

A.   28 July 2011: Tell him he needs to lighten up his touch and trim his fingernails. You should never bleed from a man's love making after the first time.... (read in full...)

He said he was an accident but why was he hiding my little girls underwear in his closet?

Q.   Hey all. I really need some input. Last November...of 2010, my ex was at work. We were together (in relationship) at the time. Something happened while he was at work, to make me want to search his apartment. Can't recall exactly what it was, but ...

A.   28 July 2011: I think this guy should stay an ex, why take chances with your childrens innocence? You just might get the solid proof you didn't get the first time around. Sorry, I admit that it is a tough call, on the information you have but how would yo... (read in full...)

How can I tell him he's too rough during sex?

Q.   I'm very sore after having sex with my boyfriend and I don't know how to tell him. Not just in my private parts, but all over my body. My upper and lower back hurts so much! I'm 26 years old and he's 48 years old. He's a heavy and muscularly type of ...

A.   28 July 2011: Why don't you tell him it's your turn to show him what you like, and then show him? Take control from start to finish, and tell him he has to let you do all the work. Use gentle soft touches and caress him to the point where he is begging ... (read in full...)

Any ideas on what tricks I can do, to teach my new puppy?

Q.   I am getting me a Boston Terrier it is a female what kind of things can you teach a puppy? I have had cats so i am not use to having a puppy of my own. so i need some ideas on what to teach my puppy. so if you know of any ideas please let me know ...

A.   26 July 2011: Teaching her to come on command is one of the most important things a dog needs to learn, for saftey reasons.... (read in full...)

My ex girlfriend cheated on me and I now I'm not sure if I can forgive her.

Q.   I was in a relationship with my girlfriend for almost two years. Recently, she suggested that we break up because due to reasons that I would prefer not to disclose. However, I still believed that she was the only person in the whole world for me, ...

A.   24 July 2011: Three things: 1. You have to be married before one can be considered to have had an affair. 2. If you were not even officially going steady, then she did not cheat on you. 3. She may have been your first love, but she won't be your la... (read in full...)

He was really hurt when we broke up, but that was almost 2 years ago, so why can't we talk now and just be friends?

Q.   I broke up with my boyfriend a year and a half ago after dating two years. He took the break up very hard, he was in counseling for like four months because it destroyed him so much. Because I felt kind of bad about everything, we reconnected about ...

A.   24 July 2011: I agree with Bernard, your crazy if you think you two can go back to just being friends after everything that happened between the two of you. And just for the record after you have broken up with someone you no longer have a say about who they... (read in full...)

Somewhere along the line he decided he didnt want a relationship but is still trying to string me along.

Q.   About 5 months i started seeing this guy i met through a mutual friend. When we first met he chased me so hard and it took a little convincing before i just let go and went for it. As i was trying to get over previously being mucked around by ...

A.   18 July 2011: Dump him and move on, he is not the guy for you. An honorable man would have told you he wasn't looking for anything serious before he had sex with you, not immediately after. What a jerk!... (read in full...)

LDR boyfriend wasn't interested in sex this time. I don't know what to do!

Q.   Im really confused about my boyfriend. We have been in a LDR FOR 6 months. I had not seen him since february until he came and stayed with me on tuesday. I was expecting it to be amazing but Im really disappointed. We had sex, and the first time was ...

A.   14 July 2011: It sounds like the guy has major issues that have nothing to do with you. I think it is time to cut your loses and move on.... (read in full...)

Is this pain from trying to get a finger in normal?

Q.   right i'm 19 and still a virgin i have never been fingured ... i have been with this boy for almost a year now and i want to have sex with him so badly but i have tried to fingure my self but carnt as it gives me BAD pain it makes me feel like i ...

A.   7 July 2011: What happens when your boyfriend fingers you? Have you guys ever attempted to have sex yet? If so what was the outcome? Maybe you are just hitting the barrier of your hymen when you attempted to do it to yourself. Or maybe you were nervous and too ... (read in full...)

What is good for you when you're sore down there?

Q.   If your vagina hurts will putting an icecube on it make it not feel sore any more? Thank you...

A.   7 July 2011: In the hospital they give new mothers ice packs to sit on to ease their discomfort. So yes ice helps.... (read in full...)

I am thinking of breaking up with my BF so I can chase after my rock star crush! Is this crazy?

Q.   I am inlove with Bret Michaels and I honestly think we are ment to be together. He is a rock star and I feel like I should be with him. I am engaged to my fiance Elvin and i love him but love bret michaels more....should I tel my fiance? should I ...

A.   7 July 2011: Honey it is a nice fantasy, but I think you are wasting your time. I know Brett and he hasn't been into teenage girls for quite a few years.... (read in full...)

Parents, do you think a 19 year old female should have a curfew??

Q.   Several months ago my family "adopted" a 19 year old girl who was in need of some help and guidance to get her life back on track and graduate high school. Things are going really well, except for one thing. We dissagree on what time she should ...

A.   6 July 2011: I do have several legitimate reasons, like not wanting my own sons to think it is ok for them to drink and stay out all night when they turn 19. Second she had abused some drugs in the past, though it was mostly only pot. And some of the kids she ... (read in full...)

Parents, do you think a 19 year old female should have a curfew??

Q.   Several months ago my family "adopted" a 19 year old girl who was in need of some help and guidance to get her life back on track and graduate high school. Things are going really well, except for one thing. We dissagree on what time she should ...

A.   6 July 2011: PS. She read the responces and REALLY liked the idea of paying rent, inorder to get out of having a curfew but can't afford it to do so yet regularly, although she does work PT for spending money. She she wanted to know if she could pay rent for... (read in full...)

Parents, do you think a 19 year old female should have a curfew??

Q.   Several months ago my family "adopted" a 19 year old girl who was in need of some help and guidance to get her life back on track and graduate high school. Things are going really well, except for one thing. We dissagree on what time she should ...

A.   6 July 2011: Thanks for the good advise everyone... We did sit down and talk tonight and I explained to her that it is not about me not trusting her, or wanting to control her, I am just worried about how what she does now will affect what my boys will exp... (read in full...)

Am I doing the right thing by cutting him off?

Q.   I'll just jump right into it. I dated this guy. I completely fell head-over-heels for him. In a few short weeks I was infatuated with him. We dated for about a month and a half before breaking up for complicated reasons. He said he wanted m...

A.   1 July 2011: Pain is natures way of telling you that something is bad for you, physically or emotionally. So listen to what your heart is telling you and cut him off, it's the only way you will start to heal and feel better about yourself again.... (read in full...)

We have a great relationship except for the fact that I am just his girlfriend, and he doesn't EVER want to marry me.

Q.   I hope someone can help me with this problem. I am back in the dating scene after 10 years of marriage. I NEVER thought I would want to get married again, but I have found someone that I don't want to live without. When we began dating, I made i...

A.   1 July 2011: You seem to have a better non-marriage then many married people do. He is with you because he choses to be, not because he is required to be and for right now that is what he is telling you he needs to be happy. So if you love him and he is good ... (read in full...)

How can I trust me feelings for the guy that left me and our child high and dry?

Q.   My boyfiend can not do anything to help my son and I. I love him for no reason,but he always tell me that he is not a jerk because he left me for 18 months and come back to me now. I do not take it as worthy just for coming back to me,but he think ...

A.   30 June 2011: Do not let him back into your heart or your life until you are sure you can trust him not hurt you again. He should be willing to prove his love to you not expect you to be grateful just because he came back. That's not enough for you anymore. I ... (read in full...)

Should I just try to accept this quirk of his?

Q.   My boyfriend is a thoughtful, sweet guy, but tends to be socially awkward. He's an opinionated guy, and can get a bit pushy when he gets going on a topic he cares about. I've told him that he can come across as aggressive, but he says that it's j...

A.   30 June 2011: Can you accept it? Does his good qualities make up for him being loud and rude to other people? I would let him go around his friends and family, but I would still try to get him to tone it down in public and around my friends and family if I wer... (read in full...)

I broke up with him but he still wants me to provide him with emotional support, what should I do?

Q.   My boyfriend and I just broke up we were together for almost three years. Although both of us know it was for the best it still hurts a lot. He was very cold about it which doesn't make me feel better about anything and even brought up points that I ...

A.   30 June 2011: The sooner you separate fro him physically and emotionally, the faster you both will heal from the breakup. Don't let him use guilt to prolong your pain and keep you tied to him. It's over and he needs to move on. You both do!... (read in full...)

Is it bad that I don't want to be around anyone but my boyfriend?

Q.   Hello Agony aunts and uncles! I have a quick question for you all. I have noticed lately that I don't have any real friends outside of school. The only person I do hang out with is my Boyfriend, and I'm fine with that because he's the only person ...

A.   11 June 2011: Yes it is bad. You need a good balance of friends and family and hobbies to keep you grounded when things are good between you and your boyfriend, and you'll need it even more should the relationship end. Never make a boyfriend your whole world, ... (read in full...)

I bruise really easily and people think I'm being abused!

Q.   Hey, I do martial arts training and I'm the dojo's assistant. I've recently become good enough to be used to demonstrate techniques, and although I land safe enough I always end up with bruises in very difficult to conceal places. I use...

A.   11 June 2011: The fact that you are into martial arts should be answer enough to explain your bruises and that you are more than capable of defending yourself. Knowing all this about you, why would anyone that knows you assume you are being abused?... (read in full...)

Why can't I go?

Q.   I've been with my girlfriend over 2 months now and things are going great apart from one thing, I can't cum for her apart from masterbating :( She has given me blow jobs and we have lots of continous sex but I just can't cum and it's really gett...

A.   11 June 2011: Then it might be a good idea to see a urologist to make sure everything is working 100% the way it is supposed to. Good Luck...... (read in full...)

How can I not care about receiving male attention.. when I'm so used to it!?

Q.   Before i start, what i have said may sound cocky or sure of myself, but honestly i don't mean it like that. I just don't know how else to put it. When i go out in the evening, I normally get ALOT of male attention and like anybody else i love it! ...

A.   2 June 2011: You'll stop caring about the attention when you realize it means absolutely nothing when it is based on your looks alone. How about wanting to be appreciated for your brains and/or you accomplishments or volunteer work in the community?? Thes... (read in full...)

How do I get this creep to leave me alone at work?

Q.   There's this guy at work who's pretty creepy and pervy. He's 32 and whenever a new, young girl starts here he immediately tries to get her number and says disgusting things about her. I've been working there for 4 years and for all that time he's ...

A.   1 June 2011: I think it is time to speak to a manager at work about this guy. Let them handle him.... (read in full...)

We have only been married for 6 months and he has already lost interest in me!

Q.   Its been 6 months I have been married to my boy friend, but he is not interested in me nor in sexlife,he never enjoys my company to chat nor to have sex with, he is always in his own world working hard, we rarely have sex which is neither enjoyable ...

A.   1 June 2011: How long did you know this man before you married him? Did you have sex when you were dating, or did you wait until after you were married to have sex for the first time? All I can tell you is that his behavior is not normal, a man that wants t... (read in full...)

Kissed another....Should I tell my hubby???

Q.   I've been married 2 years, together for 9. Last year I kissed another man on 3 separate occassions. I felt disgusted about what I did and put an immediate stop to it. I never told my husband. I was able to live with it up til now. We just bought a ...

A.   1 June 2011: You made a mistake, and kissed another man, but you didn't allow it to become a full blown affair, you ended it before anything else could happen. And since then you have re-committed yourself to your husband and your marriage and have no desire to ... (read in full...)

What does she wants from me?

Q.   I don't understand why she acting like this on me. We started as friend and then eventually becomes very good friend. I have been there to support her all the way from when she went out with a guy who was using her and I was the only one who was ...

A.   1 June 2011: You need to leave this girl alone and forget about her. It does sound like you have become obsessive about her, which means you can never be "just friends" anymore. That would never be enough for you and the girl you like knows it. (((I just... (read in full...)

Why can't I go?

Q.   I've been with my girlfriend over 2 months now and things are going great apart from one thing, I can't cum for her apart from masterbating :( She has given me blow jobs and we have lots of continous sex but I just can't cum and it's really gett...

A.   27 April 2011: Is this a new problem for you? Or did you have this problem before you started taking anti-depressants?... (read in full...)

Why can't I go?

Q.   I've been with my girlfriend over 2 months now and things are going great apart from one thing, I can't cum for her apart from masterbating :( She has given me blow jobs and we have lots of continous sex but I just can't cum and it's really gett...

A.   16 March 2011: Anorgasmia, the name for what you are describing, can be a side effect of many medications, Tylenol, Advil, Paxil and other antidepressents. The only way to know for sure is to see a urologist about it. If it bothers you enough.... (read in full...)

*eeGee255's friends

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Abella agony auntAbella
Adorskable  agony auntAdorskable
Aunty Honest agony auntAunty Honest
ayeshaH agony auntayeshaH
chigirl agony auntchigirl
dirtball agony auntdirtball
EFM94 agony auntEFM94
Kalyani agony auntKalyani
KITcAThottie agony auntKITcAThottie
lerato29 agony auntlerato29
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lilysunshine agony auntlilysunshine
mandy4help agony auntmandy4help
Mansur agony auntMansur
Merawder agony auntMerawder
Mia_Creque agony auntMia_Creque
michael james agony auntmichael james
mystiquek agony auntmystiquek
Noraa agony auntNoraa
Radhika Arora agony auntRadhika Arora
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sanetlaagan agony auntsanetlaagan
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