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*iss frank

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12345Next > [5 pages, 168 answers]

Does this checkout operator have a crush on my BF?

Q.   Recently I was standing in the local store with my boyfriend standing behind me,waiting to pay for our purchases separately! However the female assistant blushed when she realised she was going to see me through the checkout. She kept her composu...

A.   21 August 2016: I find this an intriguing post. On the surface a check out girl has blushed as your nice looking boyfriend has talked to her. For a lot of people this would be flattering to the boyfriend and the partner, and nothing more of note than that. Howev... (read in full...)

We slept together and now he's gone silent, advice?

Q.   I was wondering if any of you could give me some advice on my situation. To start things off I've never been in a Relationship due to the fact I've never been interested and preferred to focus on school, work and enjoying my time with my friends....

A.   13 August 2016: Well now, I'm inclined to agree with ivyblue... I think it's unlikely that he's not a jerk I'm afraid- waa there a drop in his affection or attention prior to spending the night together ? How was he during the night ? Cuddling or turning away etc? ... (read in full...)

My LDR girlfriend has admitted to being attracted to someone else!

Q.   hello! i am in a long distance relationship for last one year,we have spent such a beautiful time in last one year.We share everything, recently my girlfriend told me that she is attracted towards one of his co worker;she explains that th...

A.   13 August 2016: Especially as you are due to meet in a couple of months? Does this mean you haven't met at all yet ? If that is this case my friend, you don't have a relationship in a sense that you might think I'm afraid- exactly what are your plans to be ... (read in full...)

I got rejected but I still like him

Q.   I met a guy on tinder in May and I fell for him and I thought it was mutual because when we see (which is not very often due to his job) we always make out and stuff, plus he once asked me if I would like to fall in love with him. A few days ago, I ...

A.   10 August 2016: You are three months in now, so exactly what is his proposal? Is he dating other women? Or exclusively getting to know you slowly, no making out etc either - and how interested is he in you? And how is he getting to know you? And what effort is he ... (read in full...)

He's telling them our relationship has ended before he even told me. How do I let go and move on from him?

Q.   My partner and I have been together 6 and a half years, since I was 16. We both live with my parents and over the course of our relationship we have done for 3-4 years. Roughly 2 years ago, my partner dumped me, for me it was completely out o...

A.   10 August 2016: Oh my goodness, you poor lady - his behaviour is disgusting and you do not deserve it, and he does not deserve you or your bed! Have you talked to your parents about this? Can you get support from them? I am afraid I would tell him I know ... (read in full...)

Girl I am seeing had affair with a man who later became her step-father. Am I being over sensitive about this?

Q.   Hi all, I am wondering if you can provide a sounding board. I'll be brief. I met a girl on an internet site. She is from Eastern Europe. I live in US. Let's call her R. We got to talking for a few months and things seemed great. Then R. tol...

A.   10 August 2016: Yes weird and yes I would be wierded by it too, but it's 15 yrs ago, she's been honest, and you either can deal with it or not moving forward. What are you afraid of? That there might be a spark between then again at some point in the future ?... (read in full...)

He earns 8 times what I earn. Is it fair that I contribute 50 . 50 for all dating costs

Q.   I've been dating a guy for about 6 months, he earns very good money (about 8 times what I do), should meals out/ trips away be split 50 / 50 , or should he be expected to pay more as he is the higher earner and had a lot more disposable cash than me ...

A.   10 August 2016: I am wondering why you think he should pay more? Is it because he earns more, or is it because he is the man, or is it both? I am wondering why you think you should be paid for... Is money tight for you? Are you going places where you can't ... (read in full...)

Why do I hate that my boyfriend remains friends with his ex girlfriend?

Q.   Dear cupid why do I hate that my boyfriend remains friends with his ex girlfriend? I actually feel very bad for feeling this way, but I cannot help how I truly feel. This is an ex girlfriend he was with for 4 years, and he was madly in love wi...

A.   1 August 2016: Ok, so need more info really. How often is the contact? Do they go out alone together? Texting and how often? Have you spoken to him about this and what has he said? Now, I think you are ok to feel as you do, most people would. But from his pers... (read in full...)

How can I talk to him about these issues? He expects my sons to contribute via chores but does nor expect his teen daughter to do anything

Q.   I'm Engaged!!!!!!!!. I should be excited right? I'm more worried than anything. We have dated a little over a year and are planning to get married May 2017. We both have children from a previous marriage. He has two daughters (21 and !7), I have ...

A.   31 July 2016: Sounds like you have put your foot down, so we can only imagine that there are aspects to thus relationship that are good and worth pursuing with these significant changes you have introduced and he has now agreed to. I really hope it works ou... (read in full...)

Is this a compliment "I chose you" ???

Q.   No problem just a question. If your husband/wife, partner lover whatever tells you "I CHOSE YOU" how do you receive it, as a compliment or an insult? We had the same question asked on facebook but most see it as a compliment. I don't! What's yo...

A.   29 July 2016: To say something like thus means the person making the statement values themselves as a person worth being with, and the person they say it to should feel it a compliment as they are saying I am worthy and I chose you as you are amazing and I want ... (read in full...)

I want both men but can't have them both!

Q.   I have been married for 3 years, but the past year and a half, my husband completely neglected me and took me for granted. I tried my best to save our relationship by trying to go out more with him, talking to him, looking sexy for him, finding out ...

A.   29 July 2016: You seem to be mistaking cheating for something that isn't your fault and you are not to blame for. You seem to also be confusing texting daily and carrying on in the manner you are as not continuing to cheat. So to be clear, the choice to cheat... (read in full...)

How can I talk to him about these issues? He expects my sons to contribute via chores but does nor expect his teen daughter to do anything

Q.   I'm Engaged!!!!!!!!. I should be excited right? I'm more worried than anything. We have dated a little over a year and are planning to get married May 2017. We both have children from a previous marriage. He has two daughters (21 and !7), I have ...

A.   29 July 2016: So now you are doing the chores for his animals etc... Still not him, and he's making it clear daily that you are not raising your kids right. I think under different circumstances his daughter moving in is acceptable, in any partnership all kids ... (read in full...)

My boyfriend struggles with lusting after other women

Q.   My boyfriend struggles a lot with lusting after other women. He sees beautiful women and wants to be with them and gets jealous of their partners if these women are with someone else. He then ends up feeling really terrible about lusting after other ...

A.   28 July 2016: Um, I find thus bizarre. Most men I think have a bit of a look at other women, I think its in their nature and probably most women do the same, but not in the way you seem to be describing. What you are describing seems more than a passing look or ... (read in full...)

My married BF says I worry too much that he is going to be unfaithful to me. Is it all my fault?

Q.   Hi. I've been dating a married man for 3 years now. We have incredible sex together and lots of fun. We get along very well and are sexually perfect for each other. I care a lot for him. He cares for me. However, my insecurity issues ...

A.   27 July 2016: I find your post very sad. Why are you with a taken married man? Why is a position of mistress acceptable to you? What do you really think about this mans moral compass and values and therefore how he behaves and treats others? Because he is ... (read in full...)

How can I stop feeling inferior when my crush picked another woman?

Q.   I am confident and know I have plenty to offer a man. However, this guy picked another woman over me and I can't help but to feel inferior to her anyway. My ego is a bit crushed. I saw a picture on IG of them together. I feel like shit and keep won...

A.   27 July 2016: Hi. You start by knowing the major feeling you have is of rejection. Not the loss of what might have been, or attaching feelings to him that you ate now heart broken from..but plan old hurtful rejection. Rejection is awful. It feels a judgemen... (read in full...)

I got rejected but I still like him

Q.   I met a guy on tinder in May and I fell for him and I thought it was mutual because when we see (which is not very often due to his job) we always make out and stuff, plus he once asked me if I would like to fall in love with him. A few days ago, I ...

A.   27 July 2016: Oh dear. From what you write here, there's no real substance to this other than you meeting up every now and then and making out. He's set his boundary, he's clear that he didn't want a relationship but is happy with the casual agreement that you ... (read in full...)

I'm worried that the man I am dating can do better than me

Q.   So, im a gay man and currently seeing a guy. I really like him and he tells me he really likes me too. Im a student home for the summer so i don't have anything to do but the guy im seeing runs a night club and is very busy. When we go out on dates ...

A.   26 July 2016: Wiseowl...wise words as ever. OP, his advise - please read and re-read... Eloquent and spot on,IMO... (read in full...)

Why would someone go out of their way to not be searchable on social media and delete their online date profile on the day we were due to meet the first time?

Q.   Why would someone go out of their way to not be searchable on social media and delete their online date profile on the day we were due to meet the first time? Wed been chatting for over a week through a site and thought we were getting on ok. Had to ...

A.   26 July 2016: As frustrating as this is, you will never know the real reason. You didn't know him, and he didn't know you. Move on and let it go, and next time don't put all your eggs in one basket- char to a few guys and meet them too. Until you've actually been ... (read in full...)

Is it OK to steal him from his girl friend?

Q.   I fancy my brother's close friend. He's two years older than me but I've known him for years. We've always had a thing many people have said he has a thing for me. He sadly has a gf with a girl I know but I am single now and he's been quite flirty ...

A.   26 July 2016: I'm not sure what you are asking in your question- is it ok to text him and engage in cheating of any description? No, it isn't, and that's what you'll be doing, but then you are no idiot- you know this. The type of behaviour you are allowing and ... (read in full...)

My boyfriend has many female friends and I am jealous!

Q.   I am extremely jealous when it comes to my boyfriend that it scares me! We don't live together but, I end up stalking him on social media. Seeing if he is liking other girls pictures on Instagram etc. He's French so, I end up translating every ...

A.   25 July 2016: It's mean of him to wind you up on purpose. Does he know the effect it has on you? You should tell him in a sensitive way how it makes you feel, I use the word feel as he cant deny you that - how you feel is how you feel. Don't criticise him, rather ... (read in full...)

I'm so sick of the games that my husband's ex has been playing. When will this stop?

Q.   When do the games stop?Do we have to grin and bear it? I have a situation where my husband and I have been married for twenty years. My whole marriage the ex has been in the picture with his family. I came along 2 years after they were divorced. ...

A.   25 July 2016: I have a different perspective. I was with the father of my children for many years, and was a part of his family and any events that occurred. I got on very well with his mother whom I saw more than he did. When we split, she disappeared from my ... (read in full...)

My boyfriend has many female friends and I am jealous!

Q.   I am extremely jealous when it comes to my boyfriend that it scares me! We don't live together but, I end up stalking him on social media. Seeing if he is liking other girls pictures on Instagram etc. He's French so, I end up translating every ...

A.   24 July 2016: Oh my goodness... I hate to say this to you as you have been so honest with how you are feeling and behaving, but you absolutely have to tackle your thoughts and actions around your jealousy, it is out of control and you are preoccupied and its ... (read in full...)

Almost twice my age, will he freak out if I tell him I find him attractive?

Q.   How would men in their late 40s feel if a girl in her mid 20s had feelings and a few x-rated thoughts about them? Would they be repulsed or find it a joke, or be interested in her? Yes I do like a man a bit older and I'm so scared to hell him inca...

A.   23 July 2016: I wonder, is there any signs he likes you? How do you know him? How has he come to help you out so much? These maybe indicaters of how he may feel- needing more info ... (read in full...)

Is it wrong that my distant cousin and I share passionate times together? She has a Bf.

Q.   I love my distant cousin. We have made love and it feels like the most beautiful thing I have ever done in my life. I don't even feel guilty about it. I have had meaningless sex with other girls before but with her its just amazing and I cuddle her ...

A.   22 July 2016: What's your question here? Is it wrong to have a relationship with your distant cousin or someone who's head a partner? How do you feel about having such strong feelings for someone who loves someone else? Who's lying and cheating on the person t... (read in full...)

How do I get a family that hires me as a nanny to accept I need to bring along my mother who has Alzheimer's?

Q.   Hi , Thanks for always being helpful to me. I have very complicated situation .First ,my profession is nanny . I work as nanny in family environment . I recently lost my job. I was working as nanny . I been with family more then three years. The...

A.   21 July 2016: She doesn't have the diagnosis, you are just assuming with what you describe as few symptoms I believe. There could be many reasons for forgetfulness - depression and anxiety are two actually, but many others. What's this about getting medicated in ... (read in full...)

Does he really not realize he was wrong to take off without coming over my house ? Does he believe his own lies?

Q.   I have been dating a guy for a month and 1/2 who told me right from the start he is bipolar. At least once a week he will do something such as make plans with me and then just go off with somebody else and not even call me to let me know. He wil...

A.   20 July 2016: I'm not sure about the giving you advise to turn it around thing as to be honest seeing someone for six weeks and this extra info about looking at houses together etc and listing his problems and behaviours you have to 'work on'... Six weeks? And I ... (read in full...)

He likes rough sex, I don't! Am I being unreasonable or is he?

Q.   I recently started a relationship with a guy I met 4 months ago. We went out a few times in the last 4 months before deciding we wanted to give a relationship a go. We recently started having sex and it turns out that he is really into rough sex and ...

A.   20 July 2016: I think the other aunts have this pretty much wrapped up in regard to your question, I would just add that my view of him commenting about being a feminist if you don't want to engage in being slapped or choked in my view is actually misogynistic to ... (read in full...)

Does he really not realize he was wrong to take off without coming over my house ? Does he believe his own lies?

Q.   I have been dating a guy for a month and 1/2 who told me right from the start he is bipolar. At least once a week he will do something such as make plans with me and then just go off with somebody else and not even call me to let me know. He wil...

A.   20 July 2016: OP, I had to go back to the start of the post here to clarify how long you have been seeing this guy, as all this has happened in just six weeks? My honest opinion is its not going anywhere. I say this because you have described a lot of negative... (read in full...)

A girl is flirting with my boyfriend. Should I ask him about this girl? Or go see the girl myself?

Q.   Hello I have been with my boyfriend for almost 12 months now, and I have been really happy. Everything has been fine until this year, when he was told he had to attend a computer course at a technical college once a week. Since going to col...

A.   18 July 2016: Oh dear. This sounds very much that he's cheating I'm afraid. The secrecy, all those messages! And you think he's got her as his screen saver too? And the lack of him wanting you at the college etc etc... Stinks of cheating. I wouldn't confront her ... (read in full...)

I magnify everything into the worst case scenario. What can I do to stop doing this?

Q.   I am finding it difficult to live in my own skin. And it has become worse and worse over time. Every ache and pain I have I magnify into the worst case scenario and think I am dying. And I panic and have massive amounts of stress and anxiety. ...

A.   18 July 2016: This must be so awful for you. Honey-pie is absolutely right, you must must get some proper help. Start with talking to your Dr about your anxiety and thoughts that,trigger them, and leave nothing out in regard to how often it happens and the effect ... (read in full...)

How long after a break up should I find new love?

Q.   Hello so I just ended a relationship with someone I have been with for five years. I was wondering how long I should wait until I would get into another relationship. He was my first love but I grew out of it fast because we dated young. Things have ...

A.   18 July 2016: Your sisters advice is to wait five years?! Hell no! I wouldn't be taking that advice at all! You sound like you had ended the relationship a while mentally before it ended, with your comment about outgrowing I fast as it was your first love. It... (read in full...)

Do I give up or do I try harder?

Q.   Hello, Well my story starts here be been with my boyfriend now for 5 years and living together for 4. We always fight and I've changed so much for him and he's changed too. But the fight are constant sometimes about meager things. He says he's tir...

A.   18 July 2016: My gut from what I'm reading here, from your perspective and feelings, this relationship is toxic to you and unhealthy. You may have insecurities, you may have jealousy, these may well influence the relationship I have no doubt. But this type of ... (read in full...)

I found out he's still married, but separated, he lied about his son and he's a borderline hoarder!

Q.   Dear Cupid, I have been dating a guy for 2 1/2 years. He is older than me (I am 35 and he is 53), and when we started seeing each other he said he had been single for awhile. He has a house that is in disrepair, and approaching hoarder status. ...

A.   17 July 2016: Chaigirls excellent paragraph, so eloquently put...that really says it all OP. You know what you want, you know what you can give to a guy, this isn't the guy who deserves it. Go find the one who does! Good luck ... (read in full...)

I don't want to let go of someone I love but my husband keeps on responding to this girl on line. What can I do?

Q.   Hello everyone, I have been with this man a total of 7 years married for 3 and he unfortunately feel in a web web of lies with one of his friends from another country.. And he sent her inappropriate messages and a video of him self " releaving...

A.   17 July 2016: Firstly I would like to make an important point here to you, as the victim of his behaviour and the victim of his cheating. People don't fall into webs of lies such as you describe here. He is married to you, and he chose to interact with another ... (read in full...)

We caught feelings for each other, any advice?

Q.   My fwb and I have both managed to catch feelings for each other. Our talks are no longer all about our next meeting, we text from good morning to good night throughout our day. Our conversations have been getting deeper. A few days ago we were ...

A.   15 July 2016: Yep you sure seem stuck...he isn't moving forward to you with this, and you tried to lay it out there. Sounds like for now at least its not going further - I'd start to date others if I were you, distract yourself and put this on the back burning. ... (read in full...)

I need help. Who can help me with these issues? Who would accept me like this?

Q.   I am 37 years old and i still play with dolls. I feel that they're real. I give them a name and a voice as well. I sleep with them and I'm very over protective as well. My son hates one of my dolls because he feels i give them more attention...

A.   15 July 2016: Totally whencowsattack advice, as soon as possible, like today.... (read in full...)

Wants a brood mare? Should I meet him? Been talking to him online but some of his questions are a concern.

Q.   I know this sounds silly however I have been talking to this guy online. I told him I would meet him as a friend. He has been asking some off questions like if I will be fertile when we have planned to meet. He has asked several times and also w...

A.   15 July 2016: Really? You are how old and you are not getting this? Do not meet this man, and indeed don't engage in further contact at all. Hes an utter nutcase, and you seem very very naive and at risk.... (read in full...)

How do I bear this deep hurt?

Q.   Thanks in advance to anyone who reads this to help. How do you move forwards after your husband has betrayed your trust? He has, in my eyes, emotionally cheated on me with another woman who he messaged more than he's bothered messaging me in ...

A.   11 July 2016: You express the hurt that anyone feels in this situation so eloquently, anyone who has been betrayed and cheated on in any way - physically, emotionally, will read this and totally connect with how you are feeling right now. I just wanted you to ... (read in full...)

After being cheated on, I hate myself

Q.   During my most recent relationship, I got cheated on by my girlfriend. She did it once fairly early in the relationship, and even though I hated the guy before it happened, she claims to be blackout drunk so I forgave her. She cheated again and ...

A.   10 July 2016: Hi. How long is it since your relationship ended? And was this your first real relationship? These are important factors in how you currently feel, as you've nothing to compare getting through it with. I've been cheated on. I threw him out the ... (read in full...)

Saw 6 Condoms in His Travelling Bag

Q.   Please my big brother and sister in the house, Am married for two years now, we have a daughter. Recently my husband job entailed him travelling a lot. He was travelling today and he took six condoms,he ought to be away for 6 days. I saw it in his ...

A.   10 July 2016: It's so hard when you what so badly to believe someone, because the alternative is so unbearable tho think about. However, I wouldn't believe this, its too ridiculous I'm afraid. Hes either hoping to get laid or is sleeping with someone going on the ... (read in full...)

How can I talk to him about these issues? He expects my sons to contribute via chores but does nor expect his teen daughter to do anything

Q.   I'm Engaged!!!!!!!!. I should be excited right? I'm more worried than anything. We have dated a little over a year and are planning to get married May 2017. We both have children from a previous marriage. He has two daughters (21 and !7), I have ...

A.   3 July 2016: Come come now OP, the picture you paint is increasingly poor in regard to this guy you are now engaged to. He doesn't contribute financially? Really? Yet he finds the money to pay for his daughters car and insurance? The daughter who is favoured ... (read in full...)

We caught feelings for each other, any advice?

Q.   My fwb and I have both managed to catch feelings for each other. Our talks are no longer all about our next meeting, we text from good morning to good night throughout our day. Our conversations have been getting deeper. A few days ago we were ...

A.   2 July 2016: Hes back off a bit- which isn't a surprise given a text of I cant stop thinking about you, given your arrangement up till now. Try and keep things light. Don't text more than you would have before. Try and mirror what his texts relay at the moment ... (read in full...)

How can I talk to him about these issues? He expects my sons to contribute via chores but does nor expect his teen daughter to do anything

Q.   I'm Engaged!!!!!!!!. I should be excited right? I'm more worried than anything. We have dated a little over a year and are planning to get married May 2017. We both have children from a previous marriage. He has two daughters (21 and !7), I have ...

A.   2 July 2016: Hi. You say this is the only issue you have together...but actually, from what you have written its huge. You are right, this is your fault. You are allowing it to continue. A few things: - you say his daughter stays four days a week. Thi... (read in full...)

We caught feelings for each other, any advice?

Q.   My fwb and I have both managed to catch feelings for each other. Our talks are no longer all about our next meeting, we text from good morning to good night throughout our day. Our conversations have been getting deeper. A few days ago we were ...

A.   1 July 2016: What are you scared of here? Trying something deeper and losing him if it doesn't work? Do you not think now feelings beyond fwb will lose him if you don't take a leap of faith anyway? If indeed you feel as he does that is.... Which would you regr... (read in full...)

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