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What happens at bachelor's parties?

Q.   What happens at bachelor's parties? My wife has been asked to be the stripper for a friend of someone she knows. It's suppose to take place in March and she says it sounds exciting, but I need to hear what others think about it, before I give her ...

A.   7 February 2023: Is your wife currently a stripper or prostitute? If so than go ahead and let her. If she's not then are you okay with her doing sexual things with other guys? If so then let her go.... (read in full...)

Interracial dating and sex

Q.   Im a white guy and dating a black gal that i had met through work. She was not a colleague but worked for a firm that worked with my office. To me she was an extremely attractive woman and she had the most infectious laugh. We dated about ...

A.   18 January 2023: Wiseowle are you out of your mind? Do you even understand what racism is? It's it racist to refer to someone's skin color for a legitimate reason (ie while discussing race)? Is the word gal racist? Old fashioned yes, but it has no racial connotation ... (read in full...)

I want my mom to stop talking to me she has a mental illness

Q.   My mom she loves coming into the basement irritating me and threatening me and I don't want her coming to the basement I don't want her talking to me she has a mental illness and she doesn't want to admit to anybody she has one. ...

A.   4 December 2022: You don't have many options. If she's not dangerous you can't force her to get help. Maybe put a lock on the door. If that doesn't work, do what most people do when their parents start driving them nuts and move out. If you can't afford it, find ... (read in full...)

Sex and being loose

Q.   i had my first sex at age 22, and only once i tried.i dint cum too, i stopped him there as i felt no friction. i was too loose i dint feel any friction even him, i gets too wet, arous soon. how can i stop getting wet and feel my first sex....

A.   27 November 2022: I don't think there's a good way to stop getting so wet. Was he hard enough? It's he a normal size? If you answered yes to those questions then maybe you need to just work on your technique. Your clitoris being stimulated is possibly more important. ... (read in full...)

Friend always requesting money

Q.   Hello, My so called male friend is in between jobs he works here and there. Always asking to borrow ( never has returned nothing) it's almost like he waits on my payday. He says hes broke I need food, I need to pay this or that. I ma...

A.   15 November 2022: If it's one time then you're just trying to help. But from the sound of things he's interested in working, he'd rather have other people support him. It was a reasonable request but you shouldn't be loaning him any more money so you should h... (read in full...)

In a long distance relationship and I just found out that my gf is pregnant by another man!

Q.   Hello I'm in a long distance relationship (like across the country) and today I learned from a friend of my girlfriend that she is pregnant by another man. I confronted my girlfriend and she admitted that she screwed up a few months ago and w...

A.   9 October 2022: Cheating is one thing. But this wasn't the only time. That's practically certain. It was just the time with the most consequences. On top of that, she's having unprotected sex with other people. That to me is where you have to draw the line. ... (read in full...)

Can anyone please help me figure out what's going on with this guy?

Q.   I'm 33 and single. I've known guy for the last 10 years from way back when we were studying. Although we were never friends, we knew people who were common to us. He was always very polite and civil and might I add, a good 10 years older. He added ...

A.   9 October 2022: One simple question: why do you care? A guy you find a bit weird and creepy who lives in another country is being a bit weird and you care about why? It's impossible to know for sure, I think you should just forget about him.... (read in full...)

How do I convince GF pain I have during sex is no big deal?

Q.   My girlfriend and I have gotten to the point where we are starting to be sexually active with each other. We are both very attracted to each other, but she made me wait for a while but that is okay because she is worth it. Our first two nights ...

A.   27 August 2022: You may think that you can continue like this, but I'm sure that what time it'll be too much to bear. You should probably get used to learning how to deal with it. For instance, let her get on top of you. If you really want some speed, there are ... (read in full...)

Best years of your life

Q.   What's the happiest years of your life? And not the the happiest years are when you realise you have one kids crap. Generally what was your happiest part of your life. Mine was maybe 18 to 22 and just never seem to be able to do it again ...

A.   14 August 2022: They can be any years you want if you figure out what makes you happy, then go get it. For most people it's having friends and socializing, someone that cares about them, not worrying about money, etc. ... (read in full...)

How do I get her love back

Q.   I have my girlfriend that hate me and i got hurt but i still love her.when i call her she abuses me and don't want to pick my calls but me i still love her what should i do to get in love with her back....

A.   8 August 2022: You shouldn't be chasing people that abuse you. This is more about your insecurities than love. Just know that a woman breaking up with you isn't the end of the world. Use it as a learning opportunity and remember that there are billions of women ... (read in full...)

Wife is transitioning into man. Would I be horrible to get divorced?

Q.   First, I want to make it clear I have nothing against trans people. I believe they deserve the same rights and courtesies as all cis-trans people. If I use incorrect terminology I sincerely apologize as I have zero intention to offend trans ...

A.   28 May 2022: Claire is gone, Caleb is here. You're not gay so how could you be considered a bad person by leaving? I wouldn't stay either, not in a million years. The only way you would be a bad person is if you didn't want to be his friend anymore. But ... (read in full...)

The house goes to his ex if he dies

Q.   Hello Just looking for some advise if possible So my partner and have been together around a year We moved in together around 2 months ago, it’s his house which he holds a mortgage on When he asked me to move in with him he offered to p...

A.   10 May 2022: You haven't been together that long and it's possible that she has invested more into the house than you have and they have some sort of agreement. Maybe he wants to put you on but can't without having issues with her. I've known other people i... (read in full...)

How can you earn money

Q.   how to earn money on own job ? how to create social influence ? how to earn passively by programming the application? how all programs are automated? how google assistant is created? how to create automatic remainder ? how to do fi...

A.   8 March 2022: Dafuq?... (read in full...)

My husband sees nothing wrong with prostitution

Q.   Hubby and I were chatting. We watched a program and it featured a prostitute. I asked if he would condemn a woman for her past if she was a prostitute before he met her. He said no he would not. He said if it was in her past and she no longer does ...

A.   27 February 2022:  "Why it’s wrong is that ‘paid consent ‘ is NOT consent! Consent (true consent) cannot be bought . Consent doesn’t require being paid . Sure they say you can USE my body for money - that’s different to consent" All jobs are paid consent. You... (read in full...)

My husband sees nothing wrong with prostitution

Q.   Hubby and I were chatting. We watched a program and it featured a prostitute. I asked if he would condemn a woman for her past if she was a prostitute before he met her. He said no he would not. He said if it was in her past and she no longer does ...

A.   24 February 2022: Ok, aside from people being conditioned to believe it's wrong, why is it wrong? If a woman CHOOSES (key word) to do that, why is it wrong? Who are we to tell people who they can have sex with? And if you're a man that can't find what you're l... (read in full...)

Should I let her know I can't be friends with her?

Q.   A part of this post is a continuation to a previous post of mine. The latter half is my current situation. Old Post (May 2020): I always had intense trust issues that lead me to stay away from relationships. In fact I've never been in a relati...

A.   5 February 2022: I don't want to get into depth here, but it sounds like under normal circumstances you would probably ask her on a date and take it from there. Living in different cities, however, is challenging to say the least. But you are basically saying... (read in full...)

My fwb doesn't want to have sex?

Q.   So there’s a guy I met through my cousin and we have been talking for a month but under the understanding that we would be FWB. I’m a 30 year old female and he is a 28 year old male. He has only had one partner and I’m a Virgin and tbh I just feel ...

A.   5 February 2022: It's highly likely that he's nervous. If the guy is 28 and only been laid once he maybe be a little overwhelmed with the prospect of a woman basically laying on the bed waiting for him. This is my theory because I was faithfully married for 12 y... (read in full...)

What are the perks of moving in together?

Q.   My girlfriend and I have been dating for 11 months and has invited me to move in with her. I am thinking of it. We are both 26. Perhaps those who have moved in together can give some advice. What are the Perks of Moving in Together? Do most of you ...

A.   1 February 2022: Moving in with someone can be great or a nightmare. You really should make sure you're compatible first or it will be the beginning of the end of your relationship... (read in full...)

Should my sister in law contribute to my dental repair bill?

Q.   In a tragic accident, my sister in law kicked a soccerball in my face and broke several teeth, total $4,000 in dental and medical to date, with additional damage unassessed (insane amount of pain, general oral health down, gum line receding because ...

A.   11 January 2022: If you were playing a game as a willing participant then in my opinion you took a risk that you should be responsible for. If you were just sitting there minding your own business and not playing soccer than I believe she does have some ... (read in full...)

Is it over after 9 years?

Q.   We are married 5 years, together for 9 with an 8momth old baby. No affection -kissing, touching or verbal, no dates, no sex, no vacations, no celebration of anniversaries, we talk about work 90% of the time. I feel lonely. Is my relationship o...

A.   9 January 2022: It seems to me that these are things you should work on with him. Tell him how you feel, and what you'd like to do about it.... (read in full...)

People asking for money on social media

Q.   Hello ?? Social media has been a good way to make new friends. I have made a couple of long lasting friendships, however, it's also frustrating when you talk to people and they seem to feel it's okay to ask for money. Most times it's men ...

A.   6 January 2022: I would never in a million years send money to anyone I've never met in person. And for the most part anyone not in my normal life (not people I primarily see on social media). It's worth noting that sometimes Facebook accounts are stolen, ... (read in full...)

Ever since our threesome, I'm quite attracted to this man

Q.   im 26 years old.female, married 3 years ,no kids and need some advice...about a year ago my husband and i had a threesome with a single friend of ours, after having a few drinks together at a wasnt my idea for this to happen , but it ...

A.   4 January 2022: It's not always easy to do the right thing. Keep in mind that passion is emotional 1st and physical 2nd. Due to your circumstances it's easy to have passion with this other guy but not as easy with your husband. If you were to leave your husband I ... (read in full...)

How do I approach him about the question he wants to ask me?

Q.   Hey everyone, I need some help, this might be a long one sorry! So I’ve met this boy online (Tinder) probably about 6/7 weeks ago now / Start of November last year. We have been talking every single day since then. He’s stayed at mine multiple times ...

A.   2 January 2022: You're overthinking, just approach the situation honestly, and don't play any games. ... (read in full...)

My husband wants a divorce but I don't

Q.   My marriage is over basically. I've been with my husband for 13 years and married 8. We have a long history of on again and off again and everytime I try to change myself but then I stopped because I let something he said or did bother me enough to ...

A.   5 December 2021: I don't know if I understand the situation very well, but it sounds like there's some sort of reoccurring issue with your behavior, and you haven't ever addressed it until he finally couldn't take it anymore. If that's correct then this is my ... (read in full...)

My girlfriend had sex with my friend bought a plan B from pharmacy. How do I talk to her? She doesn't know that I know

Q.   My partner and I have been together for 2 years now, and it's been pretty great. But in the last year our sex life started to be less frequent. We've been playing some kinky games in the last number of months, where she would talk about her flirting...

A.   2 December 2021: Well, it sounds like you have a girlfriend who will probably continue cheating on you. Ave you have a friend who's an asshole. What you do with them is up to you but unless you want an open relationship you should move on.... (read in full...)

How long do you wait for a man to propose?

Q.   How long should you wait for a man to propose before accepting that it is not going to happen and move on? I'm in my early 30s and my partner is 40s wee have been together for almost 3 years now. I would say he is a good partner, good to my kid t...

A.   29 November 2021: I can't imagine why you feel like you can't even ask the man you love for what you want. Talk to him before strangers on the internet... There's a difference between asking or talking about something and pressuring him. I think most guys would pr... (read in full...)

Is 6 months after a divorce too early to date?

Q.   I met this guy from my softball team about six months ago, that's right around the time he got divorced. He's 15 years older than me and has been with his ex wife for about 20 years, they share children but they are fully grown and do not live in ...

A.   29 November 2021: Sometimes a marriage has already been over for a long time before you actually get divorced so 6 months might not be a big deal. Regardless of that, if he was faithful it's probably a little different for him to be with someone else. I was fait... (read in full...)

Soap star won't acknowledge Facebook message

Q.   I’m friends with a soap star on facebook, I sent her a friend request as a joke and it backfired on me as she accepted the request. I’ve tried to talk to her a few times. she doesn’t seem to respond and only sees messages I send and doesn’t reply. ...

A.   19 November 2021: Take a hint? She probably gets plenty of messages, and she probably knows how to respond to them if she desires. If she hasn't responded she's either busy or not interested in responding or both.... (read in full...)

Does God notify all women that I am gay

Q.   I asked a friend from school who I’ve know for many years about a lad who was really strange and asked what his name was, as I remember certain things. he didn’t seem to know if he was gay or not and he can’t think why he came to mine or what the ...

A.   19 November 2021: Well I can't speak for women, but he certainly hasn't told me that anyone is a lesbian... (read in full...)

My wife's obsession over bills and no sex has lead me to having an affair

Q.   I'm a 33 year old man who's been married for 5 years. I am writing in embarrassed but I caused the problem and don't know how to get out. I've been having an affair with a 24-year-old woman since September and this has all been because of my ...

A.   15 November 2021: I think when your partner cheats it's important to see what BOTH of you did that lead you to cheat. Often people simply blame the cheater because they "can't keep it in their pants" or blame the person who was cheated on because they "don't give me ... (read in full...)

How can I love myself when I feel no reason to?

Q.   Hi, I'm currently in a bad state of mind and not sure what to do about it. I've been single for the past 2 years, and been looking for the past 4 years. In that time I've only had one relationship, which lasted two months and ended because sh...

A.   14 November 2021: I wouldn't take someone's harsh words too seriously. Your face was probably red from the treatment, and combined with your scaring they just got a stupid comment in their head. It certainly doesn't mean you look like a burn victim. Now a good way... (read in full...)

Nice but shy colleague?

Q.   Hello, How do I initiate talking with a nice woman who seems very shy? We are colleagues but don't work together and we are quite mature. I know she is divorced and a mother of grown up sons but she doesn't seem to socialise much at the workplace...

A.   11 November 2021: @honeypie if someone doesn't want to make friends at work they can communicate that I'm a number of ways.... (read in full...)

Partner spends all his money then gets nasty if I don't give him money

Q.   my partner spends half or more of his money every payday on weed and takeaways then he runs out of money and has nothing to eat. when he runs out of money he is horrible to me he expects money from me to eat when im struggling on my own paying for ...

A.   7 November 2021: It's pretty obvious that this guy sucks and you need to leave him. Start figuring out how to do that because he will never change and you'll be dealing with his abuse forever if you don't leave. ... (read in full...)

I suspect my girlfriend is seeing other guys again but don't know how to approach her

Q.   Hi Something is bothering me about my girlfriend recently. we have been together since December 2020 but live in different cities as we are students. We haven't been able to see each other as often as we would like due to covid-19, as des...

A.   4 November 2021: Long distance relationships have their ups and downs. Her lack of communication doesn't mean she's cheating. I've been in that position; long distance gets old. The closing time discrepancy is more concerning. Here in the US some places stay ope... (read in full...)

Nice but shy colleague?

Q.   Hello, How do I initiate talking with a nice woman who seems very shy? We are colleagues but don't work together and we are quite mature. I know she is divorced and a mother of grown up sons but she doesn't seem to socialise much at the workplace...

A.   29 October 2021: Sorry Honeypie but that's not really the most helpful advice. I think if you want to start talking to her than start talking to her the way you've started talking to people your whole life... Ask a question. How are you liking your job? Are you ... (read in full...)

I'm sick and tired of his treatment towards me. It's always about his friends and weed.

Q.   Hi and thanks alot So my bf can be very abusive. Verbally abusive. Resorts to name calling at the slightest things. He wasn't like that in the beginning at first he was calm and sweet then he changed alot. Maybe the true colors appeared. ...

A.   27 October 2021: Any advice? It seems obvious that you guys aren't a good match. If you continue to stay with him you'll continue to be unhappy unfortunately. Someone out there will share many of his good qualities without making you feel like crap. Look for that... (read in full...)

I'm worried I have outgrown him and the relationship

Q.   Ok so i asked this question already and dont think i worded it very well. Context: - I have been with my partner 8 years. - We recently got married. - We live with his parents (Mum and Dad - Dad who constantly makes crude remarks and touch...

A.   24 October 2021: Don't start a family and buy a house when you're questioning your entire relationship. That wouldn't make any sense. It sounds obvious that you never should have married him in the first place. You didn't say if he has any good qualities so you'r... (read in full...)

He told me I was fatter than he expected years later

Q.   I've been in a relationship with a man for 3 years now (me: 23f, him 24m). Our first date is a precious memory for me. We were talking online for weeks before we met because he was out of town at the time, and met up at a small restaurant. He was so ...

A.   16 October 2021: Of course you're over reacting.... He's with you, he treats you well, says you're hot, etc. You're acting as if you being "fatter than expected" means something bad. Not everyone has the same negativity that you do when it comes to being overweight. ... (read in full...)

My husband of 3 years is not talking to me for past 4 days now.

Q.   Dear cupid My husband of 3 years is not talking to me for past 4 days now. He talks only when he need something essential from me, do not respond when I talk. Eats if I cook, refuse to sit with me, sleeps on the same bed but pushes me away i...

A.   21 September 2021: I'll be honest and say that I don't believe you'll benefit from the advice you have received. Not that it is bad advice but I don't think you're ready to hear it. That being said I think you need to remember that if he does leave you, everythi... (read in full...)

Am I still a virgin after having only anal sex?

Q.   Dear Cupid Me and a boy I’ve been seeing couldn’t control ourselves and ended up having anal sex despite the fact that we’re both Mormon and are forbidden from having sex until we’re married. Whilst we’ve both agreed to keep it a secret from our ...

A.   15 September 2021: I think if you really want to call yourself a virgin you might be able to get away with it but the definition of a version is someone who hasn't had sex and anal sex is still sex. But since obviously you haven't had vaginal intercourse you coul... (read in full...)

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