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*ageoldguy1465 agony aunt


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He's lusting after young women. What do I get?

Q.   My partner can't get the type of girls he wants because they are well out of his league (model types much younger than us )we're in our forties ) and he spends his times lusting after them in porn. This makes me feel like he is settling for me a...

A.   23 January 2018: SOOOooooo..... if there's nothing there, for you, in this "relationship" that you wish existed.... then GIVE IT UP.... and get on with your life....... (read in full...)

Am I right to feel humiliated?

Q.   Why was this cAfe server laughing at me? Ordered a coffee from a mall cafe 3 weeks earlier.. I ordered a Coffee and a small cookie,( the same order I ordered 3 weeks ago) Same server. Whilst ordering she began laughing at me saying “...

A.   23 January 2018: You "sound" outrageously sensitive.... beyond anything that is necessary........ (read in full...)

I don't want a ring on my finger but I would like more affection!

Q.   I've been seeing my fella for 12 yrs and have to say we are not in love although I feel I'm more fond of him than he is of me! He is totally inscrutable and never reveals his feelings. He is very reliable and fab company. I would say we are in lust ...

A.   23 January 2018: You need to decide what YOU want in a relationship.... and then, decide if what goes on between the two of you is adequate for your expectations. If "yes," then all is well... and life goes on ...... if "no" then you and fella need to have a long, ... (read in full...)

I don't want a ring on my finger but I would like more affection!

Q.   I've been seeing my fella for 12 yrs and have to say we are not in love although I feel I'm more fond of him than he is of me! He is totally inscrutable and never reveals his feelings. He is very reliable and fab company. I would say we are in lust ...

A.   23 January 2018: You need to decide what YOU want in a relationship.... and then, decide if what goes on between the two of you is adequate for your expectations. If "yes," then all is well... and life goes on ...... if "no" then you and fella need to have a long, ... (read in full...)

Is this the end of our relationship

Q.   Hi my question is how do you tell a relationship is coming to the end I’ve been with my partner for 5 years in the beginning things were good we moved in together after 2 and half year by this time he still hadn’t told me he loved me lately ...

A.   23 January 2018: remember: If your partner DOESN'T tell you that they love you..... LISTEN TO THEM!!!!... (read in full...)

Is it possible for your BF to have a tryst in an hour?

Q.   Likely or unlikely? Possible or not possible? Your boyfriend goes to the Home Depot and is gone for exactly one hour. Is it possible for him to leave his car in the Home Depot parking lot, have another woman pick him up, take him somewhere ...

A.   2 October 2016: If'n I were your "boyfriend".... and knew you distrusted me so much.... I'd do as he did and - if necessary - go meet a very expensive hooker and pay her to get nik-nik.... just to pi$$ you off... and, then, would tell you to take a hike..... ... (read in full...)

I miss my ex sometimes but am afraid to tell my girlfriend

Q.   I miss my ex from time to time. We were together for 4 years. I have a gf and we are honest about everything. I feel bad for not telling her. We have been dating for 5 years. I never use to understand why people kept secrets between someone the...

A.   2 October 2016: Sometimes.... there's good reason to KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!!! (Just ask Donald Trump when such times might be!!!!)....... ... (read in full...)

I'm starting to dread sex because it takes my husband so long to finish

Q.   Hello everyone.. I have a sexual problem with my husband.. It takes him too long to ejaculate, even if we have exquisite foreplay or so on.. Even if I do everything I can in the foreplay.. It has to end with him mostly taking a long time or masturba...

A.   22 September 2016: So.. may I re-state your question?.... You have limitations upon your hubby's completion of sexual goings-on.... and, so, you need us (Aunts and Uncles) to justify that you should be OK with dreading intimacies with him.... Looks like you've g... (read in full...)

My family doesn't want us to be together

Q.   I hav a boyfriend whom I love so much,and he loves me in return but my parent don't want us together and I can't leave him for another man so pls help me out on what to do....

A.   22 September 2016: WHO gets to live the remainder of your life? .... you? .... or, your parents? The answer to that (question) is the answer to your question, on here.... Good luck...... (read in full...)

Please advise!!! What should I do about this situation with my girlfriend??

Q.   Okay, so this is my first time posting any sort of question online. I've been on and off this site for years just browsing never thinking I would ever need to post anything on here, but here I am. So here's the issue, me and my girlfriend have bee...

A.   14 September 2016: Some "Girlfriend." Dump her and get on with your life... with HER in your rear-view mirror... Good luck...... (read in full...)

We always end up together and both of us like each other but neither of us want a relationship

Q.   I have been back and forth with a girl now for close to 5 years, we've never exclusively been classed as 'boyfriend/girlfriend" but we did spend around 2 years where we only slept with each other but still didn't put a label on things. Now the d...

A.   13 September 2016: You ask: "..But neither of us want a relationship. Can something like this work out ? " Sure it can. You and she can play this game indefinitely, as long as you both agree with the rules and the play... Good luck...... (read in full...)

My terrible ex has moved on but I'm unable to..

Q.   I have written here a couple of times asking for advice since I'm going through a real tough time- and would appreciate advice again - I was in a brief relationship with a man that basically was a total jerk to me. through therapy in the last three ...

A.   13 September 2016: Denada: The situation you've described.... your difficulty at banishing this guy from you life.... Remember this: IF you don't give up and forget him/her.... THEN you are giving them "Free Parking" in your head..... Save your sanity by forge... (read in full...)

At 21, should I try online dating or not?

Q.   So I am 21 years old and in college. My parents expect me to have a partner and possibly get married after college (although, they do not want me to do online dating but they cannot stop me as a 21 year old girl). Friends of my family and some ...

A.   13 September 2016: To the person who asked: I'm a strong believer in on-line matching/dating. I met my SO just about 5 years ago on a well-known such site. We communicated by email, then spoke by phone, then agreed to meet for a lunch (lunch is good because ... (read in full...)

I didn't cheat on my girlfriend, but she is convinced I've been unfaithful. Do we have any chance of getting back together?

Q.   My Girlfriend thinks I've cheated on her. Throw me out, saying I've no respect, can't really love her and I've lied. The thing is I haven't cheated I had a weekend with my brother and we stayed in a hotel up in London. I didnt tell her I was s...

A.   8 September 2016: You can't beat a compulsively jealous woman by her own rules. Reconcile that to yourself..... THEN, get away from her. ... FOREVER..... Good luck...... (read in full...)

Feeling robbed, hoodwinked and conned. my wife clearly doesn't want to have sex with me anymore. what are my options?

Q.   Hi, I suspect this might be an old chestnut but its new to me so please bear with me. In a wife clearly doesn't want to have sex with me anymore. On the rare occasions we do, it feels like she is being contrived, dutiful and fra...

A.   8 September 2016: Qs: "....Should I resign myself to us having a platonic relationship? Should I treat her like a room-mate and not a 'wife'? I am really at a loss as to what to do and how to react (or not)." As: No, No..... and don't feel at a loss....... (read in full...)

At 21, should I try online dating or not?

Q.   So I am 21 years old and in college. My parents expect me to have a partner and possibly get married after college (although, they do not want me to do online dating but they cannot stop me as a 21 year old girl). Friends of my family and some ...

A.   8 September 2016: "....and I usually do not know how to respond." YOU DON'T HAVE TO RESPOND!!!!! It's NONE OF THEIR DAMN BUSINESS how your love-life is going!!!! I suggest that you MAY try on-line dating... and, if it proves successful for you.... so much ... (read in full...)

Why would he do this? I've been faithful while he's been cheating. What do I need to do?

Q.   This is not my first time on this site. Finally I made the decision to end a long term relationship that was awful. I had discovered my ex had been having online sexual chats with his ex, I left. After many ''I'm sorry's and she means nothing, I...

A.   3 September 2016: Men have the magical ability to completely turn off the "decency" portion of our brains and act like total dirtbags.... all the while convincing ourselves that we are "just being guys".... A lady who's unlucky enough to meet and fall for such a g... (read in full...)

Is my fiancee is ruining my chances of having a family?

Q.   I have been in a long distance relationship for three years and engaged for one year. We live an hour and a half drive away so I commute to see him every weekend. My problem is I am tired of waiting for him to set a wedding date. I am going to be...

A.   28 August 2016: Redfish: This "boyfriend" is NOT "on the same page" as you...... Convince yourself of THAT... then set out to get a "real" "boyfriend"...... Good luck...... (read in full...)

I love her very much, but our sex life has become nonexistent. How do I rekindle her desire?

Q.   I am 62, my domestic partner is 70. When we first got together about 7 years ago, she was very romantic and passionate. As the years went by (most recently the past year) she became less and less interested in any passion at all. She doesn't ...

A.   28 August 2016: Maybe it's time to trade her in on a newer model? Good luck....... (read in full...)

My boyfriend has time for his family and friends, but not for me and our daughter. How do I stop feeling like a single parent in this relationship?

Q.   Hiya everyone I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years now. He is 29 I am 30 the problem is he never spends any time with me. We live together and have a 1 yr old daughter but everytime we plan [something] he can never be bothered going or his ...

A.   28 August 2016: Some "boyfriend". You'll probably find you are much happier when he is out of your life. (how izzit that these non-Father men get to act like such a$$e$????)... Good luck....... (read in full...)

Boyfriend is insisting I sell my house

Q.   I'm a women in her late 40's and my boyfriend of 5 years is in his mid 50's. Both of us have been married 2x's and we both have children in teen's and early 20's. I own my home and he lives in a family member's extra home in a different city. He ...

A.   27 August 2016: "... he just doesn't want to be in this house. This house means the world to me." Which world would you prefer to live in? ...the one which YOU have developed? .... or, the one that HE has insisted that you inhabit? (.... and which HE controls... (read in full...)

Should I have to put up with this man staying at my home?

Q.   Could you stay with your partner if he invited his brother to stay at our home after finding out the brother had an affair with my daughter in law (my son's wife) in our home?...

A.   26 August 2016: That sounds - to me - like an adequate reason to insist that the creep stay elsewhere when he visits.... ... (read in full...)

He gets mad when I do, and mad when I don't share my feelings!

Q.   I find myself continuously letting my boyfriend know that it feels as though he would rather spend what little free time we have with anyone else doing anything else as long as I'm not around. It hurts my feelings and it feels like he pulls me in ...

A.   26 August 2016: You've described an exquisite "double bind".... circumstances in which you have no "correct way" to act or speak.... Try to be as accommodating as you can be (as Honeypie suggested) ..... BUT, if you find there is "no way" that you can get off ... (read in full...)

Would going to the movies with an older male colleague be a mistake?

Q.   Hi everyone, A few months ago, I moved to a new city for a new job. Most of my colleagues are a lot older than I am, and I am basically the 'new' blood being brought in to compensate for those who are going to retire soon. Anyway, I'm new to t...

A.   25 August 2016: I'm with Honeypie and Ciar.... AS WELL AS.... asking you to determine if you and he are actually going to SEE the movie..... or, are you and he going to simply sit in the back row and make out? (That's how I usually handle "movie" dates.....) ... (read in full...)

My first love and I have reconnected after 30 years

Q.   I linked with my ex over a year ago, my first love. We have know each other for 30 years. I have a family. He is single with no ties. We have been on dates and slept together a few times but kept it light. It was his birthday a few weeks ago...

A.   24 August 2016: BT/DT = been there; done that........ (read in full...)

Can people rise out of a depressing life to achieve good things? Or am I destined to achieve nothing?

Q.   I'm going nowhere in life. I contrast the way things are now with the dreams I had as a young girl and I feel like a pathetic drip. I thought I was going to do amazing things in the world and leave a legacy but all I've done is fail at life and...

A.   22 August 2016: You life WILL BE as good - or as bad - as YOU want it to be.... AND are willing to work toward the desired results. Good luck..... (read in full...)

My first love and I have reconnected after 30 years

Q.   I linked with my ex over a year ago, my first love. We have know each other for 30 years. I have a family. He is single with no ties. We have been on dates and slept together a few times but kept it light. It was his birthday a few weeks ago...

A.   20 August 2016: BT/DT..... it doesn't usually work..... I know.... Good luck........ (read in full...)

How to handle husband who ignores me to chat up other females

Q.   My husband got this bad habit even before we were married. He's playful around women especially the ones he knew. Whenever he saw any female he knew he talked with them making them laugh he completely forgot I'm standing next to him. One time I...

A.   18 August 2016: You might wish to forego the marriage counsellor.... save yourself a bunch of $$..... and go directly to a divorce attorney.... Hubby doesn't "sound" like much of a "catch" to me.... Good luck...... (read in full...)

We slept together and now he's gone silent, advice?

Q.   I was wondering if any of you could give me some advice on my situation. To start things off I've never been in a Relationship due to the fact I've never been interested and preferred to focus on school, work and enjoying my time with my friends....

A.   12 August 2016: This guy played the whole "3 dates" thing to perfection. Unfortunately, he played it on you..... He's a dog, so you can forget him... but, don't give up on all guys just because of this jerk.... Good luck...... (read in full...)

Why is no one appetizing?

Q.   Sorry just some Friday musing here. Dont mind me if there is a more serious question to be answered on here. Im a single female of 25 and use online dating as my main source of dating and its great! I get meet so many different men from all bac...

A.   12 August 2016: Considering the history that you have revealed..... and you've included this: "...Im over my ex BTW..." I suspect that this last phrase really ISN'T so..... Take the weekend and think about that a little more.... Good luck....... (read in full...)

How do I behave to the one I want?

Q.   Well it hasn't worked being open an honest in my relationships. I tell people to act like you don't care, don't call them or text; let them do it. Act like you always got things to do if they say they missed you, don't say it back. I know its ...

A.   11 August 2016: These "games" that you believe should be played...... they're NOT the way to a suitable, satisfactory and equal relationship..... They're games, pure and simply.... BE YOURSELF!!! ..... and if that doesn't bring you and some prospective guy clos... (read in full...)

Any advice on this dysfunctional relationship?

Q.   My partner moans at me 24/7, interspersed with some occasional flattery and friendship! He is charming to others. He doesn't like unleashing his temper when others are around to overhear particularly if they are male! He non-stop chips at my sel...

A.   10 August 2016: When this creature is in your rear-view mirror of your life.... he will seem much more tolerable!!!! Dump him! Good luck....... (read in full...)

Will he ever emerge from the shadow of his broken marriage?

Q.   My boyfriend and I have been dating nearly a year, he's 54 and I'm 52. He's been separated 6 years and me 8. We get on great, laugh a lot, go out often etc and have met some members of each other's family and friends. In the first few months he to...

A.   10 August 2016: Guys are quite content to "live" in that never-never land where we don't QUITE commit to a lady.... but we don't QUITE ever sever ties with her...... Women are sometimes content with such a situation (It "sounds" as if you are.....).... but you ... (read in full...)

Why do some girls go down market on social media?

Q.   I know for guys these pictures can be nice eye candy. As a girl I can acknowledge if they have a nice body, but sometimes it seems a little distasteful. I'm talking about pictures with obvious cleavage, lingerie, side boob or whatever else. I feel ...

A.   10 August 2016: Why do you ask? Does it make any difference to YOU, what OTHER people do?????? ... (read in full...)

He's telling them our relationship has ended before he even told me. How do I let go and move on from him?

Q.   My partner and I have been together 6 and a half years, since I was 16. We both live with my parents and over the course of our relationship we have done for 3-4 years. Roughly 2 years ago, my partner dumped me, for me it was completely out o...

A.   10 August 2016: Don't waste even a MINUTE more time with this creature. Clearly, he hasn't grown up, yet..... so there's no future for you, with him..... Chin up.... there are LOTS of guys your age who will be quite content to spend time with you.... and mayb... (read in full...)

I did lie to her about my age. Do I get my ex girlfriend a birthday present, hoping she'll start talking to me again?

Q.   Do I get my ex girlfriend a birthday gift, maybe a book, Starbucks gift card and small flowers with small card attached just saying Happy Birthday from me? Or what would you suggest? I want her back and just even talking again to start. I met this...

A.   7 August 2016: Send her a nice CARD (only!),, then, move on........ (read in full...)

Should I rekindle this old affair?

Q.   So this is a bit long winded. 6 years ago I met a man a work and we had immediate chemistry. However we are both married. On a night out, we made out. We started a flirtatious texting relationship. We never had sex, only kissing. We would text all ...

A.   2 August 2016: WHY continue this drama? .... when there are oodles of guys in the world who might be available to you... and who aren't carrying the burdensome baggage that you describe of this guy????? Good luck....... (read in full...)

We broke up since months ago so why is my ex suddenly checking up on me?

Q.   I split up with my boyfriend 6 months ago after a rocky relationship. Within a couple of weeks he was in a new relationship. We've not stayed in touch and we're not linked via any kind of social media. My ex has started looking at my LinkedIn acco...

A.   2 August 2016: He's looking at you because the delightful lady he met .. and for whom he dumped you.... is probably not working out as he expected...... We guys do this all the time. And... unfortunately.. many time the lady involved (you!) allow him to recon... (read in full...)

I’ve been dating a guy my own age for 3 years, I find him cute but I just find older guys far more attractive!

Q.   I find older men way more attractive than guys my own age! I'm in a relationship with a guy my own age (3 years and going pretty well) but though I find him pretty cute, I just find older guys far more attractive. And by older, I mean 10+ years. ...

A.   2 August 2016: Ahhhhh.... the old search for "Daddy"..... Good luck......... (read in full...)

I’m feeling guilty for not throwing my baby a party for her first birthday!

Q.   Has anyone here held off the idea of throwing a 1yr old birthday party for tgeir baby? My baby turns 1 next month. Myself and dad mostly dad planned to not throw her a party. For some reason i have started to feel really bad. I feel like i was ...

A.   2 August 2016: Whether or not a birthday party is held.... Print a copy of this submittal..... When your daughter turns 18, pull out this submittal (the copy you made)... and ask her if she remembers - or doesn't remember - her first birthday party. (I'm gue... (read in full...)

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