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*ronzed adonis agony aunt

*ronzed adonis

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1234567Next > [7 pages, 224 answers]

Why are girls getting naked for their tattoo sessions with my boyfriend?

Q.   My boyfriend of 6 months is a tattoo artist and I have noticed that some girls like to be naked for their tattoo appointment, and even if the design is being placed on their lower back they want to take their pants off, which I don’t quite ...

A.   10 October 2014: I doubt very much that any of the females involved are taking off more clothing than necessary. If they are having a tattoo in an intimate place, then they will have to, but I don`t believe females remove their bra, when having a tattoo on thei... (read in full...)

Online dating issues. I want to message him, but what would I say to him now?

Q.   I joined an online dating site and met a man and had quite a few dates with him. He wanted to keep his options open, but I caught him out in a lie when he said he was not at a place when he was. Since then he went quiet on me and so I told him he's...

A.   1 August 2014: Stop wasting your life and move on.... (read in full...)

My boyfriend hides couples photos of us on facebook but the ones with his ex girlfriend are there for all to see!

Q.   Hi there, nothing major. just a quick question. My boyfriend keeps hiding photos of us together from his facebook timeline thing. This is going to sound very petty, but I'm just a bit worried that he's embarrassed about me or somethin...

A.   29 June 2014: No you are not being petty. It is a genuine concern if it is only pictures of you that he is hiding. It does not necessarily mean he`s embarrassed about you, as it could be any reason. That is what you really do need to find out. Don`t leave it... (read in full...)

Don't give me a lecture because I am only in it for the money!

Q.   We dated for two years and he was a lovely person we separated because of me...i was not reliable. However his back, wants back... I dont really mind him being around because he is good to me. And doing financially badly, i wouldnt min...

A.   27 June 2014:  Sooner or later it WILL become obvious to him that all you are interested in is his money. He would have to be absolutely stupid, or in denial not to eventually notice/know it. Best thing is to tell him exactly how it is from the start. I... (read in full...)

How can I trust my boyfriend when he promises he won't cheat on me again?

Q.   I want to be able to trust my boyfriend, I really do but at times I can't help but doubt what he says when I know he has cheated and lied to me before. We have been together on and off for four years, nearly five. He cheated on me after about a ye...

A.   25 June 2014: You cannot trust him because you know he isn`t trustworthy. Best of luck with it all.... (read in full...)

Should I stay with a no ambition burger flipper?

Q.   I'm 18 and well I'm going to college pretty soon I asked my boyfriend that we needed a break because he keeps lying he has no no career goals he works in a fast food restaurant if he wants a future with me he has to know that flipping burgers ...

A.   21 June 2014: You should find yourself someone with the same goals as you. You may find someone without personality, who`s no fun, who puts money and success first-but hey!! atleast he`s as rich and successful as you yourself aspire to be. Guys like that often ... (read in full...)

My boyfriend makes fun of me, my family and my culture in front of others!

Q.   My boyfriend and I have been officially together for about 2 years now, but it seems as if we have been for 4 years when we first met. I am muslim and he is not inclined towards any one religion. I finally met his family in FL. We stayed at his ...

A.   21 June 2014: This guy has no respect for you, (and as you have pointed things out to him several times already - all ignored), I doubt he ever will. Has he ever travelled outside the USA? ... (read in full...)

I'm tired of the double standards! Whats up with her?

Q.   I have been dating for about 9 months now and it is not a casual thing and does look like things will progress more eventually. After saying this, I am at a loss over a certain trait. She can be rather jealous and unduly curious about what I do, an...

A.   7 June 2014: I first answered your question before I had seen what you had come back and written. There is a chance she is judging you from her own morals, and YES, I would also check her out too, without her knowing. Her accusing you of being mentally abus... (read in full...)

He's ignoring me & I don't know why

Q.   I have been getting to know this guy and we have gotten close but not really in a full relationship, more like friends taking it slow. I do want more and had hoped for this in the future. Because he is getting over a break up I am not pushing ...

A.   7 June 2014: Have you ever met and got to know this person in person? It sounds like it`s all about pm`s and facebook etc. Find someone else (preferably in the real world), who knows what he wants, has less emotional baggage, and is more mature and emot... (read in full...)

I'm tired of the double standards! Whats up with her?

Q.   I have been dating for about 9 months now and it is not a casual thing and does look like things will progress more eventually. After saying this, I am at a loss over a certain trait. She can be rather jealous and unduly curious about what I do, an...

A.   7 June 2014: It sounds to me like she`s either been cheated on, or cheated on someone in the past. Are you afraid of losing her a lot more than she`s afraid of losing you? I agree with wiseOwlE, you are far too passive.... (read in full...)

Could this Facebook ad be a scam?

Q.   Hello, i Read an advertisment on Facebook. Regarding a family looking for a caregiver, chef and housekeeper i applied for the job which Is in the Uk. They told me they Will Pay me 1200 monthly and they will pay for m'y ticket and visa, but i need ...

A.   4 June 2014: After answering once, I am coming back to this because just five minutes after I heard a radio interview from a Ugandan girl who was lured to the UK and then used as a sex slave. also http://w... (read in full...)

Could this Facebook ad be a scam?

Q.   Hello, i Read an advertisment on Facebook. Regarding a family looking for a caregiver, chef and housekeeper i applied for the job which Is in the Uk. They told me they Will Pay me 1200 monthly and they will pay for m'y ticket and visa, but i need ...

A.   4 June 2014: It`s probably a scam. I think they are wanting to steal your money, and you wont even get a visa and a work permit. Research the company properly and if need be, report them.... (read in full...)

Friend with benefits has an ex visiting from overseas and told me not to contact him or visit him while she's here! What should I do?

Q.   I have been seeing and sleeping with a man for just over 9 months now. Just out of the blue, he told me his ex from the USA is coming over to stay with him for a month. First he said it was without warning, and then his story changed, saying it was ...

A.   4 June 2014: We do not know much about the relationship he had with her, but it sounds like they both want to be together. If you want to make a fool of yourself, and end up being hated, then tell her you slept with him. I doubt it will make any difference if ... (read in full...)

I'm telling the truth now, how do I get him to accept that and have faith in me again?

Q.   I admit to lying quite as lot to my boyfriend about being on some internet sites. That was a few months ago now. Since I stopped going to these sites, he has now stopped believing me. We break up every week, get back together and have a real loving ...

A.   30 May 2014: I did suspect as much. To be honest, I cannot give think of a better piece of advice than Tisha-1 has given to you. I hope you follow that advice. I`m not really sure whether you will manage to salvage your relationship though.... (read in full...)

I'm telling the truth now, how do I get him to accept that and have faith in me again?

Q.   I admit to lying quite as lot to my boyfriend about being on some internet sites. That was a few months ago now. Since I stopped going to these sites, he has now stopped believing me. We break up every week, get back together and have a real loving ...

A.   30 May 2014: When you say you lied about being on some internet sites, which and what type of internet sites? If you are purposely avoiding the word "dating", then that paints a totally different picture. If it was (as I suspect), dating sites, and you have lied... (read in full...)

My friend seems selfish and ungrateful, or am I just too sensitive?

Q.   Why does she behave like that? Am I overreacting? So my older married friend needed a babysitter for the weekend and I love kids and was bored and needed her to do my hair so I spent the weekend with her and her family. I slept with her ...

A.   26 May 2014: I`m not quite sure you will like all of this reply. From the little information there is to go off, this stands out...."Her husband is friendly and says I'm a good person and whenever we are alone she'd makes an excuse to come pick somethin... (read in full...)

My boyfriend keeps registering on dating sites and tells me it's just "for a laugh"

Q.   Could some one advise me what to do please? I have found my boyfriend to be registering on different date sites. This is the fourth time I found out about it now. He says its just for a laugh and unregisters from them, but then secretly registers on ...

A.   25 May 2014: Join a dating site yourself. See if he finds that a "laugh" or not.... (read in full...)

Online friend won't talk to me

Q.   I have been good friends with a man online for over a year now, we chat nearly everyday and take the piss out of each other. We sometimes have disagreements but always resolve them by talking. A day ago I posted something funny on Facebook and...

A.   25 May 2014: Let him go. I think the best thing to do is make yourself a better and more interesting life OFFline. Communicating by text can be tricky. You cannot see each others facial expressions, and can be very easily taken the wrong way. He`s obvi... (read in full...)

Why would a girl date me when she isnt over her ex?

Q.   I have met a girl online and we are going on a date tomorrow i know I shouldn't but I have been looking at her online activity and I saw her boyfriend had broken up with her 1 month ago. I was looking more into it and she put online just hours ago ...

A.   10 May 2014: Go along if you want, but be sure to keep an emotional distance to start with. If she is not over her ex (like I expect she isn`t), then it wont be long before she starts talking about him. Don`t be fooled if she starts calling him or mentioning ... (read in full...)

My fiancee didn't tell me that he's frequenting these so called massage places where prostitution is involved!

Q.   I need help. My fiancee didn't tell me that he is frequenting these so called massage places where prostitution is going on. I am devastated. He says that he went there for relaxation but i can't see how going to prostitutes is a form of relaxation. ...

A.   5 May 2014: It`s got nothing to do with relaxation. He pays prostitutes, full stop. The only reason I can think of a man wanting to pay for it, is maybe they are doing a specific act on him that the average girl just wouldnt want to do. That doesnt mean this... (read in full...)

What does it mean when your boyfriend flirts with other women?

Q.   What does it mean when your boyfriend flirts with other women? I love my boyfriend a lot and he's a great guy. The thing is, I don't really like the way he talks with other women and the way he is with other women. He's very flirty with them...

A.   1 February 2014: What does it mean when your boyfriend flirts with other women? He is flirting online, so he will believe, or pretend to believe, that it is harmless. Well it isnt. The first thing that comes to mind, from your short explanation, is he has no respe... (read in full...)

Tired of my boyfriend's crap!

Q.   Not sure where else to post this but hoping for some advice. My boyfriend, who is 34, and I have been living together for 3 years and I have asked him to clean up after himself in the bathroom many times. Specifically, he sits on the toilet in su...

A.   19 January 2014: He has no sense of shame or embarrassment. I would kick his shitty bottom out of your life. Buy another seat, and start afresh.... (read in full...)

If he's happy then why is he still on dating sites?

Q.   Hi everyone, I am hoping someone (preferably with experience of this) could shed some light on my problem. I have been seeing my boyfriend for a bit more than three years. He says he is happy. If he is happy, then why does he keep going to dating ...

A.   21 November 2013: He IS happy because he`s got you AND the dating sites. He has got it exactly the way he wants it. The only thing that is probably lacking in your relationship is respect, because he doesn`t have any for you. The only way out of this is getting ... (read in full...)

Looking for help with emotionally unavailable guy.

Q.   I don't know if this is a long shot but I'm looking for some advice and help with dealings I have with a guy. He is emotionally unavailable, he is my fwb ( when he fancies it!!) and I'm not sure if you'd call him a player. Anyway so I'm hoping to...

A.   19 November 2013: I will try to be honest about it, although I cannot speak for each and every individual guy, I will try and generalise. There are generally two types of women. Ones men have relationships with, take out, introduce to their family, fall in love with... (read in full...)

Can she never trust me again?

Q.   I was caught a few times on dating sites by my beautiful girl. I did deny it at first, but now I have owned up to all of them, what she knew about. I have not been on them for a while, but she wont believe that. She is constantly interrog...

A.   13 November 2013: I think if you had the ability to understand or care about what you did, then you wouldn`t need to be asking this question. She may calm down eventually, but she probably wont ever trust you wholeheartedly again. She`d be mad to.... (read in full...)

FWB: why hasn't he contacted me?

Q.   Do fwb's suddenly go silent? I've been friends with benefits with a guy on and off (mostly on) for nearly a year. He is sexy as hell, I approached him, but at the time was going through a rocky patch with my then-boyfriend. I was open with him ...

A.   8 November 2013: Look at it this way. If a man is interested in a woman (especially when there`s sex on the menu, he will not waste time. He ignores you. What does that say to you? ... (read in full...)

His story put me off -- am I just naive?

Q.   So I met this guy and I'm trying to decide if he's dodgy. He said he went on holiday to a 5 star hotel which was practically empty because it was a front for money laundering, so they have fake guests staying in suites for 2000 a night, staying for ...

A.   8 November 2013: Make sure he aint into drug smuggling. There is no such thing as a free meal. Chances are, he`s a dreamer. ... (read in full...)

I feel so inferior when I hear the word "porn"

Q.   I have a fear of porn, whenever I hear the word I immediately think of better looking women who are good at sex and it makes feel small. I've always had problems, my first boyfriend was a porn addict ever since then I always had it in mind that ...

A.   4 November 2013: And you think porn makes you feel small? I think porn makes any man with an average length penis feel small too.... (read in full...)

Should you reveal what you did in the past?

Q.   What does everyone think about revealing a shameful episode of cheating on a previous partner to a future partner? If cheating took place in a long , supposedly committed relationship, and went on for a few months then is this something that n...

A.   3 November 2013: Sorry, when you say future partner, are you in the early stages with a guy, or is it just a general question. ... (read in full...)

Should you reveal what you did in the past?

Q.   What does everyone think about revealing a shameful episode of cheating on a previous partner to a future partner? If cheating took place in a long , supposedly committed relationship, and went on for a few months then is this something that n...

A.   3 November 2013: You are kind of in a no win situation. You tell him, and he may not trust you. You dont tell him, and you run the risk of him finding out and then trusting you even less. The worst case is, he ends it with you. When it comes up in a conv... (read in full...)

Does being cheated on make you more likely to cheat?

Q.   What do you think? My girlfriend's last boyfriend cheated on her. Would that make her more likely? Since her experience with her ex, she is very jealous with me. That is understandable. I wonder if that makes it more likely for her to cheat. ...

A.   28 October 2013: I think it`s her disloyal behaviour you should be questioning, not her ex boyfriend`s. How do you know she was cheated on? Because she - who has already lied to you - told you perhaps? Maybe she was, who knows. The fact is, you know what you are ... (read in full...)

Do I ask my friend out now that she's told me she's a lesbian too?

Q.   I need some advice on what to do. My friend has recently told me shes a lesbian, I am too and she told me she already knew that. I could not tell if she had been flirting with me for the past few months, my chances are better now I know she is a ...

A.   22 October 2013: Just ask her out and/or tell her what you are feeling. At least you`ll know where you stand, one way or the other. By what you are saying about the flirting, it sounds quite mutual anyway. There`s only one way to find out.... (read in full...)

Would a guy ever leave a woman if he really loved her?

Q.   My ex boyfriend broke up with me and said.. "I'll always love you..You were an amazing girlfriend" What does this mean?? Would a guy ever leave a woman if he really loved her?...

A.   21 October 2013: If someone makes you unhappy enough, they cheat and forever lie, mess you up mentally etc, then yes, it`s time to leave regardless of love. On the other hand, if he just wanted out for the sake of it, or met someone else, then it`s not a real or d... (read in full...)

I think my boyfriend is going mad because he's convinced I'm cheating on him!

Q.   Hi my boyfriends thinks im cheating on him i would never do that ! he keeps on recording me and then he says he can hear me with men, i think he is going mad because i no i have never done anythink and he is sure i am i dont no how to make him ...

A.   20 October 2013: How does he record you? Is this the full story, without anything being missed out? If so, then yes, he`s probably going mad. I would get out of it, before you go mad too.... (read in full...)

He said the message on his phone was a trap to see if I was snooping

Q.   Hi im in a relationship with an aries, I saw on his phone msgs to another woman saying he had feelings for her apparently she was in spain, I asked him about this as I was packing to leave, things got heated n he said he didnt want me to leave, we ...

A.   20 October 2013: Does the woman he sent the text to know that he only sent it to trap you?... (read in full...)

Suffering erectile dysfunction. Would it be wrong to encourage my wife to take lovers?

Q.   I become unable to perform with a full erection. My wife thinks that I no longer want her and am gay or at least bi-sexual.I get very excited thinking about and talking about her having a sexual encounter with another man. She is using topical ...

A.   3 October 2013: So at this moment you are unable to function properly. How will it make you feel after she has been given a good seeing to by a man who can? I would sort out your TEMPORARY problem first, before anything else. ... (read in full...)

I lost the love of my life and don't know what to do!

Q.   Hey Everyone, Where do I begin? I want to try to be as honest as I can so I'm trying to be fair to both the girl I love and myself. It's been almost a year since I lost the love of my life. And yet I simply can not move on. I have tried e...

A.   28 September 2013: Thanks LonelyGuy1979 for answering. You did not mess up. She mistreated you. You was probably not the first and wont be the last. For your own good, lets hope the possibility of getting back with her doest arise. ... (read in full...)

The guy I like went back to his ex because he misses the child. What should I do?

Q.   Please can someone help me what to do I am so much in love with a guy who loves me to but he's gone back to his ex cos he misses his son which isn't his biologically but has been there since born little one is 3 now he texts me everyday telling me ...

A.   28 September 2013: No matter what he texts you, or says to you, to him, you are the other woman. If you keep giving, he will take. You are not his FIRST choice, you are his spare. No matter what he says or shows you, the reality is, he is lying to you, he does not ... (read in full...)

I lost the love of my life and don't know what to do!

Q.   Hey Everyone, Where do I begin? I want to try to be as honest as I can so I'm trying to be fair to both the girl I love and myself. It's been almost a year since I lost the love of my life. And yet I simply can not move on. I have tried e...

A.   24 September 2013: You have stated she did some silly things. What silly things did she do? ... (read in full...)

Flirting online but blames me... can you explain his behaviour?

Q.   Any psychologists that can analyse this man? I recently left my husband and this man offered support. At first he was so romantic and supportive, he told my friend how stunning I am and how he couldn't believe his luck but he soon changed....

A.   20 September 2013: You do not owe him anything. No matter how supportive or how kind he has been, it does not entitle him to treat you like that. Watch his actions, because it tells you exactly how unimportant your feelings are to him. Your ultimatum was a very rea... (read in full...)

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