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*tsweet1 agony aunt


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Did I over react when I dumped him?

Q.   My boyfriend - I guess now ex boyfriend - is in his late 40s. We were dating a year and a half - exclusive for a year and 3 months. Over that time, I brought up the future several times. I want marriage and a kid and am ready to start nesting. He ...

A.   29 May 2014: He doesnt seem to have a problem with hanging at bar plus having a family or girlfriend. Normally when people dont go home its cause they out having fun and socializing. If this type of behavior is a problem let it been know but he may not be ready ... (read in full...)

I am fit and petite but I have no boobs. He's a boob man. Is there any chance that he'll consider me attractive?

Q.   Would you find a woman with a squatting bum, defined stomach/ faint abs and slight thigh gap attractive, even if she was basically flat chested? I only ask because I'm going to a pool party with the guy i'm dating this weekend and I don't want him...

A.   27 May 2014: Small breast do the same work as bigger breast. He may not be that into size of breast as you are considering. He may find other things to his liking that are more valuable then boobs. He may be into your eyes smile personality your mind those ... (read in full...)

Scared of a Relationship.

Q.   Hi. So I'm having a little trouble. I will use fake names to distinguish the different people. There's this girl (we'll call her Angie) I dated her twice. first time she broke up with me because I was her first boyfriend. The second time I bro...

A.   24 May 2014: Its okay to take small sets that way you can grow and learn each other. You broke up with her so she may question your motive for wanting to reconnect back with her. She may feel like a rebound just cause your other girl didn't work out like ... (read in full...)

I've been diagnosed with bipolar but my husband doesn't believe in it

Q.   I was diagnosed with Bipolar several months ago, and when I broke the news to my husband he was less than accepting. I told him that I didn't tell him sooner because I was worried he would think I'm crazy, but he said "You're right, I do think ...

A.   24 May 2014:  Right he dont want you to get your money. He probaly bi polar also. I had a fellow stopping resources slowing up resources so he could have me trap and looking stupid then he be sitting back laughing with his friends having a great time and Im ... (read in full...)

He revealed he'd had an affair while married! Can I trust him now?

Q.   I am very much in love with the man I am with. He was married before and has been divorced for a while. He was married for more than twenty years and his ex wife left him in such a way that it almost destroyed him emotionally and financially (she ...

A.   24 May 2014: Alot of men and women do while married and before marriage. Alot of people not built on monogamy at all. Even with the playing house image its like that people make mistakes. I have my ex has too. We live we learn.... (read in full...)

Back in my day, if someone made you a mixtape, it was a signal they liked you! Should I forget him and move on?

Q.   Hello I've been out of the dating world for a few months, not interested in anyone but recently there is this guy I really like. He heard me playing guitar and said it sounded like the radio, and offered to make me a CD of a singer I'd like....

A.   24 May 2014: I wasnt aware that mix tapes or cds indicate liking someone. I dont believe he dislike the song selection either. He probaly was in a hurry also dont take it personal. Also if you want to find out whats the deal ask him how he feels ask questions ... (read in full...)

Am I wrong for shaving my head even though my gf prefers it long?

Q.   Hey everyone, I'm a young guy with an extremely noticeable receding hairline. I'm cool with shaving my head, I think it's comfortable and looks alright on me..but my gf hates! She makes me grow my hair out and it looks ridiculous. Am I wrong for ...

A.   24 May 2014: Yeah I like long hair to but if you want it short she will have to learn to love you with a bald head also.... (read in full...)

Is he playing games with my head and heart?

Q.   HI all I am sorry if this is a bit long but I need to get this off my chest and hope to understand a bit better. I first started dating my partner a year ago next week. In the begining he told me he was with someone but has not seen her for...

A.   22 May 2014:  He seems to be in a odd situation with the dog killing and all. Also the money situation to add to this is strange to. I would question also the sex with others and the texting that must be to prove cheating its something very strange concerning ... (read in full...)

Wife said I could leave so she can take care of ailing mother.

Q.   My wife and I have been married for 3 years and been together for 6. We are very happy and close and I couldn't ask for a better partner! Sometime before we met her mother was diagnosed with a rare cancer and given a very brief life expectancy, ...

A.   20 May 2014: I dont know what road you intend to take, but if it was me making this choice... I would reevaluated the issue about just being in the room and what not that part just sound silly or off a alot. Why dont you have your own place and she and her mom ... (read in full...)

Am I turning into a green-eyed monster?

Q.   My partner and I befriended a lady on holiday last year and we became good friends, visiting and phoning frequently. This friend confided in us and was going through a very tough time in her personal life. We both tried to help her as much as w...

A.   20 May 2014:  Im sure she not to mentally ill that you to got close to her for some form of sexual relations. i have seen this then one person.normally the guy leaves with the sick girl or tries to if she lets him. I.wouldnt be jealous but I would find.out what ... (read in full...)

I have anger issues with my boyfriend and would like help in dealing with them

Q.   Hello, im 18 years old. my boyfriend is 19 and we've been dating for about 4 years. (on and off) we've been through pretty much a lot, things i never imagined he would hurt me doing. and well I've been trying to work on my anger issues. i get ...

A.   20 May 2014: Exactly he has to ask to go out to eat with real cousins or play cousins or friends and family. Thats ends this hot topic right here for me.... (read in full...)

I don't play office politics and need help in dealing with my boss and coworkers!

Q.   Dear Cupid This is work problem, i would like all your opinions. I was in this organization for past 8 years and work life was ok until 2-3 months back. I was transferred to a different department year back and i proved myself and i was given bigg...

A.   20 May 2014:  I dont have this as a current problem at work everybody is tactful professional and a team player. I have enjoy and still do working with all my coworker seeing them grow and promote thereselves up with the organization. This time around I intend ... (read in full...)

My husband keeps gaining weight and I find it so unattractive!

Q.   I'm married to a veteran. We moved to Asia after he got out of the army. He used to look very muscular during his serving time but now after going back to the civil world, he started gaining lots of weight. I know he loves eating and drinking pop ...

A.   20 May 2014: I have gain weight to not working out I dont care who likes it or not. Im single so It does not matter who thinks my butt is fat or fake or if my breast are real or not. I have to wake up and like what I see first and foremost even if I was dating ... (read in full...)

Is he pushing too soon to have a relationship with me?

Q.   Dear Cupid Member I have a question? Do you think a guy is pushing a relationship with you too soon if after exchanging emails and just talking once on the Phone he already told me that He wants to be my Boyfriend? I met him online in one of...

A.   20 May 2014: Lol my friend up the road is pressurring me Im like no no no relationship. Only friends and maybe se if Im in the mood. Lol he left me and call and said what you doing at home thinking about me I darn near died laughing because he wasn't on ... (read in full...)

Does wanting to be me make me a bad person?

Q.   Hello all, I was wondering if you'd be able to help me. I am in a bit of a predicament and when I explain things, I'm probably going to get a lot of stick for it and come across as a selfish whore but I do hope someone can answer me. I have b...

A.   20 May 2014: Leave and be single. Then it wont matter if you being you or you being yourself for him. If you cant be yourself they must be paying alot of money for the change is all I can say. Who they trying to buy or who they trying to fool that there straight ... (read in full...)

I cheated on my boyfriend, he won't forgive and forget...

Q.   I've been with my boyfriend for about four years. Two years ago, I cheated on him. My boyfriend is much older than me, and as far as I can remember our age difference had nothing to do with me cheating on him. I also have borderline personality ...

A.   14 May 2014:  I cheated on people I wasnt even aware we was fully dating exclusively to be honest. Its hard to forget but forgiving sets you free. Most fellows dont accept women cheating cause its a double standard simple as that. When they do it the women or ... (read in full...)

My husband prefers masturbating to porn to making love with me!

Q.   We have been married for 3 years for the last two years or more my husband has had a very low sex drive so i thought, he went to the doc 2 years ago who put him on testosterone which really didnt improve anything he started blaming his issues on his ...

A.   14 May 2014: It could be issues of attraction I had a partner like that it could be some type of stimuli he likes that he cant get from you. I know from experience that if I wasnt attracted I wouldnt have that desire to perform but I would be on auto pilot most ... (read in full...)

White lies, half-truths, minor deceptions...are they bad signs or just normal human behavior?

Q.   Are small half-truths or deceptions insignificant or significant in a relationship? I have been in a relationship for a couple of years with a woman who is different from any others I have ever known. She is very outgoing, very social, and a lo...

A.   7 May 2014: Big time insecurities I understand it too. I think we know when we are being lied to and just told whatever. Im not comfortable with explaining every detail every move. I dont want who Im with to do that either. If I ask its cause Im being nosy. If ... (read in full...)

Lack of emotional closeness in otherwise good relationship?

Q.   I have learned to accept that my girlfriend of three years is a little bit emotionally distant by nature. In three years I have never seen her cry, she's just not one who gets sad or has her feelings hurt or needs an abundance of affection, etc. ...

A.   6 May 2014: Some people women and men are not really emotional and in there feelings. I am that type regardless of who Im with Im just me Im not rubbing no backs all that talking sweet its not me. Even if I do its not me but I am doing it because You asked or... (read in full...)

For the grown folks, what advice would you give to your adult child who is about to move out?

Q.   Hey everyone, I just graduated from nursing school and I'm 18 years old and I got a job as a licensed practical nurse, it's feels great and I make a decent pay check :) but I'm thinking about moving out of my former guardians home because I'm not ...

A.   30 April 2014: Enjoy life I left home early to. Got married young but it can work. Its been.hards days and good days in my life cycle I perfer at this time to be single and independent free agent so to speak cause I.had hard times with people and I ... (read in full...)

Since I said no living together without marriage he's backed off

Q.   Hi, I would like to ask for some advice. My boyfriend and I have been together for 15 months, he is 39 and I am 27. We don't live together and he stays about an hour away from me, for the last 15 months I have been going to visit him every weekend, ...

A.   29 April 2014: Well if no problems with marriage instead of shacking up. I have be sure about marriage and encourage that in them instead of shacking. If hes been married before he is cautious if not he may not be ... (read in full...)

Woman I'm sleeping with is becoming weird and clingy, how do I handle it?

Q.   Okay, So I have a little dilemma. I've been sleeping with this woman I met. She's cool and everything and when we hang out we have a nice time, but she's becoming extraordinarily clingy. She texts things like "Do you miss me? What do you miss...

A.   29 April 2014: Im having this issue I have never been clingy with any man or women except my husband. Its like I can't be all in my feelings after my marriage Im single and divorced. I met a guy week one he is like I have to make you fall in love I dont do that ... (read in full...)

If I break up, I'll hurt! If I stay, I'll lack trust! What do I choose?

Q.   I have been dating my boyfriend for three years. Four months into our relationship I found out that he cheated on me with F. I confronted him, we fought, he begged for forgiveness and I stayed with him. A year later I found out that he cheated me on ...

A.   26 April 2014: I dont get how you and him are having this great wonderful relationship but he is cheating either your lying or not telling all of the story. People dont just cheat even if they are habitual cheaters or on the wild side. If everything is so go and ... (read in full...)

Dating just 3 weeks, I'm discovering more and more things about him that don't match what I'm looking for. Am I right to ask?

Q.   I've been dating a guy whomImet online for about 3 weeks now and I'm finding that as we're getting to know each other, I'm discovering more and more things about him that don't match what I'm looking for. I'm a fairly private, reserved woman a...

A.   26 April 2014:  I have 2 children and there always mentioned they are my.main priority over anyone else. I havent got skip over cause of children or a husband I once had women a young ladies of all ages from 18 & up to 40+ have been interest in dating me. I have ... (read in full...)

I worry I am reading too much into his flirty, chatty talks.

Q.   Say you see a person of the opposite sex every day and you always have interesting conversations about random things. Or maybe they always ask "how are you?" when you come in and ask about your day. Could this be possibly be flirting? Or am ...

A.   26 April 2014: He flirting he is showing out to get your attention most likely. I think your seeing it exactly right cause you are interested he is interested. I think you should get more bold in your chats and talks. Find out if he is single or.just dating. See ... (read in full...)

Friend is now with a guy, but will he develop feelings for me again if I pursue our friendship?

Q.   Short question not really important but I'd like some opinions on it. I have had this friend of mine for about 4 or so years now. We met in middleschool and he always had a heart of gold, and when I got to Highschool he...

A.   26 April 2014: Well if your not fwb or homie lover friends you shouldnt worry if he catches feelings for you he has someone he is involved with that he likes. He may.still crush and like you but he is into new dates new relationships. I understand your concern ... (read in full...)

Should I get rid of this guy because he seems to be hiding something? I'd love to hear your interpretations of his text messages

Q.   I have had the most awful experiences with online dating, and am really skeptical about every man I meet now. I'm not sure if I'm looking for red flags because I'm so afraid of not spotting them. I've been on three dates with this 29-year-old...

A.   25 April 2014: I think its odd to I feel like this too. I met a guy he was very forth right darn near invading me in I would lie to him about my living situation. Its was somethings I found.out about him I.dont like that will be a issue cause Its a risk ... (read in full...)

He knows I have a terrible relationship with my husband so why has he suddenly gone cold on me?

Q.   I've been in a horrible relationship for too long but don't want to leave because of my son. When he had finished his gcses in July then I WILL be leaving. My boyfriend is controlling, abusive and has mistreated me for many years. 6 months ago I...

A.   25 April 2014: Its a catch 22 situation. You have a male a son with your husband that brings alot of issues strong issues. I had to leave my ex and we have daughters. I definitely didnt want my children not to have there father in there immediate life. But it ... (read in full...)

What do his signals mean?

Q.   Hey everyone! Im really confused with the signals this guy has been giving me and I was just wondering if you could give me some advice on the subject. So last September I started college,and met a guy lets just call him X.X and I started to hang ...

A.   25 April 2014: He appears to like you and wants you. Plus he most likely feels he is better or the best quality and fit thats if you want to be treated the way he treats when he is involved with someone he wants and cares about. Also he can be just concern and ... (read in full...)

Family or boyfriend?

Q.   Should i choose my family or boyfriend. Ill keep it very short my boyfriend is beyond amazing he loves me like hell i adore him and he supports me no matter what and will never ever leave me or my family that considers me as a girl less than my ...

A.   21 April 2014: I hate to sound so harsh I wouldnt be to concerned about family or boyfriend. I can relate to this situation but I choose me in the end over mom dad step dad family and boyfriends and girlfriends. Enjoy the good times with both makes more since to ... (read in full...)

Should I be friends with him or not? I think I am attracted to him though I am happily married and deeply in love with my husband!

Q.   I have been married for 6 years and I am deeply in love with my husband . However I have a friend very close to my heart and we get along really well ! We like each other's company and do spend a lot of time chatting on Facebook ! Recently, I have ...

A.   19 April 2014: Yeah this is bad new here and Im from bad news who you marry and if it was so great good you wouldnt be worried about no one else. I know I wouldnt if I was happily marry. I mention in another blog about married people luring people in for ... (read in full...)

Why won't these lusting feeling leave me alone about a man whom I know is taken?

Q.   Dear Cupid , I am really in lust with this guy I have tried to fight my feelings but my feelings always win.He is a brick house stallion this man is taken and I know this. But we flirt back and forward with our eyes that's all but i really want to ...

A.   18 April 2014: I meet people like this often. Very attractive umm the lust never goes alway it will always be there. If you know he is taken or married that is crossing a line that can cause alot of hurt and pain to you and others. Taken or married people sometime ... (read in full...)

Recently single and want to take it slow

Q.   Dear Aunts, I recently ended a very serious long-term relationship with my girlfriend of many years. This was a woman I felt I might marry and the breakup was difficult for me. It made me question a lot about my judgement and indeed whether p...

A.   18 April 2014: I am in this situation also 2 years ago I was the pushy rushy girlfrie cause I like this guy from the first day I saw him. He didnt like committment to much and wanted freedom and I respected that. We are still good friends no hard feelings. Now ... (read in full...)

We're really just friendly coworkers.

Q.   I'm just curious about what others think. My question is, are relationships with coworkers always a bad idea? Basically I work with this guy at my campus job. We're both sophomores at the college, and we get along pretty well. In fact for m...

A.   6 April 2014: I would go for it. in the Army you hang out with co workers as friends only. Its ok in civilian world also. i would enjoy that with a few select best co workers and bosses. I miss them I dont work with them now but we didnt hang out except at work ... (read in full...)

Why do guys string along lots of women at once?

Q.   Hi, Why do guys string along lots of women at once? I know this middle aged guy who's about to get married (to his dying fiancé) and has kids, and he has loads of women adoring him at work and is sleeping with many women from work. He's n...

A.   31 March 2014: This comment explains it all about your whole post. He's not attractive in my eyes, not physically attractive, he has a nasty personality, so nasty to everyone, but yet women love him. Including this stunning girl I work with who's married to a... (read in full...)

My boyfriend seems more interested in crossdressing than in me

Q.   My boyfriend and I were dating for 2 years and we had sex every day then everything stopped and nothing happened negative between us. I was shocked and beyond upset one day I found erotic pictures of him dressed completely as a woman. He started ...

A.   28 March 2014: If you dont like him cross dressing its best to break up he not go stop.I wouldn't if its something I like and enjoy. Its not fair to you to be put through it thats most likely why he dont sleep with you. I would break up with you if you didnt like ... (read in full...)

How do you confront a liar cheating wife with the facts?

Q.   . My wife does not know I know she's cheated. I have all the proof I need and it's causing me to distant my personal life from her. I see my wife stressing over me pulling away from her, she appears to not understand why I stopped showing her ...

A.   25 March 2014: I agree with Auntie Westie people dont just wake up one day from a solid marriage to decide to cheat. Nobody does that. Its a underlying cause not saying its right to cheat. Also perphaps she is planning on leaving and was looking for other options ... (read in full...)

My friend is living a double life and I'm uncomfortable covering for her

Q.   Hello. This is a situation where I could really cause some pain and heartache with a good friend of mine but at the same time, I want to respect my elders and follow their rules. Trinity and I have been friends since grade school and we both ...

A.   18 March 2014: I wouldnt tell on her let her get caught herself. I guarentee her parents know her sexuality also. I know mines did lol. I am bi I have been discriminated because if it fired from jobs treated bad by drug addict husband too. Everytime I go to church ... (read in full...)

Boyfriend made fun of me, says I dress to impress other men and then broke up with me!

Q.   hello I am Iin desperate need of help! Last night me and my boyfriend got into an argument about him being very critical of everything I wear! He made jokes and basically called me a hoochie!I told him I didnt like Iit and he shouldnt call me that. ...

A.   18 March 2014: Thats abuse in a Mental form. I would suggest you dont go back to your ex either. But find some one who accepts you doll up and accepts you at your worst. Don't nobody have time for that. What you suppose to be ugly for him. Sounds like sexist stuff ... (read in full...)

We used to laugh together but now I'm not laughing with him

Q.   How do I tell my boyfriend that he is seriously hurting my feelings? We've always been the best of friends for almost 5 years, the kind of friends that could cut up together, with sarcasm, and humor. We've said some of the most rudest, meanest ...

A.   12 March 2014:  Excuse my french f him and his father. It appears he may be trying to make you the but of his jokes. So what alot of people sleep with someone before I love you is thought of. I wouldnt be bothered by his trying to embarrass you with the help of ... (read in full...)

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