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*rtistry agony aunt


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*rtistry's profile:

I am a people person, I love to help people when I can. I am always being asked for my opinion on any number of things.

I live on the East coast.

What makes me tick is my insatiable curiousity and my eagerness to learn new things and meet new people.

I am currently happily single, and not looking. I like to make new friends.

I love nature and art, and the colors of fall and the ocean,

and the sound of silence. I have a passion for writing.

1234567891011Next > [13 pages, 479 answers]

I feel like I am too ugly to deserve a guy.

Q.   I'm 24 years old, female. I'm having HUGE self confidence issues. I've never felt pretty or beautiful. Never. In high school I never had any luck with guys. Now, I do get some attention. Some people tell me I'm pretty, some even tell me I'm hot....

A.   1 July 2013: Hi, what you need to do is to build up some self esteem. Feel good about yourself and become an interesting person, learn things, read and grow. Most of all learn to love yourself and be your own best friend. If all a person has is exterior good ... (read in full...)

I want to call my ex but he says he needs time!

Q.   my ex boyfriend has recently split up from me and i am finding it very hard to forget him he is always in my mind, and all i want to do is call or text him. i feel it wasn't the right thing to do but he said it was and wants to remain friends. but ...

A.   21 February 2013: Hi there, let him be for now. You will only alienate him, if you pressure him. Love cannot be forced. Try to reverse the roles, you would not want to be pressured. You will find someone else more suitable for you, who will want to be with you. Give ... (read in full...)

Why does my wife of 18 years need to talk to men online? And meet them? and lie? Is this the beginning of the end of our marriage?

Q.   My wife and I have been together for 18 years. We have 10 year old twins together. We used to share an email account (mine) but now she has 3 or 4 email accounts of her own. I only have one email account and she has the password to my account. She ...

A.   21 October 2012: It could well be. Why are you willing to put up with her actions? She has an active life outside of your marriage which she enjoys. You can do one of two things, confront her and tell her you want her to stop, or ignore it and do your own thing. ... (read in full...)

She's cheating on me, I want to break up for real, how do I do it?

Q.   Okay! I need help! What do I do?! My girlfriend is cheating. How do I know? i just know. As I write this I know she is with another guy. She told me she had to go to a 2 day conference which she is currently at. Anyways she left yesterday ...

A.   21 October 2012: Have you decided yet that you are being used as a backstop, not really a true boyfriend? Please don't wait around to be sufficiently told she doesn't want you any more. Move on. The fire has lost its glow. Good luck.... (read in full...)

She's cheating on me, I want to break up for real, how do I do it?

Q.   Okay! I need help! What do I do?! My girlfriend is cheating. How do I know? i just know. As I write this I know she is with another guy. She told me she had to go to a 2 day conference which she is currently at. Anyways she left yesterday ...

A.   14 September 2012: First of all, it takes two people to have a relationship. If she is not there mentally and emotionally, you do not have a girlfriend, you have a person who is with you from time to time. You either face the situation honestly, by asking her what is ... (read in full...)

I put a lot of money into a gift for her and for my birthday she gets me... A text message?

Q.   I have been dating and in a serious relationship for a little over a year now. We have known each other for 4+ years prior and always kinda had a thing for each other. Three months ago, it was her birthday and I saved up and bought her a nice $425 ...

A.   14 September 2012: I am going to try to make excuses for her. Perhaps, since she is moving up to where you are, she is trying to save her money. Or maybe she does not feel the need to get you anything special, just because she does not do that for anyone. Everyone is ... (read in full...)

Is it possible for an interracial relationship to be successful?

Q.   Could it be possible for a black girl and a white guy to have a succesful relationship? Or is the cultural differences too much? I'm an African American girl and i've being thinking of going out with this guy i'm in college with but i've asked a ...

A.   11 February 2012: Hi, How strong a person are you and your friend? Are you swayed as one of the posters stated, by the things that others may say about the relationship? If two people are srong enough to withstand the looks you may get, the things people msy say, ... (read in full...)

He was interested, now he doesn't respond, what should I do??

Q.   I met a guy while away in another country and we spent lots of time together. He insisted we exchange phone numbers so we can keep in touch and see each other again. He said he wanted to come visit me for Valentines Day. He gave me his number and ...

A.   23 January 2012: Hi, We all meet people who we like, but the situation does not always lend itself to a smooth relationship status. It does appear that he was interested in you, but then considered how far away you were, and decided it would not work out to well, ... (read in full...)

I had a dream before I met her, now I don't know what to do, suggestions needed?

Q.   Life is as crazy and mysterious as one can make it, right? But some stuff are completely out of ours hands. It was that what occured to me around half 2011 when I stayed a weekend at my best mate's place. That morning, I awoke to a very vivid dre...

A.   23 January 2012: Hi, Relax, she's not the Queen of England, or a Princess. She has her insecurites as well as you. We all do. But when we are infatuated with people, we tend to put them on pedestals. They are special in our eyes. Don't be intimidated. Ask her out, ... (read in full...)

I had a dream before I met her, now I don't know what to do, suggestions needed?

Q.   Life is as crazy and mysterious as one can make it, right? But some stuff are completely out of ours hands. It was that what occured to me around half 2011 when I stayed a weekend at my best mate's place. That morning, I awoke to a very vivid dre...

A.   7 January 2012: Hi, It appears that she has a valid interest in you. Be yourself and discuss things you both have in common. The friendship could grow. Sometimes we do have visions, but I would now deal with the reality of the situation. Be friendly and kind, let ... (read in full...)

Anyone have ideas for simple gifts for my deployed military man?

Q.   I have a man who is in Afg. I want to send him packages, more so I want them to be simple but I want there to be small trinkets that pack a big punch. Anyone have any ideas of where I could start with that? I dont want all of it to be lovey ...

A.   6 July 2011: ..Hi there, I don't know if they have to purchase stamps or not, but if they do, a coup;e of books of stamps would be nice. Also stationery or pads of writing paper and envelopes would be appreciated, I'm sure. A box of tasty hard candy should be ... (read in full...)

Found someone I love, my old friend is back, so are the old feelings, what do I do??

Q.   Dear Cupid, i have a very big problem, you probably get it a lot here. I dont know. My problem started when i was in high school. I fell in love with my best friend, we did nearly everything together, going to the cinema and such. The only probl...

A.   23 April 2011: Hi there, You gave your old friend the chance to be with you, he wanted time and space, you complied. Now he's back, but is he really? I think that he is jealous because he thought that you would be sitting by the window, waiting for him to show up. ... (read in full...)

Involved with much younger sister in law and now we broke up, should I try to get her back?

Q.   I posted my problem on here last year and got really lambasted. I was having a clandestine relationship with my step-sister and she was 25 years younger than I. She is 18, I am 43. Our parents are not actually married but obviously, our links to the ...

A.   11 March 2011: ...Hi, Nice to hear from you, sorry for the time span. Try to help her but at a distance. She really needs the space but if you can't bring yourself to do what you think will hurt her, then it will have to pan out on its own. One of you, more than ... (read in full...)

I met a guy at a party and we've met up to have sex several times. Now he is ignoring me. What did I do wrong?

Q.   I met a guy at a party 6 weeks ago, we chatted for ages and ended up sleeping together. We exchanged numbers and texted each other during the week. At the weekend I went out drinking with friends and ended up sending him a text to meet that night. ...

A.   5 March 2011: ..Hi there, Why would you think you did something wrong? Why not that he possibly was only interested in you for what he received? I don't know what you talked about when you met, but if there was no indication that he was a hit and run kind of guy ... (read in full...)

Involved with much younger sister in law and now we broke up, should I try to get her back?

Q.   I posted my problem on here last year and got really lambasted. I was having a clandestine relationship with my step-sister and she was 25 years younger than I. She is 18, I am 43. Our parents are not actually married but obviously, our links to the ...

A.   5 March 2011: ..Hi You should be proud of yourself. This pain will be hard but in time it will pass. Try to involve yourself in something that will take your mind off of the relationship. You have made a good step forward, keep moving. To my thinking this is ... (read in full...)

Involved with much younger sister in law and now we broke up, should I try to get her back?

Q.   I posted my problem on here last year and got really lambasted. I was having a clandestine relationship with my step-sister and she was 25 years younger than I. She is 18, I am 43. Our parents are not actually married but obviously, our links to the ...

A.   26 February 2011: ...Hi there, try to keep your wits about you and treat her as a very good friend. Let her know that you are there to help her when she needs you but you want her to try to grow. If that could happen and later on you two reconnect the relationship ... (read in full...)

Involved with much younger sister in law and now we broke up, should I try to get her back?

Q.   I posted my problem on here last year and got really lambasted. I was having a clandestine relationship with my step-sister and she was 25 years younger than I. She is 18, I am 43. Our parents are not actually married but obviously, our links to the ...

A.   26 February 2011: ...Hi there, try to keep your wits about you and treat her as a very good friend. Let her know that you are there to help her when she needs you but you want her to try to grow. If that could happen and later on you two reconnect the relationship ... (read in full...)

Involved with much younger sister in law and now we broke up, should I try to get her back?

Q.   I posted my problem on here last year and got really lambasted. I was having a clandestine relationship with my step-sister and she was 25 years younger than I. She is 18, I am 43. Our parents are not actually married but obviously, our links to the ...

A.   22 February 2011: ...Hi there again, It seems your affection for her is wearing off and she appears to want to spread her wings. This is where the age difference comes into play. She needs more experience. You are not getting your emotionbal needs met? Since you have ... (read in full...)

I want him back because he wants to come back, not because of $23,000.00!

Q.   my fiance and I got into a fight and he broke it off with me. Dated for 3 years, engaged for 7 months. We had no contact for 6 weeks and he then email me and said if we are going to fix this relationship and have a start fresh he wanted to know why ...

A.   19 December 2010: ....Hi there, okay, take the truck and the loan, which I think was a bad idea, but it's done. But take the truck and the loan out of the picture if you can. What do you see? Do you get along or do you fight most of the time? Do you converse civilly, ... (read in full...)

It feels like a stone in my right arm?

Q.   hey guys , i just have a health question , its actually freakin me out lately . i have some kind of a STONE yes it feels like a small stone in my right arm . i can feel it when i touch it but it also appears when i work out and my arm gets tighter , ...

A.   20 November 2010: Hi again, The main thing is you went to see a doctor. Use the medicine he gave you and wait to see what happens. One thing if you decide on surgery if it does not go away please get a second opinion before you proceed. Always good to do, if surgery ... (read in full...)

It feels like a stone in my right arm?

Q.   hey guys , i just have a health question , its actually freakin me out lately . i have some kind of a STONE yes it feels like a small stone in my right arm . i can feel it when i touch it but it also appears when i work out and my arm gets tighter , ...

A.   17 November 2010: Hi, It could be some kind of hernia which can be dealt with by a doctor or they may just let it disappear on its own. I doubt that it is cancer. I once had a type of soft dent on a part of my body, I was in the hospital at the time when I asked a ... (read in full...)

Would he ever date me in spite of my weight?

Q.   There is a guy that i used to hook up with as a teenager. now after many years i saw him again at college n he went out of his way to start a conversation up with me. now me n him are hanging out and talking all the time. he is showing many signs ...

A.   7 October 2010: ..Hi there, First of all you have standards as well. This is a two way street, you are as important as he is in this. You are who you are, people like people who they have things in common with but more than that they like people whom they like... (read in full...)

I lied about what a looked like and now he is mad! how can I get him back?

Q.   Hello everyone one thank you for taking the time to read my question first i want to give you some info...So i met this guy like a week an half ago on the internet an we been talking ever since..We have a lot of chemistry talk every single day for ...

A.   28 September 2010: ...Hi again, Well good for you to have a second chance since you feel you like this person. Take your time and don't give too much too fast. Take this slower than you might want to. Bonding takes time, relationships need time to build trust. Good ... (read in full...)

I lied about what a looked like and now he is mad! how can I get him back?

Q.   Hello everyone one thank you for taking the time to read my question first i want to give you some info...So i met this guy like a week an half ago on the internet an we been talking ever since..We have a lot of chemistry talk every single day for ...

A.   21 September 2010: ...Hi there, You say you met him a week ago, that is really too short a period of time to know if you really care about someone. It is probably more of an infatuation with him than anything else. He feels you were dishonest with him and his trust in ... (read in full...)

If we have nothing in common is it wise to get married?

Q.   hey guys thanks a lot for spendin time in order to help me with my situation i ve been with my girlfriend for ages and we actually been talkin about gettin married and spendin the rest of our lives together we truly love eashother so much but th...

A.   4 September 2010: ..Hi there, Well for starts the one thing you have have in common is your love for each other. Good start. Now two people can like different things but the easier relationships and the longer lasting relationships in my opinion are the ones where ... (read in full...)

Should I get it overwith and have a one night stand to lose my virginity?

Q.   Ok, so I'm only a few months off 21, and I'm still a virgin. Not feeling quite as alone in this as I just read another post from a 21 yr-old girl in a similar situation, but regardless, I feel that it's time to lose my virginity. I've never had a ...

A.   29 July 2010: ..Hi there, First of all whose business is it that you are still a virgin, but your own? That is a special thing whether you think so or not. There is one time that you have sex for the first time, and believe me it hurts a little bit. So to have a ... (read in full...)

I've been short of breath for a couple of days, when should I see a doctor?

Q.   For the past few days it feels like I've had a shortness of breath, and I can't figure out what it is. I'm extremely scared, and I don't know when I should go to the doctor. Could it be because I haven't exercised in about a month?? Before that I ...

A.   29 July 2010: ..Hi there, I would agree with Sirena, go to the doctor now, even before you start exercising again. It could be stress but you don't know. Go and find out what is causing you to not be able to breathe as you should. Make an appointment now if you ... (read in full...)

I've fallen for a girl who's dating a jerk!

Q.   Hey there i started a job about 4 months ago and i new girl started abotu amonth later, i started out talking to her as a friend and i find her really funny and beautiful and great to get along with. I new all along she has had a boyfriend, and he ...

A.   15 July 2010: ...Hi there again, I am going to tell you to go with your gut now. If you can't step away from this and at least let her miss you then you do what you think you want to do. I think you are right, it is a lose, lose situation here in a way. If she ... (read in full...)

I've fallen for a girl who's dating a jerk!

Q.   Hey there i started a job about 4 months ago and i new girl started abotu amonth later, i started out talking to her as a friend and i find her really funny and beautiful and great to get along with. I new all along she has had a boyfriend, and he ...

A.   11 July 2010: ...Hi there, You have fallen for someone who only wants a shoulder to cry on. As Cerberus has said she loves the other guy. At this point she wants comfort when he abuses her and she is caught up in this bad situation but her emotions are tied to t... (read in full...)

He tells me he'll kill me if I leave him

Q.   Yesterday was my b-day and I went out with my girls after while we went back over to where my car was and jumped in the vam (that I gave my fiance)as I'm getting in I reach in the side pocket and pull out (5) condoms you can tell it was a(6) pack ...

A.   11 July 2010: ...Hi, No one should be held hostage. Whether he will do what he says or not take this lightly. Where is your family? Llet them know what is going on and also do what sunnycomet said and tell the police, report everything that has happened with him.... (read in full...)

Is this as a sign that he's not as nice as he seems?

Q.   So, yesterday my boyfriend and I were playing around and things got rough and he ended up on top of me demading me to make out with him. I was saying no and telling him to get off and he just kept me pinned down until my friend came back in the ...

A.   2 July 2010: Hi, I guess my questions would be how long have you been in an exclusive relationship and is this the first time he has acted this way? Any other aggressive behavior? If this is a recent relationship, I would hang a little looser with him, not be ... (read in full...)

I'm only 21. Why do I refuse to believe I will find happiness?

Q.   Hi, I'm beginning to worry about being alone. But the crazy thing is, I've been single for just over two weeks! I recently came out of a relationship that lasted for 9 1/2 months. It was an okay relationship, but I've know for a long time that m...

A.   25 June 2010: ..Hi there again, Glad to know you feel better. You will be fine. Suggestion, go to the library and look for a book on making small talk. Increase your interest in more things around you. Again I say get a hobby, something that you can concentrate ... (read in full...)

I'm only 21. Why do I refuse to believe I will find happiness?

Q.   Hi, I'm beginning to worry about being alone. But the crazy thing is, I've been single for just over two weeks! I recently came out of a relationship that lasted for 9 1/2 months. It was an okay relationship, but I've know for a long time that m...

A.   24 June 2010: Hi there, What you first need to do in my opinion is to learn that it is possible to be happy by yourself. You feel you must be with someone to be happy, no you don't. Find things to do when you are out of relationships that make you happy. The ... (read in full...)

I hate him looking at porn, how do I get him to stop?

Q.   ok so i've been reading some of the posts in the pornography section and i have a question to ask myself. I am a 17 year old girl. I have been with my partner for 2 years now and we have a 10 month old baby together. I haven't got the best bod...

A.   22 June 2010: Hi there, I know you have a little one, but I have to ask you if you are satisfied in this relationship with him? Because it seems that you spend most of your time pleasing him. What do you receive from him? It should be a two sided thing, not him ... (read in full...)

He loves me so much it almost makes me sick

Q.   so, i've been a relationship for a month and 1/2 now. my bf already says that he loves me and that he wants us to spend the rest of our lives together. he dropped the L word within the 1st 2 to 3wks of the relationship. he's soo in love with me that ...

A.   22 June 2010: ..Hi there, When you say you have been in a relationship, what did you commit to or did you just find yourself going along with things? If you don't care for him as he does for you, then end it as gently as possible. Stop returning his calls, stop ... (read in full...)

She's cheated on me at least 8X, doesn't want sex with me!

Q.   I have a little problem i've been dating my lady for 25 years in that time she cheated on me at least 8 times that i can remember she would kick me out and have another man in my bed.I Feel that she's the only one for me and i can't get pass that i ...

A.   15 June 2010: Hi again, I wish things could be different for you. But it is necessary in life to love yourself in a healthy way so that we can love otheres the same. You should not allow yourself to be taken advantage of. It seems that you have made the decision ... (read in full...)

We make plans, and then he doesn't call..what is up with him?

Q.   Help with the senario!? What should I do/ What's going through his mind... - I'm 18 he's 22 -I'm going to college out of state in 4 months -We met, didn't want anything serious to begin with but things changed.. now we have been exclusivley da...

A.   14 June 2010: Hi, Do you want someone to tell you what you are already aware of? He's not ready to be serious or committed or even dating consistently without commitment. He may care for you, but if you would check out his history with women, you would prpobably ... (read in full...)

She's cheated on me at least 8X, doesn't want sex with me!

Q.   I have a little problem i've been dating my lady for 25 years in that time she cheated on me at least 8 times that i can remember she would kick me out and have another man in my bed.I Feel that she's the only one for me and i can't get pass that i ...

A.   14 June 2010: Hi there, Everybody else has said what needs to be said but you really don't want to hear it. So you have to ask yourself why are you accepting this in a relationship? When you are accepting what you are accepting you need to talk to a professional ... (read in full...)

Is it right for me to forgive him and take it to myself that I become his mistress forever for the sake of our son?

Q.   i have 3yrs. live-in partner but he is married in his first wife. he make me believe that they are no longer connected to each other. We have 1 son now and for 3yrs. i believe in all his dreams and promises for us. but now i found out that he fooled ...

A.   10 June 2010: ...Hi dear, I agree with everything sweetbabes said to you. You love this person, but are you willing to wait 10, 20 years for him to decide to come to you completely? You will be wasting your time and your life. Your decision! Your life. As I think ... (read in full...)

Is it right for me to forgive him and take it to myself that I become his mistress forever for the sake of our son?

Q.   i have 3yrs. live-in partner but he is married in his first wife. he make me believe that they are no longer connected to each other. We have 1 son now and for 3yrs. i believe in all his dreams and promises for us. but now i found out that he fooled ...

A.   22 May 2010: Hi there, You have a child with this man so you must consider the child's future more than anything else. There will more than likely not be a future for the two of you because the child's father wants to have it both ways, be with both of you. You ... (read in full...)

Involved with much younger sister in law and now we broke up, should I try to get her back?

Q.   I posted my problem on here last year and got really lambasted. I was having a clandestine relationship with my step-sister and she was 25 years younger than I. She is 18, I am 43. Our parents are not actually married but obviously, our links to the ...

A.   6 April 2010: ..Hi there, You have had the experience and taken a lot of heat for it I am sure. Why go back for more headaches? You are supposed to know more than she does, because of your age and experience. Let her find a less complicated relationship. Move on, ... (read in full...)

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