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Archived questions from: October, 2005 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


I love him, but I don't trust him any more after he cheated with a much-older woman!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5615 days ago

31 October 2005 (F - My boyfriend of 3yrs cheated on me with a much older women. I've tried to get over it and move on as I have stayed with him, taking his word that he will never do it again. I can't seem to forget no matter how much I try. It haunts me but I love him so much. My insecurity even ... (89 words

My boyfriend is dumping me, just to experience dating other people!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5480 days ago

31 October 2005 (F - I have been going out with this guy since 5 years, starting from college, and have been on long distance for more than 2 years. We try to see each other as often as we can. Went on a vacation with him in Jun/Jul and saw him over the weekend 2 weeks ago. He asked for a break end ... (279 words

I want some attention from my boyfriend too!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6759 days ago

31 October 2005 (F - How can I get my boyfriend of more than two years to share his focused attention between me and his 6 yr. old son?... (24 words

Met my online guy in person and he was lovely, but now we're separated by his job...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6842 days ago

31 October 2005 (F - Have I been used? I recently met a guy online. It was the first time I had ever been in a chat room, so I thought it was really lucky that we hit it off so well. We spent every night talking for hours online. It was pretty intense at times too!! After a few weeks he said he... (245 words

Before we were married, my wife had sex with my friend. It feels weird to all of us but her!

This question has 26 answers - newest was posted 4923 days ago

31 October 2005 (M - When we were younger and single, my wife and I had a very on and off relationship. During one of the "off" times, she had sex twice with my best friend. Time has passed and my friend and I have both gotten married but since that time, our friendship has never been the s... (158 words

On again... off again... on again. Should I stay with my guy or let him go?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6842 days ago

31 October 2005 (F - I met this guy in November of last year. We told each other that we loved each other in February. For 6 months we had the perfect relationship. But then I went away for 2 weeks and when I came back he wasn't the same. He started treating me differently because he was ... (177 words

He lives with his parents and he won't give me a firm date for his moving out of their place and in with me!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6757 days ago

31 October 2005 (F - Believe him, or is he just trying to shut me up? I am engaged to a man who is currently living with his parents. I have my own place, and we want to live together like we had in the past. He says he really really wants to come back here, but then he's so concerned about ... (155 words

My fiance seems disappointed in his choices in life, but I can't get him to talk about it...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6843 days ago

31 October 2005 (F - My fiancé is hurting inside and won't let me in! Hello all, Me and my fiancé have been together and living together for a year and a half now, and I have always known that he finds it hard to open up and talk about things but I think he is really hurting inside. His ch... (401 words

I found out my daughter's bisexual when I looked at her email!

This question has 25 answers - newest was posted 5125 days ago

31 October 2005 (M - I am concerned about my daughter. She is 18 at Xmas and has been very friendly with a girl a year younger. They are good friends and I have let my daughter stay overnight at her place on many many occasions. Her friend has also stayed here as well. My daughter left th... (300 words

We're both unhappy and we fight. He doesn't want to divorce, so what do we do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6842 days ago

31 October 2005 (F - 2 months ago my husband moved out saying he felt trapped and isolated. Since then I have been giving him space, and he has now moved back into the spare room but he says he doesn't love me like he should. He doesn't know why this is. Over the past year we have had a lot of ... (160 words

I keep picturing my fairytale future, even though I know it won't happen...!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6111 days ago

31 October 2005 (F - I can't stop obsessing about the future. I'm twenty four and in a live-in relationship with a man the same age. Our relationship is very good; we've known each other for ten years and been together for three. This is the first time I've ever felt like I'd like to spend the rest ... (586 words

My boyfriend won't give up smoking, no matter what I threaten...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6843 days ago

31 October 2005 (F - I try to get my boyfriend to quit smoking and I also threatened to leave this relationship, but he seems to not care about the fact that I'm willing to sacrifice anything for him. He wouldn't even give it up to make me happy. We fight about this all the time and I'm fed up a... (74 words

I pushed to find out the truth. Now I wonder: did I really want to know why she broke it off?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6843 days ago

31 October 2005 (M - My 20 Year old girlfriend Of 2 Years has ended it with me last week. Things had not been right for quite a while, but I didn't think it would really come to this. What makes it worse is that she has started seeing somebody else. I only found this out because I pushed and push... (88 words

My child's father doesn't want to know about the pregnancy. What should I do?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6660 days ago

31 October 2005 (F - I am 6 weeks pregnant. The child's father doesn't want to know and is married. I have 3 difficult teenagers and am a lone parent running my own business. My life is hectic and full and I am 40. I have absolutely no family other than my 3 children. Do I keep it or not? I can't ... (145 words

I'm engaged but have always loved my ex. Now my ex wants to give us another try...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6842 days ago

31 October 2005 (F - Hey me and my boy friend had a lovely time for almost two an a half years, but when the qestion came of marriage, he explained his familial reasons which were stopping him of doing that. He confessed that he loved me very much, but he is helpless...he even said that I should g... (226 words

Am I always going to be alone...forever? Are there any guys out there for me?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5896 days ago

31 October 2005 (F - I have just turned 39 and I'm freaking out at the prospect of being loveless forever! Note that I say loveless and not " alone " , as I have no problem being by myself.I have never had a serious b.friend, even though I have always wanted a serious relationship. I go out to ... (263 words

Can't understand why I'm accused of coming on too strongly with girls...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6843 days ago

31 October 2005 (M - Cupid, I've never really had a problem meeting girls and gaining their interest. My problem is not getting to into them, after meeting them. I want to talk with them so I can learn about them. This goes both with the girls I've met in person and on the net. Lately I've be... (150 words

We only have sex when he wants it, never when I do!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6843 days ago

31 October 2005 (F - Dear Cupid, please help, I have been in a relationship for 2 years. He says that I am paranoid all the time, but our relationship has changed on his part, he doesn't want to have sex with me, only when he wants it. He's not interested in me anymore. He says he loves me and t... (78 words

Does the neighbour girl mean what she said about having no boyfriend? Should I have a go?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6843 days ago

31 October 2005 (M - Hello, Ok this does sound stupid but it really makes me mad right. I am 16 male live in England. My next door neighbour is 30yr old women has a middle sister of I think 27 and a younger sister of 24. Now!!! I really fancy the younger one 24 years old. We always ta... (193 words

I don't miss my ex. I don't even much like him... but I miss the contact!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6843 days ago

31 October 2005 (F - I have a very weird problem. My ex and I were strictly in no contact for several months and then he transferred to my school. I see him at least once if not twice a day (some days I've seen him 3-4). Things go back and forth from being painfully awkward to okay. He clams u... (389 words

I want the girl I'm interested in to take me seriously...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6843 days ago

31 October 2005 (M - I have been at university for a month and met a girl in my flat that I'm really attracted to. She has a boyfriend at another university, who she has been with for 3 years. I try to talk to her as much as possible but although we can talk and laugh, she always thinks I'm being ... (112 words

The spark is fading. What can we do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6844 days ago

31 October 2005 (M - Should the end of the courtship and children spell the end to excitement and passion in a relationship? What if one half thinks like Mom now and not as your lover? Any cures for my cold fish?... (40 words

He keeps pushing me away because he's not ready for a relationship, but we ARE in a relationship...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6843 days ago

30 October 2005 (F - I am in a relationship in which I met the guy in college, dated off and on for 8 years and then I moved away. 10 years later I returned to the same city and we have resumed our relationship. The problem now is that he has gone through a terrible relationship and has a ... (209 words

When someone asks you to a concert, does it mean he fancies you?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6843 days ago

30 October 2005 (F - I have been friends with a guy at work for about a year. He recently asked me to a concert with him on my own. My workmates reckon we fancy each other but he denies it and I do too because I don't want to be rejected. What should I do? I am shy and don't like the thought of ... (84 words

I was dumped because she still wanted her ex...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6843 days ago

30 October 2005 (M - I am a student away from home at uni and have been seeing a girl for about 7 months who is also away from her home and at uni. Recently tho she told me that she just wants to be friends, which I found out was due to feelings she still had towards her ex. Her ex broke up with ... (258 words

I'm 14 already and still have never had a boyfriend...

This question has 48 answers - newest was posted 5978 days ago

30 October 2005 (F - Please help! I'm a 14 year old girl, brown hair, slightly attractive, nice figure, killer personality and yet I've never had a bf. I always fancy someone but I'm far too shy to ask them out and I won't let my mates ask them out for me. This is really getting me down and I ... (65 words

Is my girlfriend wrong to visit other guys, or am I just paranoid?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6843 days ago

30 October 2005 (M - Hi, I'm 16 and my girlfriend is 15. We've been together for about a year and 3 months and were very happy together, but now she has started going to other boys' houses. She says they're just friends but I can't help feeling jealous. When I told her about how I feel she just ... (90 words

Why am I such a nasty bitch to my friend? Can I stop it?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6843 days ago

30 October 2005 (F - Hi, I know this might sound pathetic but, I have 2 best friends. One of them I can be nasty to at times - in fact most of the time - and she's a real good friend for coping with me. But I want to stop being this nasty bitch. I have tried so hard to be nice all the time, bu... (74 words

How can I not be "the same woman" he fell in love with?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6844 days ago

30 October 2005 (F - I have been with my man for almost 2 years. For the first 13 months it was long distance then me and my oldest son who is 4 moved in with him. Then we found out we were pregnant. The baby is now 3 months old, we just bought a new house, he has a new job and I just started ... (149 words

My boyfrriend has dumped me twice, because he wants to try dating others...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6843 days ago

30 October 2005 (F - I'm 20 years old and I've been dating the same guy for the past two years. We are normally very happy and have an awesome time together. However, 2 months ago, we broke up because he was scared he was never going to date anyone besides me. After 2 days, he said he wanted to be ... (164 words

I gave him lavish gifts when we were a couple. If he leaves, shouldn't he give them back?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6843 days ago

30 October 2005 (M - I am a 23 year old gay male. My best friend and I (since we were six) decided to become boy friends about 6 months ago after five years of relationships with others that never worked because we found we were looking for each other in our partners. We moved to a differen... (350 words

My husband has a double-life, another woman and another child!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4962 days ago

30 October 2005 (F - Hi, I am in the biggest dilemma of my life and need some help. I am 26, Indian, female. I had an arranged marriage 7 years ago when this really sweet guy from UK came to my house in UK and said he wants to marry me with his family. He seemed really nice and said he has a good j... (524 words

No "I love you", even after 9 months. Is he scared?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6840 days ago

30 October 2005 (F - Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 9 months now. I think I love him but I don't know if he feels the same way. Why hasn't he said I love you yet? Does he expect me to say it first or is he scared? He was previously in a long term relationship in which lasted 3... (86 words

Two guys, neither wants what I want right now. Do I wait or carry on?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6844 days ago

30 October 2005 (F - Hi, I am a 28year old girl and have been seeing a fantastic 37 year old man for the last 2-1/2 years and had a really great time with him. The problem being this man does not want the whole marriage and kids thing and just wants to have a good time with me and we travel a lot ... (236 words

My ex is looking for a woman nearer to his own age, but he still wants me close, too...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6842 days ago

30 October 2005 (F - I have been seeing a younger man for 4 months. He broke up with me to find a more age appropriate woman. Yet he keeps calling me and wanting to see me and have me in his life. He says I am his best friend, that I am nicer to him, and that he enjoys my company more than anyone ... (98 words

I hardly have to touch my boyfriend and he's already done!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6182 days ago

30 October 2005 (F - Is there anything I can do to stop my bf having an orgasm so quickly? It's not nice for me and sex lasts 10 seconds! I hardly touch him and he's already there! It takes me ages to get turned on, so I get nothing from it! Please help me!!! x... (51 words

My wonderful American guy went back to the US and started ignoring my emails...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6840 days ago

30 October 2005 (M - I had a wonderful relationship with an American man. He also had a partner at home but while in Australia for seven months he had two relationships. Our connection was amazing and we both had never experienced this before in our lives. His partner arrived from the states ... (285 words

Am I doomed to be in love with my boyfriend AND his best friend?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6061 days ago

30 October 2005 (M - Hi I am in a real mess right now and I have no idea who to turn to. I have been dating my boyfriend for 2 years now and for the last year we have been having a long distance relationship because of university. The last few months have been really tough because a ... (228 words

Is it fair that I'm left alone so my girlfriend can be with her family at Christmas?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6844 days ago

30 October 2005 (M - M26 F20, My partner of 3 years wants to spend Christmas and her 21st birthday with her family (she was born on Christmas day). We have just moved to a new town which is 14 hours drive from her parents' house. I have two problems, 1. She knows that we both can't go and I will b... (130 words

Eighteen months until my girlfriend gets back. She says not to wait...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6844 days ago

29 October 2005 (M - My girlfriend's just left to travel round the world for 18 months on her own, as part of a overlanding tour group. It's been a dream of hers for ages and she'd sort of planned to go before we got together properly. I know she loves me but she said it's not practical to try and ... (209 words

My fiance's ex says she's pregnant. Is this just a stunt to get him back?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6843 days ago

29 October 2005 (F - My boyfriend and I have known each other for ten years and have dated for about a month and a half now. We plan on marrying in a year. We have a very open and honest relationship and recently he told me that his ex fiancee informed him that she is pregnant with his child. They ... (128 words

My co-worker is in a relationship, but it still feels like there's an attraction between us!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6841 days ago

29 October 2005 (M - I am a single guy between relationships (understatement!) and have become very attracted (also an understatement!) to a woman at work. The problem is that she is in a long term relationship, and yet, even allowing for the typical male tendency to misinterprete female ... (180 words

Is a year long enough to wait before becoming intimate?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6841 days ago

29 October 2005 (F - Do you think a year if a long enough time to wait before becoming physically intimate with your boyfriend? It doesn't necessarily have to be sex, but just intimate touching? Thanks... (31 words

My partner is cagey about why he needed condoms when he went away...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6816 days ago

29 October 2005 (F - My boyfriend recently went away for almost a month and he claims that he has not cheated. He gives me conflicting responses to the number of condoms he has, the amount we use and the reason he had them while away. I have been giving him oral sex for the past two years. Since he ... (189 words

I married my friend, even though there wasn't any passion. 25 years later, I feel empty inside...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6844 days ago

29 October 2005 (F - Can anyone give me a perspective on my relationship? I was married at 19 after 2yrs engagement to a man the same age. He kept talking about what it would be like to have sex with someone else, and that he might be gay. He invited a friend round, quite innocently at first, then ... (546 words

Why won't my bf let me give him oral sex?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6718 days ago

29 October 2005 (F - Im sixteen and have been in a steady relationship for a month.I want to give my boyfriend oral sex but he doesn't want me to. What's wrong with me?... (29 words

For 8 years I've kept breaking up and getting back with a married man!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6528 days ago

29 October 2005 (F - I'll describe a very sordid process at the risk of getting a humungous barrage of insults for being an idiot cus that's how I feel...... At 23yrs I was married to a chap who well kept me til he got a stay in the country. He then got violent I divorced him, however had a mental... (171 words

My girlfriend is 28 years older than me...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5288 days ago

29 October 2005 (M - I am 16 and dating a 44-year-old woman. My dad said "If it makes you happy son, go for it" but my mum is furious and only a few close friends are happy for me. What problems could our relationship face? Jason (16) from Manchester, UK... (53 words

I get overprotective and want to contact him, then he pulls away. How do we save this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6842 days ago

29 October 2005 (F - I met this guy on Myspace whom I like a lot. At first we hit it off real good. Flirting and all that good stuff until he showed me a bad picture of him. I got turned off which I must say I should NOT have done. Truth is I never stopped liking him from the start. I told him... (210 words

The responsibilities of caring for our kids are exhausting me, and my husband NEVER helps out...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6824 days ago

29 October 2005 (F - I am bringing this question to you while I am at my lowest of lows. I have just recently had a newborn, before that my husband and I just decided to home school my 7 year old son. I am a stay at home, sleep deprived mom who homeschools and takes care of a newborn. My son need... (386 words

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