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Archived questions from: June, 2024 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


Please sir- I want some more.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 23 days ago

29 June 2024 (F age 30-35 - So a few years ago I met the most interesting person ever, he was a university professor and whilst not my type, I fell for him quickly. We had a very passionate relationship, and with that came high highs but worst lows. He was very jealous and I was very needy. I can honestly ... (420 words

Cousin shouted at me on my wedding day, then lied about it & now isn’t talking to me!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 26 days ago

26 June 2024 (F age 30-35 - My cousin who I was really close too, 3 years ago moved away to America and we haven’t seen each other in person since. We talk on the phone and Skype. A few months ago I got married- I gave everyone over a years notice but she was unable to attend due to work and... (797 words

Work has turned awkward since manager reported me for sexual harrassment

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 26 days ago

25 June 2024 (F age 30-35 - I thought I was friends with another female cowoker ans things seemed fine and like we enjoyed each others company. She even said she was glad we met and worked together and that she considers me as a good friend and that we would continue working to for years to come etc. At ... (508 words

Does it sound like I’m sending mixed signals

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 27 days ago

25 June 2024 (F age 30-35 - I have been thinking and if I am being honest I feel I have given someone mixed feelings. So I think he has a crush on me. I've said things like well I would date you if...I wouldn't date you if and I don't know why I gave him a list of why. I've talked about a non-date... (184 words

Calvin Klein bikinis

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 8 days ago

25 June 2024 (F age 36-40 - I have a number of Calvin Klein bikinis and one pieces that I love wearing but I’ve recently noticed they often give me a cameltoe that other suits don’t. I wasn’t really aware until I saw some pics and could see my cameltoe that at times is fairly obvious. This is ... (79 words

CK repeat

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25 June 2024 (F age 36-40 - I have a number of Calvin Klein bikinis and one pieces that I love wearing but I’ve recently noticed they often give me a cameltoe that other suits don’t. I wasn’t really aware until I saw some pics and could see my cameltoe that at times is fairly obvious. This is ... (79 words

Anxious over a guy I met once. How do I manage these seemingly ridiculous feelings?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 27 days ago

24 June 2024 (F age 26-29 - I met a guy at an event that I really hit it off with, from my impression anyway. We're both 29. Over the next few days, I felt quite happy. I've been happily single for a while and the lovely interaction felt like encouragement, as if the universe was showing me the potential ... (592 words

My Fiancé is jealous of my Uncle & has put me in an awkward position!!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 30 days ago

24 June 2024 (F age 30-35 - I was hoping for some insight on my situation please. My mum has a younger brother (my uncle) - there’s a huge age gap between them however there is only a 12 year age gap between me and my uncle. Growing up people would mistaken us for brother and sister we always f... (540 words

My mom is disappointed in me. How do I change her opinion?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 28 days ago

23 June 2024 (F age 18-21 - Two years ago I meet a much older man and started having an affair with him, I was 19 he was 42. I found out he was married two months after we started dating. Because of his job he had an apartment in my Town where he worked and lived in another town with his wife and two teen... (748 words

Did I scare this guy off or was he after one thing?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 29 days ago

22 June 2024 (F age 18-21 - I met this guy online. We had been dating for 4 months. Everything was going almost perfectly fine, he was texting me a lot, calling, setting up dates etc. He said he’d never felt so good with anyone before. He mentioned us being in a relationship in the future and formed the ... (795 words

How can I fix things? quabble over sex and now he's sleeping in the guest room

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 34 days ago

20 June 2024 (F age 36-40 - Dear Cupid I have been with my partner for last 5 years and have two kids. He is good partner and dad and helps me mostly with chores. We both work full time. Lately my sexual libido is down. But my partner either same or increased. He likes Bjs and I’m not a fan. He ... (224 words

How soon is too soon to date a widower?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 33 days ago

19 June 2024 (F age 36-40 - Sorry if this post comes across as heartless as I really don’t mean it to be…. Around 12 years ago I used to work with this guy - I had the hugest crush on him (actually in think I was in love with him) he was married with kids (I was and still am single), so I n... (423 words

Feelings for ex teacher

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 30 days ago

18 June 2024 (F age 30-35 - I don’t know where to start :s I guess I’m just curious if anyone else has/is going through the same thing, I’ll try and keep it simple… When I started college I was 16 years old, I was at the same college until I was 21 and graduated. I had numerous tutors in this time, an... (584 words

Parents repeat 2

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18 June 2024 (F age 30-35 - Hi, I’m American and we have an upcoming holiday in July that my MIL will be coming into town. I don't have any issues with my MIL but I do miss my own parents and would love to see them over the holiday weekend. My partner is normally out of town when my parents are in t... (159 words

Parents repeat 1

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 37 days ago

18 June 2024 (F age 30-35 - Hi, I’m American and we have an upcoming holiday in July that my MIL will be coming into town. I don't have any issues with my MIL but I do miss my own parents and would love to see them over the holiday weekend. My partner is normally out of town when my parents are in t... (159 words

I wish we had stayed away and not come home

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 34 days ago

18 June 2024 (F age - Went away on Saturday for one night with my partner. Nice to get away from the home and all the chores. I feel like Cinderella sometimes. Had a walk on the Saturday plus a meal out. Sunday we had a walk and I had a swim in the sea. Debating if to go home or not on the Sunday or ... (627 words

Is it ok to leave him with his mom while I visit my own family?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 38 days ago

16 June 2024 (F age 30-35 - Hi, I’m American and we have an upcoming holiday in July that my MIL will be coming into town. I don't have any issues with my MIL but I do miss my own parents and would love to see them over the holiday weekend. My partner is normally out of town when my parents are in t... (159 words

How did this online person know me in real life?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 39 days ago

14 June 2024 (F age 26-29 - This is going to sound bizzare but I honestly don't know how? Okay so I met someone online and spoke and chatted almost everyday. Then I just left it and went on with my real life family and friends ect. So fast forward a few years and I met this person in person and they ... (159 words

Should I be ok with him going away with his mates? Title (e.g.

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11 June 2024 (F age 51-59 - I have been with my boyfriend for 10 years, leaving aside that at my age I feel ridiculous referring to him as my boyfriend, he came home from work yesterday and announced that he intends to go away somewhere for the weekend with his friends in September/October time as one of ... (266 words

Friend will not accept I am unable to visit her this year.

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 39 days ago

11 June 2024 (F age 36-40 - One of my best friends lives in Italy and I tend to fly out once a year for around 10-14 days to see her and her daughter who is my goddaughter - she is 6 years old. I’ve been going over every year (covid aside) for the past 11 years - she has only visited me once ... (352 words

Partner picked much older guy for our threesome

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 37 days ago

11 June 2024 (M age 30-35 - Me and my partner of 10 years have been talking about threesome for while. I was under the impression she would pick someone if similar age but she I asked her mentioned a guy from the pub who is 51! She is 27 and in 32. I don’t mind but I’m just surprised she picked someone so ... (69 words

Two co workers pursing me its become uncomfortable

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 39 days ago

11 June 2024 (F age 30-35 - I’m 30 and I ended up sleeping with co worker who is 39. She has been extremely eager to please. For some reason she told her friend at work about it. Now her friend is pursuing me, borderline stalking and won’t miss any opportunity to talk to me. How I know she knows is ... (284 words

Walked in on friends mom breastfeeding and rather than leave made excuses to hang around

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 39 days ago

11 June 2024 (M age 16-17 - Hi. I go to my mates house to play fifa and sometimes his mum would cook us food or give us crisps. My mate was on the game. So when his mum shouted to get the food because she’s feeding his baby sister. When I went down I saw her with her boobs out feeding. I got so ... (115 words

Is it wrong that I don't want the same relationship with this child who isn't even related to me?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 39 days ago

9 June 2024 (M age 30-35 - I have a brother (Rob), a sister-in-law (Tiffany), a niece and a nephew. I am close to my nieces and nephew who are now teenagers (I spend less time with them now since they spend more time with their friends which is a good thing but I still consider myself close to them). I ... (222 words

We were friends and now he wants a break from me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 47 days ago

8 June 2024 (F age 36-40 - Does he seem bitter and we will eventually be able to reconnect? We were coworkers and started to be friends. We would text but not hang out outside of work. He seemed reserved because he was one of the leads at the company-but I did at times get the feeling by how he acted ... (334 words

Husband refuses to get rid of items that causing storage shortage

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 47 days ago

5 June 2024 (F age 30-35 - Hi, 2 years ago my husband and I bought a house and my MIL took it upon herself to bring all of his childhood stuff, approx 20 boxes and store them in the garage of our newly bought house. My husband has never understood why this upset me and still continues to upset me. My ... (144 words

We work together decided we could not be together but he's flaunting dating someone in front of me

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 49 days ago

3 June 2024 (F age 36-40 - We had a crush on each other , but then we realized we can't be together , we work in the same place ...we talked about it and it came to an end ..then he started hanging out with a co worker ..I did not mind but the di worker tried to put it in my face because she knew that ... (167 words

Friend really wasn't a friend

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 49 days ago

3 June 2024 (F age 30-35 - Found out my friend was never really my friend and just interested in me romantically. I feel it’s all been a huge lie and wonder if I should end communication with them! I feel betrayed and even foolish ... (38 words

New boyfriend won’t tell his old girlfriend about me

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 53 days ago

1 June 2024 (F age 41-50 - Hi there. I’ve got a question. I have been seeing this guy for a few weeks. He’s been out of an 11 year relationship. I have been dating him only three days after his break up. He hasn’t told his ex girlfriend about me. She has called while we are together but he won... (228 words

My sister is blinded by a swindler

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 52 days ago

1 June 2024 (F age 41-50 - Hi i have a bit of a complicated story we are a asian background and very culturally infused. Long story short, my sister is a 12 year gap (she is older), i look up to her as a sister and mom most of the time. I would give ANYTHING for her. she had a very rough divorce from a v... (767 words

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