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To browse questions by day in October, 2006, use the links below (in brackets, number of questions on that day)

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Archived questions from: October, 2006 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


HAd sex with a guy who went too deep. Two months later sex with another guy hurt like hell! Did I get damaged?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6565 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - please help!! i had sex with this guy one time and when we did he shoved hard, deep, and fast in me. i was sore for a week. 2 months later i had intercourse with someone else, he was gentle but when he went deep it really really hurt. did the first guy cause some damage or ... (60 words

Hours before my Mother's funeral the man I love, is texting another woman tell her 'she is hot!"! What should I do?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6565 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - hi i dont really know if you could call this a problem, i suppose its quite obvious what i should do but i really just need someone to say it! Ok, so i'm 21 and everything has been great with my boyfriend lately, we've had our arguements in the past not over anything major ... (531 words

What exactly is 'charm' and how can I be charming?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (? - wot is charm? how can i be charmin to a 14yr old gurl. im 16. any ideas? we say hi n met on a mates bday b4 dats it!... (29 words

Going out with this guy I like will really upset my good friend! What should I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - I'm in a sticky situation Ilike this guy, lets call him X I met X about a year ago but we wern't really that close, we were like, hi and bye kinda friends.... I really liked him, and whilst drunk, texted him saying how much I liked him. HE texted back *i dunno what to say* I ... (300 words

I dont want to look needy but I want to text him. Should I wait for him to make the first move?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6565 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - i met this guy a few weeks back he is a barman,he was very friendly to me and we started talking and both found out we were single so i plucked up courage and asked him out for a drink.he took my number and thought he wouldnt bother but he did.and we went out on a date.I found ... (205 words

He's more distant..and not answering my texts! What should I say to him?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6235 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - Hey this is mainly aimed at guys but anyone who can help will be appreciated! I am 16 and have been with my boyfriend of the same age for 5 months - we have a great relationship but in the last two weeks he has stopped making the effort to reply to my text messages and has been... (162 words

I made eye contact with her and smiled. But now..I'm to shy to go up and talk to her! What should I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6565 days ago

31 October 2006 (? - der is dis 14yr old gurl i fancy. she goes to my skul. im 16. usually at lunch everyone leaves skul. on day bk i usually go past her. today i got da courage to make eye contact and smile. she smiled first. i den luked away as i went past. im jus too shy to do anything more! jus ... (112 words

Does he just want me to still like him to boost his ego..or is the the real thing??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6564 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - I'm a teen girl and coming up for 2months ago my long term boyfriend split up with me because he was having problems at home and couldn't deal with the extra stress. This could of been an excuse but I do know that they were having problems, even so. I don't know whether it'... (175 words

He went from dating me to just being friends with me and now...he's ignoring me! What is going on with this guy?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - I finally started going out with this boy who I liked for a couple months. We seemed to really connect; we hung out a lot and always laughed and smiled when we were together. But best of all is that we could talk about anything together, including our personal lives. I was ... (336 words

Need some real good advice on how to make female friends..any tips?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6565 days ago

31 October 2006 (M - how do i get a girlfriend, or even make female friends? I am very smart and top of my class in high school and i'm a senior, but I feel that I have problems socially. I can talk a lot and i make some girls laugh a lot, but i "never seem to be able to take it out of the ... (243 words

My online guy wants to meet me...I don't know what to do.

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6487 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - i have been talking to a guy on MSN for about 2 weeks we seem to really connect and he says he can't get me out of his head and he really likes me, he also has hinted about meeting in person but hasn't put any pressure on 16 and dont know what to do..should i ... (74 words

Why do girls say yes to a date but they also say "don't tell anyone" What's up with that, girls?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5620 days ago

31 October 2006 (M - I don't get it. Does it just happen to me or do other guys get it too. Whenever I ask out a girl she says yes... but dont tell any one. Any girls here that can explain why?... (38 words

He said the female bartender was hot...while I was standing there. I am upset..what do you think?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6382 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - Hi--does anything think this was rude of my b/f? We were at a club one night with one of his buddies. We got the first round of drinks and then his friend asks my b/f--what do you think of the bartender--not loud or anything but obviously i am standing right there and i can ... (123 words

My army guy deserted me years ago and now...he's back and wants to be with me! All these feelings are coming back..what should I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - i have a big problem when i was 16 i fell in love with an armyboy we would spend all our time together when he was on leave he was 3 years older then one week he never came back and stopped answering my calls i found out he had got married 6 yrs on i am in a relationship with ... (129 words

He loves porn..he texts other women in chatrooms and he says he does it because....he's just messing about??? I feel worthless-what should I do?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6565 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - hi im recently married to a man i love very much and i know that he loves me to however he loves to look at porn on the net and also texts to other women through chat rooms also the women have sent him rude pics of themselves. i have confronted him about this and he says its me ... (78 words

Should I take this guy back after he dumped me??

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6563 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - hey, i was wondering if anyone can help me. i went out with this guy for about 3 months and then he dumped me and on valentine's day. my friend introduced him to one of her friends and he started going out with her about 2 weeks after he dumped me and then about 6 months later ... (158 words

Can I ever win her back?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5649 days ago

31 October 2006 (M - Help. I'm 35 and I'm so confused. I felt i was being neglected by my g/f whom at times didn't seem interested in me. I felt emotionally disatisfied and told her. Our love life was also non existent. She went away, evaluated our relationship and we agreed to split after she said ... (154 words

His mates tease him about us and it's harming our relationship! What can I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6565 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - hey i have a real problem ok ive been out with this guy 6 times...and it hasnt worked out for more than a week because his mates keep making fun and saying crap like 'have you f**ked her yet?' and he didnt want that. ... (47 words

Does having sex make breast tenderness (due to PMS) better? Any thoughts to share?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6565 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - Is it better to stay in the house or to go to the gym when you have an awful breast tenderness associated to the premenstrual syndrome, does sex make it better or worse I cannot stand touching me that area those days or about having sex is it normal?... (49 words

Do I have a chnace with this guy? If not, what can I do to improve my chances?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - There is this guy i like who is like my friend, but always seems a bit on edge with me. He never really talks directly to me, he'll smile at me if i smile at him, but he is naturally VERY polite... lol. I used to take loads of pictures of my self.. no i'm not self-obs... (118 words

He's in jail on 2 drug counts and wants to date me when he gets out! What should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - I work at a jail in dc as a C/O and on my unit it's this sexy ass guy I use to see in the club when I use to go out he is in jail on a drug charge but the courts couldn't prove he was selling drugs so they have 21 days to let him go but any way when he was out I never told him ... (136 words

Do people really lie about how much sex they have? What are the signs?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6490 days ago

31 October 2006 (M - How many people lie about the amount of sex they have had? And what do people think the signs are that someone is lying? ... (25 words

His muslim family won't accept me as I have a child. What can I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6565 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - i have been with my partner for 9months but we seem to have a problem. as his family won't accepet me because i have a child. as his family are muslim? really need some advice please... (37 words

Who do I choose-my wonderful new man or my husband who left me for another woman?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 6049 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - My husband left me for another woman, I was devastated but eventually tried to move on and even began seeing someone else. Now my husband has left the other woman and says he@ll do anything to get me back! I am very confused and dont want to hurt the new man in my life who has ... (92 words

Do you think I can encourage him to give it another try, before he dcides to end it with me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - I am currently gutted that my bloke has told me he wants to finish things. We have been together for 5 years. He has always had periods of moodiness, but this time I asked him to try and talk to me about how he is feeling as I was starting to feel excluded. The next day he ... (196 words

What will I get (?) for having sex with a 15 year old?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5732 days ago

31 October 2006 (M - can any one tell me wat i will get for having sex with a 15 gal rely need help plzs and i am 18... (24 words

I honestly want to just help her and get her away from him.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (M - I have a female friend who I love and care for very much. She is recently divorced ( for three months and were seperated for two years). She filed for the divorce because he had an affair and is keeping it going. She gave him numurous chances for him to change and told him she ... (167 words

What does it mean when a girl ......

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 6556 days ago

31 October 2006 (M - Ladies. what does it mean when a girl smiles at you and sits next to you even if there are other seats... (25 words

Why do I have to choose one of them?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - I've been with my boyfriend for 14 months now and we are looking into spending our lives together very soon. My boyfriend is going oversea for six months to travel on his own, hoping to gain more experience in his life (which he truly lacks). He knows now is the best time to ... (352 words

Update! He's still work obsessed! This is still stressing me out. More advice?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6565 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - Hi, my name is Natasha and I'm 25 from Birmingham, West Midlands, UK, I originally wrote: ----------------------------------------------------- My name's Natasha, I'm 25 and my husband is 28. Recently he's become obsessed with work, refusing to spend time with me at all. I ... (259 words

He is coming to stay with me for the weekend but is seeing some other girl

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6565 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - Ok, The guy of my dreams is coming to stay at my house for the weekend. Neither of us are into flings, and he has told me he likes me, and i like him a lot.. he has made a move on me a few times before, and i have always said no, thinking i was his rebound girl or that he just ... (209 words

Is he being selfish or really doesn't like my friends?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - hi this may seem silly but it hurts me. the thing is my friends invite me and my bf out everytime they are going out and when i ask my bf if he wants to go out he always makes up an excuse like on sat there. my friends had arranged to go for a night out and asked me n my bf to ... (188 words

I had a dream that my bf was texting my ex-friend

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - hi! i have abit of a problem but im not surr if it is a problem or just my paranoid mind! i fell out with my best friend in june sometime and we havent been in touch since then but my bf had her number in his phone but it wasnt stored under her name it was just her number and ... (223 words

Is this question is a hoax or not??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (M - Hi there, How can you be certain a question is a hoax or not?? I've seen a question posted, then it disappeared a few hours later. Thanks, Alex... (34 words

I need some guy gift ideas

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - help! me and my boyfriend have been going out 3 year in a couple of weeks and i need some ideas on what too get him.. he always buys me realy nice gifts but i just dont have a clue. I cant cook him a nice meal either as i cant cook. lol :( any suggestions please! thanks x... (61 words

Does a girl prefer cuddle or kisses?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5811 days ago

31 October 2006 (M - Hi everyone just wondering if your spending time with a girl does she prefer cuddle or kisses?... (17 words

I cum too quickly

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6565 days ago

31 October 2006 (M - I am 23 years, and I am with my gf for at least 3 years. Now we are doing sex for along time but I have a little problem. When we do sex it cums quickly after five minutes. Is there something that I can do for this problem? Thank u.... (51 words

If he is quiet or distant I blame myself

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - Hi there, I have a good relationship with one of my male friends to the point that I love him. We get on great have lots of fun (not intimate) but at the moment he is happy being single and doesnt want a relationship. We talked and agreed that we were going to continue as we ... (270 words

How do I find out if he's gay

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6242 days ago

31 October 2006 (M - I'm an in-the-closet gay guy. I met this guy that I REALLY REALLY like (perhaps love at first sight?). He's gorgeous, smart, etc. but the only problem is I don't know if he's gay. How do I find out if he's gay \ bi without scaring him away?... (51 words

My boyfriend has started to drink more and more, should I be concerned ??

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - My boyfriend likes a beer but has started having 2 and 3 beers every night. Is this normal or should I be concerned?... (24 words

I'm jealous because he can't let go of the mothers of his children

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6180 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - i met my partner two and a half years ago, we had an affair, he left his wife and moved in with me eighteen months ago. he has two children with the wife and another little one who lives ten minutes from us. my problem is that neither of the two mothers will allow me to have ... (239 words

I can't just forget everything in a minute

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - i have a very strange problem i love my bf he loves me too but offlate we have been fightin a lot for stupid reasons we make up at the end but then when he starts makin me feel good i kind of feel awkward and i back off, it has never happened to me before its not that i dont ... (103 words

Just 'sex buddies' and he dumped me! Having a hard time moving on..any tips?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5851 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - I'm 18 and since May I have been the 'bed buddy' of a 29 year old man I met on the internet. I grew attatched to him. I had feelings for him. I wanted to tell him how I felt but didn't get the chance because he was busy. So weeks passed and I didn't see him. So absence made my ... (486 words

Started an affair with my husband's brother...

This question has 37 answers - newest was posted 4869 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - I got married 2 months ago to a man I had been living with for 2 years previously. My husband is a wonderful man who I truly love but unfortunately our sex life has never been fantastic. However I thought this was not important as we get on so well and have so much in ... (130 words

I having a hard time with the pain of breakup-I want my bf back! How do I cope?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - Heartbroken, help?? I broke up with my boyfriend of 3years, 2days ago. I love him so much, but he isnt giving me all I need, I feel like Im the one that needs and loves him more than he needs me. He works long hours and I get that hes tired but I need to see more of him, its... (168 words

Need to tell this guy, I don't want a relationship. How can I do this?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - I'm still in love with my ex bf, but i'm not telling anybody because I know that everyone will disapprove as they think I can do better (and he has a gf so I can't do anything about it). My ex's mate who I was into once has been showing an interest in me. We flirted and kissed ... (126 words

Caught between my partner and daughter!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - I have a problem. My 22 year old only daughter, from my previous marriage, "Jane", who is a senior in college, has fallen in love and become engaged to a 31 year old carpenter, "Don", who has 3 young children by 2 different mothers. Jane and Don have moved in together, with ... (582 words

Do I tell her or wait or wait for an exs cousin to tell her??

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - My mother had my ex boyfriend arrested when I was 16. He was 20. He was mad at me for a little while for her finding out. I live with my grandmother nad I still sneak around just to see him. My birthday is in 12 days and I won't have to worry about sneaking around because my ... (235 words

What have I done wrong??

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6561 days ago

31 October 2006 (M - Hello Just looking for some realistic and professional advice to my problem. If you can provide me with a solution(s) then it will be very much appreciated, thank you. I am a 41 year old male. My situation is very unique and complex to me but probably not to you. Here goes. ... (1353 words

My husband works far away and is not keen on on visiting or coming home to us. What should I do about this?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6566 days ago

31 October 2006 (F - My husband started a new job and relocated to one of the islands just one month short of a year ago. He knows I hate living by myself and I am rearing our 12 year old daughter who had to stay with me all on my own. She visits him during school breaks. I used to visit him ... (241 words

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