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Archived questions from: June, 2006 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


Fingering doesn't feel that great to me. Will I never have an orgasm?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5199 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - When my boyfriend fingers me I don't feel anything 'nice' at all, even when he rubs where my clitoris is. I've never had sex and I'm worried I won't be able to have an orgasm.... (35 words

My BF still talks with the ex that broke him up with his previous girlfriend! Now it's affecting our relationship too!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6687 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - Hi, I hope someone can help me figure this out. My bf's ex-ex was the reason my bf broke up with his last gf. Now with me I think it's leading the same way. Basically his ex-ex and him are still in contact and even though I told him I don't feel comfortable with him talking ... (70 words

I broke the inherent trust of the group by asking one of its female members out!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6685 days ago

30 June 2006 (M - I’ve made a huge mistake. I’m an alcoholic undergoing treatment and am in recovery. I’m attending a 3 month (I attend 3 times per week) program and have made good friends with some of the others also attending. Before I started the program, I was attending the treatmen... (383 words

Thought I'd gotten over the guy I fancied, but then the feelings came back!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6651 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - I fancied this boy from school and didn't see him for 4 months cos he was on holiday. I got over him but as soon as I saw him again when he got back my feelings came back. :( Is this normal to fancy someone, then not fancy them anymore, then fancy them again? Cos I thought ... (68 words

My bf's new roomate is a female I have not met..this bugs am I out of line?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - My boyfriend of three years is moving into an apartment with an acquaintance of his, who is a female. I have never met her. For some reason, this bugs me that she is a girl. Am I out of line?... (43 words

We argued, separated and then realised we still want our relationship. So, will it be OK?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (M - Hi all. Me and my gf of 2 years had a very messy argument the other night, and I stupidly said that she was as good as dumped. At the time I felt like I meant it, but I made a genuine mistake. After a space of about a week apart, I've come to realise what she means to me, ever... (520 words

Pregnant with the boss's baby... and it's not even serious between us!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - Hi, I'm looking for some advice- hope someone can help. I am not in a serious realationship but I (23) have been sleeping with my a boss (35) from work for roughly 3 years. I have just discovered that I am pregnant and have decided that it would be for the best to have a t... (156 words

My bf said I wasn't as good a kisser as his ex gf', need kissing tips!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - Hiya, Me and my boyfriend have been going out quite a while, but haven't got any further than french kissing. However, my other friend, a boy, told me that my boyfriend had told him that I wasnt as good a kisser as his other previous girlfriends. However, my friend used to f... (76 words

I am really confused about erections...what causes them?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6432 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - hi, i am really confused about erections. i am 14 and i dont really understand why boys get erections and what causes them? also how do u know when a boy has an erection? and why do i see boys sometimes touching their willie? they feel it and move it around but why do they do ... (57 words

Is he playing with me and trying to mess my head up or does he still like me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - i had a bf who i stayed with for a month supposedly we broke up because he was going to iraq becasue thats his job being in the army we eventually got back together when he was on his leave he found out i was flirting with his mate when he was away in iraq i sed to him it was ... (174 words

I know he talks to his ex..but I'm afraid to confront him

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5822 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - my bf and i have been together for a year and are quite serious. however, from the beginning of the relationship he has always been in contact with his ex gf. recently i told him that i dont feel comfortable and secure with his 'friendship' with his ex. he said he understood ... (110 words

My family accuses me of stealing money from them...why do they do this?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6688 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - My family accuses me of stealing money from them...First, my mom then my sister....My mom had 100 dollars stole from her and now my sister had money come up missing. She blamed it on me because she left her purse on the front porch..... That would be last thing i would leave on ... (62 words

How do I take my revenge on the player?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5046 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - this guy, a complete player once used to mess me about. I am now not seeing him anymore but recently we have been back in touch and i want to give him a dose of his own medicine. I want to make him think that I can be a player too. Don't get me wrong, i am not saying I... (87 words

How do I ask my colleague out?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6688 days ago

30 June 2006 (M - my collegue is very beautiful. im not brave enough to ask her out. wat can i do to get her attention?... (21 words

I fancy my friends aunt!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (M - my mates auntie is hot. she kisses him everytime im around. i also want her to kiss me. wat do i do to get her attention?... (26 words

HJ and BJ advice?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - help how do you give a guy a hand and blow job? please help im a complete virgin and need some pointers! thankyou x... (24 words

My fiancee cheated on me, wanted us to stay together but I said "no way". Now she's crushingly happy with this guy...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (M - Hi, just trying to find answers. My ex fiancee cheated on me with another guy. When she finally told me, she told me she loved me and wanted me to forgive her but she was also in love with him and didn't want to give him up at least as a friend. I ended it as the trust was ... (120 words

My ex's MUM keeps giving me hassle... Like asking me to have the baby DNA tested! Does she have this right?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6687 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - m due to have my baby in 4 month and my ex's mum wont leave me alone she's constantly ringing up and saying she wants a dna test to prove wether or not its her sons baby. i know the baby is his but he turned his back on me and said he didnt want anythin to do with it i accepted ... (220 words

How can I get a healthy sex life with my man again!!?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6571 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - My problem is my sex life with my bf. Things used to be great but now I cant get him to see it from my point of view. We have been living together 3 years, at first the sex was all the time everyday more than once, then it slowed down a bit to a couple of times a week and so ... (761 words

What is a posh wank?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5073 days ago

30 June 2006 (M - I've heard my mates talk about it but I'm too embarrased to ask what they're on about.......... What is a "posh wank"?... (23 words

Is it worth trying again ? Hes scared of being hurt again so he got cold feet!!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - I cant seem to get over this guy I was with briefly 18 months ago. We split up coz he couldnt cope with getting hurt again - well thats what I interpreted! I started to like him so was hurt, annoyed and felt used and told him! He had said nite before, falling in lov... (368 words

What is the difference between someone who "loves" you and someone who's "in love"... ?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (M - Hi, I know some people have asked this question before, but I just need some clarity, what exactly does it mean when someone "loves you", as apposed to someone not being "in love with you"? whats the difference which is more important, which hurts less?... (45 words

When I married my husband I knew I wasn't really attracted to his looks, Now theres this guy from the gym whose perfect!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - Please help me I am ina real dilemma. I got married 8 months ago to a really caring nice man who is 8 years younger than me, but I will be truthful, he has never been my ideal man looks wise although I find him attractive but we have always got on brilliantly and ... (554 words

Is he taking showers to wash away the evidence of his cheating!?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - It was my b/f's b-day. I am with him over the year. Just wanted an opinion. I remember when i was with him last summer--he would sometimes take showers when i came over and in the winter not so much..he works inside as well as outside so i can understand with the heat. He ... (145 words

My boyfriend is controlling and I have no life, aged 26... Should I give him the heave-ho? Yes - or no?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 4959 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - hi all,i have a BIG problem my b/f is very controlling to the point it has become mentally abusive.a small example the other night i suggested we watch a film,half way through i started nodding off he saw and turned my head towards the t.v and said u wanted to watch this so ... (300 words

He loves me but has never asked me i just a friend??

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - We are calling each other everyday and night, he calls all these nice names but he never asked me out or never tells me that he loves me. Could he see me as just a friend. ... (37 words

Should my sister let destiny take its course... Or just forget about her fella from Stoke?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - Hi, I am 16 years old and I have a older sister who is going to be 21 next week.My sister has fall head over heels for a bloke the same age who lives in stoke he is a family friend and she occasionally sees him every week but due to circumstances she hasn't see him for months. ... (72 words

Why is he so full on then nothing??

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - Met a guy on the internet got on really well had several dates we both liked each other he is younger than me and single im separated which he knows, but we were supposed to meet up for a date after he text me,but then never got back to me . Just wandered why he was so full on ... (66 words

Am I just being Gullible ? is he cheating constantly and he actually caught this STD recently ?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6506 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - Hi, i really need some help. I'm 21, been with my boyfriend for nearly 3 and a half years. He's a natural flirt which is hard but i deal with. I may be looking for things here but i need an outsiders point of view. Last year he went to magaluf with the boys, he came back and ... (241 words

I cant seem to find the right guys to date! What is it I'm doing wrong ?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - I seem to have a problem attracting the right men. e.g at work there are 4 blokes that have asked me out. One of them is married and one has a fiance and i am not planning to wreck a marriage any time soon. one is a divorced badboy and the other is single but i don't find him ... (165 words

My insecurities have driven her away!!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6686 days ago

30 June 2006 (M - Hi, I am having some serious relationship problems with my girlfriend. I have been with her for nearly 18 months now and I love her deeply. The problem seems to be my insecurities, I have never really been particularly lucky in love, I put in my all and always seem to get hurt... (437 words

He seems really interested, but is he just trying to be nice ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - I met a guy a while back and we exchanged e-mail addresses. It's been almost a year, I feel strongly about him and I want to tell him how I feel. I think he may feel the same way, but I have been extremely wrong about things like this so I was hoping someone could maybe let me ... (232 words

My ex keeps texting me and it's jerking my chain every time!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6021 days ago

30 June 2006 (M - Hello, I have a prob and I'm not sure what to do about it. I've written in before about the suprise breakup, and that after a month of not talking nor texting which was really very hard I kept my distance, then one day in the early hours of the morning 3am he sent a text saying ... (265 words

Is it stomach flu or pregnancy?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (M - how can I tell if my girlfriend is pregant?Shes nauseated or how ever you spell it,and her stomach has been hurting her for about 2 weeks and I shes been tired lately... Is this like stomach flu or pregancy?... (39 words

He just never listens!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6483 days ago

30 June 2006 (F - Hi, lately I feel my boyfriend hasn't been listening to me. I don't know how else to encourage him to stop being distracted or be interested in what I have to say. I just feel like nothing I say is considered important to him, and I feel like I can't trust him or feel closer to ... (125 words

My gf' cannot have proper bowel movemnts after we had anal sex. What's wrong?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (M - My girlfreind and I had anyul sex for the first time now she cannot have a bowl movement unless its small and painful, whats up? please help yours SK... (29 words

My girlfriend thinks I'm too good for her!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6689 days ago

30 June 2006 (M - My girlfriend thinks I am to good for her, how do i convince her that I am not to good for her?... (22 words

Should I get back with my ex after nearly 4 years apart?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6337 days ago

29 June 2006 (F - Should I get back with my ex after nearly 4 years apart? He claims he wants me back. He's living with another woman and says he'll leave her to get back with me. This was two weeks ago. He is still with her and by the looks of it has not intention of leaving. He keeps ... (139 words

He lied to me about his sexual past! I feel sick!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6690 days ago

29 June 2006 (F - ive been seein this lad 4 about 2 months but friends for 5 years everything was goin great i new he wernt a virgin but thought he had only slept with 1 person today i found out when he was there that he has slept with a 20 year old women and were both 16 now i realy dont want ... (112 words

Dating a female friend...worried!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6690 days ago

29 June 2006 (M - i been in love wiv this girl for quite a few years but she a good friend and she goes out with someone but when they break up soon i will ask her but im to scared this ruin a great friendship... (42 words

I want change in our relationship

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6689 days ago

29 June 2006 (F - Okay, apparently I wasn't very clear about my situation with my boyfriends broken promises. Let me get this out. By no means am I selfish, spoiled, or whiny and my baby is the utmost important to me. Yes, he is a good guy and we love each other but, he spreads his generous ... (193 words

Worried about my health!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6689 days ago

29 June 2006 (F - hey guys, the other day me and my boyfriend got a bit randy on a country walk, and snuck off and had sex in a field.(not elegant, i know!) Anyway, we both just got tested for std's before it just for a general check-up. But since then, my vagina has been having excrutiating ... (113 words

I am falling for a customer at work!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6665 days ago

29 June 2006 (F - I work in a hotel as a manager, and we have a long term regular mon - fri guest,who i get along with very well. He is staying with us for the next 18months, due to work commitments. We have been out a few times with some of my colleagues. We seem to flirt a lot, long looks,... (130 words

An old flame wants me back, but I'm with someone else now!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6690 days ago

29 June 2006 (M - A few years back I was with this woman. Let's call her S. Well I fell in love. We broke up and soon after she was with another man. After a long time of being alone I found another woman that I have had a lot of fun with in the last months. S breaks up with the man a... (93 words

She yo-yos between her ex and me and the cycle is breaking my heart!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6669 days ago

29 June 2006 (M - I feel like I'm always walking on thin ice here. I met a woman at work. She was in a relationship for six years with the same man. It all began by us going golfing on the weekends together while her boyfriend was at work. I respect people that are in relationships, so I never ... (608 words

I'm not sure if he likes me or is just flirting...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6690 days ago

29 June 2006 (F - Not sure if this guy is flirting with me for fun or if he likes me? I don't see him much only when he is delivery the packages to my work, but when he is here he stares at me alot and smiles we make small talk and some times little comments like he asked when i was going to ... (98 words

We used to have sex a lot, but not so much there something wrong?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6689 days ago

29 June 2006 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 months. We moved in rather quickly and already know we want to get married in a year or so. The first 3 or 4 months we were having sex almost everyday. Recently it has been maybe once a week. His excuse for it is that he not satisfied ... (138 words

I'm over my feelings for my best friend, why can't my boyfriend understand that?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6686 days ago

29 June 2006 (F - My boyfriend’s best friend is also my best friend. But three weeks ago this whole tragedy happened where my boyfriend and I were having problems and my best friend was on break with his girlfriend and having problems of his own and we hung out together. I started to get a crush ... (250 words

My boyfriend is always breaking promises to can I go about this?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6096 days ago

29 June 2006 (F - I posted a question about my boyfriend of 7 months working too hard. Well, my boyfriend keeps making promises that he doesn't keep. How can I tell him how I feel without branding myself as being emotional and irrational? I also, don't want to offend him by calling him a liar. ... (90 words

No matter what I do I can't get off when I have sex..any advice?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6690 days ago

29 June 2006 (F - Hello, this problem is really getting to matter what I do I can't get off when I have sex! I get turned on and its like I am almost there but he could go for 20 min and I still can't. Sometimes I don't even feel there ANYTHING I can do to make me get off ... (60 words

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