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To browse questions by day in November, 2004, use the links below (in brackets, number of questions on that day)

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Archived questions from: November, 2004 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


I feel like I need space from the girlfriend I love

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5119 days ago

30 November 2004 (? - I was in a serious relationship from age 16 to 22 - one in which I never strayed or so much as looked at another girl. Immediately after that ended, I moved into a relationship with my current girlfriend. I'm 24 and she's turning 23. I'm incredibly blessed in that I've foun... (408 words

Online infidelity: Women email my husband sexy pictures

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5533 days ago

29 November 2004 (? - My husband is away at the moment and I have found out that before he went he was contacting women on the internet and they were e-mailing him sexy pictures. I also found an email from him to one woman telling her not to use "this address" as wife will see it. I am absolutely ... (228 words

I am in love with my best friend's husband

This question has 98 answers - newest was posted 4936 days ago

29 November 2004 (? - Over the past few years I have come to have very strong feelings for one of my dear friends husband. I am also married. As much as I try to move past these feelings I cannot. I know to feel this way is morally wrong. I just don't know how to stop. I think these feelings ... (142 words

Is marriage with my wife, who now repulses me, worth saving?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5627 days ago

29 November 2004 (? - OK, here's the problem. I have been married 28 years. For the last 17 years, the marriage has been going downhill. The last four or five years have been real bad. My wife is an intelligent woman but she is so uptight about trying new things. Trying new things might ... (377 words

My partner manipulated me to feed gambling habit

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6958 days ago

28 November 2004 (? - I have been in a relationship with a compulsive gambler for 21/2 years (I didn't realise until the past 6 months that he had a problem) I am not a young and didn't think naive, I am a 37 year old professional but this man who I adore has manipulated me to feed his gamb... (250 words

Paranoid over STD's after mistake

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5561 days ago

28 November 2004 (? - I have been in a steady relationship with a girl I love very much for around 11 months. It is in essence long-distance as we live around 50 miles away from each other and only get to see each other at weekends. The other weekend I went out where I live and got very drunk, ... (224 words

Should we keep at this relationship?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7145 days ago

28 November 2004 (? - I am in a 3 year relationship, we are high school sweet hearts. In the beginning it was difficult to have a relationship mainly because we were young and didn't know what we wanted. well we started growing together and have come to be unseperable and see a future together. I ... (243 words

How to break up with violent man?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5268 days ago

28 November 2004 (? - I am having a hard time breaking it off with my boyfriend of 3.5 years. He is potentially violent and avoiding him does not seem to work. He shows up every where I go and ends up knocking on my window in the middle of the night. I try to keep his temper at bay by agreeing with ... (157 words

Will dating this older man work out?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5267 days ago

28 November 2004 (? - I recently met an absolutely amazing guy who I have been seeing for the last 3 months. We have this amazing, open and honest, comfortable relationship. We are both very career minded and busy but always find time for each other. He is charming, intelligent, sweet, fun to be ... (244 words

Is my online "relationship" ok?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6978 days ago

28 November 2004 (? - I am 28, single and have been emailing a guy in the USA who I "met" through an internet chat room a few months ago. We don't talk sexually at all, we talk intelligently about all kinds of things, but mainly about life, our thoughts and feelings etc. We are totally on the same ... (153 words

I have difficulty socialising

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5363 days ago

28 November 2004 (? - I'm a 26 year old male, who finds socialising extremely difficult. I crave for people's attention, but do not seem to have the magnetic personality that can keep a person enthralled. I wouldn't describe myself as intellectually challenged. However, I do struggle to ... (307 words

I fancy my housemate

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5710 days ago

26 November 2004 (? - I have been living with my housemate for over two years, in the last year since I split with my ex boyfriend we have become very close and spend most of our days together. He would often touch me in a sexually playful ways and strip me half naked in wrestles, but after I ... (303 words

I met an internet dating cheat

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5349 days ago

26 November 2004 (? - I'm hoping you can give me some advice. I met a really nice guy on an Internet dating site 4 months ago. We get on really well and speak every day and spend a lot of time together. My problem is that I told a friend of mine about him and where and how I met him and ... (472 words

My wife has a new, young, male friend!

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 5236 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - Hello I am hoping you can help. About 6 months ago, my wife met a neighbour at the bus stop. He is about 35, my wife is 50 but still very attractive. They started chatting and met most mornings. My wife mentioned their meeting and over the next few weeks seemed ... (282 words

My marriage is going downhill

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7145 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - I am 48 and my wife of 19 years is 42. I think slowly our marraige is going down hill and it is upsetting me greatly. In the not too distant past my wife and I enjoyed a happy and varied relationship and sex life. I am not stupid enough to know that things do not s... (229 words

My threesome trouble

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5436 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - my boy friend has had this fantacy of seeing me(us) have a three some with a nother girl. The first time he mentioned this I made it clear to him that it was never going to happen. But he would still bring it up every so often as we got more close and even got engaged. ... (354 words

I think my boyfriend looks at porn... I'm disgusted

This question has 90 answers - newest was posted 4148 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - I may well be over reacting, but i found a visited website address on my partners computer, he told me it was a pop up, but i dont think thats true, because he has had them blocked, as may people do. We have been together for 5 months, have a great relationship and a fant... (214 words

I cheated on my husband with a footballer

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5267 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - Hello Thankyou for reading my e-mail.My name is H and i've been married happily for 6 years.However i've put our marriage into danger and it's my fault. 2 weeks ago i went out with some girls for a hen night.I'm not really one for going out much but it's a close ... (470 words

My husband ran off with a younger girl

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4370 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - My husband left me four years ago and I still love him and want him. He is living with a woman 26 years younger than him - he is 65. I haven't been able to move on. I have a male friend but unfortunately he has no interest in lovemaking and cannot get aroused ... (162 words

My boyfriends fantasy is a threesome... With another man!

This question has 58 answers - newest was posted 4512 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - I have been with my boyfriend for about 7 months. We are madly in love. Last night we were discussing our fantasies and what we would like to try. We both agreed we would try almost anything, except I knew I would never have a threesome because I loved him so much and I ... (237 words

I proposed then self destructed that very night!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6962 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - dear cupids arrow, I have to admit ive never been one to commit myself to any one person even though the idea of a monogamous relationship is really what ive craved for a long time. The problem is that just when I decide to commit myself to a girlfriend , I get this ... (345 words

I kissed a boy now he no longer talks to me

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6225 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - Last night i went out with some mates. At the end off the night the lad i fancy just kissed me for no reason and i felt really happy. Now he wont talk to me have i done somethings wrong?... (40 words

My wife is no longer in love with me

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5934 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - my wife has recently told me that she no longer loves me.she says she feels trapped.we have two small children (3 and 7).she has started going out at weekends and not coming home til 3:30 4:00 in the morning.she says there is noone else and if i want to stay at home for the ... (122 words

My wife is terminally ill and I am in love with a goddess

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7123 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - Perhaps you can help? I have found myself in utter despair feeling like a mix between a 16 yr old in love and a helpless animal completely uncertain about what I should do. For a man in his forties this is pathetic, yet I cannot get rid of the feelings and upset. The prob... (346 words

My wife is having affairs

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6909 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - My wife has just told me she has had two affairs while abroad visiting her family. I have always been sure she was unfaithful, and as a result I have had a few one night stands.I also get excited when thinking of her with another man. She has expressed interest in group sex ... (173 words

I am torn between my fiancée and my ex-boyfriend

This question has 20 answers - newest was posted 5927 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - I am 20 years old and I have been with my boyfriend for 18 months, 10 of which we have lived together, and we are getting married next year. He treats me really well and I know I can trust him 100%. Recently I saw my ex who I was with for over a year, out club... (284 words

My girlfriend has had 32 previous sexual partners

This question has 66 answers - newest was posted 5990 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - I am 27 and have been going out with a 26 yr old girl for just over 2 months, and I really like her. She is interesting, attractive, sexy, clever and funny, and I am in love with her. I was planning on telling her this last weekend, but in the course of a drunken q & a ... (303 words

I find myself unattracted to my partner after 5 years

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6225 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - I am 19 and been with my boyfriend for over 5 years we have 2 children together. Lately I have been imagining being with other men and have felt unattracted to my partner. How can I let him down gently or maybe even save my relationship? Why do I feel this way ? ... (53 words

How to get closer to my new friend?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7037 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - I have recently joined a new sports club and have met a woman who I like a lot - we get on well, always laugh together and never run out of things to say. I find myself very attracted to her and cannot get her out of my head (this is very unusual for me!) We have... (194 words

Help, my fiancée has gone cold on me

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6380 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - I have been going out with my fiancée for about 4 years, we got happy engaged and a year later we went and brought a house together which we moved into and been living here for about 3 months now. Recently she has been very unhappy things at her mum and dads house are ... (384 words

My divorced catholic girlfriend refuses to have sex

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5361 days ago


Is my boyfriend just using me?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6484 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - I met my new boyfriend via an on-line dating agency. He lives 200 miles away. However, both of us have retired early so have few time commitments. We met for the first time just over a week ago when he stayed with me for the weekend. We got on very well. Although he s... (333 words

My partner likes his friend more than me

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7173 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - i have lived with my other half for nine years. i have always trusted him. he goes on holiday on his own , he goes out on his own, he basically does what he wants. we have a mutual friend. she was his friend before she was mine. we have done lots of things together as f... (249 words

Help, I can only orgasm with the help of a vibrator

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5593 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - Hi, I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years and is very much in love our only problem is sex. I find it very hard to orgasm and he can only get me to orgasm with a vibrater which we don't use it all the time. This is making him feel very inadicate and we do argue about it ... (107 words

I'm a gay guy - can I move beyond footsie?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6517 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - I have recently started college and am really enjoying it and everyone there. I am bisexual guy and am pretty comfortable with this, but i have had a crush on this boy for a while now. I never really got too into it because he's a good friend, but a couple of days back we ... (139 words

I do all the work in my relationship with moody girlfriend

This question has 61 answers - newest was posted 4726 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - its seems in my relationship i do all the work! my girlfriend has become very moody lately, she will constanly get in a mood over nothing and some very trivial stuff. so i will try my best to please her and sort things out. Its seems one sided to me because as soon as i get ... (146 words

I'm in love with a womaniser

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6866 days ago

25 November 2004 (? - i had a whirlwind romance with a crazy man who I fell madly in love with during the summer off this year who did the usual intense stuff asking me 2 marry him and have his child within the first few weeks of meeting him.He has 4 children already with two different ... (216 words

My husband has found a new soul-mate

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5438 days ago

24 November 2004 (? - I am sure this has happened many times before with other couples. We find that after a 35year marriage, we have drifted in so much as he has found a new mate who shares his passionate sporting interest. They have been aware of each other's feelings over the last twel... (402 words

I'm thinking of having an affair

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 4729 days ago

24 November 2004 (? - I've been married for 10 years, and with my husband for 15. While we are great friends and generally have a good life together, from my point of view our sex life has never been great, although from his, its fine. I'm 42 and my husband is 41. it is now at the point where I no ... (410 words

I can't tell my boyfriend I'm still a virgin

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5834 days ago

24 November 2004 (? - Dear Sir or Madam: I am in my early twenties and have just started seeing oneone and I really like him. However I have not had any experience in the bedroom dept as I have not yet met the right person but am ashamed to tell him. Will he be able to tell im a virg... (89 words

I read his cheating diary

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7128 days ago

24 November 2004 (? - I've been with my partner now for almost 14 months. I'm 39 and he is 45, divorced, and we get on really well. We met through a dating magazine. It's just that he has a lot of female friends some of whom are women who he went on dates with before he met me. He told me that he d... (205 words

Why is my wife so regimented about sex?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4952 days ago

24 November 2004 (? - Ever since our honeymoon over 30 years ago, my wife has always insisted on making love at some prearranged time with at least a week before our next assignation and it usually lasts for about an hour - certainly no more. It was not like this before we were married when we ... (612 words

I am worried about my boyfriend who is at Uni

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7037 days ago

24 November 2004 (? - My boyfriend and I have been together for six months, we've always had a very loving, secure and happy relationship,although there is a long distance between us and have made every opportunity to spend time together, we are both in our early 20s, We have had to deal with ... (552 words

My man drinks too much

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6754 days ago

24 November 2004 (? - I know this is going to sound familiar..but im at my wits end. I met a man over the internet 3 years ago...he lived in Bristol and I live in Plymouth. We met for the first time in October 2002. He was a student who was studying becoming a Mental Health Nurse. He didn... (985 words

My new partner craves attention from other men

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7097 days ago

24 November 2004 (? - I recently left my wife and have since got together with a lady I have known and worked with for a couple of years. We have both been hurt before and neither of us have gone into this relationship lightly, we are absolutely sure that we are completely in love with each other ... (465 words

I fancy the friend of my boyfriend, help!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6145 days ago

24 November 2004 (? - I am engaged to a great guy. We've lived together for 2 years now. He introduced me to his friends. I got on fine with them. But there is one guy, J, that I can't stop thinking about. When I first met him, here was nothing, I just liked him. But once, at the party, w... (200 words

Attracted to the wrong person?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7183 days ago

24 November 2004 (? - A couple of weeks ago a new girl moved into the block of flats where I live and I fell in love with her at first sight (normally I have to get to know someone first). Without going out of my way I see her irregularly, maybe once a week on average. The other day I impu... (199 words

My partner no longer shows any affection

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5169 days ago

24 November 2004 (? - My partner and I have been together for 2 1/2 years now, and we moved in together 16 months ago. He has never been one to show affection very readily, but recently things have gone downhill drastically. Three weeks ago he was on a downer and he told me that I infe... (270 words

My ex partner accusses me of emotional blackmail

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5675 days ago

24 November 2004 (? - At five months pregnant my partner whom I lived with and was happy and in love with said he was going to go home to his parents for a few days. We had had a massive argument the night before and as he had been drinking heavily the last few weeks I poured his wine (third ... (874 words

My boyfriend has not told his ex about us

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5326 days ago

24 November 2004 (? - Dear Cupid, I am totally in love with a wonderful Man. We have been together for a year this month and are now living together in a flat rented by me while we do up a bungalow nearby that he has bought with a view of us moving into it together in the near future. He has ... (187 words

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