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Archived questions from: May, 2005 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


My wife won't give me a blowjob. She won't even talk about it!

This question has 149 answers - newest was posted 5188 days ago

31 May 2005 (? - I am in a perfect relationship in every way except for one thing. I adore oral sex - nothing else quite does it for me - but I haven't had a complete blowjob for 3 years. When I first met my wife, she did it every time - she even swallowed. But after a couple of months she deci... (409 words

I'm ready to move our relationship to marriage, but I'm not sure whether my boyfriend is...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6960 days ago

31 May 2005 (? - I've been with my bf for almost 6 years and love him very much. He's 25 and I'm 24. We still don't live together but I see him every day. He says he wants to be with me but right now I'm starting to think we are never going to move out together or get married. I know I'm young ... (95 words

Little things he does seem to be adding up to "it's over between us". Am I right?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6960 days ago

31 May 2005 (? - I am in a relationship and have been for over two years. He has a daughter and I have 5 of my own children. He has a slip disc in his back. For the last 6 months things have not been going well between us....we hardly talk or laugh or have sex. He is also very interested in ... (121 words

Our mismatched sex drives are making me wonder, "Are we normal"?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5786 days ago

31 May 2005 (? - Making this short, I've been with my girlfriend for 3+ years and living with her for 2+ years. We are both early 20s. I have a very high sex drive and she has a pretty low one. She will get 'sore' after 15 minutes or so, or she definately will if we go for a second time ... (131 words

My girlfriend broke up with me and I don't know how to make her understand I only want her!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6967 days ago

31 May 2005 (? - I have been with my girl now for nearly 4 months. Recently we have been arguing loads. She has a daughter and rarely gets time to herself, but I like to spend time with her. She says she needs space but I find that hard. She also thinks that I still want to be with my ex ... (94 words

I think my guy misunderstood the "hot tub incident", but he's stopped calling me.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6967 days ago

31 May 2005 (? - I recently went on a few dates with a guy who I got on really well with. Everthing was going well until I went to a party without him and he rang me whilst I was in the hot tub with a few male friends, who happened to be naked. I wasn't. Nothing happened and he seemed fine a... (204 words

Lately, I just don't get turned on by my boyfriend. What can I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6991 days ago

31 May 2005 (? - I have been with my boyfriend for 16 months and I love him very much, but lately I'm not sure if it's the same between us. I am a very sexual person but lately I'm just not interested in sex with him. I don't know why I just dont get turned on when I'm with him. I thought ... (177 words

I feel like my sister is older, prettier and flirtier... and she's trying to get my guy's attention!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6781 days ago

31 May 2005 (? - I really need some help! I'm 15 and have a really low self esteem. Most of that due to my older sister who is 19. She smaller, slimmer and a lot prettier. She can flirt with anyone and I always get people saying to me "is THAT your sister?". I'm getting used to the fact tha... (215 words

My ex looks like his working through the problems that broke us up, but I feel insecure and unsure about him...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6352 days ago

31 May 2005 (? - I've been with a man who cheated (massage parlor), smokes a lot of pot, and who gets verbally abusive (sometimes physically aggressive). It's been a year since I moved out and broke it off with him. Now he's showing signs of change, and growth. He would like to work on our ... (134 words

What can I say to my fiance to try to convince him not to break it off with me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6352 days ago

31 May 2005 (? - My boyfriend and I are dating for 4 years and 5 months on the 06/06/2005. He's 25 years old and I am 21 years old. We got engaged on Valentines day and were busy planning to purchase a house. We have gone through so much things simply because we still live with our parents, but ... (381 words

His ex is back on the scene and suddenly my boyfriend never sleeps over with me any more!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6997 days ago

31 May 2005 (? - Dear agony aunt, For the last 4 years I've been dating someone exclusively. He had been going thru a divorce when we first starting dating, well we had our share of problems, but now his ex-wife is back. He says nothing's going on but yet he never sleeps over any more and sex ... (71 words

We each developed feelings for the other, but she's already regarding me as her boyfriend!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6996 days ago

31 May 2005 (? - I know this girl from my class back in 2003. Since then, we never talked outside because I was shy until 2005 whereby I started to chat with her often outside and soon, became very close to her. I did develop strong feelings for her and in April, I told her. I confessed to her ... (181 words

Can I help my tomboy friend to look more like a girl?

This question has 23 answers - newest was posted 4445 days ago

31 May 2005 (? - I have this friend named Shay. She's a tomboy but my boyfriend thinks she's gay and sometimes I do too. But I constantly beg her "can i give you a makeover, find you a dress or skirt and fix her your hair?" But when she does try to look like a girl she still looks like a b... (125 words

Why would my husband comment that I'm a lesbian, when I'm not?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6996 days ago

31 May 2005 (? - My husband and I have been married 13 years. But when we argue he makes comments that I'm a lesbian. I'm totally heterosexual. So why does he make those comments?... (30 words

Can someone tell us some sex positions we can use, so he doesn't keep slipping out?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6976 days ago

31 May 2005 (? - Hi, I am in a very loving relationship that seems soon headed for marriage. My question is this... My guy is not all that well endowed and when we try it "doggie style", he keeps slipping out. Can you recommend postions that might make this adventure doable for us? thanks a... (58 words

My girlfriend broke up because she says it seems like I want to be her "best friend"...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6997 days ago

30 May 2005 (? - My girfriend just broke up with me because she said I seem to want to be her best friend instead of her boyfriend. I'm lost at what to do because she doesn't think it will be different in the future. I love this girl with all my heart. What can I say to her to make her feel... (71 words

I'd like for our relationship to be going somewhere, but he's adamant he won't take on my son...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6352 days ago

30 May 2005 (? - I have been with my boyfriend now for just over 2 years. We do love each other but there is one barrier - he will not take on anyone else's child. I have a son from a previous relationship. He has a son from his previous too, whom he sees every weekend. We all get on well but ... (98 words

I can't stop thinking about the old flame. I mean, I just can't get him out of my head!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6996 days ago

30 May 2005 (? - I am a 25 year old lady who is 5 months pregnant, but am in love with an old flame who is involved with someone else. I can't get him out of my head and I know I have to get him out of my head for my baby's sake but I just can't stop thinking bout him and I see him all the ... (79 words

I want to go to my ex's party, but if I do, I think something might happen between us...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6996 days ago

30 May 2005 (? - Me and my Ex boyfriend split up around this time last year, but have been on and off since then. I've now moved on to a lovely new boyfriend but I've just been invited to my ex's party. If I go, I know that something will happen between me and my Ex....but I'm starting to think ... (83 words

My husband seems to care more about his ex-wife than he does about me...

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5562 days ago

30 May 2005 (? - I am married to someone who was divorced 2 years before we married. It seems though he won't let go of his ex wife. Every time she asks for something he jumps to do it. I know they were married for 11 years and knew each other for 16, but I feel like the completely goes aga... (152 words

My girlfriend says she's had sex with too many people, so she won't have sex with me!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5522 days ago

30 May 2005 (? - My girlfriend has had sex in previous relationships but now says she doesn't like it. I feel hurt because her only reason behind not wanting sex is that she doesn't like it and thinks she has had sex with too many people already, because she is only 17 and had sex with 3 people ... (74 words

My boyfriend cheated and lives with the other girl, but he tells me to "wait" for him. Say what?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5790 days ago

30 May 2005 (? - I'm so confused about my son father. He's 20 years old. He cheated on me and is now living with the girl but he still says he loves and wants to have sex with me and tells me to wait for that. He wants to be with me, but not right now.... (52 words

I'm so shy around him that I can hardly speak. So how do I tell him I want him for all time?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 4995 days ago

30 May 2005 (? - I have liked this guy for 15 years. In fact I think I am falling in love with him. I don't get to spend much time with him and when we do see each other we hardly speak because I am too shy. He recently ivited me to his flat so that I could see it for the first time and it ... (136 words

Sometimes I lose my boyfriend... to a computer game!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6963 days ago

29 May 2005 (? - I have been with my boyfriend for almost 4 years and we moved in together nearly 2 months ago. We are enjoying living together but the time he spends on the computer is causing a problem. He really enjoys a particular pc game and will spend every hour he can on it. This ... (172 words

Don't want to leave my son's dad, but I love someone else! What do I do?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6459 days ago

29 May 2005 (? - I dont know what to do. I have a 14 month old with my partner but I am seeing someone else who I love. I can't leave my partner though because I need his support financially and to be a dad to his son. What shall I do?... (48 words

He seems to have changed and now he lies to me. Should I try to save things between us?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6998 days ago

29 May 2005 (? - Dear Cupid, I have been in a serious relationship off and on for a little over a year. I love the guy I'm with because he's everything I've ever wanted, except for the fact that within the last few months, he's lied to me repeatedly about both big and little issues. He seems... (120 words

Even when I know they're not available or interested, I fall in love... and I fall hard.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6606 days ago

29 May 2005 (? - Hi, I can't stop having unrequited loves! Every time I move on I think it'll be easier in the future if it happens again, and I think that I'll be able to stop it from happening again, but obviously I can't help falling for someone, and they can't help it if they're not ... (276 words

I told her she was beautiful... but since, then we haven't talked at all!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6997 days ago

29 May 2005 (? - I'm in of need help.A month ago i asked out a girl who i liked for ages. I have known her for about 5 years and we are both in 1 class together. We are both 15 and I haven't liked her for all the 5 years but when i told her why i liked her ( i said she was beutiful and caring ... (219 words

My ex wants to keep in contact and it's really messing with my head!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6620 days ago

29 May 2005 (? - I posted a problem in April about me and my boyfriend. He had texted another girl behind my back. Well everything really went downhill from then. He is now my EX-boyfriend and i feel pretty messed up inside about it all. I decided to give him a second chance after all that ... (482 words

Two lap-dances cost him $150. Now he feels guily, but I'm feeling hurt!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6997 days ago

29 May 2005 (? - My boyfriend of 2 years recently went to a bucks night which ended up at a strip bar. He stayed later after everyone else left and had 2 lap dances with a stripper, which cost him about $150. This is a lot of money for him as he normally pretty tight. In these lap dances you ... (200 words

His mum can't decide whether to nag us about having kids, or try to break us up!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6998 days ago

29 May 2005 (? - Hi, My question is I have been married for 3 years and it seems my husband has changed overnight. Before he was like my best friend and now it seems like he's not interested in me. I have been married before andI also have a child. When I told him, it didn't matter to... (211 words

I didn't know we would be serious... and I cheated. Now we've broken up but he's still uncomfortable.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6828 days ago

29 May 2005 (? - I'm 18 years old, and after having a bad relationship with a guy, I met someone I fell in love with. At first, I wasn't too serious with him and I thought he would end up being like my last boyfriend. Two months into the relationship, I cheated on him with a friend. We ended ... (109 words

My b/f says "stress" is the reason we don't have sex, but he still has cybersex...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6997 days ago

28 May 2005 (? - I meet this guy since 10 month. Our relationship is great except we are not having sex anymore, rarely . We used to have it every day. When I ask him he says 'stress from work' but he masturbates on the net every night and don't have a problem with that. I asked Are you not ... (132 words

Is it a cultural difference, or was I imagining that he was attracted to me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6611 days ago

28 May 2005 (? - Yes. I know this is REALLY immature. But, anyway. I should say, straight up, that my parents are Israeli, I'm American born and raised, and I live in Canada. This guy is Canadian, and his parents are Pakistani. I mention this b/c my Asian friends tell me that this ethnic d... (478 words

Can someone give me some pointers on understanding flirting?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6997 days ago

28 May 2005 (? - How do you know when a bloke is flirting with you with intent or just being friendly? Is it hard to read the signs between general flirting (friendly) or I-fancy-you flirting (if you catch my drift on any of this). Is trying to wind you up/take the p***s out of you/innu... (82 words

My husband keeps promising we'll have time together, but he never comes through. Why am I here?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6999 days ago

28 May 2005 (? - My husband is always playing a computer game call Dark Ages of Camelot. He says it relieves his stress. He works 80 hours a week and sometimes weekends. We have 2 kids and have been together 16 years. Always the same problem: No attention for me. If it's not the computer... (187 words

I feel like we're buddies, but he's totally into me...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6999 days ago

28 May 2005 (? - I have recently started dating someone I met through an online dating service. He's really nice and has a great sense of humor. But I am totally bored in our relationship. I feel as though we treat each other more like locker room buddies than boyfriend/girlfriend. He's ... (74 words

Once I get drinking, I do things I really wouldn't do if I were sober!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6999 days ago

28 May 2005 (? - The problem is, that I think I have a drink problem and it's starting to affect my social life. It's just at weekends I go out, and once I start drinking I get silly and start downing shots and pints which I can't handle!! I really drink too much so much so that after a few ho... (185 words

What can I do? I lose my erection after about 10 minutes...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6303 days ago

28 May 2005 (? - I am a 32 year old male. I have had a problem sustaining an erection for about 10 years. I can get a full erection for about 10 minutes, then it just dies off. It has been getting me down for years, and wonder is this normal, and how can I combat it?... (53 words

Do I let him have his time away and not contact him, or should I let him know I'm there for him?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6999 days ago

28 May 2005 (? - I have a new boyfriend called Bob. We both have children. He has a good job, but quite stressful! His ex girlfriends have been very nasty to him about him seeing his children. He hasn't even been invited to has daughter's 6th birthday because he has a new girlfriend. This, to... (137 words

Sex is so infrequent now that I wonder if I should even bother staying with him...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6999 days ago

28 May 2005 (? - My boyfriend and I have been together for 2.5 years and get along pretty great. I am in love with him and I know he is with me. When we first met, we used to have sex frequently, now it is maybe once every 3-4 months. I would like to be with him more but he seems so stressed... (139 words

Maybe we should have a break. He says I'm stressing him out...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6999 days ago

27 May 2005 (? - I'll try to keep this brief. I've been dating this guy on/off for 10 yrs, since I was a teen. A few years ago we started getting serious. However, while we were dating he married someone else. I found out the hard way (catching them together). He has protested all al... (179 words

Do I stick with the father of my baby, or go back to my ex, who would treat me better?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6970 days ago

27 May 2005 (? - I am 17 yrs old and I am 6 months pregnant. I'm still with the dad but he treats me bad. He won't let me see my mates and if I do he does bad things. Like last time he smashed up one of my mate's mum's car. I took him back for the baby, he is 23 but he acts like a 2 yr old. My ... (132 words

I worked up the courage to talk to her, but now I want her more than ever!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6993 days ago

27 May 2005 (? - I have known a girl at College for both the years I have been there. She is a great person and sadly we didn't talk much, since I was always too shy and kept my social circle to virtually only male friends. Weeks ago I realised we were leaving soon, so told her that I think sh... (230 words

He's married and 39. I'm 17. Can we make a go of it?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6985 days ago

27 May 2005 (? - Hiya, I'm 17 years old and I'm having an affair with a married man of 39. He looks good. We are always having a laff. He's always there for me and we are great together. We're talking about making a proper go of things. I've never felt so good and as I didn't have a good chi... (86 words

I told her I didn't want to be friends and we broke up... but did I do the right thing?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6798 days ago

27 May 2005 (? - Well I dumped my girlfriend because she was found asleep in the same bed as the guy that cheated on my sister. She said they were just friends and I should trust her because they didn't do anything wrong. I was also told that she was dancing with him at a dance and was in a... (132 words

Trying to get back together with my fiance, but we've hit an impasse on the issue of kids...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7000 days ago

26 May 2005 (? - I am currently in the process of getting back together with my ex-fiance. We broke up just over a year ago as I felt trapped and not ready to make the commitment as I was very young (19) when we got engaged. However, during the year apart I have been completely miserabl... (161 words

I took my boyfriend home to meet the family, and he snogged my sister!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6928 days ago

26 May 2005 (? - I really need someone's advice....I brought home my boyfriend of about 3 months to my family and they all seemed to like him. My older sister has had a steady boyfriend of about 2 years and he was there too. Me and my partner get on really well and I was beginning to think th... (155 words

My b/f claims he looks at porn out of "boredom". Is that possible?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6969 days ago

26 May 2005 (? - Hello. I see from having looked at your site that this is a common problem. My boyfriend and I have been living together for 2 years. We have a wonderful friendship and we are very affectionate towards each other. Our sex life has been fairly slow for the past year or so which... (204 words

Even after four years, I can't get Holly off my mind and I can't move on!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6856 days ago

26 May 2005 (? - Hi Everyone, Thanks first for anyone who reads this. I do have a love related dilemma and it is taking over my life. And it has done really for the past 5 years. I am 25 now, but when I was 18 I started my first job as an office junior. I really enjoyed my time there and... (563 words

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