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Archived questions from: June, 2016 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


How do I seem more open so he could approach me one more time? How do I get rid of my shyness and nervousness?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3036 days ago

30 June 2016 (F age 26-29 - Okay so I've been going to this new gym for weeks, and a week go, a guy at the gym saw me doing a workout incorrectly, and he came to me and told me how to do it right, and since then, I started to notice him. I've seen him giving a weird glance to his friend whenever I entered ... (161 words

Another guy has spoilt our friendship

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 3035 days ago

30 June 2016 (M age 30-35 - I'm friends with a female at work and I'm concerned that she isn't into me anymore like she used to be. We used to talk, have a laugh and things seem to have changed. A man who I'm not friends with anymore and who I'm not keen on is now friends with the female I like, I've tri... (161 words

Why is she avoiding sex and won't discuss it?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3036 days ago

30 June 2016 (M age 30-35 - I've been with my girlfriend around about 18 months now. At the start of the relationship we had sex often, however around the 6 month mark that slowed down and would only do it once a month and then at the nine month mark it stopped completely, unless we had a big massive ... (269 words

Intelligent, poorly paid, and I need help

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3036 days ago

30 June 2016 (F age 41-50 - Hi Aunts and Uncles! I hope my question can be regarded as a relationship question... I have been on the same low paying job for more than 8 years. I love the work, I love working conditions, I even love my boss. BUT. I can’t live properly with the money I earn (min. wage... (366 words

How do I ask him to give things a proper go?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3036 days ago

30 June 2016 (F age 41-50 - Hello . This is a little complicated , i went on a date with a guy about 8 month ago we agreed to be a couple but due to work and family and anything else we didnt get to see each other so decided to be friends , fast forward 8 month im in such a fantastic place life wise and ... (237 words

We had our first kiss and it wasn't magic as expected! Now what?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3035 days ago

30 June 2016 (F age 26-29 - We had our first kiss and it wasnt magic as expected. I am dating a guy who has been hitting on me for three years now. I am 20 he is 23 i thought i had feelings for him but yesterday when we had our first kiss i didnt enjoy. It was strange, tasted something salty and sloppy. ... (136 words

We broke up 2 weeks ago and I've heard nothing from him! Did he ever care? I'm confused and hurt!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3036 days ago

30 June 2016 (F age 30-35 - Trying to get over the guy I was with dumping me out of the blue after 6 years, it has been 2 weeks and everytime I hear nothing from him I am slowly giving up and hardening my heart to any reconciliation or speaking to him ever again. I feel like I never meant anything t... (308 words

I'd like to get more serious, should I tell him how I feel? Or just roll with it?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3036 days ago

30 June 2016 (F age 26-29 - Last August I got with a guy for he first time, I went back to school and he went to college I didn't think much of it until I bumped into him a few weeks later at a party and he approached me and we chatted for a while, both of us were sober. Two weeks later we saw eachother ... (391 words

I have fallen madly, hotly in love with my sister in law

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 3036 days ago

30 June 2016 (M age - I have completely fell for my sister-in-law , she even told her cousin I have the major hots for her and word for word her cousin came and told me , my brother has not done anything with her sense October last year and she is so grandly hot and it makes me want to take her ... (538 words

Boyfriend admitted his feelings changed... How do I move on?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 3035 days ago

30 June 2016 (F age 30-35 - I was with my (now ex) boyfriend for six months. The first four months were amazing, we were both very committed to one another and had great chemistry. During the past two months however he became very distant. Communication on his part went from daily to weekly. He would take ... (497 words

Should I pursue things further with him?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 3036 days ago

30 June 2016 (F age 30-35 - I have been interested in guy who works the next building from mine.He's always friendly and was giving off subtle signs of interest. I finally gave him my number and told him to call/text sometime.He said sure.Then I ran into him the next day and he said "not only did I lost ... (130 words

Can't help feel offended by boyfriends comment. Advice please !

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3035 days ago

29 June 2016 (F age 30-35 - Well my boyfriend was showing me this video the other day , the music video from fifth harmony called work. He said I look a bit like Camila cebelo , and I said thanks (she's really pretty if you guys have seen her!) anywaysyyyy he said to me that will be me in five years. I ... (244 words

Engaged to be married man after my friend at work. Is this now a competition?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 3036 days ago

29 June 2016 (M age 36-40 - There's a guy at work who is jealous I'm friends with this female. The problem is he's very full of himself and tries to ruin moments I have with her, when I talk to her. To my horror, I found out he is friends with her on facebook today, I don't know if she sent him a request ... (214 words

He's giving me the silent treatment right now, Will he return to me? I know he's abusive but I want him back

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3037 days ago

29 June 2016 (F age 41-50 - I recently learned that the guy im dating is a narcissist. We've been through at least 3 cycles of devalue/discard and a recent cycle of re-idealization. He's giving me the silent treatment right now, will he ever return my calls or come around again? I know that this ... (82 words

Is it normal to be feeling as I do? And despite years together, I am always anxious around my husband

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 3035 days ago

29 June 2016 (F age 51-59 - I am in my 40s and am married to a very good man. Kids are grown and out of the house. My husband was away for a month, as his parents recently passed away within 3 months of each other, and he closed business for a month to spend time with his sister and her family. They liv... (192 words

What are we ? Last night he told me "you're not my girlfriend".

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3037 days ago

29 June 2016 (F age 26-29 - I'm having the most troubling time. I'll start explaining from the beginning. (lets call him J) I met J my first year of college. At the time we both had someone we were dating, so we never bothered getting close or anything. maybe 2 months pass and we begin to talk a tad bi... (496 words

Passion has gone from our private life. We don't get out socially together enough. How do I woo her back again?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 2987 days ago

29 June 2016 (M age 41-50 - My wife and I have been together for 8 years now. We met in China and for several years, things were rocky. Then after so much conflict and so many problems, things settled down. We are looking forward to our first home settling so we can move in. We bought it off the plan.... (431 words

Based on my observations, does my crush have a boyfriend? Or am I getting it wrong?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3037 days ago

29 June 2016 (M age 30-35 - I am friends with a female who ive got a crush on at work. I really like her, and she is a kind and friendly person with a beautiful face. We talk now and then to each other and say the odd hello how are you, as we don't get a chance to talk much at work with a lot going on... (182 words

I love some who I can't have. What should I do?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 3034 days ago

29 June 2016 (F age 26-29 - What do you do when you've fallen for a guy who just ^^^ks with your head? Okay so one of my best friends a while ago we admitted we liked one another, but not wanting to jeopardize the friendship we agreed to keep things normal. Well that didn't really work. The most we've d... (196 words

We both feel uncomfortable around the other's family. Is this normal?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3036 days ago

29 June 2016 (F age 26-29 - I am confused with my relationship. Long story short. My boyfriend and I have been together for four years but we are still trying to be comfortable with each others' families. Although when he talks with his family, I feel left out and he feels left out when I talk to mine. ... (138 words

Why do some people not say hello? Especially at work?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 3035 days ago

29 June 2016 (F age 41-50 - Why do some people not say hi back, especially in work or social situation? I was told once to always say hi as i walk into work or in a social situation and im introverted, saying hi is hard but i do! So why do colleagues and some others ignore me / people when i / they sa... (110 words

If he hates other men looking at me why does he find it ok for him to go and look at other women.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3037 days ago

29 June 2016 (F age 36-40 - Firstly I want to start by saying that I am not a prude at all, I have no problem with pornography and stuff like that, I'm very open when it comes to things like that. I've even taken my boyfriend to a strip club before. But I've been with my partner for nearly four year... (343 words

I want to feel happiness again, what I don't feel in my marriage

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3037 days ago

29 June 2016 (M age 41-50 - I am married with a kid and I try my best to be happy with my wife but I can't. I am so happy with my kid and is the only reason of happiness and is one of the reason I want to continue with my miserable marriage. I am sexual and loving person and I am married to someone I no ... (122 words

I'm jealous because my girlfriend is still friend with a guy she hooked up in the past! What should I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3035 days ago

28 June 2016 (M age 36-40 - I've been dating my girlfriend for a year. I found out about this guy on facebook she has him as friend on facebook and instagram, she had feelings for him when she got divorced years ago. I don't know if she talks to him or text him on a daily basis...But how should I trust ... (65 words

My boyfriend of 4 years has been speaking to his ex, what do I do?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3036 days ago

28 June 2016 (F age 30-35 - Hi Guys, I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years with a brief break in the middle. I have just discovered that he has been texting/sexting his ex from around 5-6 years ago, possibly his first official relationship. From the beginning, we have been together 4 years, our fi... (690 words

Should I try to get closer to him once more? I have a major crush on this guy

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3038 days ago

28 June 2016 (F age 26-29 - I'm a young lady who has never been in a relationship. I'm the type of girl most guys in my neighborhood would describe as difficult and not easy going. I'm very humble and care for people but when it comes to these guys asking me out, I become very difficult. Since childhoo... (595 words

Is it wrong to sleep with a distant cousin? In my culture some disapprove of this.

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 3038 days ago

28 June 2016 (M age 26-29 - Is it wrong to sleep with distant cousin? Not even real distant cousin. Its just that both of our family have same family name. I hate when all of my and their family meets like( cousin family) Also in our culture it is okay to Marry first cousin if she is daughter o... (137 words

How can I address this? I have trouble trusting women and I'm feeling resentful that my dating experiences haven't been good.

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 3037 days ago

28 June 2016 (M age 30-35 - I have a lot of trouble trusting women. I have female friends that I can trust to a degree. But when it comes to dating I can't really trust women because of my past with them. I'm 23 years old. I never had a good dating life and am resentful about it. There's only been... (379 words

Should I ask him why he acts all giddy around me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3037 days ago

28 June 2016 (F age 36-40 - People tend to think i'm a teen still in high school, but i'm a grown adult woman and well the city bus driver is sexxi as ever. Two days ago he did a 360 degree turn to look me directly in my eyes just smiling his azz off and he was like “hey little lady.'' I said hi, smiled a... (224 words

How long can I "play" hubby for her?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 3038 days ago

28 June 2016 (M age 30-35 - Me [25 M] in love with [26 F] living with her bf for the past 9 years with two kids It's really a tough situation because I have fallen in love with her and she with me. But as is always the case when someone has been with another guy for 9 years and not 1 but 2 kids it wi... (469 words

I feel unwelcome at work

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3038 days ago

28 June 2016 (F age 41-50 - Im new to the area NOT the workplace or job (i have been there a while) some colleagues wont even introduce themselves! I have said hi and introduced myself to some and some give me a " who s she?" Look and wont introduce themselves. I like my job and just want to fit in. Why ... (133 words

Is it cheating if a man, married or in a relationship, has a happy ending occur after a massage?

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 3038 days ago

28 June 2016 (F age 30-35 - Hi ladies (and gents), I was searching for some opinion here! Long story cut short, what do you think of a married man or your spouse getting a happy ending after a massage? Would that be considered as cheating? Would you be upset if he told you he had one or if you found ou... (72 words

How do I get over the desire I feel for my cousin?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3038 days ago

28 June 2016 (F age 41-50 - I've been in relationships before. Once married and now divorced. But I've never felt what i feel for my cousin. He is my uncle's son. We've seen each other twice during our childhood. But now, he is this accomplished man who's stirring this warmth in my heart which i ne... (181 words

Why can't I let go? Breaking up has left me feeling so low.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3038 days ago

28 June 2016 (F age 36-40 - My boyfriend of six months broke up with me over text a month ago- I get it the relationship wasn't exactly a two way street. We did everythingn in his time and I put up with a lot more than I should have- like him bringing his friends over on date night - me beig introduced ... (464 words

I feel that no one will give me a break. How can I gain more acceptance in a work situation?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3038 days ago

28 June 2016 (F age 26-29 - I feel like I'm being discriminated against at work but it's the restaurant owner! I messed up in the past and felt VERY lucky to have gotten the job I did. Right after my arrest, I applied for every job I could and landed a job as a barrista in a local-owned coffee shop. It... (677 words

How do I suppress my attraction toward him?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3018 days ago

27 June 2016 (M age 30-35 - I am going through somewhat a confusing moment in life. I find myself attracted to my best friend who may be asexual. The problem is I don't think it is mutual. He's never dated anyone ever nor expressed interest in anyone. He does know I am gay, but what he doesn't know is ... (184 words

Is my boyfriend selfish ? He is happy to receive, but will not reciprocate following times when I pleasure him

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 3037 days ago

27 June 2016 (F age 36-40 - my boyfriend never goes down on me. one day i asked why don’t you do it, he said he is not he don’t to do it. BUT i love doing it.. i more than comfortable doing it . one time he asked me.. i thought he will reciprocate so i did it.. but he didn’t do anything... (334 words

Would you go to a reunion with a brother who blames you for Dad's alcoholism?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 3038 days ago

27 June 2016 (M age - Hello, I am the youngest of four. I have two older sisters and a brother. My dad passed away in 2008 and my mom in 2013. When my dad passed away my brother called me two days later blaming me for his death. He died of a bad liver due to drinking. My brother blamed his drinking ... (381 words

Why do we keep on contacting each other after our breakup?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3039 days ago

27 June 2016 (F age 26-29 - My ex broke up with me over 2 months ago now, during the time from then to now - we have been in contact a lot and just basically can't seem to stay away from each other, no matter how much we say we will. We have repeated again and again to each other that we will leave ea... (453 words

What does the appearance of her toothbrush at my place mean?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 3038 days ago

27 June 2016 (M age 36-40 - I've got a bit of a humorous question, however, it's also a serious one. Ladies, what does it really mean when you leave some of your belongings at a guys place? The girl I've been sleeping with for a while now just left (Cue the music: "Don don don!").... her TOOTHBRUSH. ... (255 words

Is it too late to reach out? Do his actions speak for themselves?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3039 days ago

27 June 2016 (F age 36-40 - I've been dating someone for three months. The first two months were amazing. We saw one another 1-2 times a week and spoke daily. Our connection was wonderful. But during the last month communication on his side dropped immensely. He basically changed overnight over Memorial ... (306 words

Breaking up was the right decision so why do I feel bad now?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 3039 days ago

27 June 2016 (F age 41-50 - I was okay for two weeks when busy traveling for work, but home now and thinking about this man I was seeing for the past four years. It was a difficult relationship and never really knew where I stood with him. If I was being real, I would also say I couldn't really ... (133 words

I feel like "Mr No Spine"

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 3035 days ago

27 June 2016 (M age 36-40 - His ladies and gents, long time no post here. The past 4 years have been great, I have met a great woman, and 1 year ago, we got married. We are living with her parents, it can get a little claustrophobic at times. Just for a small amount of background. A few weeks ag... (1399 words

My gf won't be sexually intimate

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 3037 days ago

26 June 2016 (M age 30-35 - Hi. I've been with my gf for two and a half years. I love her to bits and I really feel she's the love of my life but she refuses to be physically intimate. We only kiss. I have a high sex drive and had a very active sex life in the past. I'm sexually frustrated and feel sad ... (130 words

He just wants to argue and never says sorry.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3036 days ago

26 June 2016 (F age 30-35 - So I've been dating my guy for 8months now, but we've known each other for years as good friends. im 26 and hes 30. We both work. Lately he has been talking about taking me to see his family and talking rings and marriage and I love him but since this talk I feel like ... (282 words

The guy I like has a best friend who likes me. What do I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3039 days ago

26 June 2016 (F age 22-25 - So basically I like a guy on my college course however I am not good at letting him know this for instance I accidentally kneed him in the face when he was trying to pick me up. So I would love to try to get with him. However then there is his best friend who I original... (115 words

His attentions aren't unpleasant but I'd like them to stop

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3040 days ago

26 June 2016 (F age 36-40 - How do I stop a guy from flirting with me - I never flirt back. I'm not rude towards him. I am just civil. But I am shy and he may get the wrong message. I laugh at his jokes, but only when they're funny. This may sound weird, but I don't think that he REALLY likes me.... (346 words

Is it weird that I'm reluctant to date a girl so much younger than me? She's 19

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 3037 days ago

26 June 2016 (M age 30-35 - Okay so Friday night I went out with a friend of mine, and we met some girls of which one seemed to be taking a liking to me. She looked fairly young and these days girls look a lot older then they actually are. But apparently she's 19 years old. And I'm 27 is it weird if I'm a ... (265 words

Is something going on, or am I reading too much into this?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3037 days ago

26 June 2016 (F age 36-40 - Hi I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years we get on really well and his family are like my family the problem is any woman that walks past he stares till she's out of sight now he received a text this morning asking saying is this for instance john I seen this text as I was ... (145 words

When is the right time to take an ex back?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 3037 days ago

26 June 2016 (F age 26-29 - I have not been seeing or contacting my ex for two years now. He sent me a text yesterday just to say hi on social network. As we text he tells me he is still inlove with me and wants to be the best guy for me. He blames himself for the break up because he was flirting with ... (103 words

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