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Archived questions from: July, 2005 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


We had one date that seemed to go OK, but now he won't even make eye contact with me!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6392 days ago

31 July 2005 (F - I'm a 16 year old girl, and I work every day. Next door to the shop there is a groceries, and a boy who is 18. He asked me out for a coffee, and we hit it off. He goes to the college I am starting in September. He kept texting me things, one example was on my birthday at midni... (169 words

We were having problems and he accepted a date from a client...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7015 days ago

31 July 2005 (F - My boyfriend and I have been going through lots of problems in the last month. We have been together almost 7 months now. In the last 4 days everything have improved immensley. He has started to act like himself again ie. wanting sex, giving me affection, talking long term ... (437 words

I can't believe that my ex would say awful things about me behind my back...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7015 days ago

31 July 2005 (? - I'm a 16 year old girl and I have a really big problem. A year ago I met this really amazing guy *James. We started going out with in a few days of meeting each other. We fell in love with each other and he worked so hard to make me see that he really was in love with me but w... (215 words

I love him, but he wants to explore other options while he's at college...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7021 days ago

31 July 2005 (F - I met the fella of my dreams. He is 18 and I am 24. He starts college on August 1st and now decides he wants to go and be free while he is school to do whatever he wants. He wants us to just be friends and let our relationship grow. I don't have a problem with that at all but ... (131 words

My long-distance guy is worried that if we step back it'll destroy what we have. Thoughts?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7023 days ago

31 July 2005 (? - I've been with my boyfriend for 4 years long distance, and he is coming here soon so we will finally be in the same city. Recently I've had some doubts as to whether things are going to work out, and really, I've had these doubts before but we've either talked through ... (293 words

My partner and I have 5 years of history, but his wife is still in the picture...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7023 days ago

31 July 2005 (F - I have been in a relationship for 5 years now. I am divorced, my partner is still married but not living with his wife. We both have children but not together. There is no sign that he is going to divorce his wife, his usual reason is money and threat to his family business. ... (193 words

I told the girl how I feel, but she said she wouldn't go out with me 'cause I'm too much of a mate!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7021 days ago

31 July 2005 (M - I'm friends with this girl. Recently I have told her that I fancy her and that I would like to go out with her. The thing is she is still trying to get over a break up with her boyfriend but he treated her so badly. When I told her how I felt she was suprised. I'm a open min... (118 words

Is it unfair of me to feel upset that she's going camping with a male friend?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 7022 days ago

31 July 2005 (M - I've been dating my girlfriend for the last 16 months. We don't live together and only see each other at weekends. We chat on the phone mid week. She recently told me that she will be spending a night away camping with a male friend that she met whilst on holiday in Austr... (130 words

Rumour is that my boyfriend has cheated, and he likes to be alone when he goes clubbing. Should I be concerned?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7023 days ago

31 July 2005 (F - Hi, I have been going out with my boyfriend Dave for about a year. I have known him for four years and i have felt that i have always loved him. It was love at first sight for me, and he eventually first asked me out when I was fourteen. He was seventeen at the time and I wa... (452 words

My boyfriend wants to try oral sex, but I can't get past my revulsion...

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6816 days ago

31 July 2005 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together for a year now and only in the last week or so, he's voiced his desire to attempt oral sex. The act has no appeal to me whatsoever and I am highly reluctant to attempt it. He says that whatever I decide will not change how he feels ab... (183 words

Not sure where my ex and I stand. Should I wait around or go with someone else?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7021 days ago

31 July 2005 (? - hey, Me and my boyfriend split up, yet we maintained 'everything' you get in a relationship. This has been kinda painful. He hints that he likes me but I dont know if we would ever get back together. The person who I have been confiding in recently turned round and said the... (83 words

My girlfriend enjoys it when I want to do something sexual, but she doesn't respond in kind!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7022 days ago

31 July 2005 (M - Hi, my girlfriend and I have been dating for 3 months now and our love for each other is as strong as ever. But when it comes to sexual actions she seems hesitant. She lets me do things to her and she enjoys it, but then she doesn't do anything back. I feel a bit used and empt... (96 words

I'm shy and I'd like to learn to be more outgoing...

This question has 20 answers - newest was posted 5543 days ago

31 July 2005 (F - I find it very hard to make conversation with guys. I talk to them, just not that long. People like to kid around with me because I'm so shy, but I don't want to be shy. How can I break the habit? ... (42 words

He flew me from Miami to Boston and we had an intense time. Now what do I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6969 days ago

31 July 2005 (F - I was on vacation in Miami (from London) and I met a guy who I instantly took a strong liking to. After only a couple of hours, we slept together (I couldn't resist) We got along really well and had a lot in common and seemingly a lot of chemistry. He was also on vacation... (1246 words

We have business to sort out and I don't know how to act around my ex...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7022 days ago

30 July 2005 (F - My boyfriend who broke up with me because of another girl is coming home, so we can basically have closure. We own a lot of things together and are beneficiaries on each other's insurance policies. So we need to sort that out. We were supposed to get married, in case you are ... (189 words

Seems like my internet bloke only has time for sex. Is this going anywhere?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7023 days ago

30 July 2005 (F - Hi, I just got into a relationship with a bloke I met on the internet. We've met about 5 times but chat every day either on the PC or the phone. I really like him, but am getting mixed signals from him. He says he wants to try and make a go of it, but then when we do meet I f... (113 words

I don't feel like I'm sexually adventurous enough for my boyfriend!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7024 days ago

30 July 2005 (F - My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 months now (but we have been friends for about a year before) and things are going great, but I am afraid that I am not open enough sexually for him. I have never had a problem experimenting or giving oral sex or trying differen... (118 words

After his cheating with a woman from his work, he wants to regain my trust. But how?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7023 days ago

30 July 2005 (F - I'm 19. My bf is 23. We have been together for 8 months now. I know he's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Our love is magic except I just found out from a friend that while I was in Cancun he cheated on me with a woman from his work. I asked him and he told me ... (146 words

My ex wasn't a good role model for our son and we haven't spoken for years. Now I can't stop thinking of him...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7024 days ago

30 July 2005 (F - confused This guy whom I haven't dated for over 12 years has recently came back into my life unintentionally. I was talking with a mutual friend and she told me about him. When she mentioned him, my heart skipped some beats and I was suprised at the way I was reacting. The ba... (208 words

It feels like the love is gone... Is it something I'm doing?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7023 days ago

30 July 2005 (F - Dear cupid, I have been in a relationship for a few months now and it feels like there's no love there no more. Is it something I'm doing or is our relationship coming to the end? I'll be grateful if someone could help me out on this. ... (47 words

Now that he feels better about himself, he seems to like me better, too. Can we take things further?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7025 days ago

30 July 2005 (F - Dear Cupid, Confusion!That's all I'm feeling right now.I know it might sound stupid,but I am about two seconds away from a breakdown. See,not too long ago,this guy that I used to like started talking to me on the Internet.Everyone had always thought he hated me,but he was be... (166 words

Can I forgive my boyfriend for cheating? Should I even try?

This question has 64 answers - newest was posted 4588 days ago

29 July 2005 (F - I just found out that my boyfriend of 3 years cheated on me with a random woman he met at a bar. I am shocked, devastated and heart-broken. To give you a bit of background, my boyfriend is a wonderful, kind man. He has been asking me to marry him for 2 years now, but we b... (178 words

I'm her "first everything", so she broke up, saying she wanted to explore with other guys!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7024 days ago

29 July 2005 (M - My girlfriend and I have been dating for a year and a half. It is the best relationship I have ever been in. We both love each other very much, and constantly express it. The connection and memories we have are awesome. Her family embraces me as their own. I am 22 years ol... (165 words

Should I keep dreaming of my guy in Canada, or go with the guy-next-door?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6995 days ago

29 July 2005 (F - Hello, I met this boy over the internet. He is the same age as me and he is everything I ever dreamed of. He is honest, he makes me smile, we have a lot in common but not too much, otherwise that would get boring. The only bad thing is he lives in Canada and I live in the U.K.... (342 words

I finished with my ex in March, but I've regretted it since, because he's moved on with someone else...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7025 days ago

29 July 2005 (F - I have been with my boyfriend for 6 years. Two years ago we went through a bad time and we broke up for a couple of months. I didn't know but during that time he met someone else. We got back together but he didn't call it off with the other girl for a month and I didn't find ... (187 words

Do I tell my co-worker the way I feel and hope she'll leave her boyfriend for me?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 7021 days ago

29 July 2005 (M - Six months ago my office hired a new administrative assistant. She is very beautiful and we hit it off great. As we got to know each other, I realized she was not just a pretty face, but that she had a great personality too. We talk on the phone and go out for drinks p... (267 words

I can only have an orgasm when I'm masturbating or during oral sex...

This question has 15 answers - newest was posted 5205 days ago

29 July 2005 (F - I am a 17 years old female and I have had sex in the past and recently but I have a problem with having an orgasm. The only way I know I am cumming/have a orgasm is when I am receiving oral sex or when masturbating. My partner have told me many times that he felt me cum when... (100 words

The problems I've been seeing with my family have made me lose faith in relationships of any kind...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7025 days ago

29 July 2005 (M - Hi, I am a 23 yrs old male. I feel my relationship with my family has shattered and I see no point of reconciliation. It all started when my family went through a bad face when my brother's engagement broke up. It was nightmare for my brother and parents and they couldn'... (239 words

My girlfriend of 3 months dumped me 'cause there was no spark. Is there nothing I can do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6156 days ago

29 July 2005 (M - Hi there, I'm a 25 year old male, and at the start of this week my girlfriend (21) broke up with me. We'd been going out for nearly 3 months but it had felt like a lot longer. Both of us had talked quite a lot about the future and both of us had felt that this was really s... (265 words

If I can't get sex from women, I pretend they don't exist for me...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7023 days ago

29 July 2005 (M - I am 23 yr old single guy. I have some anxieties about myself. Whenever I think about women, the first thing that comes to my mind is sex. I mean I don't see any point of women existing on this earth if it was not for sex. So all my relationship moves towards them have some ... (257 words

Never took the chance with the girl when I could have. Can't help thinking "what if...?"

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6773 days ago

29 July 2005 (M - I fell in love with a girl a few years ago, she knew I liked her a lot, and we were good friends. I felt she liked me a little too, but she was with a guy, and she was happy with him. One day she came in upset, crying her eyes out; her boyfriend had cheated on her, and I held ... (339 words

My girlfriend is getting advice I think is misguided and now her attitude seems to be changing!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7025 days ago

29 July 2005 (M - Some 2 months ago, after much conflict between myself and my girlfriend's teenage son, we thought it was best that I move out of the home so that we could all get some space so that we could work thru our issues. Since then, my girlfriend has said to me that she wanted o... (155 words

He slept with his ex when he was away. Is that cheating, or not?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7025 days ago

29 July 2005 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together for 7 months. He had a previous relationship that was on and off for 7 years. I am completely in love with him, and if he asked, I'd marry him. The problem is that he has been across the country for the past two months. I went to visit, a... (246 words

It just seemed convenient to get married, but now I'm unhappy all the time...

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5924 days ago

29 July 2005 (F - I've been married for 18 months and together with my now husband for two and a half years. My main problem is that I feel the marriage blues more often than bliss. We were basically forced to be married because I got pregnant, I was 20. He helped me bring my beautiful 1 year ... (508 words

When he's sober, things are really, really good...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6073 days ago

28 July 2005 (F - My boyfriend and I have known each other for about 6 years.We would get together every now and then to have a few drinks.We always ended up staying the night together then the next morning we went our seperate ways. He knew everything about my relationships. About 1 year ago... (248 words

Does he fancy me? Am I in love with him?

This question has 58 answers - newest was posted 3294 days ago

28 July 2005 (F - Hi, I have been going to school with this lad that I fancy for quite a while. He has been going out with this girl, On and off. She dumped him as she says he is boring then asks him out again, He always says Yes. I really fancy him and can't stand him going out with this gi... (136 words

I finally got away from my violent ex. Should I tell his new girl what I know?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6878 days ago

28 July 2005 (F - Hello Listeners, I ended my relationsip with my ex boyfriend, unfortonately 6 1/2 years later. It took me this long because I was dead inside and couldn't find my way back to who I really was. Well I'll say he was real careful in the beginning. He played me just right. He c... (531 words

My fiancee has asked for 3 breaks in five months. He wants freedom but he wants me, too!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 7024 days ago

28 July 2005 (F - My fiancee and I have been engaged for 5 months. About 3 times now, he has asked me for a break in our relationship. I always reluctantly let him, but the day after he does this he always wants me back. He wants to marry me and live a stable life, but he also wants to be a ... (64 words

He says he loves me... but does he mean it?

This question has 38 answers - newest was posted 5031 days ago

28 July 2005 (F - I have a boyfriend who tells me he loves me all the time in person and over the phone, etc. The problem is when he says it in person to me he never looks me in the face. What does this mean? I would think someone whould look you in the face if they ment it. So I am guessing ... (93 words

Because of my past actions, my boyfriend has lost trust in me...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 7025 days ago

28 July 2005 (F - I am a passive-aggresive person in my relationship with my boyfriend. I have difficulty telling him what hurts me, and when he does I just play it off like it didn't hurt me and laugh about the situation. Because of this I have done things and have lost his trust. How do I open ... (61 words

I want to get married. He wants to get married. But he keeps telling me "Later"!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7025 days ago

28 July 2005 (F - background: My boyfriend and I have dated since June 2001, when I was 16 and he was 19 years old. We've changed and grown and through it all we've managed to have our love grow and change in turn. Albeit many ups and downs, we are still wonderfully happy and in love after ov... (339 words

We've met online and I think I'm already falling for her...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7022 days ago

28 July 2005 (M - Hi all- Hope you can help me. The last time I was on here I asked a question about a girl I liked, a girl who I started seeing and sleeping with and a girl (aged 18) who I thought I was falling in love with. With me being such a 'softie' and for feeling that she felt the same... (270 words

My girlfriend's getting serious with me, but I'm starting to be attracted to someone else...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7026 days ago

28 July 2005 (M - I have been going out with a girl for 1 year and a half! She is starting to take things seriously but I feel that I am madly in love with another girl who happens to be my mate's girlfriend (not serious though)! What can I do?... (47 words

She wants to meet my mother. Is it too soon?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7026 days ago

28 July 2005 (M - I have been with my girlfriend for 2 & a half months. Some friction has arisen because she has yet to meet my mother. What is considered a 'normal' amount of time before introducing your partner to your parents? Thank you.... (48 words

She's taking her ex to the wedding. Is this a red flag?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6908 days ago

28 July 2005 (M - My girlfriend is attending a wedding with her ex boyfriend without me. She feels too uncomfortable to include me. What should I be thinking?... (24 words

He wanted a break, so I moved out. Now, how do I ask to come home?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7022 days ago

28 July 2005 (F - My boyfriend & I have been together for 5 years and have currently been on a break since the end of March. I moved back to my mum's and I see him at the weekend and a few nights in the week. I feel as he wanted this break I am sacrificing a lot to make him happy as I don't wa... (81 words

I dumped my abusive ex. So why is he back, texting me how much he loves me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 7024 days ago

28 July 2005 (F - I split from my ex over 18 months ago. He was abusive and I couldnt take it any more. Him putting me in hospital was the final straw. Now I'm recieving email and text messages from him telling me how much he loves me and wants me back. I'm under a lot of stress as it is, so w... (78 words

I was worried that the passion in our relationship would die. It looks like it's happening!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7025 days ago

28 July 2005 (F - I have been seeing my boyfriend since February since meeting online. I moved in with him almost a month ago. Before there was so much affection and we made love regularly. Since moving in we don't make love and affection is limited, though we get on great. I know I have h... (172 words

Both my friend and I are in relationships... so should I tell him that my romantic feelings for him are back?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7025 days ago

28 July 2005 (F - I've known this close friend for some time. Two years ago, we discovered we were highly attracted to each other but we decided not to act upon it because both of us were in a lt relationship at that time. To stop these awkward feelings from growing stronger, we even decided to ... (212 words

How important is physical attraction in a marriage?

This question has 33 answers - newest was posted 4736 days ago

28 July 2005 (M - I have been married for just a few months. I am not attracted to my wife. We are great friends. Our personality matches. We support each other. However the physical attraction is just not there for me. It is not that she is not an attractive person but certain basic as... (190 words

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