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Archived questions from: November, 2005 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


He is a terrific bf-I don't want ruin this by becoming lazy and not contributing more.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5799 days ago

30 November 2005 (F - I don't want to be selfish when it comes to my relationship with my bf, but he just ends up doing so many nice things with me and planning little days out and all these ideas...I don't want to get lazy and expect him to do can I make it more equal between us ... (62 words

Why do I feel awkward when my boyfriend talks about us in the future?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6810 days ago

30 November 2005 (F - Sometimes I feel myself getting scared when my bf talks about the future with me. It seems like he's picturing me in his future, which I think is great, but how about if we aren't together for that long? I feel like I don't wnat him to get his hopes up about us being together ... (73 words

The man who loves me is married. He says he's never fallen for anyone else, not even his wife!

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 4447 days ago

30 November 2005 (F - I have fallen head over heels with a married man. I've known him for years, and always fancied him but never ever thought he would feel the same. Only a few weeks ago did he tell me that he loves me. He honestly said he didn't fall in love with his wife, because when the... (134 words

My ex doesn't understand that his new girlfriend is trouble and that I'd treat him better!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6811 days ago

30 November 2005 (F - Please help me. I just dont know what to do.Im still in love with my ex. We were only together for 5 months and we split up 6 months ago, because he suddenly decided that I wasn't his type and not the girl for him. I was very hurt but I could never move on and get over him... (341 words

My boyfriend of 4 years doesn't show he cares. Now I'm getting interested in someone else!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5932 days ago

30 November 2005 (M - I have had a boyfriend for the last 4 years. I love him and he says he loves me. But he never shows me any commitment. He works on the oilrigs so we do not see each other that much. He never rings me when he is away and when he is home he goes straight to the pub and does not... (238 words

She treated me like a boyfriend until she told me, "Sorry, I'm a lesbian!"

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6807 days ago

30 November 2005 (M - I've recently been chasing a girl that I met a few months ago in a club. As soon as I met her, there was a connection. I felt a spark whenever we spoke and being around her made me feel so comfortable. We met up casually whilst we were out seperately with our friends and ... (648 words

I'm torn between my wife and my girlfriend! What do I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6806 days ago

30 November 2005 (M - Wow am I glad I found this site. Here's my situation. Im a seperated 33 year old guy. My wife Sheri (36 years old) and I have been married 3 years. Sheri is a "good woman" with a big heart but I never found her attractive the way a man should be attracted to his wife. In April ... (398 words

My partner wants to have sex with younger woman-he's feeling like he's missing out on the fun.

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6812 days ago

30 November 2005 (F - My partner and i have been together for 12 years. Just in the last year he has been saying to me he thinks he should go and have sex with younger woman as he feels he is being done in. He says he is getting older and has not had much fun, he reassures me that he does not ... (125 words

In the 5 years of our relationship, we've only ever had 30-second sex!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6812 days ago

30 November 2005 (F - I am 25 and have been going out with my boyfriend for 5 years. I have been avoiding bringing up our issues with him cos I think it will make the problem worse and I felt that there were more important aspects of our relationship that mattered more. The problem is, is that we ... (200 words

The revelation of my wife's affair has ripped the trust out of our relationship!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6783 days ago

30 November 2005 (M - I need help from the ladies out there. How do I know if I can believe my wife will not have another affair? We are in our early 30's and have been together 8 years, married for 3 and have 3 kids (one is hers from a past relationship). I had been emotionally abusive tow... (452 words

I want them both...what do I do??

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6807 days ago

30 November 2005 (M - i am a 22 year old gay man in a relationationship with a 33 year old man for 2.5 years. We love each other except over the last 6 or 7 months i have become bored with the way we are. We had one threesome with a guy to see if this helped. It didn't. I never thought i cou... (211 words

Help me Ladies! What are the signs this lass fancies me?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5984 days ago

30 November 2005 (M - Come on ladies, how do I tell if a lass at work fancies me, signs, don't say just ask her because I have been wrong in the past, what signs can I look for. Help!... (38 words

I trusted him to help a friend...then he left me for her! How do I stop the hurt?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6813 days ago

30 November 2005 (F - Make me feel better ! I had been dating my now ex boyfriend for 3 years. One night at his house he recieved a phone call from a female friend who had discovered she was pregnant not by him, being the stupid person that I am and trusting that they were just friends I let him ... (212 words

Is she cheating on me? The signs are there but I don't know for sure.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6199 days ago

30 November 2005 (M - Hi,I am a 23 year old guy,and my girlfriend is 19 and we been together for 5 years,we are having some problems. It first started out 2 months ago she was at work and she let some guy use her car and I had to find out myself about it,and then she had the guy that was using her ... (208 words

My wife was molested as a child and is suffering depression. Now...she hardly wants sex anymore!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6782 days ago

30 November 2005 (M - My wife was touched by her dad as a child and has suffered from depression. She is on medication.She hardly wants sex anymore and I like to have sex. Every time I ask I get turned down. Whenever I try to talk to her about sex she gets very defensive. In the past, we always had ... (106 words

Does he want me or his ex-girlfriend?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6351 days ago

30 November 2005 (F - Who's in love with the guy age 29. we've been together for three year now and we started living together early this year before i got a job. i stated working form april 2005 will i was working that company his boss ask if i'm happy were i was working and i was'nt then he ... (183 words

How can I get my parents to understand he is a genuine guy?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6813 days ago

30 November 2005 (F - Hi there, I'm looking for some advice on my problem: I'm a 16 year old girl (turning 17), in high school. For the last few years ive had a really good friend, lets call him John* who lived in a different state to me (we live in Australia). Now i always thought he was a really n... (250 words

She prefers sex after alcohol...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6813 days ago

30 November 2005 (M - My girlfriend prefers to have sex after she has drunk alcohol. she is then quite adventurous. we occasionally have it in the morning when she is sober. she tells me i'm the first person that she has had sober sex with in a long time. I am concerned that a previous habit of ... (101 words

Something different as a present for my 16 year old boyfriend?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6074 days ago

30 November 2005 (F - Ok...I have absolutely no idea what to get my 16 year old boyfriend for christmas. He told me he'd be happy with anything as long as it was from me, but it doesn't make me want to get him a good pressie any less and besides which i have no idea what to get!! i was thinking of ... (82 words

Her parents won't let her marry!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6792 days ago

30 November 2005 (M - I am 24 years old and I have found the girl of my dreams. She is 25 and I want to marry her and she wants to marry me. We have done every thing the right way, I have told my parents and she has told her parents. Her parents invited us around to their house so we can take the... (894 words

His ex is playing a part in our lives...should I be concerned?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6813 days ago

30 November 2005 (F - Iv'e been with my current boyfriend for two months now( nothing really) and things are really good. hes a bit older than me, (im 25 he's 28-9) He first moved out from home when he was 20. He seems to have lived with every one of his serious girlfriends. Hes got a child with an ... (294 words

Could I have contracted HIV when a colleague grabbed my hand?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6813 days ago

30 November 2005 (M - Hi I need some serious advice and some light on this subject. I just found out that a collegue of mine has HIV, and she told me that she is taking all the medication, I have become so paranoid about it that its driving me insane, obviously I know that its mainly contracte... (351 words

I'm only 22 years old and I lose my erections! Is this normal?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6813 days ago

30 November 2005 (M - Hi, I am a 22 year old man and really afraid to have sex with girls as anytime, i tried it i lose my erection. I try to keep girls at a distance because of this. I enjoy cuddling more than anything else but don't want to take it further . I always fantasize about cuddling girls ... (66 words

Does she feel the same way for me.. that I do for her? Help me figure this out!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5560 days ago

30 November 2005 (M - This is so tricky, I don't know what to do! (Sorry this is so long, but it's a complicated mess I'm in!) My best friend and I have been friends longer than I could ever remember (my parents say it has been since we were both two), and we both care for each other a lot. In... (1066 words

My sexual stamina is waning and it's taking a toll on my relationship.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6814 days ago

30 November 2005 (M - Lately I haven't been lasting very long in bed. It's starting to take a toll on my relationship. I think she's getting frustrated. It seems like it's happening at least half of the times we've had sex. Is there anyway I can last longer?... (48 words

My husband had an affair and watches porn.

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6750 days ago

30 November 2005 (F - My husband has been lying to me, watching porn alone and has had a affair. what is wrong? ... (20 words

I couldn't handle my friend being with someone else. Now he seems to be chasing me!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6813 days ago

30 November 2005 (F - Last year I had a roommate and we became incredibly close. Nothing ever happened "technically" but we basically spent all of our time together and a lot of people thought we were together. The problem is he has a girlfriend on the other side of the state, the relationship ... (200 words

Need some help with a health assignment-need some input on responsible sexual relationships.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6813 days ago

30 November 2005 (M - Hello, i have an assignment from my health teacher and he wanted us to list some factors that will lead a couple to a responsible sexual relationship.... (27 words

At 13, I was traumatized by two men who attempted to rape me! I'm having nightmares now...please help.

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5937 days ago

30 November 2005 (F - I was almost rapped by two men when I was 13, and I dont know how to get over it? I cant sleep, so how can I get some sleep without having nightmares?... (33 words

My bf is physically abusing me and has threatened to kill me. My kids and I need to get away...I am terrified-please help me!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5699 days ago

30 November 2005 (F - I have been in a relationship with my son's dad for almost 4 years now. After we found out that we were having my son, he started getting verbally abusive, and eventually physically abusive. I have tried to leave him but I can't get away. Now that my son is 2 he is really ... (224 words

Is she just scared of dating or...way too immature for a relationship?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6770 days ago

30 November 2005 (M - ok im 20 years old and ive known this girl since she was like 13 now shes 17 and we've met up and are now dating i really like her and treat her better than i've treated most girls in the past. we've been together for about 3 weeks and im feeling a little weird about the ... (133 words

We're dating but she's always too busy to get together! Is it time to throw in the towel?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6814 days ago

30 November 2005 (M - I have been dating this girl for the past few months. She says I am perfect and she doesn't want to lose me, but wants us to step back. It's been weeks and we still havent gone out together. I get shot down everytime I try to arrange something. It's either she already made ... (157 words

After telling me she "needs space", my girlfriend wants me to hang in there and wait for her!

This question has 52 answers - newest was posted 1006 days ago

29 November 2005 (M - Please help with this confusion. I've been with my girlfriend for over a year now and she just recently moved out because she needed some time and space to take a break. She works three to ten days a month and I have a normal M-F, 8-5 type job, and because of this she felt I ... (311 words

He's engaged to another but says I am his soulmate...and I have strong feelings for him!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5911 days ago

29 November 2005 (F - A guy I have worked with for the past year told me that he liked me and he thought i was his soulmate. The problem is that he is engaged to be married to another woman. I have very strong feelings for him.I want to tell him not to marry her! I am 33 yrs old and he is only 20 ... (91 words

My ex-lover is back on the scene, now that I'm over 18... and she's angling to get me back!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6813 days ago

29 November 2005 (F - I am now an 18 year old female and in my last year of sixth form. I had a relationship with my 33 year old female teacher which started in August 2004 till September 2005. My parents found out about it and put a stop to it. The police decided it wasn't criminal and the... (277 words

I feel like I have a lot of problems, but no one to talk about them with...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6813 days ago

29 November 2005 (F - Every normal girl can talk to someone. Their mum or their dad or even their sister. Not me. My dad is lovely though. I accidentally wind him up a bit. My sister is only kind to me when she's not on MSN or with her friends or basically never. My brother died and through that ... (372 words

She thinks her vagina is icky-so how do I convince my girl, to let me perform oral sex on her?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6813 days ago

29 November 2005 (M - i want to please my girlfriend, but she thinks that i wouldn't like going down on her because she thinks that its slimy and therefore icky... is there any way i can convince her that i would enjoy it and that she would too?... (44 words

Does my gf have feelings for my best friend in prison? How do I know for sure what's going on?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6808 days ago

29 November 2005 (M - Dear Cupid, My ex and I dated for about 4 years but about a month ago she broke up with me because I accused her several times of having feelings for my best friend who is currently incarcerated in a Illinois State Prison. I didn't want to or mean to accuse her but I have t... (141 words

I want to ask him out... but I'm scared that he'll say no!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6500 days ago

29 November 2005 (F - To put it short, guys never ask me out, and there is this guy. We smile at each other a lot but he never really talks. My mate keeps telling him to talk to me which makes it worse. But I really, really like him and have done for a while now. I don't wanna ask him out because ... (74 words

She said my bf cheated with her. He denied it... but wouldn't agree to confronting her with me.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6802 days ago

29 November 2005 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and 8 months. I was surfing this website one day and I wanted to see if he was on it too. It turned he was. I clicked on the person he had in his friend's list. While reading the things she posted, I found his name. She said he ... (271 words

I am involved with someone else...but my ex bf wants me to take him back. What should I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6813 days ago

29 November 2005 (F - I asked a question on what to do when I saw my boyfriend was making life a living hell for me. Now he's back telling me he's sorry and that I should take him back. The problem now is that, I have someone else and I don't know if I still have feelings for my ex-boyfriend. what ... (60 words

Two men in my life...which do I choose?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6203 days ago

29 November 2005 (F - I love 2 men and dont know what to do. Mike has been my boyfriend for the past 3 years on and off. There is 16years difference between us and he is an alcoholic. We have been through a lot and he is constantly letting me down. I love him and if he turned around tomorrow and ... (284 words

I just want him to talk to me...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6814 days ago

29 November 2005 (F - My bf is studying intensely before a major set of exams 2-3 wks from now. My parents are visiting next wk and have wanted to meet him (never have before). Previously, my bf had agreed - even seemed interested to meet my parents. Today I made a career decision that, in the pas... (259 words

What signals shows that a girl likes you?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6025 days ago

29 November 2005 (M - How do you no when a girl likes you? What sort of signals do they give? How can i tel if they are playing or flirting.... (26 words

I lied about my age...what do I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5904 days ago

29 November 2005 (M - I am engaged to a wonderful 23-year old girl. I was married once before and have two young daughters from that marriage that she has become very close with. Well, at the time that I met her a year ago I was in a semi-successful music group that was being looked at by major ... (208 words

Tell me when to worry about porn...

This question has 29 answers - newest was posted 6732 days ago

29 November 2005 (F - How often is too often for a man who's been in a relationship for three years to watch adult movies? When should girlfriends be concerned and when to break up...after watching porn do men wish they had more than they do...can it eventually lead to cheating??? What is ... (55 words

Can you be in love with someone yet cheat on them?

This question has 37 answers - newest was posted 2476 days ago

29 November 2005 (F - Is it possible for a bloke to cheat on his wife/ fiance and still be in love with her? Can you still be in love with someone and cheat on them?... (31 words

We became lovers but then she went back to her!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6813 days ago

29 November 2005 (M - A friend of mine split with her boyfriend, i was there for her and we became closer, and eventually lovers. Her boyfriend then came back, asked her to marry her and she accepted. I'm very happy for her, but can't get her out of my head - the problem's worse because we work ... (55 words

He is affectionate and touches me...does he like me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6802 days ago

29 November 2005 (F - i have started to like my m8s boyfriends brother who is single- we have becum good m8s the last couple of months- we txt sumtimes but he hates the fone he barely uses it- im always the one to txt 1st- wen we see each other the weekend u no when every1 goes out- we are ... (164 words

Should we be together if he wants to watch so many adult movies?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6718 days ago

29 November 2005 (F - I have been with my boyfriend for three years, we broke up for a couple months and now we are tring to work things out. I came back into the relationship with a problem I didn't have before. I know men do this frequently, but I don't know how much is too much and how it will ... (155 words

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