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Archived questions from: August, 2012 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


Should I leave her to squash all this madness?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 30-35 - Dear Cupid 3, I have been with my lesbian girlfriend for a year and 6 months ... Our relationship is like no other. Some of our friends think that that song "I Love The Way You Lie" describes exactly the kind of relationship we have. One moment, we're la... (452 words

How do I solve this problem? I need to meet people in my new city!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4346 days ago

31 August 2012 (M age 30-35 - I'm in need of some advice both in terms of social and dating. Recently I just moved city due to a new job. The problem here is I don't know anyone in this city at all; and it's a bit of a distance from anyone I used to know. I'm not sure exactly what to do in terms of m... (112 words

How can I work on this tendency to keep friends from getting close with someone else?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 30-35 - Hey everyone, I don't know how to put this without making me sound like some crazy freak,I promise I'm not that bad..but I have some major problem.. Well here's the thing I have this problem when someone I love gets close to someone else..suppose I have a friend I love an... (141 words

Tips on socializing needed, please!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 26-29 - Hi. So i need advice for someone that is quite shy and finds it hard to socialize. I'm 17 and my friend is having a get together before she goes to university were only going for a meal and then to a pub but i'll only know like 5 people and i find it difficult starti... (73 words

He's pulling away from our relationship and flirting with exes. Please help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4343 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 36-40 - my partner and i have been haing a little bit of a ruff patch lately... money problems and him not enjoying his work... we have been snappy at each other and i'm starting to get worried... the night before my son got scissors and cut a cord which cost us alot of money yesterday ... (345 words

Boyfriend posts about our relationship problems on Facebook.

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 30-35 - Last night my boyfriend and I discussed a problem we've been having and it didn't turn out so well. We ended up arguing then ended the discussion. A few weeks ago we had got into an argument and he posted a status about it on facebook. He says it's his way of venting, and he d... (323 words

Affair that wasn't. Will I ever quit feeling guilty?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4346 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age - First, I am 69. I have been re-married for 6 years to a man who has had anger, jealousy issues and 2 turbulent marriages. My marriage has been fraught with trust issues, and a great deal of them on my part as well. I was told that he still communicates with his ex-wife, ... (374 words

How do I find out if this coworker is interested?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 30-35 - Hi so i just started working at a new job, and the very first day I was greeted by a very handsome coworker. I dont usually get flustered around cute boys, but with him I was a mess. I noticed throughout my shift, this guy kept.coming over and talking to me. He kept asking me ... (154 words

Boyfriend and I want to try different positions, any suggestions?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 41-50 - I’m tall and my boyfriend is short. Both my boyfriend and I enjoy having sex and are willing to try different positions, other than me on top and missionary! got any suggestions?? ... (37 words

I'm short so how do I hit on women who are taller than me without them thinking I'm joking?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4285 days ago

31 August 2012 (M age 30-35 - I'm a short dude but I LOVE tall women. I'm appealing in every way except for my height. How do I hit on women who are a foot taller than me without having them think I'm joking?... (37 words

Why disrespect my children?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4344 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 51-59 - I am a proud parent of three children two girls and one boy .My son is the baby anyway my oldest daughter and son has the same father and he also has five other children and what I don't understand why he treats my kids different from them.He plays father figure to them but he ... (114 words

Am I just a cover up?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4345 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 36-40 - Hello , im in a relationship and a few months ago i found some tranny porn as well as him looking at craigslist for trannys. Also found emails replying to adds. Since the beginning of the relationship i noticed he wasnt like most men, ive always been with me who couldn't get ... (268 words

My boyfriend tried a new toy with me but neither of us knows what it is called

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4346 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 30-35 - Dear cupid, So, I feel kind of awkward and not very smart asking this question, buuut here I had sex with my guy last night, and before we got started, he slipped this little band of rubber around the base of his penis. It was probably only about an inch or so wi... (146 words

We've been together three years but things aren't moving forward

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4346 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 51-59 - We get on great but my boyfriend says he can't take time off this year (or last year) as he needs to work on his hobby car which he has completely stripped down and spent a few thousand on. All his spare time and money are dedicated to his hobby. He says he wants to live wi... (159 words

Should I accept that I may not be able to lose my extra pregnancy weight?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4346 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 36-40 - I'm 27 years old, and I just had my first child, well, not just almost a year ago. I m not nursing anymore and droped about 15 lb since I had my daughter. I m 5.4 and I weigh about 135-137 lb. Everyone around me tells me how beatifull I look and how I managed to drop weight s... (605 words

Question about the chances of getting pregnant from sex immediately after period

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 30-35 - What are the chances of getting pregnant when you have sex immediately after period? And when does ovulation usually happen?... (20 words

I still like the guy I used to date even though I have a boyfriend

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 36-40 - I still like this guy that i used to date, even though i have a boyfriend. Things haven't been going that well with me and my boyfriend lately. When the guy i used to date found out that i had another boyfriend, he called me and asked if i was in love with him. Once, when i w... (757 words

How can I boost my self esteem?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4346 days ago

31 August 2012 (M age 41-50 - I've been having this challenge of self confidence to go after girls that I like. I always feel they will turn me down and hence I will be ashamed. Now I need a wife to marry but my greatest enemy of low self esteem is at it again. Pls help me.... (51 words

We are dating but she is playing hard to get

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (M age 22-25 - i'm dating this girl she's playing so hard to get. i've tried all i can but it seems like im failing. i wrote her a letter and she almost agreed then i wrote her a joke and she didint like it so she was so agree at me then at the end of time she forgave but did not accept m... (87 words

When do I ask where we are in a relationship?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4346 days ago

31 August 2012 (M age 36-40 - I've started seeing a girl that I've been good friends with over the last 6 months. We've only been seeing each other for about 6 weeks and been official for a few. However, we are both working abroad as teachers and our contracts end in about 5 months. Within about 2-3 months ... (158 words

How do I chose one friend over another?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 26-29 - I've seen a similar question about this but the answers didnt really help me. Basically, 2 of my friends asked me to go on holiday with them next summer, i know i want to go with one of them but how do i tell my other friend? Please help... (56 words

Is my boyfriend just overwhelmed by my miscarriage and shutting himself off because of that? Or is he a jerk?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4346 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 51-59 - Hello. I'm new here :) I am pretty distraught right now. My boyfriend and I have only been dating a few months, though we've known each other about five years as friends. We were supremely happy. I have two daughters; he has a son. We are both divorced several years and were ... (567 words

My BF came back to me after he left me, and is now nervous around me. Why is this?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4346 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 41-50 - Hi all, My BF left me for a while - about 6 weeks. we were having problems. Anyway he called me recentley and I had missed him terribly. Anyway, I stayed over with him last night ,and he was all over me, and actually looks and is acting really frightened and is on his best ... (157 words

Does he fancy me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 36-40 - I have known this guy for over a year. The first time I met him I was with my partner. Infront of me, while looking at me he said to my partner, "She's lovely isn't she? She's a lovely girl isn't she?". He even kissed me on the lips infront of him. Another time I met him my ... (245 words

I want to tell my friend how I feel but I'm afraid of rejection!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4343 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 26-29 - I'm so confused and frustrated. I am in love with my best friend, okay, maybe not in love, well yeah... I love him. He has told me before that he doesn't like me like that, but it was ages ago and people tell me he might think differently now. Before I told him, we were clo... (332 words

I won't give him up but my family doesn't like my guy

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 26-29 - Hi all. First of all, I'm a European girl who is still 16 but knows what she really wants. For 3 weeks, I've been dating a guy which is black. I'm extremely in love with him. We love eachother so much. We're so made for eachother but my family WON'T accept him for nothing ... (85 words

Long distance relationship, money and losing interest

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 36-40 - I'm 19 in a relationship with a 17 year old for just over a month. I know its not long, but she has gotten really serious very fast so I feel like I've accidentally made a larger commitment than I had hoped. I've met her whole family (extended and all!) which I hate. I feel I ... (247 words

My best friend is jealous of my male friend and now she's ignoring me

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 26-29 - Hi readers. My best friend of 2 years is now becoming jealous of me and my guy friend. She's very dramatic and sensitive and Ive dealt with it all our relationship. She's known him longer than I have but this past summer we really became friendly and started texting and hang... (183 words

Girlfriend's cheating ex is coming over to stay with her and I'm not cool with it!

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 4316 days ago

31 August 2012 (M age 41-50 - Please help?! I met this girl a few months ago on a dating website. Anyway I totally fell for her. I'm in love with her. She totally blew me away. However there has been a few situations. Please let me explain. I have on 3 separate occasions caught her using this ... (234 words

Regarding her expenses, what should I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4344 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 36-40 - I really need all the advice I can get regarding my relationship. First off I'm lesbian, and my girlfriend and I have been together a little over two years. I love her and am in love with her. My love language is being there emotionally, physically, sexually, and financially. I ... (616 words

Should I keep my promise to her that we will just be friends?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (M age 30-35 - I recently began college and during orientation over the summer I met this girl. We'll call her Jenny. Jenny and I got know each other pretty well and over time I developed a crush on her. After orientation we became facebook friends but I was too chicken to send her a message. ... (362 words

My ex now flirts with me and claims he married his new wife for the wrong reasons

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4346 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 30-35 - im 23 years old and a single mom. my sons father and i didnt work out because we had a lot of resentment towards each other during the pregnancy. now that we have gone through court and its been a few years for us to mature some we realize the mistakes we made and how pride go... (145 words

I'm supposed to visit my German girlfriend in 12 days but I am unsure about this relationship

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (M age 41-50 - [Moderator note: To give the aunts and uncles some background, here is a link to a question the OP submitted a few days ago] I have ldr for a few months now, she is in Germany and we l... (243 words

My guy friend hasn't been responding to my text messages

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 36-40 - My best friend (who is a guy) lives in a diffrent city than I do. We used to text and Skype regularly for hours at a time. But now he's not texting back and he's ignoring my Skype calls. The other day he texted me back, saying "sorry can't talk, I'm hanging out with my GF 3"... (147 words

My friend is in love with my boyfriend, but she doesn't know we're dating

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 30-35 - I have being dating my coworker for 3 months. we've told no one in order to avoid possible problems related to office romance etc. Everything works out fine, except that my best work mate is in love with my boyfriend. She'll always ask him to hang out, make him dinner/b... (205 words

How do I chose between my mother and my girlfriend?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4346 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 30-35 - Dear Readers, I have been thru a lot throughout my lifetime. I seriously, can't take it anymore. I don't know about you but, having to choose between 2 people you love and can't imagine life without 'em is heartbreaking . . . Its been 1 yr, 6 months and co... (182 words

Why doesn't my mom want me to sleep in the nude?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 26-29 - Dear Agony Aunts, I'm a 14 year old girl. I like to sleep in the nude but my mom doesn't want me to. She never gives me a reason, she just objects. I started sleeping naked over the summer when it's super comfortable. What would she find wrong or objectionable wi... (64 words

Can we help determine the sex of a baby by the position we have sex in?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 4345 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 30-35 - Ok guys . I hope you can help me. My husband wants a little girl. Right know we have 3 boys. My mother in law and her sisters told me to do all the work in bed. My husband should just lay there while im on top. Is that true? Apparently according to their beliefs we help make ... (167 words

Why is my husband coming home late every night?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 36-40 - Dear cupid, what do I do? My husband of eyrs with a year old daughter suddenly started keeping late nights. We barely lived in our home in those years coz we always travelled. But this time, we have stayed here for 5mths now. Though he had travelled earlier, he came back ... (153 words

I feel like he has chewed up my heart and has thrown it into the trash!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4316 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 41-50 - Hello all. I have a good guy friend. He has a girlfriend. But this has not stopped him from flirting with me and leading me on. He has treated me like a girlfriend. I continued to hold on because I thought, probably foolishly, that one day he would choose me or decide it was... (601 words

I can never get more than one date with a guy!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4348 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 30-35 - Hi I know I'm young but I still end up feeling insecure and down about this topic. I have pretty much no romantic history at all e.g never been past a hug or been on more than one date. I keep feeling that I am unattractive and alone. I mean I can't seem to find the problem I ... (178 words

Do I ignore my sister and treat her with contempt or just rip into her?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4348 days ago

31 August 2012 (F age 51-59 - Hi Everyone, just an update ... Well as you know Ive been having troubles with my sister and after passing some work to her as I thought she deserved a 2nd chance (like everyone does) she has let me down big time not only have I had to find someone else to cover a make up ... (236 words

I'm never turned on or want sex!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4348 days ago

30 August 2012 (F age 30-35 - Ok so, me and my boyfriend have been together two 1/2 years. Everything about him fits me like a puzzle piece. The only problem is that...I'm like never turned on. I never want to have sex, and even if we do start fooling around I have to use lube to even get 'wet' enough. Now, ... (123 words

Do married men touch single women totally out of friendship?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4348 days ago

30 August 2012 (F age 41-50 - According to you, would a married man grab or touch a single woman's hand solely out of friendship? This only happens when they are on their own or not seen by others. Goodbye is usually kiss on the cheek accompanied by him sliding the hand from her elbow to the wrist. ... (53 words

Who can I talk to about getting cosmetic surgery?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4348 days ago

30 August 2012 (F age 36-40 - Who can I talk to about getting cosmetic surgery? I don't want to talk to a surgeon because they'll only tell me facts about what I want to get done. When I look at forums specifically for this, all the people there are always like "go for it" and when I ask anywhere else I ... (146 words

Is my husband controlling? Now the children are copying his style of communicating too.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

30 August 2012 (F age 51-59 - Is my husband controlling? We have been married for 21 years and he always wants to know where I am and what I am doing, even what time i will be home. I never go anywhere without one of the kids! He talks to me like i am a child, telling me what to do and how to do it. I can'... (94 words

This don't make sense. How is it possible that he contracted chlamydia if we have both been faithful?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

30 August 2012 (F age 36-40 - i have been in a four year relationship, i have had many pap smear done and been tested for all std's, my man just went to the health department and got tested, and they told him he would have to come back in a couple of days to know the results, well today he went back and ... (113 words

Father or not? Should I remain focused on a legal resolution? Or arrange the paternity test through the Courts now?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

30 August 2012 (M age 41-50 - [Mod note: is there some reason you haven't had a DNA test done to establish paternity? Get that done and most of the problems go away. So please advise as to why you haven't ordered a paternity test.] OP follow up: She just gave birth this month and also, i would prefer to de... (808 words

Porn and insecurities

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 4346 days ago

30 August 2012 (F age 36-40 - I need help. I know that there are a TON of porn and strip club questions out there, I know. But I really need some advice. I have been with my boyfriend for almost a year, and it has been great. We get along so well, we have a lot in common, etc. The issue for me is about ... (342 words

How can I control my urges? They're driving me crazy!

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 4347 days ago

30 August 2012 (M age 30-35 - Hi, I am 22 year old virgin male , who has a high sex drive. Is it wrong, all I seem to do is maturbate but it doesn't work. Every time I' am out, can't stop looking at girls, But feel weird because I look at breasts and other areas like Thier bums and legs. I'm starting ... (88 words

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