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Archived questions from: April, 2011 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


Boyfriend becoming a control freak!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (? age 36-40 - i think my bf is becoming a control freak. we have been seeing each other for 13 months and he has been great, nothing like as controlative as he has been in the last 3 months. he is buying me clothes, telling me what to wear, telling me how to wear my hair. we is telling me ... (119 words

It's our first meeting, should we have sex?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4820 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 30-35 - i met this guy online about two weeks ago. we are planing to meet in june. we have had phonesex twice. he is 30 and im 20. i know if we do meet we will have sex. and i want to. i just dont want him to think that i am a slut. what would you think if this happened to you? (guys ... (71 words

He cheated with a coworker, how can I trust him around her every day?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4835 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 36-40 - So, I am in a relationship of over 7 years with 2 kids, and we went through this situation when he cheated with this girl from his job. i don't know how far it went with her honestly, other than a make out session at work. now i moved on from this but i cant completely when he ... (144 words

My crush wouldn't share his email. Why?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 26-29 - I was in a group for a project at school with my crush. I needed to send something to my group members over the weekend for the project. When I asked for their email addresses, my crush got really weird and gave an excuse and came up with an alternate solution. Does he like me ... (65 words

Was he serious about his penis size?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4835 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 30-35 - To make this short a guy I liked and was fooling around with (making out and a bit of touching) joked about his penis being small. His exact words were "You know my dick is this big right?" and with his thumb and pointer finger made about a three inch gap in between them and ... (116 words

My Bf is distancing himself from me. He does not include me. Do we have a future together?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 36-40 - I (23) have been with my boyfriend (22) for one year and three months. We are both graduating from college this May. We have been fighting a lot lately--always about the same thing: I don't think I see him enough, and he thinks he sees me plenty. We see each other just about ev... (395 words

My purity ring is not stopping me feel so turned on. What can I do to slow down these feelings?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4830 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 26-29 - Why am I so turned on when I see my boyfriend? I'm 15, but I've never felt like this before! I know one reason is hormones? Anyways... I've never felt like this with anyone else. It's freaking me out. Maybe another reason is that he told me I turn him on too. We haven't ... (105 words

How do I cope with and incorporate my Voyeurism urges into my life? I am monogomous and Happily married.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4831 days ago

30 April 2011 (M age 51-59 - Recently my wife and I wound up in relationship counselling due to my 'sudden' interest in kink (bondage, some S and M, voyeurism etc). Through the counselling I discovered that there has been a whole host of reasons why this came about going way back to my childhood, and that ... (350 words

He's ONLY hit me twice recently. But should I end this relationship?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4833 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 36-40 - My partner used to physicaly and mentaly abuse me. it became worse during my pregnancy , and i miscarried. After this he became better for a while and has only hit me twice in serious arguments. i still can't get over how he treated me and even though he is good now, it still... (65 words

Confused about my sexual orientation

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 26-29 - Ok well im not really asking for advice but you can leave messaages bout it if you want im saying all this to vent it out somehow ok... so im 14 and really confused about my sexuality , i know i dont need to know but it runs through my mind 24 /7 bec ause theres a girl i like a... (419 words

How do I trust him when he's posting these things on Facebook?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4835 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 41-50 - I don't know what to do!I just found out that My boyfriend talks flirtatious to other women on Facebook! One if his comments on his wall says "anyone want to talk dirty" wtf? Then he goes and says that they couldn't handle him and these girls are just eating it up and doing ... (211 words

She wants a break but she is still acting like she loves me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (M age 36-40 - I have been dating my girlfriend for 2 years. Things were going well and everything was working our perfectly in the relationship. Over the past few months we had not gotten to see each other very much, I was starting a very high level/time consuming job and she was finishing ... (419 words

So depressed since the split

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4834 days ago

30 April 2011 (M age 30-35 - My girl friend just split with me recently, now I know that is nothing new, but it was over a year and we where planning to have children and get married. now its almost a month down the line and I find myself becoming more and more depressed and lonely with each day, I have... (153 words

I don't have any friends!

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4819 days ago

30 April 2011 (M age 36-40 - This may sound a bit pathetic to people reading this but I don't have any friends. I live at home, with my sick mother and so don't have housemates to hang out with. I have tried to go to social events with different interest groups, etc but everyone at these seems to b... (290 words

Why do I freak out when they get close?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 30-35 - Why is it when sometimes i go on a night out, i want to meet good looking guys and be close with them. But when i do get close, this feeling kicks in for me to get away. Which is odd? Because before when i see that guy or i am just talking to him, i'm fine with the knowing that ... (261 words

We get along well, the conversation flows, but I can't get past his looks

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 30-35 - I need some advice and please don't judge me or think I'm being conceited i just have no other way than to put this bluntly. You know how when you are out, you see those couples where they don't suit....Well, this guy who i get along with really great! He's funny and just ... (189 words

I've lost faith and became bitter towards love and friendship

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4812 days ago

30 April 2011 (M age 30-35 - Right.. It's been about seven months since my ex broke up with me after a relationship lasting two and a half years. In total, we've known eachother for five years and we're very good friends.. From that stemmed my believe a good relationship; maybe one that'd last a lifetime ... (446 words

He had thoughts of his ex, and a missed call from her, should I worry??

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 41-50 - my boyfriend just told me that he thought of an ex girlfrend whom he dint talk to for many years this morning,then when he got home today he received a missed call,he called back the person and it was her...he says it was spooky...y is this bothering me??should i be worried?? ... (61 words

Feel so alone without my best friend, any suggestions??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4831 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age - I miss my x best friend(with Bennefits) so much it hurts. He was my best friend. Always there wheather I needed him or not. It was a very different relationship as it started when my boyfriend(x) started to abuse me. Robert was always there.. we fell in love. The saddest part ... (253 words

Drama in relationship, but should I have broken up with her??

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4807 days ago

30 April 2011 (M age 30-35 - Ok we started out good first time. The first times were great and stuff but as the relationship went on things started to change. Our first argument was over her telling me I might not be the girl for her because she feels alive around other guys. She wanted me to change myself ... (1148 words

We broke up, should I keep the promise ring or give it back?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 41-50 - my bf broke up with me 2 days ago in a txt after i had given him space to think if he can b in this relationship bcuz he was havn trust and insecurity issues cuz i have cheated in my past and decided to txt with my sons coach(txts were innocent).... to prove to him that i wuz ... (197 words

How can you tell if someone actually cares about you??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 26-29 - How do you know if someone actually cares about you?... (10 words

How do I remedy this problem??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 26-29 - Okay so, I have now been with my boyfriend for two months. I know its not that long. He says he loves me and I say I love him. Im not really sure if I do though. You see we were best friends before we got together! Its bunch of us, its our. "Click". I don't really like him like ... (177 words

I can't seem to relax my brain, do you have a suggestion please??

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 4835 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 41-50 - I have a lots of anxiety, and my brain never can rest. . they recomandeded meditation to me many times. I was hoping ,it will help.. I really dont why , but meditation never worked for me. It is not effective to me, no matter what I try. I listend many instructions, an... (152 words

Could you tell me why you think this question was asked??

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4801 days ago

30 April 2011 (M age - I know this is not your usual type of question on here but I would very much like your opinions on this please. Last year I had a good friend killed in a car accident. A few days after the accident the police called to my friends home and asked which was the last member of the ... (140 words

He walked out, should I move on or take him back if he returns??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 41-50 - hello everyone. . I would be grateful for some advice. . My boyfriend of four years walked out yesterday saying it was over after a strange tense day. We had had a lovely week together the week before but for some reason yesterday we were at each others throats and i felt ... (281 words

We all live together, he used to be my bf, now he likes her, how do I move on?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4831 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 30-35 - Lately i'm questioning if I can be friends with this girl and guy that i live with. We met as she was friends with a friend of a guy I was seeing. While seeing him she would sometimes be around, and on one occasion I invited her to sit with us, big mistake as she soon started ... (535 words

I feel very lost, please help me?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4813 days ago

30 April 2011 (M age 41-50 - I need some real help. I feel so lost. I went through a separation from my wife a while back. During which time I had an affair that was the biggest mistake of my life. I invested all my love into the wrong person. This person broke my heart into a million pieces. My wife and I ... (258 words

She isn't ready, I don't want to wait around, what to do??

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (M age 36-40 - Me and my gf split at the end of january, as i said some nasty things about her ability at work etc (i was an idiot) we lived together and i moved out about 6 weeks ago. We've met up a few times to see how things go, but everytime it goes well i start asking about getting back ... (249 words

He's gone most of the time, I'm ready to leave. Thoughts??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4833 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 41-50 - I have been with my boyfriend for 12 years now, during that time we broke up 3 times cause he had cheated on me, and yet i still took him back cause i love him or so i think i do. Im 31 years old now and we have one child together and another one on the way and iam not happy ... (710 words

Is distance going to be an issue? Is she even interested?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4832 days ago

30 April 2011 (M age 30-35 - {Moderator note: two questions from the same source combined} I'm 17 and this weekend it was my little sisters christening so we had a lot of family and friends over. So I get talking to one of my mums old friends and she introduced me to to family but what really caught m... (366 words

How best to find out why her feelings seemed to change?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (M age 36-40 - Basically, I have tried to get with a girl I like, I think I now get the message she isn't as keen as I am, she always says she is bored, I offer to go out and do stuff with her, no response, buy her stuff, no comments. I think to keep wishing is bad news for me, she will hurt ... (140 words

Still love my ex, but not sure whether to believe that he's falling for me again?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 26-29 - Me and my ex split up around 10 months ago as i found out he cheaated on me. I really loved him, so obviously i was heart broken. The problem is, i still love him even though i shouldnt i cant throw the feelings away. We recently started talking again, and he said he doesnt w... (127 words

Things have been weird with my boyfriend lately so I'm afraid to read my poem in front of him

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30 April 2011 (F age - I am in a terrible quandary. Today, there is a Release Party/Reading for a book of poems, and i am invited to the party since one of my poems is in the book. The thing is that the poem is about my first kiss with my bf, but lately things have been painfully weird between us. ... (141 words

Help with some ice-breakers?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (M age 30-35 - So there's a girl in one of my classes who's really pretty. Shes been telling my friends she thinks im cute more than once. I see her looking at me every once in a while, so im assuming she's interested. I recently went out with a couple of friends and she came too, but we ... (139 words

Question about wet dreams

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 36-40 - ok guys (and girls too) what do you feel would bother you the most.. a. your girlfriend has a wet dream about doing it with someone other than you. or b.your girlfriend has a dream about having sex with you, but it sucked really really bad.. this is the only dream shes ... (87 words

She said she loved me but then left and never said goodbye!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (M age - why would a woman of 2 yrs say they love and need you and now wouldnt even talk to me . she never said goodbye. does she feel guilty of something she did and cant face me . i hurt so bad. all i ever did is love her and be loved back.she made me feel the best i ever felt in my ... (84 words

B/f got another girl pregnant, he keeps contacting me and its driving me crazy!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 51-59 - i found out my boyfriend of over 4 years was sleeping around. i moved out and said i needed some space. in between that time he was still seeing another girl he forgot to mention and she called me to tell me she was his girlfriend when i confronted him he said he was seeing ... (167 words

Is my husband's relationship with his co-worker appropriate? Or am I over reacting?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 4829 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age - I am 61 and my husband is 68. For the past year he has had a close relationship friends he says with a co worker. He lies when she calls because he knows I think it is inappropriate. He hides her number in his cell phone and on one occasion someone made a comment about her ... (181 words

How do I get my boyfriend to be more honest about his fantasies?

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30 April 2011 (F age 30-35 - Ok, the backstory to this question is that late last year I found out that my boyfriend had been watching transsexual porn. I was really upset and confronted him in a very aggressive manner and we both got very upset. He insisted he was just curious and that it wouldn't happen ... (239 words

I don't know how far my BF has gone with this other girl, but its killing me. HELP!!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 30-35 - I'm devastated. I have an LDR of 3.5 years and we were going to meet for the very first time in July. He went out two nights ago with his cousin and his cousin's girlfriend. His cousin's girlfriend's feelings fluctuates from hating to loving. Well, there was drinki... (486 words

I'm in love with a friend who hates lesbians

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 26-29 - hey I'm 15 years old and i think i am a lesbian but i am not realy sure i hevent had a boyfriand or ever liked a boy so i am a bit confused i am from bulgaria so if you find any mistakes sorry so if any of you can help me i would be really thankful last year i start going to a ... (183 words

The fact that my GF was not a virgin when she met me, is breaking me down.I cant handle this relationship anymore...

This question has 29 answers - newest was posted 4436 days ago

30 April 2011 (M age 30-35 - Ive being going out with my girlfriend for nearly two years now and early on in the relationship i found she wasnt a virgin. This was painful for me to hear for two reasons: 1-I belive that you should lose your virginity to someone you love and want to spend your life with and... (263 words

Ex girlfriend with roving eyes wants another chance!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4835 days ago

30 April 2011 (M age 36-40 - im in a relation with a very cute n beautiful girl since 1 year. only thing i ever told her is not to lie to me. after 3-4 months being together, one day we were going out and i saw her checking out a guy quite seriously. the guy was like a stud. and i was standing right n... (383 words

Are there too many red flags that I am blind to?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4834 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 36-40 - is my husband gay if he watches shamale porn, and yeah i know the question has been asked a biillion times but my case is a little different. first of all i am bi, so i can understand if he was to, but i didnt find out about the porn until a few weeks before wwe got married. ... (147 words

Should I move in with my friend that I'm attracted to?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4833 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 30-35 - Hello everyone, I've been attracted to this one guy for a few years now. we're close friends, but every time I break up with a guy (e.g. my two exes in the past 3 years) I find myself drifting back to him. My attraction ranges from indifference when I was dating my ex in ... (336 words

How do you handle a friend who is deceitful and hurtful?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4816 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 41-50 - whats the best way to handle someone that you classed as a close friend but have discovered they have been nothing but deceitful and lied to you and used you for personal gain but when confronting them they act like youre mad and deny everything ? im so hurt... (49 words

I'm getting with dating this guy

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 4831 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 30-35 - ok to the point im a girl, im in relationship for about 4months. the question is, sometimes i didnt feel like i love him, sumtimes i think he is a boring guy. i aint like his old joke -.- well im be his cus he is my old pal, and he ever told me that he loves me from the first ... (104 words

Not sure whether I am right or wrong in this situation...

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 4836 days ago

30 April 2011 (F age 41-50 - I feel really upset right now and don't know whether I am justified in feeling this way. Yesterday (for the royal wedding) my boyfriend and I (been together 15 months) got invited to my cousin's bbq. Meanwhile he also got an invite to attend his friend's bbq. We decided we wo... (953 words

Should I stick by my GF despite her attitude or should I not bother and go with a relationship that I feel could work?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 4834 days ago

30 April 2011 (M age 36-40 - Dear Cupid, First off let me set up the situation for you. I have been with my girlfriend now for over 4 years. It has been a rather rocky relationship. a few years back i broke up with her because i felt it wasn't what i wanted. I didnt do anything during the break up and... (881 words

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