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Archived questions from: December, 2017 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


How do you leave someone when they are the father of your child?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 2373 days ago

31 December 2017 (F age 30-35 - Hi, I’m eight weeks pregnant with what would be my first child. But before I knew, I had been thinking on and off that I wanted freedom, I started questioning being compatible with my boyfriend and resenting him. Sex life was declining and I had no interest in it but one of the ... (314 words

Does my husband friend want a threesome?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 2398 days ago

31 December 2017 (F age 30-35 - I got the feeling that my husbands friend was hinting for a threesome but I’m not sure. We’ll call his friend Lucas. It all started about two months ago when the three of us along with five other friends hired a cabin in the woods for a long weekend. Me, my husband and Lucas ... (693 words

Do I stay and hope that all these things will happen with my partner or do I leave and find them with someone else?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 2399 days ago

31 December 2017 (F age 30-35 - Hi Dear Cupid. As I leave 2017 and start 2018, I'm wondering if I should stay in my relationship of three years or walk away...because within these three years he doesn't seem interested in saving.... I'm 24, he's 23...We are renting together, have been for over a y... (256 words

He's losing interest. Is he trying to get me to break up with him?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 2398 days ago

31 December 2017 (F age 26-29 - My boyfriend of nearly a year (it will be a year in February 2018) suddenly doesn't like it when I touch him. I don't mean sexually, I mean casually. I don't understand why. This has never been an issue before. He has been legitimately getting mad over it and it's very ... (207 words

I ended things at Christmas and gave each other's presents back, but she is furious about it!

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 2396 days ago

31 December 2017 (M age 51-59 - My girlfriend and I have been together for 5 years, but we don't live together. I've been hesitant of her moving in, because in the past she has professed the belief that a man should sacrifice himself financially for a woman. Because of this, we only see each other on the ... (278 words

I don't want to continue this relationship but I want my money back!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 2399 days ago

31 December 2017 (F age 41-50 - I start to resent my boyfriend of 3 years for some money I lent to him in the past. I will explain, he asked me if he can buy a phone with my credit card because his phone was not working at one point and he was having some financial issues. so I did help him to buy the phone ... (288 words

No sex in 3 years! Is he gay? Am I just a cover?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 2395 days ago

30 December 2017 (F age - i've been seeing this guy for three years now I only see him on a Saturday till sunday, some times not even that we haven't had any sexual relationship yet sleep in the same bed , he said he don't think about sex ever , yet I found Viagra an durex in his draw two years after we ... (162 words

My partner's sex drive is lower than mine and I've started developing feelings elsewhere

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 2399 days ago

30 December 2017 (M age 30-35 - Gay male in a long term relationship for 3.5 years with another gay male, similar age. For the first six months of our relationship, we had sex multiple times per week. After that it petered out and since then, we only have sex about once a month, and this is the way it's been ... (296 words

My friend wants me to be friends with his wife but I don't like her!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 2400 days ago

30 December 2017 (F age 36-40 - I’ve just recently become friends with a male friends wife. My friend and I have known each other ages but I never really got to know his wife (she was always busy and they are quite independent of each other). Anyway, we’ve been meeting up for drinks and coffee over the last ... (249 words

My boyfriend planned a week long New Year's party at his parents' holiday home despite knowing that I wouldn't be able to make it because of my upcoming exams

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 2394 days ago

30 December 2017 (F age 30-35 - My boyfriend [24M] of 6 years decided to throw a week long New Years party with all our mutual friends (roughly about 20 people) at his parents holiday home, which is couple of hours drive away, while I [23F] stay back and study for finals for grad school and I don't know how I ... (256 words

I feel my girlfriend is cheating on me... With her ex husband's new wife!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 2394 days ago

29 December 2017 (M age 41-50 - I've been dating my girlfriend, we'll call her "S", for about 11 months. She has a 4 year old son, I have no children. She's divorced, and it was rough. He was an abusive, meth-head a-hole. I've never been married, but I've been cheated on numerous times. I love her (and ... (589 words

Is it selfish to break up with him over this?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 2399 days ago

29 December 2017 (F age 36-40 - A couple of months ago my boyfriend and I had an argument, I was trying my best to start sex with him, I don't know if he was maybe tired but he got annoyed and said it's a turn off putting sex on a plate. So I decided to stop trying, I thought that if I didn't put it on... (372 words

Can this violent, abusive relationship be saved?

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 2394 days ago

29 December 2017 (F age 30-35 - Me and my boyfriend have been together for just over two years now. We have a house together and before we moved in, we had a great time. However when we moved in, he kept throwing parties and his friends would strip naked and jump into our bed, be sick on the floor and leave ... (395 words

Could he be ashamed of me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 2401 days ago

29 December 2017 (F age 30-35 - Hi everyone. I’m in a new relationship (few months) with a man about 6 years older than me. I adore him and he’s a sweetheart but I am finding that we tend to argue a bit too much over silly things , we never fall out though and we make up with each other . He’s only ever been ... (521 words

I don’t regret the decision I made to split ways but is there anything I can say to make things right between us as friends?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 2400 days ago

29 December 2017 (F age 36-40 - My boyfriend and I officially parted ways about 6 months ago after 4 years together on and off. I made a judgement call during his visit to see me in Boston from New York this past summer. As much as I loved and cared for him, there were some glaring issues I couldn’t ignore ... (593 words

I really love this guy so much. How to make him realize all will be fine?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 2400 days ago

29 December 2017 (F age 26-29 - I am 22 {Indian}and financially stable. I met this guy through Facebook . We were young and it was first love for both of us. It was intense and serious relationship . We had own ups and down in these 6 years .His parents were helpful during this time. He cheated on me before ... (267 words

Why can’t they leave me alone and enjoy my visit?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 2401 days ago

29 December 2017 (F age 51-59 - Am visiting family interstate for 2 days,staying overnight then leaving. Staying with my parents and will visit my younger sister and her family also, as they live in the same town. I have to stay with parents as sister has 2 kids (17 and 8, boys,) And no room for m... (411 words

Why am I upset that none of my dad's family congratulated me on my wedding?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 2400 days ago

29 December 2017 (F age 36-40 - Hey, This is more a question on advise on how to control my feelings. I'm not particularly close to my dads family, always been excluded from family events (I.e wasn't even invited to my Dads wedding or were my two sisters from his second marriage even told about me) invi... (236 words

How do I change his mind? How do I move forward?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 2400 days ago

28 December 2017 (F age 41-50 - I am 22 female living in India. I am in relationship with this guy A for almost 6 years. We both are working and financial stable . My bf cheated on me couple of years back and I was devastated .Then after few months we patched up and things were great between us. Now his ... (234 words

I told my wife the truth and she is furious!

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 2395 days ago

28 December 2017 (M age 41-50 - I have been married to my wife for about 11 years now and have 2 kids, a girl aged 8 and a boy aged 4. Recently I was on a night out with friends and were at this bar where we met a few girls and ended up going to their apartment which was nearby. And while we were getting it ... (214 words

How do you kill all hope after a breakup?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 2397 days ago

27 December 2017 (F age 30-35 - My ex and I were together over a year,. And broke up 2 weeks ago. We spent 8 months face to face, and nearly a year apart. He told me the distance was a big factor, but that he also felt 'unsure' about our compatability and wanted to think. I told him if he felt unsure about ... (116 words

I want to ask her to be my girlfriend but something is holding me back

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 2370 days ago

27 December 2017 (M age 36-40 - I've recently been dating a lovely girl for the past 2 months but we haven't made it "official" so to speak. We'll call her Sofia. She's 25. We've dined together, slept together, taken pictures together, and text each other virtually every day. I want to ask her to be m... (328 words

Worried my girlfriend will cheat while out of town on NYE.

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 2401 days ago

27 December 2017 (M age 51-59 - My girlfriend of seven years is going to spend New Years Eve with a friend of hers who lives in another state. This is the first NYE we will spend apart since we've gotten together. My girlfriend (and her friend, who has been her best friend for 30 years) are both very go... (159 words

Should I pursue this man?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 2402 days ago

27 December 2017 (F age 30-35 - Hi, I've been having this strange "relationship" with this man over a year now. We met through common friends. Since then he's been chasing me. He was very charming and we really got along, always had something to talk about and there is tons of chemistry..whenever we go out, ... (305 words

He's not for me and I don't know how to end things

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 2401 days ago

27 December 2017 (F age 30-35 - I started dating a guy just over a month ago, things were very exciting the first couple of weeks, I got the butterflies and could tell he was really nervous when we had our first couple of dates (even though we knew each other about 10 years ago) He's 33 and has been single ... (620 words

Girlfriend getting friendly with my colleague. Should I worry?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 2401 days ago

27 December 2017 (M age 30-35 - My girlfriend recently became friends with one of my work colleagues on Facebook. On Christmas morning, whilst I was still asleep, my girlfriend sent my colleague a message saying Merry Christmas along with a selfie of herself fully made up. She's not friends with any of my ... (66 words

I can't seem to sort my feelings out for this guy!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 2403 days ago

27 December 2017 (F age 22-25 - there is this guy i know and i don't know if i'm interested in him, he's 2 years older than me and he seems to have a lot of friends ( girls included). sometimes i have feelings when i see him hanging out with other girls but sometimes i feel nothing for him. sometimes i feel ... (93 words

We're both 26, been together 3 years and done nothing sexually beyond kissing! It's just driving me up the wall!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 2402 days ago

27 December 2017 (M age 30-35 - Have been dating for over 3 years, we clicked in more than one way and we're fond of each other. We're both 26 and haven't had sex yet (both virgins) . It's likely she hasn't ever had an orgasm or done much "exploration" on her own either. I have talked to her about this many ... (315 words

How do I fix a bad first impression and make him look at me again?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 2400 days ago

27 December 2017 (F age 26-29 - Afew months ago there was a personal trainer who kept looking at me and watching me from afar; I'd look over to him and he never smiled nor turned away. It was quite intimidating so I looked away and didn't pay too much attention. His actually pretty good looking and got really ... (260 words

How do I tell my mum that we're back together?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 2394 days ago

27 December 2017 (F age 26-29 - I've been through a bit of a messy break-up in the last 6 months. Naturally I turned to my mum for advice/someone to cry to. I've told her a lot of the problems me and my bf had been having, and how he'd been treating me. As far as she's concerned, he was never right for me in ... (289 words

Is she interested? How can I tell and how do I tell her without sounding too full on?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 2403 days ago

26 December 2017 (M age 41-50 - Hi, I hope some of you can offer me some good advice. A colleague of mine left a few months ago and we got on like a house on fire, so I was a little upset when she left for another job. I also was really attracted to her, but not wanting to mix business and pleasure I just ... (338 words

Family troubles have me at my wits end

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 2403 days ago

26 December 2017 (F age 30-35 - I’m in a tough spot. Due to some circumstances, I am living with my boyfriend and his siblings in their parents summer home. It was a very good living situation - none of us paid rent and we had a huge house to the four of us while his parents lived in another home. It... (791 words

Cannot accept my background and heritage

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 2403 days ago

26 December 2017 (F age 36-40 - I can’t identify with my European parents and nationality. I have been living in the States for the last three decades but along my life I have encountered people from my nationality. I don’t mean to sound judgemental here but everyone from where I am from has the same traits ... (268 words

No Christmas gift from him!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 2403 days ago

26 December 2017 (F age 41-50 - I have a December birthday and my boyfriend of 9months got me a gift for my birthday but today on Chritsmas no gift. He got one from me. After his family left I asked if he had a gift for me, he said no he ran out of money and hopes to take me shopping for one soon. He has... (130 words

I'm fed up but still attached to my long distance boyfriend!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 2403 days ago

25 December 2017 (F age 26-29 - My boyfriend and I are long distance and have been like this for 4 months. I am honestly fed up with him. He recently keeps asking for money when I clearly say that I dont have anything to give him (partly because I dont want to get used and see if hes still gonna talk to me or ... (245 words

Can't wait for more with my gay hookup

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 2401 days ago

25 December 2017 (M age 30-35 - I would really appreciate some help with this. For the past 5/6 weeks I have been talking to this guy on a gay hook up app. At first it was just the casual “hi, how are you?” sort of thing but then we got a bit dirty. 2 weeks ago we met up and had sex and ever since I can... (342 words

I'm low on cash but why are dates so weird with me but good to other girls?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 2404 days ago

25 December 2017 (F age 41-50 - I am underemployed, I am very up front with guys that I am not earning much. I even offer to alternate paying/split early on. However men I date are very funny about my financial situation. An example is a guy who I dated recently who boasted to me about how generous he was ... (395 words

Parents can't believe I don't want children

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 2403 days ago

25 December 2017 (F age 36-40 - Hello aunts I was at my family holiday dinner and I said that I don’t want to have kids to my family and they looked at me like a deer in the headlights. My parents are miserable (arranged marriage). I was born in a communist country but I came here when I was 2 so I am very ... (274 words

Is it right for me to ask her out despite my financial situation?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 2401 days ago

25 December 2017 (M age 30-35 - I know a girl and we're at that stage between a friendship and something romantic. Lots of flirting and caring and checking in on each other regularly but I'm between jobs at the moment and I have no idea about the immediate future and when I'll be able to start making money ... (146 words

Having a hard time getting over my ex!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 2404 days ago

25 December 2017 (M age 26-29 - I’m all alone this X-Mas season, thinking about my ex a lot. She’s my first love and since we broke up my life has been a mess. I’m in uni right now but it’ll take me awhile to graduate. My best semester was when we were dating. Now I feel so unmotivated and alone, I’m ... (165 words

Career, family, marriage and my life are challenging me! Help?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 2404 days ago

25 December 2017 (F age 30-35 - Hi. I am 26, single forever and unemploymed forever. I have done my MSc in Biotechnology. Since then it's been 3 and half years that I am still unemployed after giving hundreds of interviews. I was so interested in the field of research in biotechnology so I never tried ... (232 words

All he wants is sex, what should I do?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 2395 days ago

25 December 2017 (F age 26-29 - Me and my boyfriend have been together since July and I don’t know him he loves me he says he does but all he wants is sex I love him with all my heart but do I stay or leave should I wait a year ... (45 words

I'm ready to get back into the dating scene, but there are a few bridges to cross first!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 2395 days ago

25 December 2017 (F age 30-35 - So, to start off, I haven't dated anyone or pursued anyone in any way for over a year now, but recently, I have been thinking about getting back into the dating world now that things have been going great in my life as far as my health and financial situation are concerned. I'm ... (612 words

Married man taking me for a ride and dumping without closure

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 2404 days ago

25 December 2017 (F age 36-40 - I am 34 single been in a few bad relations and have always been dumped. After 4 years I recently met this man online and he started off with lies. It turned out he was married with a Pico and he says it's his conscience which made him speak the truth rather than my pestering. ... (130 words

We are both married but we love each other

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 2404 days ago

24 December 2017 (F age 36-40 - Help me. I'm in love with a man who is not my husband. I'm very confused and even though I love my husband and he is a good man I can't stop thinking of someone else. We talk a lot and we have met up personally. We are work colleagues. I think he feels the same way but is stuck ... (97 words

Are my best friends feelings starting to match mine?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 2403 days ago

24 December 2017 (M age 41-50 - Ok, here we go... I'm needing thoughts to help me get my head around this. My best friend, is straight, forever "girl this and girls that" - but recently something has changed between us and it's led to him hugging me more (not that I'm complaining) telling me he loves me (... (282 words

Wil he realise what he had?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 2406 days ago

24 December 2017 (F age 30-35 - Well I’m 24 and his 26. he's had relationships before but not very decent people I’m trying to belittle his ex's or I don’t see my self higher up its just a fact that he brought up many times and I know for my self. The type of girls he dated were disloyal, not committed and ... (805 words

His depression is sending me back to my depressed days

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 2395 days ago

24 December 2017 (F age 41-50 - Hey everyone . I have been with my boyfriend for 4 months at first everything was great as usual , weve got to know each other really well in that time and hes told me he suffers really bad depression .I have tried my best to support him in any way he needs. This weekend i was ... (338 words

Am I a terrible person for wanting an abortion?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 2403 days ago

24 December 2017 (F age 22-25 - I'm 18 in my first year at university. In week one I met this guy and we became friends, and then really close friends, spending a lot of time together and when we weren't together, talking on the phone and texting. As you can imagine, we got closer, accepted that we did like ... (320 words

Why me? Why now?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 2396 days ago

24 December 2017 (F age 41-50 - I probably sound pathetic but sometimes things get to me and usually I have no-one to talk to because no1 understands. This week I told my boyfriend I would see him this weekend we both agreed (it fits in with us both). I called him. He answered. I said hello and he cut me off. ... (284 words

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