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Archived questions from: June, 2023 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


I don't want to act jealous

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 389 days ago

30 June 2023 (F age - My FWB let his ex wife watch his cats while he was away. He has 4. I wasn't available. She stayed at his home 3 weeks while he was away, and I'm fine with that. She left pieces of clothing and incidentals in his home. She wants to pick them up she said she would cook him ... (77 words

Is he done with me? He doesn't say so but his behaviour does.

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 373 days ago

29 June 2023 (F age 30-35 - I met this amazing guy a few months ago. I wasn't interested in him at first, but he had been noticing me. He had feelings for me and he'd been analyzing his feelings for about 3 months before he finally told me about them. He told me he was attracted to me because he thought I ... (880 words

Disruptive family at gym!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 390 days ago

29 June 2023 (F age 30-35 - ? ? ? ? ?Last year my friend and I joined the gym. We would attended classes as well as use the equipment. About 2 months after we joined a family of 5 also joined (we think they are mothers and daughters and niece and aunt) and they pretty much did as they p... (648 words

Does he want more than friendship or am I imagining it?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 390 days ago

29 June 2023 (F age 41-50 - ? ? ?Hi, I need some advice to see what’s happening. I e been working in my current company for 12 years and there this one guy in particular who managed this particular branch and is based about 90 minutes away from us. I used to deal with him regularly- he was... (574 words

Friend is annoyed that I can’t increase my budget for her daughters birthday gift!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 390 days ago

29 June 2023 (F age 30-35 - ? It was my friends daughters 7th birthday and I bought her a present of a particular tv cartoon character that she loves. The present cost me £25. Just to note- I asked her mum what she would like and her mum told me to get her this. When she unwrapped it her mum... (377 words

13yr Penis Length

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 392 days ago

29 June 2023 (M age 22-25 - Is it normal for a 13yr male to have a penis length of 3 centimeters or should I contact my doctor?... (21 words

I don't know why he would want to date me

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29 June 2023 (F age 30-35 - I met this guy through mutual friends. His friend is marrying my friend. He's not my type physically, but I'm his type. We've met up a couple time and text occasionally. We also both coincidentally work at the same company (but in different departments). Surprisingly we have a ... (377 words

My fiance sent photos of herself in underwear to a guy because she wanted to feel hawt

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 390 days ago

28 June 2023 (M age 26-29 - hi all I am in a difficult situation. I have been with my GF for 3 years, we have been engaged for 1. We have a great relationship and planning wedding for the next 6 months. I noticed she was acting strangely a few weeks ago, more attached to her phone and not really talki... (180 words

My boyfriend's 10 year old daughter is coming between us

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 390 days ago

28 June 2023 (F age 36-40 - Hi I am with my bf he’s frum Dublin I feel like she is trying to keep him away frum me she is only 10 I feel like I’m in the middle between me and his daughter she’s kinda annoying I just want to be with him not his kids. I don’t know what to do ... (57 words

Guy found out I don't shave and now he has everyone making fun of me

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 390 days ago

28 June 2023 (F age 16-17 - A guy I was sort of talking to (not flirting) and we kept getting pushed together. Friends would push us into conversations and make excuses for us to accidentally meet up but they did it on purpose. I sort of liked him and he made me laugh. Well, one day, we ended up alone ... (156 words

When am I supposed to say "I don't want to have sex"

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 394 days ago

26 June 2023 (F age 22-25 - I'm not ready to have sex and I just plain don't want to. I get: "What's the point you said your an athiest" "Don't you at least do oral," at least?! Like it's the least I can do?! "Why bother your not a Virginia anyway" "You should of said that earlier instead of waiting ... (89 words

Should I move on or Stay with my mama boy fiance?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 392 days ago

25 June 2023 (F age 30-35 - I have been with my fiance since we were 16 years old we are now 31. we have 2 kids together and in April he proposed. As much as I love him and he really is the love of my life. I feel I have always bent over backwards for him. We had one incident before kids technically ... (583 words

Think my husband hates being a father. It's affecting our relationship

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 395 days ago

24 June 2023 (F age 30-35 - I feel as though my "Don" husband hates being a father and regrets it. Our son "Johnny" is 4. We are both early 30s. Don makes snide jokes all the time about his intelligence, his abilities, etc. He doesn't really enjoy spending time with him and sometimes calls it boring. I ... (403 words

No one will let me move on after placing my daughter for adoption

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 398 days ago

23 June 2023 (F age 18-21 - I had a baby two years ago, my senior year in High School. It was in the middle of the pandemic, so I was home schooled anyway (because of the pandemic) and my parents were really pressuring me to keep the baby. The father was in my class, but he wanted nothing to do with the ... (439 words

11 years with a non romantic man

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 400 days ago

20 June 2023 (F age 26-29 - I have been with my SO for 11 years. We have two beautiful girls together. My problem is that he is not romantic. He doesn't put in effort into our relationship. There is never a night where he plans something, I have to plan any and everything we do because he just wont ste... (281 words

I’m jealous my best friend is in a new relationship

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 400 days ago

20 June 2023 (F age 30-35 - Dear readers, I was dating but decided to take a break and be single. My best friend has been single longer than me and recently got a new boyfriend. I am honestly feeling somewhat jealous! I thought we were going to be single together and it made me feel comforted knowin... (240 words

Yelled at several times for being helpful, was I in the wrong??

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 400 days ago

19 June 2023 (F age 30-35 - ?I’ve had a few pretty horrible things happen to me over the past couple of weeks when I was honestly just trying to be helpful - please read and let me know if I was in the wrong in any of these situations as I will never try to help anyone again. Honestly I’ve been lef... (713 words

Wife won’t have sex with me. Should I ask her permission to see someone else?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 401 days ago

19 June 2023 (M age 51-59 - I have been with my wife for 30 years and married for 25. My wife hasn’t had sex with me in 22 years and barely had sex with me even before that except for the first few years we dated. Over time her reasons have changed and I have just given up on that aspect of our marri... (226 words

She doesn't see what no one likes her

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 400 days ago

18 June 2023 (F age 16-17 - There is no way to say this without sounding harsh. There’s this girl Ava that really doesn’t have friends. She’s nice but she’s sort of spacy and out there. Like, she doesn’t know what people are talking about most of the time and we always have to explain it to her. She’s ... (366 words

I've pushed boundaries and gone too far in creating an unhealthy friendship with a coworker who is also an indirect boss.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 401 days ago

18 June 2023 (F age 26-29 - I believe I have pushed boundaries and gone too far in creating an unhealthy friendship with a coworker who is also an indirect boss. I felt a connection as we are similar in age and for my career aspirations because I would like to be in a similar position someday. On the ... (524 words

Do you think she felt put on the spot?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 404 days ago

18 June 2023 (F age 16-17 - My friend has been single for awhile. The other day I sent her pictures of me getting ready to go out with a friend and it is not a date. I told her before that this summer I was taking a break and focusing on not dating and being single so I think it is interesting she would ... (418 words

Should I feel bad about ignoring him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 401 days ago

17 June 2023 (F age 26-29 - ?Hi Cupid readers I would like some advice on a guy that I like at my local gym. I have asked for his help with the gym equipment and from there I have built up the courage to talk to him. Our first proper conversation I was surprised with how we hit it off. He is shy and qu... (493 words

I think I'm experiencing a mid -life crisis

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 404 days ago

17 June 2023 (F age 30-35 - Hello all agony aunts and uncles- it’s been a while! I am once again asking for your experience and insight, and as always, it is greatly appreciated. Me and my fiancé have been together 13 years. Throughout this time, I’ve always been very confident and assured both in mysel... (166 words

I want a proper lavish wedding but family is making me feel stupid for wanting to have this.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 404 days ago

16 June 2023 (F age 41-50 - I’m engaged and due to get married within the next 2 years. I’ve already been married twice before and both weddings were cheap so now I actually want a proper no expense spared wedding but my family think I’m being stupid. My first marriage was at 21 me and my b... (398 words

Do women hate being told " not to be shy"?

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16 June 2023 (F age 30-35 - just started dating girl that I really like who is 32. She is a naturally a shy person. We talked in my car and I offered her some of my snacks. She took few and I told her to take more and not to be shy. She said she watches her weight I gave her my number and I told her t... (373 words

My daughter's toxic boyfriend is tearing our family apart

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 404 days ago

15 June 2023 (F age 51-59 - Any advice on this matter please, I’m a total loss and feel lost. My daughter moved in with a guy last year. Their relationship is toxic, he has all traits of a narcissist. He blames her for everything, he needs constant attention on him, he manipulates and gaslights her an... (213 words

My Crush Like's My Twin Sister

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 401 days ago

15 June 2023 (F age 22-25 - Okay, I have had a crush on my friends brother who is my age (His sister is a year younger) but, I have had a crush on him for five years...WAY before I even knew he had a sister. He has shown some signs of liking me like looking at me a lot and smiling every time we look at ... (98 words

I want to change my sponsor

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15 June 2023 (F age 41-50 - I have a lot of things I've been wrestling with, faith is one of them. I understand that not everyone has the same faith and the good thing about having a variety of places of worship and freedom of religion here in the US is that there's something for (almost) everyone. One ... (920 words

Does he see us s friends?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 408 days ago

13 June 2023 (F age 30-35 - I have being friends with a guy for the past 4 years. He’s 26 and I’m 31. We originally worked together as flight attendants and on our first trip, we just hit it off. It was like we’d known each other for years. We messaged a lot, have good banter, same sense of humour and ... (179 words

Cant move forward in relationship

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 409 days ago

12 June 2023 (F age 18-21 - I have been texting a girl from school and we have been doing so for months. She is more popular than me and lots of people care for her. She is very nice, etc. Over time through texting we have shared personal things with each other. I am also a girl btw. I am not necessarily ... (301 words

Confused but wish to see her again

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 407 days ago

11 June 2023 (F age 26-29 - Dear Cupid, It is amazing to see this platform still standing. As it has helped me a lot in the past, back when I was still 16 years old and I haven't been here for a while. How time flies because I'm now 27 years old. Today, I am here because I met a girl at a club t... (231 words

Friends with an former fantasist lover? Bad idea

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 409 days ago

11 June 2023 (M age 36-40 - Dear Cupid, Around a year ago, I made a new friend. We spent a lot of time together but it was for me purely platonic, never sexual or romantic though I enjoyed our friendship. Over time I suspected he might harbor deeper feelings but always assumed he would say something. E... (509 words

Can I take my cat to my sister in laws house whilst I’m away?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 409 days ago

10 June 2023 (F age 36-40 - I need some advice please. I’m not sure if anyone can help as it’s not a relationship question. I have a 13 year old cat which I adopted 4 years ago. When I went on holiday 2 years ago, for 2 weeks, I left her at a recommended Cattery. Unfortunately she really didn’t ... (446 words

As much of the truth as I could do... I'm done with confusion

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 410 days ago

10 June 2023 (F age 41-50 - Back when I was in HS, somewhere in there, I began to suspect I was a lesbian. I *think* the seed was planted in 6th grade when Look Who’s Talking came out (1991 or so?) and the main character, not wanting her Jewish parents to know she was pregnant out of wedlock (I think it ... (1526 words

The thought of him driniking makes me sick

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 409 days ago

10 June 2023 (F age 30-35 - Cutting a long story short, I dislike alcohol a lot. As in, my dad is an alcoholic and my husband, wrote his car off drink driving and is a different person when he does consume alcohol. My husband wanted to change so he saw a therapist and cut down his intake. However,... (144 words

Is he a psychopath?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 410 days ago

10 June 2023 (F age 30-35 - I met him 3 years ago and fell madly in love. He was my first everything. At first he was sweet, we would talk for hours everyday. After the first year, things changed completely. He reaches out to say something so affectionate (i'm a woman he can't see himself without, i'm ... (126 words

Egocentricism: when it feels too good to be true... it probably indeed is.

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9 June 2023 (M age 41-50 - A female 'friend' whom I lost touch with 33 years ago recently responded to a 3 year old post of mine on our elementary school page where I was asking others to remind me what her first name had been. What we had in common was that we were basically study companions who sat... (1061 words

I want to leave him but I still love him.

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 410 days ago

7 June 2023 (F age 30-35 - I have being living with my boyfriend for several months. We have a lot of arguments over small things but lately it’s becoming worse. He’s 34 and I’m 31. He doesn’t think he should help around the house and when he does he said he wants thanking for it and expects gratitude. I ... (205 words

Am I making too much out of nothing?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 412 days ago

7 June 2023 (M age 30-35 - I’m having a conflict with my partner. I need some advice about whether or not I’m making too big a deal out of nothing. We are both 30, and living together. I’ll try to paint the scene: We were getting ready to carry some stuff to the car, and she asked me to grab a white... (406 words

Would you mind?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 412 days ago

7 June 2023 (F age 41-50 - Would you mind if your husband was looking at very scantily clad girls on Instagram? He only seems to do it when I'm asleep and has liked a few of the pictures. I know he's married and not blind and I don't have an issue when he notices a pretty woman walk by, I don't ... (89 words

Fighting for a terrible job

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 414 days ago

6 June 2023 (F age 41-50 - Hi! I would appreciate some help to prepare for a yearly evaluation at work. First of all, let me give you some facts: - I have a very bad contract. It's pure exploitation. Being a foreigner and a woman at that doesn't leave me a lot of choice, so I accepted it and was... (1020 words

Shes dating a friend we work together. It hurts

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 413 days ago

6 June 2023 (M age 36-40 - Hi Guys, need advise on how to move on from a woman who rejected me a few years back, we stayed friends for a while, but unfortunately some truths had to be said which made her lose trust in me, but the truth actually helped her navigate a few things in life, and i honestly b... (316 words

Awkward! Friend assumed I’d pay for her daughter’s art supplies but I never offered

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 412 days ago

6 June 2023 (F age 30-35 - My friend lives in a village around a 40 minute drive from me. Last week she got in touch asking if I was free for a catch up as her daughter (who is 15) needed to come in to the town where I live to buy some art supplies. We arranged to meet up. On Friday my friend texted me... (477 words

Am I being a brat or am I right to feel the way I do?

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4 June 2023 (F age 26-29 - For many years I have been very anxious and depressed regarding my mothers behaviour. I have spoken to psychologists about it and they say I should focus on trying to get to where I need to be and move out so I do not feel the way I do. I went back to studying because I hated ... (450 words

How do I convince my parents I just made a mistake and had bad luck and that I haven't been lying?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 416 days ago

4 June 2023 (F age 18-21 - Here is a situation: I am not asking legal advice, I'm telling what happened. I was finally allowed to go away to college my Junior Year after I got my Associates in Business Communications. My parents wanted me at home not because it cost money to live in the dorms and go to ... (866 words

Is my mum being mean by not getting me out of a saturday detention ?

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2 June 2023 (F age 13-15 - tomorrow i have a 5 hour saturday detention,this is my punishment for skipping a normal 1 hour 30 min detention we have to be in school at 8am in full school uniform, white shirt black skirt black blazer and a tie, we will have to sit at our desks in TOTAL silence and write a 4 ... (178 words

Put in the middle of an awkward work situation & lost a friend! Title (e.g. My husband

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 416 days ago

1 June 2023 (F age 36-40 - ? ?I’m pretty annoyed at something- which I honestly do not believe is my fault but I feel like I’ve lost a friend and my workplace has questioned my integrity in a job I’ve had for 12 years! I have a friend that I’ve known since we were in school together- we use to ha... (696 words

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