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Archived questions from: December, 2005 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


The girl I love is engaged and needs time to decide to leave her fiance!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6870 days ago

31 December 2005 (M - I am in love with this girl. She is supposed to be getting married this summer to someone else. I just met her but it is love at first sight. She also feels very strongly about me or at least she tells me she does. She said that she needs time to make decisions (leaving ... (120 words

Is it illegal for me (aged 18) to go out with a 15-year-old girl?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6452 days ago

31 December 2005 (M - I am an 18 year old male and I have been friends with a 15 year old girl. We now have relationship feelings for each other. Is this illegal if we did go out? Or would it be illegal only if we had sexual contact?... (45 words

I got dumped after a week with my boyfriend. Now he's not sure if that was the right thing!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5332 days ago

31 December 2005 (F - I started my new school in September. I love it. There's this really fit boy there. I went out with him, then after a week he dumped me. I don't know what I did wrong. I asked him why and he said I don't know why I did it. I still really fancy him and he fancies me. We are r... (203 words

I'm always the person who has to take the initiative with my relationship. Should I just break up?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6869 days ago

31 December 2005 (F - Should I break up with my boyfriend? He doesn't call me or talk to me at all. I usually have to push him to do stuff, like asking me to a dance. He's a great guy and I don't want to regret anything. I really do like him but our relationship is getting boring!... (55 words

My friend's boyfriend hits on me whenever she's not around. I want to say something without hurting her!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6848 days ago

31 December 2005 (F - Hi, My problem is kind of simple, but how do I tell my friend that her boyfriend constantly hits on me when she isn't around? I don't want to tell her because I am afraid she won't believe me, but on the other hand I want her to know what he does. Please help me. If I tell her... (109 words

My wife masturbates when I'm asleep, then blames me for not wanting sex!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6870 days ago

31 December 2005 (M - My wife of 23 years is bringing me down at every turn. She will sit up virtually all night(3.30 - 4.00am) and frequently masturbates, then revels in telling me. I get the blame of not wanting sex with her which is total rubbish. Shes now watching programmes about sex and ... (69 words

She left me without an explanation and all I found was a text from some guy...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6871 days ago

31 December 2005 (M - My girlfriend has just split from me and I have no idea Why. We have been going out for 2.5 years and everything was going great. We had moved in together last March. We had everything we always wanted until last week when I found a text from a guy. How Can I get her back?... (56 words

My boyfriend wants to get married and we love each other a lot, but I can't help dwelling on my past mistakes!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6869 days ago

31 December 2005 (F - Hi, I have been dating my boyfriend for over a year, and we went out and bought an engagement ring recently which we are both thrilled about. My problem is, I am disgusted at my past- who I have slept with, mistakes I have made, and subsequently feel that I don't deserve hi... (130 words

We've been engaged for a year, and it seems like all his friends and family hate me!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6871 days ago

31 December 2005 (F - I have been engaged to this guy for a little over a year now, and things between us are good, but when he moved here to live with me, since I own my home and I live about a hour away from his hometown, all his friends have been telling him he's crazy for moving, saying they're ... (274 words

Bored with my 5-month-old relationship. Any comments from readers?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6870 days ago

31 December 2005 (M - I've been in a relationship for 5 months now and I'm kind of getting bored. I don't get those butterflies anymore. I'm an indecisive person and she knows this but she still asks me questions to something I can't choose. Then when I decide to do something she says:" ahh naaa, I ... (133 words

Already attracted to a good friend, now I'm also falling for HER best friend!

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31 December 2005 (M - I'm a 16 year old bloke and I don't know what to do. I think I might be falling for one of my best friends, but I already have feelings for another friend, and they are best friends together. The one I'm falling for knows that I like her friend but she doesn't know that I think ... (77 words

My career is my life and my kids hate me for it. I'd love a relationship, but where are all the single men?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6870 days ago

31 December 2005 (F - I have been split from my ex-hub for 9 years now and have two children. I have had a few relationships which did not amount to anything but pain, and plunged myself into a career. This has had a major impact on my relationship with my kids who resent this greatly although they ... (187 words

I don't understand why guys my own age just don't seem interested in me!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6871 days ago

31 December 2005 (F - I don't understand why guys appear to not be interested in me! I'm 16 years old and have had 2 bf's, and never even been on a date with an other guys. All my friends at school have all the guys interested in them and at work, all the guys are interested in all the other gi... (338 words

I unhooked her bra when we were kissing, but that was going too far! Now what?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6871 days ago

31 December 2005 (M - Hi. I have been with my girlfriend a month now, and it was going great. Until last night. We were kissing and I thought maybe we could move to the next step. So I undid her bra at the back but she immediatly stopped kissing and shook her head. I feel really bad now, she won't ... (67 words

My girl doesn't want a boyfriend when we go to college, but I know she still loves me a little!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6864 days ago

31 December 2005 (M - My girlfriend is going to college and has always told herself she didn't want a boyfriend in college. At this point we are both 18 and have been dating for a year and a half. When we started dating, she fell hard for me, yet I didn't want to get attached too quickly because I ... (203 words

Four months after I got her number, she's still got excuses for why we haven't gone out!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6871 days ago

31 December 2005 (M - Is this girl interested? Is it harder to tempt a girl who has approached a guy? I have had an approach from a girl and I got her phone number. It's 4 months on but have never been out on a date. She keeps agreeing to go out on a date but doesn't come up with a suitable ... (160 words

She gets so drunk, she's always talking to her exes, and I can't help but wonder: Is she cheating?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6869 days ago

31 December 2005 (M - My girlfriend of 6 months has been drinking a lot lately. Whenever she gets drunk she calls all her exes. I work in a remote location for 2 weeks at a time and every night I call she's so drunk. I call and she's always talking to an ex. When I was with her in the bar once... (146 words

Why is dating so difficult for me, when it seems to natural to other guys?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6871 days ago

31 December 2005 (M - I am 39, tall and always smart dressed, and have got a good but dry sense of humour, but I find it almost impossible to find women. I have not had any sort of relationship for over 8 years. I am sick of girls who I do get to know keep saying "you're such a nice guy, but ho... (154 words

I'm jealous of my friend's success with guys. I'm much prettier than she is, so I've slept with 4 of her boyfriends!

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5331 days ago

31 December 2005 (F - I was at a club with my best friend (Alice), we where having loads of fun. This guy came up to us and had a dance with Alice. They traded numbers. Although I danced with loads of boys I felt jealous. I feel like this a lot. Anyway about two weeks later, Alice had been on two d... (353 words

When they're sober, my gf's folks are OK with us dating, but when they're drunk, they want me locked up!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6872 days ago

31 December 2005 (M - Hello, I'm 22 and have been dating a 15 year old girl for about 9 months now. Our relationship is very good and understanding. We haven't had sex and don't plan to till she is old enough. Her parents do drugs and drink a lot so their permission to go out with me goes off and ... (156 words

My girl walks all over me...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6867 days ago

31 December 2005 (M - my girlfriend never seems to stick to commitments with me when we plan to see each other, i'm always asking her "when is it best to see you" i'm always having to ask when i can see her next, and more often then not she never sticks to the plans and ends up out with her mates ... (292 words

She fancies sexy guys on TV... But shows absolutely zero interest in sex with me!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6869 days ago

31 December 2005 (M - why does me girlfriend seem to show little or no interest physically? hi, i'm 18 and been with my girfriend for just 1 year and 3 months. we've never had sex but have came close but i had to stop as she said it had hurt when i had penetrated her. my problem is that my g... (168 words

Little things make my husband snap and become verbally abusive!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6869 days ago

31 December 2005 (F - My husband has an anger management problem -- over the smallest thing he flares up and becomes verbally abusive, never accepting what he has done wrong. I can't handle it anymore -- what do I do?... (36 words

My husband lied about ogling other women and now I wonder: is he lying about other important issues?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 6223 days ago

31 December 2005 (F - When I met my husband I was honest and told him I couldn't handle a relationship with a guy who ogles other women. It wasn't until I was pregnant that he admitted he had lied and had been doing it A LOT! But then he told me he had changed. I forgave him and we married,... (119 words

The absence of sex in my current relationship is leading me to check out other guys!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6870 days ago

31 December 2005 (F - My relationship is becoming a lot better. The sex between my boyfriend and me is still very little if even that. But, my question is, do I still keep trying to perk it up or what? My eyes are really starting to wander. I have this co-worker that I am just dying to get with, ... (83 words

Girls my age think I look too young, but will I be asking for trouble to go out with a 15-year-old?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6867 days ago

30 December 2005 (M - I'm 19 and I've became good friends with a girl who is 15. I know she fancies me. I really like her back and we have so much in common. We are perfect for each other. The only thing is the age difference is holding me back from asking her out. I'm worried what other people will ... (110 words

How do I get my ex-fiance back in my life?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6872 days ago

30 December 2005 (F - How do I, as a female, get my ex-fiance back? He broke things off only because my sister and mother didn't trust him. Recently, he asked me to call him, but I don't know what to say. I still love and really miss. -aprilstrongfemale... (49 words

Is this guy playing me or does he really like me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6083 days ago

30 December 2005 (F - i have started to like my mate's boyfriends brother who is single, he lives about 3hours away from me but he comes home to his parents most weekends- we have becum good m8s the last couple of months- we txt sumtimes but he hates the fone he barely uses it- im always the one to ... (258 words

I need to I give up my bf because he's using me or go for the other guy and risk hurting the bf?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6871 days ago

30 December 2005 (F - hi, im in a bit of a muddle... ive been going out with this guy for just over three months, and today when he fingered me, he made me bleed. i know that it can happen because ive read about it. but it came as a shock really, and im so confused because i met this guy when i was ... (274 words

I'm paranoid that every girl I date will cheat on do I stop thinking this way?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6872 days ago

30 December 2005 (M - i have just been dumped by my girlfriend and she says she needs me to prove to her that i can change. i am very paranoid over things, i admit there is no reason to be paranoid over this girl cheating on me. i have been hurt by every girlfriend i've had because they have all ... (75 words

We were having our share of problems, but were working on them, until his mum came along...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6872 days ago

30 December 2005 (F - My problem is that I had been seeing someone for about 9 months. Everything was going great but I admit it was my fault that things got out of hand and I started to push him away but we worked it out. Then finally we started having arguments and then over two weeks ago we broke ... (142 words

When I call my gf, she doesn't sound happy to hear from I being overly sensitive?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6872 days ago

30 December 2005 (M - I am a mature guy, but I met my girlfriend nearly a year and a half ago. we grew from friends into what I thought was a great relationship 6 months into our friendship. How little did I know, she nearly ended it with me 6 months later as I had been making her life a misery and ... (313 words

I got beaten up by an ex bf and it's affected me..I can't trust anyone. Will I ever be able to have a happy relationship?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6872 days ago

30 December 2005 (F - OK, this is a hard topic for me to put, there isn't really a catorgory for it. I don't know where to start but i dated one of my friends earlier this year as a rebound from my ex who im still not over, my friend suddenly changed dramatically and cheated on me i ended it even ... (372 words

How do I make this man happy so that he will always love me back?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6872 days ago

30 December 2005 (F - I am a young lady who just met a guy whom after a long time friendly friendship, proposed to me. I said yes, so we now have a relationship to manage. my quesion is, how do i make him happy so that he will always love me... (48 words

I want to date him, but he thinks I'm a slut because I sent him dirty messages. What should I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5197 days ago

30 December 2005 (F - Hey Folks See, there's this guy who I like and want to get to know. Only trouble is that he thinks I'm a slut as when I am drunk I tend to send him dirty messages. and now he has made it pretty clear that he is only interested in sex. BUT, I haven't actually slept w... (124 words

I thought we were dating..but now she doesn't answer my calls or emails! What should I do do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6872 days ago

30 December 2005 (M - Dear Cupid, I've started to date this girl two weeks ago and we knew each other from high school. I had just graduated as she was entering her freshmen year. We recently became in contact and she remembers me from band as she was in band to because I came back to help the... (599 words

My bf of 4 years doesn't give me what I I give him an ultimatum or start seeing another guy?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6872 days ago

30 December 2005 (F - Ive been dating one guy for 4yrs. One year we actually lived together, but it drove me crazy; the lies, the kids arguing, ..... Now we live apart but still see each other almost every day. My kids love him. I love him. But he is not giving me what I want. Do I give him the ... (80 words

I pay his cell phone bill and he uses it to phone other women!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6870 days ago

30 December 2005 (F - My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 5 yrs. Really started off strange but we're still together or should I say I am still together. Newest problem comes in, I pay his cell phone bill because one, it's in my name. But I recently found out that he calls other girls ... (95 words

I love him but he thinks we're friends. He lives on the other side of the world. Do I hop a plane and go tell him my feelings?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6872 days ago

30 December 2005 (F - I have really strong feelings for a man who lives on the other side of the world. I havent seen him for a few months now, but when I am with him I feel there is a chemistry between us and I know Im not imagining it, the last time I saw him we where never alone there was ... (236 words

I dated my married boss and now he's not coming into work. Do you think he's avoiding me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6872 days ago

30 December 2005 (F - HI all! Ok i completely screwed up over xmas, temptation got the better of me and i went with someone i shouldnt have, basically because we work together and he's more or less me boss and married. When we got together that night i told him to come into work this week. Ive ... (219 words

Did expressing my love for him scare him off? We spoke again but he still seems distant.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6872 days ago

30 December 2005 (F - Okay. I was the one who told her boyfriend that she loved him but didn't get the same in return. Well, just a small update. I talked to him last night. I gave in and called him first but he did call me back again last night. Anyway, I told him that I had hoped that I ... (132 words

I want to get into another relationship but fears of slipping up, hinders my progress. Help

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6868 days ago

30 December 2005 (M - i need to get into another relationship, but the fear of slippery in my first one is hindering my progress. how do i go about it? how do i get a perfect match cos i have a tender heart. and how am i going to get her if i found any worthy by appearance? finally, whic techniqu... (74 words

She's unsure of her feelings for me. It's very confusing as to whether she wants to date or not?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6872 days ago

30 December 2005 (M - I have know this girl for nearly 2 years. At first it was just a really close friendship but after a while i wanted more than that. I got feelings for her that i have never had for anybody else before. When i first told her about these feelings she seemed happy. She said she ... (319 words

He dumped me by text and now I don't know what to think...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6291 days ago

30 December 2005 (F - I met a guy at a college party three months ago. It was so obvious that he liked me but at the time I wasn't sure if I liked him as I had just split with my last boyfriend. He gave me his number but I didn't give him mine. I called him three days later and arranged to meet up. ... (629 words

Losing my mind over my relationship... My girl says she wants "a break"

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6008 days ago

30 December 2005 (M - My girlfriend and I have been together for the past one-year. She is 28 and I am 31. The relationship was great, except for a few minor quibbles. A couple of times I was jealous – once when some male friend of hers grabbed her at a party, and some other random incident at a ... (701 words

I'm worried my online friend will return to his girlfriend

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6872 days ago

30 December 2005 (F - hi i met someone online, 5 years ago but that time we couldnt meet cuss he wasnt ready for a true relation yet. so he moved on and met his gf, but we carried on chatting as friends.but i also had a bf but we broke up. when we were chatting he told me too that he broke up with ... (125 words

What does the winking, wedding-ring-wearing, man mean?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6543 days ago

30 December 2005 (F - There is this man i have been friendly with for the best part of a year. Though we have never specifically met up alone. when we see each other he will be as friendly as ever, even giving me a touch on the shoulder or back whenever i've seen him recently and calling me ... (127 words

Mum just can't come around to the idea of my dating guys, and I'm almost 18!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6872 days ago

30 December 2005 (F - I'm 18 in less than a month and my mum still sounds weird about me dating. I've met a guy I really like but I'm too shy to tell my mum straight out because I know she'll be angry. I've dropped hints like putting his picture up and talking about him a little bit. She suddenl... (196 words

Still getting over being dumped by my ex, I worry that a new guy might be just as bad...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6872 days ago

30 December 2005 (F - Hi I'm 17 and just getting over a hard break up with an older man who lied a lot to me. It's been a year but everything is still fresh in my mind. I've met a new guy and he's my own age but I'm worried that he'll only be interested in sex. If I do agree to start a relationship ... (166 words

I'm not interested in the guy I think is going to ask me out. But my best friend is. What can I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6872 days ago

30 December 2005 (F - This problem is real long so I will just sum it up. There is this guy that likes me. He is always saying things and it's pretty obvious he wants to get with me. I do not have the same feelings (I am into someone else). My best friend is in love with the guy that likes me. He h... (152 words

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