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Archived questions from: January, 2005 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


Should I be jealous of this... ?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6429 days ago

31 January 2005 (? - My boyfriend and his Ex-Wife have been divorced since thier little girl was a baby, she is now 12. We have been together for almost 2 years now. When birthdays or holidays come up, my boyfriend always asked his little girl if she wants to get her Mother anything. It bothers ... (102 words

Not sure what to do when ex-long-term boyfriend comes to visit

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 7110 days ago

31 January 2005 (? - A few months ago, i broke up with my long term boyfriend, i may be only 15 but i really need to get some advice on this, i really loved him, never felt towards anybody else like this before, and although we are still good mates, i feel like there is still something between us, ... (193 words

I dread the thought of my boyfriend wanting sex

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7116 days ago

31 January 2005 (? - Whats wrong with me, why dont i want to have sex anymore? me and my boyfriend of 5 years are doing great, madly and passionatly in love, but for some reason, i just dont want to have sex. Once we start, its great and feels good and i like it, but i literally dread the thought ... (69 words

Should I stay and make everyone else happy? Or leave and please myself?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6784 days ago

31 January 2005 (? - I am due to be married in August. I moved in with my fiance and my parents were not pleased as they are strict Catholics, however, I had to get out of their house where I was living as I suffer from depression and there was a major family upheaval going on which was making me ... (301 words

My husband is an online poker addict

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6051 days ago

31 January 2005 (? - My Husband has a gambling Problem We have been married for almost a yearand have a 5 month old with him and I have a 5 year old, and did not know he gambles online. We are in alot of debt, and he has lied to me about him not getting a bouns, and just the other day he tol... (246 words

My new man is dangerously obsessed with my sexual past

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6500 days ago

31 January 2005 (? - I was living with my partner of 6 years when I met someone else through a sports hobby, he was my instructor.There was very clearly something between us which is why after about years deliberation from my side and much discussion with the new man, I left my partner and started ... (1014 words

Confused about cum

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 7112 days ago

31 January 2005 (? - Whenever I have an orgasm I don't cum. Where is the cum? When my boyfriend performs oral sex on me I tell him I am cumming, then I have an orgasm, but no cum. He asks me why, and I don't know what to tell him. How can I solve this problem?... (56 words

I have a hard time having orgasm during intercourse... Am I normal?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6784 days ago

31 January 2005 (? - I have been with my husband for about 6 years. I have a hard time having orgasms when we have sex. I have to masturbate the same time we are having sex in order to have an orgasm. Is this normal? ... (47 words

Can't decide between current boyfriend or new guy... But sex with both is lacking!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7116 days ago

31 January 2005 (? - Help! I have been in a serious relationship for about 6 years now we live together in his house. I have been having doubts about whether I’m doing the right thing for a couple of years. Due to a change in my b/f's circumstances everythinghas come to a head over the last few... (182 words

My best friend has been married for one week and her new husband has already tried it on with me!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6463 days ago

31 January 2005 (? - My best friend got married a week ago and yesterday her husband phoned me saying he wanted to meet up to arrange a surprise hair appointment for his wife. As the conversation progressed, it transpired that he actually wanted to meet for a bit of extra-marrital slap and tickle. ... (109 words

A very messy end with my boyfriend: Feel like I can't trust anyone!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7116 days ago

31 January 2005 (? - Please help. I have recently split up from my boyfriend after splitting up with him he started ringing all my friends and colleges in work telling lies. I now have just found out that one so called friend spent nearly 2 hours on the phone to him discussing everything with him. ... (200 words

My girlfriend of 14 years is obsessed with another woman!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6784 days ago

31 January 2005 (? - My girlfriend and i have been together for 14 years, we have 3 children, all girls, and we used to be happy. Every night she goes to her friends house (a she) from 10.30pm - 1.00am, 1.30+. She doesnt talk about anything other than what (she) did last night, what (she) likes, w... (149 words

I'm 22 and in love with 15 year old stable girl

This question has 37 answers - newest was posted 4386 days ago

31 January 2005 (? - Hi! I'm 22, and I've fallen madly in love with a 15 year old girl. I live on a farm where we rent stables, and the girl in question keeps her horse on the stableyard. Whenever I'm walking around the yard she always looks at me, so I think that the feeling is mutual. I don't ... (91 words

My dying boyfriend never wants to see me again!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7113 days ago

30 January 2005 (? - My boyfriend is dying and last week he got mad at me when I got angry now he never ever wants to see me again and every time my name is mentioned he gets very angry and does not want to hear my name I want so much to see him before he leaves this world but I am frightened of ... (80 words

My fiancee just refuses to travel!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7116 days ago

30 January 2005 (? - The only thing my fiancee and I argue about is travelling. He won't go on a plane (I think he had a traumatic experience as a child) so I comprimised and said we would just drive to where ever around the country. I can accept that because I have already been a lot of places. ... (114 words

Should I take the risk and move in with him?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 4796 days ago

30 January 2005 (? - Im a 35 year old divorced female with 3 children, aged 15 14 and 10. I have been with my current partner for 4 years, and he is everything my ex husband wasnt. The problem I have is, that, he is in the process of buying a house, and has said, that through time, he would like ... (236 words

I'm too scared to kiss!

This question has 30 answers - newest was posted 3675 days ago

30 January 2005 (? - I've been going out with this boy for 3 days, we both want to kiss each other but we're scared what can I do?... (24 words

I'm feeling so needy and pathetic... Help!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6622 days ago

30 January 2005 (? - I've been with my boyfriend with 9 months, and as we are at seperate universities, we have a long distance relationship, except in the holidays. We normally get on really well, and were best friends before. But recently i've been feeling very insecure, which i've transfered to ... (206 words

Should I stay as friends with dream girl or tell her how I feel?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7117 days ago

30 January 2005 (? - If u have strong feelings for a friend which is a girl and u have known her for 10 yrs, dated in 7th grade for 6 months, and would do anything for including buying her, her dream engagement ring for $5,000-$10,000 should i tell her how i feel and risk our great friendship or ... (67 words

I like him, does he like me?

This question has 38 answers - newest was posted 5935 days ago

29 January 2005 (? - hiya im katie. i have a really big problem i fancie my best boy mate we have known each other since we were born. he used to fancie me in school. now i proper dig him and i dnt no if her likes me. wen he came over for boxing day he tried to kiss me 4 time i didnt no wot to do ... (112 words

Need ideas on how to prevent so many arguments

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7118 days ago

29 January 2005 (? - Please please help me. I've been with my boyfriend for 10 months now, but for the last 2 or 3 we have been having huge arguments that we don't seem able to control. They are often about small topics such as football or a tiny aspect of life. He doesn't seem to be able to ... (147 words

My new man nips out to visit "friend" and takes all his belongings!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7118 days ago

29 January 2005 (? - Help I don't no what to do, I met a man I completely fell in love with. Everything has been going fantastic making plans for future, he came to my house on wednesday. Everything was normal I was quiet due to being tired, next thing I know he tells me he is nipping to his f... (94 words

Did ex-boyfriend lie about reasons for our break-up

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5723 days ago

29 January 2005 (? - A month ago my boyfriend for three and a half months who loved me and I loved him broke up with me because he doesn't want a proper girlfriend right now. He still wanted to be friends which was fine with me, because we do the same course at college i was seeing him every day ... (273 words

My boss's daughter asked me out and I turned him down. Now the boss has taken an interest!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6784 days ago

29 January 2005 (? - My boss at work used to be really abrupt with me but a few months ago he started being really nice to me and looking at me with a smile on his face all the time. I have noticed that he holds eye contact with me for longer than one second and on one occasion, he touched my hand ... (182 words

Our sex life is now miserable and I found a depressing text from him to his mom!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6786 days ago

29 January 2005 (? - I have been with my current boyfriend for over eleven months, we are both students and are in our final year. When we first got together we were so close and now we have a great friendship except at the moment little things seem to niggle at us and we have a row. This lasts ... (314 words

Checking time on boyfriend's phone lead me to find his cheating texts

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6948 days ago

29 January 2005 (? - I have been with my boyfriend for nearly 4 years,and i really love him and thought he loved me,until when we were away the other week.I was very ill, and he had left me to recover in our hotel room.The room didnt have a clock and we were using his phone for telling the time,so ... (254 words

Should I wait to see if he makes first move?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6983 days ago

29 January 2005 (? - Please help me! I am an 18 y\o girl who has been extremely unsuccessful with guys in the past. I'm in Y13 at school, and this year I took up a new subject which meant I had to study it with the Y12 class. At first I thought I wouldn't get on with them but they were great and ... (690 words

My husband prefers porn to me

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6289 days ago

29 January 2005 (? - My husband is a big fan of pornographic films and websites. Although in the past I have never minded this sort of thing, my self esteem is at an all-time low at the moment and I find I am completely unable to cope with him watching it. I cant handle him even looking at ... (192 words

How do I make him realise I can't wait for ever?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7118 days ago

29 January 2005 (? - I have been seeing my boyfriend for nearly 3 years and it's been fantastic, but he lives 80 miles away so we only see each other at weekends. I now feel that we need to move on and want him to move in or at least move closer. Last year i offered to move closer to him, but he ... (102 words

Is it okay to argue while in a relationship?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 7113 days ago

29 January 2005 (? - Can someone tell me whether they think it is okay to argue while in a relationship? My partner believes that arguing gets us nowhere and that we simply shouldn't do it but instead calmly express what we feel or if things get a bit heated, to drop it and bring it up another time ... (140 words

Husband is obsessed by woman 20-years his junior!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6786 days ago

29 January 2005 (? - In November 2004, my husband fell for a woman 20 years younger and since then has been obsessed with her. He says he loves her etc and nothing between us has changed. Well it has and he can't seem to get this woman out of his mind. Fortunately she lives abroard and the only ... (130 words

I'm just too scared to ask her out in case she says no!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6124 days ago

28 January 2005 (? - I like a girl at school and I want to ask her out, but I'm scared she'll say know. What should I do? P.S. We're sort of friends... (29 words

Big problem: No sex!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 7112 days ago

28 January 2005 (? - I need advice, as i feel like i am starting to go mad constantly worrying about my problem. I have been with my boyfriend and we have an amazing relationship.We are constantly telling each other how much we love each other, we hardly spend any time apart and my boyfrien... (298 words

Don't want girl I fany to think I'm stalking her down!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7117 days ago

28 January 2005 (? - im 16 and i fancy this bank teller at my local branch she is 18-22 but i waited outside the branch for nearly 1hr 30mins for her but she locked the door and just waved but im afraid to go back into the branch next week incase she thinks i was stalking her or she tells my mot... (105 words

My lover dropped a bombshell: His wife is pregnant!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 4808 days ago

28 January 2005 (? - I have only been married for 2 and a half years an although i did love my husband very much its faded away, we have only had sex twice in the last 2 years and it was very brief to say the least. He is always working his job comes before me and our son, i cnnot rely on him at ... (460 words

I'm a beautician, he's a goth who is into computers. Will things work?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7119 days ago

28 January 2005 (? - i'm at college, and my friend introduced to his mate in his class and now we have a good friendship but he told me that he's fallen in love with me and i turned him, but then i went over to his house to watch a film n we were laughing n joking around and then he started holding ... (350 words

Have I blown my relationship with my bad behaviour?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7119 days ago

28 January 2005 (? - I have been married for 3years and we have a daughter of 2yrs old.When we first met everything was great and we were like soulmates,but gradually as time went on I did let her down on many occasions,through drinkink too much or getting in trouble with the police and as a result ... (319 words

I'm a virgin, girl I've got my eye on definitely is NOT. What should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6130 days ago

28 January 2005 (? - HI I'm attracted to a girl at my place of work, we've flirted a lot a think she likes me. However, i'm 17 and she's 20. i'm a virgin and she's definately not. What can i do to impress this girl? and how do i get over my sexual inexperience? i don't want to end up going all... (79 words

My family can't stand my boyfriend, what can I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7117 days ago

28 January 2005 (? - Dear Agony Aunt, My boyfriend and I have been going out for over a year and are really happy together. Everything in our relationship is going well and we have no complaints about anything, just the fact that we live 2 hours apart and only see each other at the weekends bec... (375 words

In a 7-year relationship with my first love... But maybe there is something better?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6299 days ago

28 January 2005 (? - Hi I'm in a 7 year relationship with my first love from school. I'm 22 and he's 23 we have a 3 bedroom house and a 3 year old son. Sometimes i feel frustrated because I want to marry and he's not sure, I don't want to pressure him but i feel like we are going no where. Som... (122 words

Boyfriend of a year-and-a-half has hit road-block in relationship

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7118 days ago

28 January 2005 (? - Alright, here goes, my boyfriend and I of almost a year and a half have hit a road block, and now it's up to him as to whether or not we are going to stay together or head out separate ways. We are young, true, and he told me that if we were like late 20's no doubt would he ... (192 words

All we do is eat, sleep and watch TV together. Should there be more?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7119 days ago

27 January 2005 (? - My boyfriend and I are mid 20's and have been to gether near on 4 yrs and living together for 3 of them. We generally get on well but I have started to notice there is no more "spark". I'm starting to notice that we only seem to eat, sleep and watch TV together. I have... (344 words

I am gagging for it 24/7... Anything I can take to give my boyfriend a rest?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7120 days ago

27 January 2005 (? - hi , i suffer from very high libio and am having real problems with my boyfriend .. i guess our relationship is the opposit to the rest of the world ... i wondered if you know about any products for women that will stop me from gagging for it all the time .. thank you xx... (58 words

I'm in love with my best friend's ex!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 7118 days ago

27 January 2005 (? - I am single at the moment and I am really enjoying it. Recently quite a lot of my friends have become single too and we are having loads of fun hanging out together. One of my recently single friends and I have become really close and we see an awful lot of each other and go ... (313 words

I just HATE my boyfriend, but love his cousin

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6941 days ago

27 January 2005 (? - I've found myself hating my current boyfriend of 5 years. I can't stand him near me. We havent had sex in about a year because I dont want to. He never helps round the house or with the kids. I've also been spending alot of time with his cousin and found myself falling ... (71 words

I discovered my boyfriend's secret box containing naked photos of his ex. I feel so fat!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6001 days ago

27 January 2005 (? - Me and my boyfriend have been together for 3 and half years now and i love him very much. The problem is i was sorting some things out the other day only to discover a box which had stuff from his ex girlfriends including letters and photos of them naked. I feel so hurt kno... (242 words

My parents don't approve of my drunk boyfriend...

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5536 days ago

27 January 2005 (? - I have been going out with this guy for nearly a year now and my parents don't approve of him. However I am 23 so I know that shouldn't matter the only problem is his drinking habbit. When he is sober he is the most caring guy you could possibly meet, however he does like to ... (120 words

Should I get over guy I slept with or give him more?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6784 days ago

27 January 2005 (? - hiya, i ave known and loved this boy for 2 years, we have kissed and flirted regulary, and we have even had small relationships. i found all this built up to 1 nite, when i gave in and slept with him. it was my first time and it hurt so so much. we are both 18 and lets jus... (166 words

How do you know if someone loves you but can't admit it?

This question has 28 answers - newest was posted 5563 days ago

27 January 2005 (? - how do you know if someone loves you but can't admite it... my boyfriend says he loves me not us.... and that when we are apart he does not think of me as much.. i love him and can't lose him... how can i get the spark back in the relationship?... (51 words

My partner is addicted to "mature" web-porn, I feel so dirty!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6983 days ago

27 January 2005 (? - i've just discovered, after 3 years of knowing my boyfriend, that he's addicted to web porn. More importantly, he looks at much older women (30 years older!) which has left me feeling disgusted and dirty. Apart from this he's a wonderful boyfriend in every way. We live ... (62 words

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