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Archived questions from: 21 October, 2005 (see latest questions)

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Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


Orgasm, yes. Orgasm during sex... well, No. Help!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6848 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - I am 26 year old with a 5 year old daughter. I have been having sex for approximately 12 years and have never climaxed while having sex. I can have a clitoral orgasm (only when I do it), but can not have an orgasm while haveing sex. My fiance really tries his best to get me ... (174 words

My girlfriend just doesn't seem to have the time for me any more..!

This question has 21 answers - newest was posted 5086 days ago

21 October 2005 (M - I've been with my girlfriend for 1 1/2 years spent pretty much every day together doing everything together. I made lots of money during that time and had lots of spare time. We've broken up before for maybe a week, but recently when I went back to college fulltime, stopped ... (253 words

I want some closure with my old, old ex-boyfriend, but he just seems a bit elusive...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6853 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - About 6 months ago a sister of an old boyfriend of mine found me online and we started corresponding. After a few emails I asked if her brother would mind if I wrote to him (we were together almost 30 years ago, when I was 16 and he 17 and it lasted for about 5 years). She ... (416 words

My boyfriend doesn't seem to know what he wants. Is it me, or a comfortable relationship from his own culture?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6472 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - I met my boyfriend a little over a year ago; we've been dating about 9 months. We're both in our mid-20s, but this is his first relationship beyond some meaningless hook-ups. When we first started dating he was uncomfortable with my being from a different ethnic backgrou... (307 words

My online chat-guy turned out to be 40, and he convinced me to have sex with him...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5687 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - H, I'm 16 years old and in May this year I met a guy over the net and we got on very well for about 3 months and we decided to meet. Then I discovered that he had lied about his age. When we met in August he told me he was 40 years old. He manipulated me to have sex with him ... (179 words

I'm plenty hard when I wake up in the mornings, but when I go to have sex... Nothing!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6850 days ago

21 October 2005 (M - Hi all!. I have a huge problem. I am 21 years old and i am a virgin ("kinda"i will explain). I had 2 sexual experiences in my life. One was when I was 14-15 with a prostitute and could not cum! And the other was when I was 18 with my gf (we had a 2 month relationship) wh... (454 words

I want to enjoy sex when I start having it, but right now it's not good at all...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6854 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - This is a sexual question... When I think about my future and having sex, I always get the feeling that I'm not going to enjoy it. When I'm in the mood to do something sexual, I usualy finger myself, but it doesn't give me any pleasure at all. I've been fingered by a bo... (93 words

My girlfriend cheated, then lied to me about it. I'm so angry and upset I can't sleep...

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6720 days ago

21 October 2005 (M - Hello , I am 17 and in a very serious relationship but my girlfriend cheated on me a month and half ago when she went away for a weekend. She blames it on being "caught up in the moment". She has been lying to me about the facts and I finally got some truth out of her the ... (216 words

My friend can't stop looking at internet porn. It's taking over her life!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6853 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - Hi, my friend has a major obsession with internet porn. When ever she invites me over I always see her looking at porn. It's really bugging me now. When I invite her over my house, she goes on my computer and downloads it so I'm the one who gets the blame. She even does it when ... (232 words

Met a new guy who gives me butterflies... but I don't want to break up with my boyfriend!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6852 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - I love my boyfriend dearly, and we have been together for a number of years. Recently, I met someone that I have become very attracted to and have been flirting with. I would never cheat on my boyfriend so I know nothing will happen between us but I think I would like it too, ... (131 words

A different kind of porn problem: Where can I get porn for women?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6851 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - Im a female of 22 and recently split with my long term boyfriend. I don't want to go out and sleep with everyone so I'm really enjoying my marathon masturbation sessions. The problem is, where do I get hold of porn for females (mags)? Porn for men can be easily purchase... (77 words

How do I approach my very shy neighbour and let him know I'm interested?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6853 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - Help! I've fallen for my friend and neighbour. He's REALLY shy and I'm scared to just tell him how I feel in case I've got a couple of signals wrong, and frighten him off completely. How should I play this? And if I tell him, how should I phrase it? All ideas apprecia... (62 words

Since having the baby 7 years ago, I'm not interested in sex any more...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6853 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - Dear Cupid, after having a baby 7 years ago I have lost my feeling to have sex. I don't seem to want it anymore. I don't feel normal. Now me and my partner are arguing about it.... (37 words

I hate my husband's porn habit!

This question has 29 answers - newest was posted 6692 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - I am married for almost 2 years and I can't accept my husband's porn habit...True, that he never hides it from me or ain't really ADDICTED as many say. But still, everytime I find out, I get weird emotional feelings and everything. Am I overreacting? PLease HELP. ... (47 words

We can't handle another year of long-distance. Does he move, or do I?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6853 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - Dear Alice My and my boyfriend have been in a long distance relationship for 18 months. Throughout this time, he has always assumed that I would be the one to end the distance and move up to his city to be with him. Never had he suggested he be the one. He is 20 and I am 17, ... (225 words

I fantasise that my girlfriend is with a guy who's got more to play with than I have...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6853 days ago

21 October 2005 (M - I have a beautiful girlfriend I love to bits, but I keep getting strange sexual feelings that I don't think are normal. It happens when I masturbate and make love to her from behind. I keep thinking about another guy fucking her and her really enjoying it. I have an average/... (113 words

Our "break" from each other is beginning to look like a break-up...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6853 days ago

21 October 2005 (M - Myself and my girlfriend have being going out for the last 4 years. We were both happy with each other until recently. Two weeks ago she asked to take a break from each other as she needed a time out to figure out what she wanted. I accepted this and said we would still be in ... (239 words

I want him back, but he's with someone new. What can I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6854 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - My first love and I broke up after 7yrs. It's been 5 yrs. He has a girlfriend, but I want him back. What should I do?... (26 words

Been masturbating in a different style. Will this cause me problems later?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6843 days ago

21 October 2005 (M - Hello, I am 16 years old and still a virgin. I started masturbating in a different manner. I lie on a bed and rub my dick on the bed. I am afraid will I have problems in having sex?... (39 words

How do I go from eye contact to actually meeting?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6854 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - I started college about a month or so ago. In one of my classes, just about 2 weeks ago I noticed a really cute guy. We've made eye contact many times during class and almost every day when class ends. I really want to talk to him, but I'm extremely shy when I'm first ... (93 words

My ex-boyfriend doesn't know what he wants from our relationship...

This question has 31 answers - newest was posted 4980 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - My ex boyfriend rung me yesterday and told me how he was really confused and wanted to meet up with me. I declined as I knew we'd end up in bed together and we'd wake up the next morning and he'd still not know what he wanted from me. He rung again later and chatted to me for ... (127 words

My husband has changed... Everything is about him now and everything I do is wrong!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6854 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - My husband is 20+ years older than I am and just turned 87 this month. This is not my problem. We have been married for 10 years and together for 12 years. My problem is that after his mother died, his life revolves around the couch, 3 news papers a day, CNN 24-7, increase... (235 words

Why does my relationship of 11 months feel wrong?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6854 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - Hi I love my bf a lot and he has done nothing wrong to me, but it just does not feel right we have been together about 11 months I im 23 he is 26. We get along fine but I have this feeling inside me that when I am with him it just feels wrong but I don't know what to tell my ... (65 words

Too embarrassed to admit I don't know what a "69" is...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6855 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - My boyfriend has said that he would really like to do "69" with me, but i dont know what it is and I feel too stupid to ask!... (28 words

I'm addicted to my sex toys to the point where I've lost interest in men!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5982 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - Last year I brought my first sex toy from Ann Summmers and I enjoyed it so much that I now have a large collection of toys. However, I am now addicted to them and I use them at least three times a day. It has come to the point that I even use them in the toilets at work and am ... (68 words

Too much information from my housemate! What do I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6854 days ago

21 October 2005 (F - I have recently started uni and my housemate is really noisy when pleasuring herself and its even worse when her boyfriend stays. What should I do?... (26 words

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