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Archived questions from: May, 2006 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


Will my relationship with my girlfriend work out?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6718 days ago

31 May 2006 (M - On and off again, 5 times in 5 months. Is she going to change her mind again this time? To make this as short as possible, i'll leave out the insignificant details...I moved to where I'm at now, 2100 miles from home, last year and met a girl at the place I worked at. At the ... (578 words

I fancy my flat mate but I think I have blown it!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6718 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - I have been friends with a guy who is my housemate. i have had feelings for him for a while but i am not sure how he feels about me. last night i drank too much and ended up phoning him and saying that i wanted to talk to him about something, making it obvious that i had more ... (101 words

Is this a good reason to want sex?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6714 days ago

31 May 2006 (? - hey, i ask my boyfriend, (who wants sex) why do you want it, whats the main reason, he replys, because its the next step in a relationship. is this a good enough reason?... (36 words

i love him but i want someone else

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6647 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - hi, i think i want to break up with my boyfriend,gary, but i just dont know how or when? we have been together for 3 1/2 yrs. we split breifly after two years as we both agreed it wasn't working,we were constantly arguing and sex was virtually non existent.i then got with ... (153 words

We've been married for 3 years, living together for 13, hes cheated since we got married, and is still in contact, how can I make him give her up ?

This question has 17 answers - newest was posted 6094 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - my husband of 3 years, living together for 13 years has had an affair since we got married. Now he says that he wants me and loves me but can't get his lover out of his head and don't know what to do. he promises me every week that he won't text her or talk to her but after 7 ... (88 words

He treats me horribly when people are around, what can I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6719 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - I am confused. I really like this guy at work who is senior to me. We had an instant rapport and I feel very close to him which is quite a lot for me as I do not let people get emotionally close to me easily. We have confided bits and pieces to each other about our insecurites ... (487 words

All I could do was think of him when we were apart, but he rings an ex....

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6718 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - myself and my man just recently moved in together,we get on well but when we argue he seems to take it too far and drag it out, anyway we had a major fall out last week and he moved out. we got back together and we where getting back on track then i found out ;checked his ... (184 words

I'm shy and not sure about going to a wedding with my boyfriend. He's distracted and won't say whether he cares!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - Hi, My boyf and I have been together for 18 months, and are currently living together. We argue a lot, usually when I'm upset about something and he tries to tell me that I need to grow up and stop being pathetic!! This really hurts as I don't believe he understands me, ... (225 words

I have a crush on someone, what should I do?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5157 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - i have a crush on a boy who lives down my road. we go to the same school but he's in year 8 and i'm in year 7. his sister is my little sister's best friend. i've known him for years. i can't stop dreaming about me and him kissing and going on dates. i'm 13 and never been on a ... (71 words

He says that it would be so easy to cheat on me, but he don't want to....what am I supposed to think about this?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6718 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - My b/f i think has a lot of sexual experience. We have gotten into a lot of arguments about various things not just trust and all that. He says he does not want to argue as much and its too stressful. He said if he wanted to mess around on me--he can do it at the drop of hat ... (252 words

I moved in with My partner and his teenage son, I feel like im a housemaid that gets critiscised all the time and its getting me down!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6718 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - I am a 28 year old woman I have recently moved in with my older partner and his teenage son. Although I love my partner dearly and I am a very strong and out spoken person I cant help but feel I am being taken for granted. I dont just mean in the normal way as in that the ... (129 words

I can't stop thinking about my boss, help!!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6718 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - I think my boss is interested in me and I can't get him off of my mind. What should I do?... (21 words

She doesn't want to talk about this, but I feel alone.....

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6242 days ago

31 May 2006 (M - I am a 26 year old male who has been in a relationship with my girlfriend for just over four years. When we entered this relationship she was physical and sexual, but shortly after the official commitment, the sexual activity dropped. I love her, I spend almost all of my free ... (169 words

I don't understand what is wrong with me.....I need advice please!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6713 days ago

31 May 2006 (M - This may sound really stupid but please tell me what is wrong with me... im 16 and i keep thinking of this girl that i haven't seen for 3 month now (i have tried texting her but i get know reply) and everyday since then i have thought about her. but when i do think of her alot ... (107 words

Torn between men

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - i have been with my boyfriend matt* for nearly 4 years. last may we decided to split and be friends, as we both have the same group of friends.i then started a relationship with a guy he went to school with in july, tom*. i got depression finished with tom* then got back with ... (100 words

Does my boyfriend want to cheat on me

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6718 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - OK y'all I need some outside opinions. My long time boyfriend got drunk with his best friend last week and I overheard him talking (for some time) about this girl at his work that "wants his ****." It didn't sound like they had actually done anything, but of course I wonder...I ... (172 words

Got a date with a guy from college who has a girlfriend

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6717 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - "Hi,I met a guy a few weeks ago-there was some flirting and instant chemistry but was spoiled by the fact he has a girlfriend-but we are going to go out next week. I am coming to the end of my studies and so is he so in a few weeks time we shall be going our own separate ... (160 words

I am having an affair with my teacher from school

This question has 21 answers - newest was posted 5338 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - about 3 months ago i received a telephone call from a teacher at my school, telling me that i was invited to a revision session. When i got there however, it was just me and my teacher as the others couldn't make it at such short notice. We began talking, and he then asked me ... (380 words

I want my own life, but I do want my baby to know it's father!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6711 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - Im having a baby very soon. The baby's dad left me as soon I fell pregnant and is now happily attached to a new woman. When he left he told me i should find someone new to bring up the baby and that he didnt want any contact with it. Now he has changed his mind. He wants to... (169 words

Can we move on from our past or no? What should I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - After a bad end to a bad relationship which resulted in our son being born - he's nearly three. My ex and I have begun getting on really well. We spent two lovely weekends together and inevitably slept together. We have so much history not all good, do you think there is any ... (96 words

What's making these guys fall for their booty calls?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5995 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - It seems that more and more girls are controling bootycall situations.Girls are taking control of the bedroom with a new sexual independence. I have noticed a trend in the forum where the boys are falling in love with their bootycalls ,where as the girls only wanted some ... (78 words

I gave him an ultimatum: The dogs, or me. He chose the dogs...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6596 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - my husband has chose to keep his two dogs over our relationship did i do the right thing in making him choose as the dogs ruined my home and took over our bed or do you think i am unreasonable... (40 words

I thought she was a lesbian, shes says she isnt, I really fancy her and want it to be more than friends..

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6718 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - I really like this girl that i know, unfortunately we are both girls. I heard these rumours that she was a lesbian and got my hopes up that she might wanna b with me, but then she said she wasn't. Recently she's been makin jokes, sayin that i was a lesbian and that she was my ... (233 words

I'm scared I may have HPV now or even be pregnant!!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6709 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - Okay im turning 16 june 26th and i really need help with a problem i have...My aunt was messin around with her friends husband(a 36 year old man) i hear about this guy for awhile then i meet him...well on my aunts birthday he calls and ask me to swear to him not to say ... (269 words

I cheated by mistake with my Ex, now my man cant forgive me, please help!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - Hello all, I ruined my life the other day by cheating on my boyfriend of 2 years. Ive never done anything like it before. Not that this is an excuse but I didnt consciously choose to cheat. I slept at my exes and woke up to him having sex with me. I didnt stop it though w... (287 words

Its my birthday on Saturday and I want to kiss my new Boyfriend, what if he doesnt want to kiss me too ?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6558 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - i have this boyfriend and i really like him and i want to kiss him on my birth day on saturday this saturday and i dont no if he wants to kiss me too?? im really scared plus there will be other people at my party and my parents too so how and where do i kiss him if there is ... (64 words

My ex of 3 years ago still loves me and wants me back, I dont know what to do as I dont want to let my current BF down!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5019 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - I need some advice.... I was in a relationship for nearly 5 years, from the age of 16. My ex decided to break up as he believed he didn't see a future for us. Although this was over 3 years ago it still left me in bits. Looking back we were only young, he was my first love but ... (246 words

We've been together 12 years, he left and came back and promised me the world, now he doesnt even hold me what should I do ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - my partner and i have been together 12 years, with one child.the year before last he left me on my birthday, and returned in april 2005,promising me the worldetc etc.since then he has tried to move the goal posts. i always wanted to marry him, he steadfastly refused and used ... (119 words

I believe someone lying to can I get over this?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5793 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - ok my current bf (17)(and i am 16) thought i was going to dump him so he went to my best friend and told her he had feelings for her then when she told him she had feelings for him too he said he was staying with me. but that is only the beginning the only reason i found out ... (205 words

I've never been in love with him, I have affairs for fulfilment, he wont hear of divorce, what do I do ?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - I have been married for the past 7years. But never been in love with him in the real sense. I just cant stand his way of making love. I have been having a couple of affairs for the past 4years. Even if I dont orgasm I love their ways of kissing and love making. But I shudder ... (166 words

I want to stop caring about him, but I don't know how!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - hi, how do you stop caring about someone, you know its the right thing to do , but when ever you let your guard down they are back in your head. i dont think im in love with him , but i do feel alot of feelings there still. it has been 2 years now since we have broken up ... (303 words

She already has a boyfriend, is it right to try and steal her away ?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6015 days ago

31 May 2006 (M - Hello There is this girl I think about heaps and heaps and I would really want to be with but she has a boyfriend. I think she used to like me but he got to her first...... Is it right to try and get her to like me again and in a sense "steal" her from him. I heard a quote on... (83 words

I've got a crush, shes got a BF, and shes best friends with my sister,I want to ask her out, but that would be wrong, what should I do ?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6719 days ago

31 May 2006 (M - Hey I think I have developed a crush on one of my sisters friends. I'm 18 and the crush is 17 BTW. I think it's a crush anyway. I go all shaky whenever I talk to her over the internet via msn and I see her every now and then when my sis invites her over. I'm always really d... (234 words

Am I in Love with this girl? I think about her all the time, I even dream about her!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

31 May 2006 (M - can this be posted, i only got one reply last time which wasnt very good. do you think i may be in love??? a few years ago i went out with this girl at my school for 6 months but we broke up due to harrasment from other people. her friend asked me if i still liked her. i l... (176 words

I am in an abusive relationship and he makes me do things I don't like

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6666 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - i am humiliated i am back again with the same old problem.the situation is unbearable my relationship is seriously faulty.everytime he looks at me or speaks to me he either shouts critisizes and has an obsession with my bum.he is continuously touching it and wants sex that way ... (290 words

What does beauty is in the eye of the beholder mean?

This question has 21 answers - newest was posted 5006 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - what does 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' mean?... (11 words

My married friend has been kissing other men

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - My friend and i have started going out to clubs more often. I have a boyfriend of 6 years and she has been married to her husband for 2 years. The problem is i am totally devoted to my boyfriend, however my friend has already admitted that she has snogged another bloke on one ... (100 words

Can I have a natural birth after 2 Cesareans ?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6085 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - is it possible to have a natural birth after 2 c-sections? I want another child but im put off by c-sections. can you help me?... (25 words

What can I do about my bfs nightmares?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - I've been with my boyfriend for over a year and we've had our shares of ups and downs. Now we are looking for a flat together..however every night(or there abouts) he has nightmares about the mistakes that I have made. He doesn't let it affect him, or us, but im so scared t... (77 words

I have a phobia of being sick, and seeing others sick, its ruining my life, what can I try to help ?

This question has 73 answers - newest was posted 4396 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - hi have a phobia of being sick both myself and other people i think about it after every meal when i go out anywhere and its really ruining my life i know it sounds rediculous i and will avoid eating.If i dont eat then i cant be sick right.i am having CBT is there any other ... (109 words

Meeting my guy in Spain soon, but is he brushing me off?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - I wrote in last week about a Spanish guy I met on holiday 2 weeks ago. He gave me his number and was deciding to ring him or not as he doesn't talk much English, so I plucked up courage and rang him. I spoke to his friend as he could talk more English. Well he wants me to come ... (144 words

Trousers: better tight or loose?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6712 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - Do teenage boys prefer girls in tight trousers or not tight trousers? I don't wear tight trousers. Will boys still think I am 'fit' even if I don't wear tight trousers?... (32 words

There's more than meets the eye with my guy's female friend!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - I wrote before about this girl moving next door that works w/my guy. Well, I did what he asked and tried to talk to her to get to know her but she was very short: yes or no! She answered my questions with no responding question. It was a one sided thing. He said she is shy,... (152 words

I'm not comfortable with the attention I'm getting from my husband's father!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - I am happily married for 6 years now with 2 boys. Recently, I just realized that my father in-law has bad intention towards me. i.e. touching and hugging me. We are Muslims and such gesture is not our culture, but as a family, we only hug each other occasionally e.g. ... (403 words

I've had sex 6 times and I can't orgasm! Is this a psychological problem?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

31 May 2006 (M - I'm just going to come right out and ask my question... I'v had sex about 6 times and haven't cum once... The last time she felt so bad that she gave me a handjob after intercourse and i didn't cum then. I don't know what to do or think. I feel really bad for her and I'm afraid ... (85 words

My fiance is not sure if he feels for me anymore

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6720 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - My Boyfriend *now fiance* said to me tonight that he's not sure he feels any feelings for me anymore. I was shocked, so i asked him if it was over. He said i need to think about stuff. Before that he was very distant from me. What's going on? I don't think that i could live my ... (64 words

I don't feel safe alone at night and my BF acts like I am overreacting

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6720 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - Question: I've been dating a guy off and on (mostly on) for about a year and a half, and it seems like things are going well enough. There are problems, but we're both in love. He's a good guy. Is it weird that he doesn't seem to worry much about my safety? Or am I paranoi... (471 words

Please help, My flirting is out of control !!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - i have a problem, im way to big of a flirt.....and im afraid its makeing my bf jelous! when ever i talk to any guy, i tend to flirt...not on purpous....i just do, and my friends notis it all the time, but i really dont.....though, i am starting to. i love my bf soo muc... (174 words

I love her but, I think she might be staying with me just so I don't get hurt

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5766 days ago

31 May 2006 (M - Hi, I have been seeing my gf for over 4 months now and I am totally in love with her. She says she is totally in love with me and that I’m everything to her. However I sometimes feel that she doesn’t treat me as well as I treat her. I feel that she almost has double standard... (610 words

I liked this boy since 3rd grade, how can I get him back?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6720 days ago

31 May 2006 (F - Hi I am 13 years old.My name is Felicia Lee. My ex boyfriend,Dalton only went out with me for three days then broke up with me.I had liked this boy since the 3rd grade and now I am in love with him. He told me that he might go back out with me next year,but he now has a new ... (68 words

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