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Archived questions from: February, 2006 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


Is he ready to break up with me, or am I just being paranoid?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6210 days ago

28 February 2006 (F - Hi I'm 12 and I have a problem with my boyfriend. You see, for the last couple of days I have been trying to call my boyfriend, but I've either been getting his voicemail right away or it rings a few times then I get his voicemail. I asked him about it and he says he lost his... (203 words

My husband invited his cousin to visit, but I want to get to know him first!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6720 days ago

28 February 2006 (F - My husband and I have been married for a year and he has invited his cousin that he has not seen for years to come over for a couple of days to our house. I don't want him to come until I get to know him first to see am I dealing with. Is that OK or should I just let a ... (76 words

My mate kissed me, but I know he already has a girlfriend!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6722 days ago

28 February 2006 (F - For the first time last night I had a very sloppy kiss from my mate. Well really I don't know any more because he gave me a kiss, but the only thing is he has a girlfriend! Ahhh help! How do I know if he loves me as much as I love him without his girlfriend finding out?... (60 words

He is affectionate but it makes me feel uncomfortable...what can I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6722 days ago

28 February 2006 (F - i've met a guy whom i have alot in common with. he wants us to be an item, which is fine with me but he likes to be very touchy feely ie holding hands and cuddling. i want to do this but feel very uneasy when he does it. any advice how i can loosen up?... (56 words

How do we get back the spark?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6722 days ago

28 February 2006 (F - Okay well my boyfriend and i have been together 3months and have been having problems, we nearly broke up but agreed to give it another couple of weeks. We both agree we have lost our spark so to speak, can anybody offer any suggestions to get it back or something along those ... (57 words

Does my size matter??

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6261 days ago

28 February 2006 (M - my wife had other partners and was married.this is kind of hard as it is, I feel our sex life is out of this world but she has told me some things that make me feel insecure. I know she didnt mean to hurt my feelings but she told me her ex-husband had a long penis and couldnt ... (117 words

What can I say to support my new boyfriend when he talks about his family problems?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6722 days ago

28 February 2006 (M - Hello, I’ve been going out with my boyfriend for about 5 weeks now and in this time, we have become quite close even though it isn’t very long. His dad was an alcoholic when he was little and used to beat his mum in front of him. His dad then left and it has really... (184 words

I want to go out, but I don't know how to ask boys, or if I should...

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6561 days ago

28 February 2006 (F - Hi, I'm 15 Years Old and Never had a boyfriend All my friends have had boyfriends and had sex with them. They all say to me just go out with anyone, screw them and dump them. I don't want to do that but I do want a boyfriend. The problem is all the way through Primary scho... (151 words

Did I smother our budding relationship out of existance?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6723 days ago

28 February 2006 (M - A lady friend of mine, who just started living with her boyfriend of three years, and I recently got very close emotionally and physically. She stated he became very unaffectionate, undriven and somewhat verbally abusive (similar to his mother), thereby driving her to me. W... (144 words

I love my older girlfriend and she wants to get engaged. But what if I want children in the future?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6722 days ago

28 February 2006 (M - My girlfriend is 47 and I'm 26. We love each other but with one snag: I'm not sure if I'll want children in the future. At the moment I don't but who knows. We've spoken about this and she seems to talk around the subject. She recently asked me to move in with her and get enga... (108 words

I guess I need the drama in my life, but I really want my alcoholic, cheating boyfriend back!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6722 days ago

28 February 2006 (F - After having read loads of advice on lots of different subject on this page I am still in the same space I was 5 yrs ago. I was with partner 18 yrs, found out he was cheating. He had drink problem. It killed me watching him. He wanted to drink his life away. Anyway we couldn't... (360 words

Lately, my GF won't even let me kiss her, hug her or even hold her hand!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6722 days ago

28 February 2006 (M - I've been with my girlfriend for 6 months now. I love her to bits, but she hates me doing anything with her lately. I can't kiss her, hug her, hold her hand, nothing that shows other people that I'm going out with her. What could I do to make this feel like a relation... (57 words

I may want children in the future but I can't with my girlfriend...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6721 days ago

28 February 2006 (M - my girlfriend is 47 and i'm 26. we love each other but i'm not sure if i want children. at the moment i don't but who knows in the future. to have children with her isn't an option. she wants me to move in with her and get engaged but this problem is stopping me. she knows how ... (80 words

Perhaos he only has sex with me for my sake...what do I do??

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6720 days ago

28 February 2006 (F - Hi, ive been with my boyfriend nearly 6yrs im only gone 22 ive been with him since i was 16 he is a lovely bloke and i do love him, recently we bought a house together but i wasnt a hundred % certain at the time that it was a good idea because we were going through a rockey ... (306 words

We have broken up but he doesn't turn up to agreed meetings

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6721 days ago

28 February 2006 (M - I am having some problems with my ex, 21, since our split after five months. I am 33, we are both gay, and we had a wonderful, honest relationship. However, after New Year he suddenly chose to end things saying things were not working for him. I accept this, but since t... (278 words

She expects me to wait for can I get her to see how I feel?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6723 days ago

28 February 2006 (M - hi, my girlfriend recently returned from a year away visisting her dad in australia we were together for around 9 months and at the time both agreed that we would end the relationship when she left.we kept in touch and now she has returned were an item again and have both ... (124 words

I said no but wished I said yes when he asked me out...I thought he was joking

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6722 days ago

28 February 2006 (F - hi there there is this lad how asked me out but I said no and now I regret saying no to him wt should I do This is wt he said to me he said he loved my new hair colour and then said are you going out with anyone and then said will you go out with me. I only said no cause I ... (174 words

We never established a date and I don't know how she really feels about me...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6721 days ago

28 February 2006 (M - Hey all, Just to let you know where i'm coming from, i just broke up with my girlfriend of nearly two years, we've decided its for the best and we've moved on to other people. I'm pursuing a crush on a girl i just met about a month ago, and I'd love to get involved wit... (342 words

He wants some space-so what can I do to give him a break but still be with him?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6621 days ago

28 February 2006 (F - My bf and i have been together for almost a year and hes getting sick of doing things together. I feel like i give him time with his friends but he still feels he needs a break from me. He never wants to hang out anymore and it really hurts. Im controlling because hes been my ... (88 words

Two women! One likes sex... the other one doesn't. Who do I choose?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 6128 days ago

28 February 2006 (M - hi ive been with my girlfriend for 10 years and we planned to buy a house and settle down together, the only problem was there was little or no sex, ive recently met someone and ive fallen for her and the sex is amazing. i could make a life with either girl but i cant decide ... (63 words

I love him so much I want to give him another chance..but now he doesn't know if he wants me, anymore??

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6721 days ago

28 February 2006 (F - My boyfriend and i are in a good relationship, but the thing is he cheated on me when he was drunk. no sex was involved besides oral...but he didn't give he received. i love him so much that i'm willing to give him 1 last chance. he said he wants to be with me but then he ... (74 words

I don't like my gf's new friendship with this guy! Should I be concerned?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

28 February 2006 (M - I have been with my girlfriend for 6 months now and we have gotten extremely close. She went off to college and has been hanging out with another guy an awful lot. He knows about me and she insists to me that I have nothing to worry about. However, I find myself worried ... (204 words

Had a bloodtest to see if I'm pregnant...could the results be wrong??

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

28 February 2006 (F - hey i was wonderin is it possible for a bloodtest to lie about if ur pregnant or not cuz i went in for a blood test to see if i was and it said i wasn't but it it possible that that could be wrong or no..??? (47 words

He kissed me when he was drunk-does he like or am I reading too much into this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6723 days ago

28 February 2006 (F - i really like this guy that i work with and every time we go out drinking we end up kissing, but when we are sober we only hug, but he hugs everyone!a year ago (when drunk) he told me he liked me but nothing has happened since,did he mean it? i'm too scared to ask him out just ... (91 words

She's too possessive and jealous..even with my friends! What should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6719 days ago

28 February 2006 (M - What should i do if my gf is too possesive, to the extent of getting jealous even with my friends?... (20 words

My friend's gf gets very jealous and hurts herself. What should my friend do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6723 days ago

28 February 2006 (M - My friend seeks advice about his girl, she's too possesive and easily gets jealous even when he mingles with our female classmates from high school, and when he tries to make her understand she gets nuts and turns up to be hurting herself. what do you think should my friend do? ... (65 words

He's my trainer, so I'm oot sure if his attentions to me are flirting or just part of his job.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6722 days ago

28 February 2006 (M - Iv have noticed my personal trainer has been flirting with me and i admit that i have developed a small crush on him but because i only see him while im at the gym working out and when his working i dont know if he is just flirting and being nice to me because its his job or if ... (129 words

I'm scared to tell him I love him because he has a gf, already.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6723 days ago

27 February 2006 (F - Im in year 10 in high school and 3 weeks ago i was going bout with this lad we only went out for about 4 days but i was so happy. I used to meet him everyday at break and lunch and me, him and his best mate went into town after school a couple of days we just used to talk and ... (501 words

I am crazy about this girl at work! How do I know if she likes me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6720 days ago

27 February 2006 (M - How do i know if this girl at work likes me? There is a girl at work that i am crazy about. I've been working at my current job for almost 2 years. One day, a new girl came in for an interview. She came up to the front desk, and said she was here to see my manager for an i... (327 words

My friend is drinking and sleeping around way too much. What can I do to save her from this mess?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6723 days ago

27 February 2006 (M - I work with this girl and I really like her, we were sort of seeing each other for a while but it didnt work out because she didnt want to commit to a relationship. Now I hear she is going out and getting drunk to the point of being sick at least 3 times a week. I have als... (150 words

When his lover came to the door, I was devastated. How can I ever get over the emotional pain and go on?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6722 days ago

27 February 2006 (F - im really hurt over how my ex cheated on me. we had been together for 6 years and both enjoyed our time together. i had been in a relationship with him at school and 10 years later we met up and started to date. he is now 34 and im 33. it all seemed perfect, he was so kind, ... (218 words

My little sister is asking me questions and I need advice on how to help her with some proper answers.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6723 days ago

27 February 2006 (F - Hi,I'm 27 and my sister who is 12 is dating this guy who she ment at a dance this October that just passed.The problem is they didn't know each other at all before the dance. My sister, being the idiot she is, saw him walk by and told one of his friends she wanted ... (240 words

He stares at me and constantly teases me! Do you think he likes me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6713 days ago

27 February 2006 (F - theres a guy i believe likes me, but i have yet to figure out if im right or not. i think he knows i like his friend, who has this specific nickname for me, but so did this guy. then he asked me which name i prefered, and when i said i didnt care, he began to call me by the ... (155 words

I feel if I don't succeed in school, others will be disappointed in me! What can I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6721 days ago

27 February 2006 (F - hi people, just wondering if you could help me with this little problem i have. thing is, i've always liked school and have always had lots of friends and found it easy, but recently i've been struggling. because i did well in my sats in yr6 and i'm in top sets for everything ... (114 words

We're on a break from each other, but she won't discuss the problems we're having...

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6717 days ago

27 February 2006 (M - My girlfriend and I am currently having a "break" to get some space. We have been going out for 3 years and have bought a house and been living together for 2. We broke up last week, very amicably and we talked about things sensibly. She says she still loves me but feels she is ... (233 words

When I showed him photos of my friend's baby, he went quiet. Will he leave if I tell him I want a baby before I'm 21?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6720 days ago

27 February 2006 (F - My friend has just sent me pictures of her new baby boy. I showed my boyfriend them and he immediatly went quiet and looked suspiciously at me. I love him to bits, we haven't been together long but I really want to be a mum before I am 21. I have a few years left but will he ... (71 words

Am I wrong to want him to leave the workplace where he had his 5-month affair?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 6095 days ago

27 February 2006 (F - My husband confessed to a 5 month affair with a much younger woman. I am trying so hard to forgive and forget but I cannot get it out of my head that he betrayed and lied so much to me. He has been off work on sick leave now for 3 months, since the end of the affair, and I ... (138 words

My husband hasn't changed, in spite of his promises and now I've met someone who's showing me what a good relationship is like!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6720 days ago

27 February 2006 (F - I have been married for 10 years, no kids. We have never had great communication (i.e. talking things out). Money fights have always been a problem with us. I want to save and have nice things and do things, upgrades around the house etc. He buys what he wants when he wants. He ... (372 words

My wife told me she was a virgin, but the truth's come out and she was far from it!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6469 days ago

27 February 2006 (M - I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 10 years (I am 30 yrs old) and been with her for 12. When we got together, she told me that she was a virgin. I was a virgin so I thought that is was great to lose our virginity to each other. After we were married, sh... (280 words

My ex is more stable, but we're too comfortable together. The new girl is young and sexy. What do I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6722 days ago

27 February 2006 (M - Hi i need some help fast! I had been saving up to get a place with my long term girlfriend - things were okay but not great, maybe because we had been stuck in pretty much the same room together for 2 years with my parents while we saved up. Anyway i had started to have ... (397 words

Should I give the girl I like a kiss on the cheek?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6721 days ago

27 February 2006 (M - Hi. Please can you answer my question? Im best friends with this girl and we are really close. I kind of like her more than a friend but she doesn't know that. Recently we have been hugging, puting are arms around each other, linking and holding hands. So my question is, do y... (96 words

The relationship's gone sour and I want to walk away, but then I'm afraid that he'll harm himself...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6722 days ago

27 February 2006 (F - Hi, i dont know whether to break it of with my boyfriend permenantly or not? PLEASE help me. Ive been with my boyfriend for 2 years, im 18. The thing is, i have had feelings for someone in the past 6 months. i have been very tempted and i have flirted a lot with him. Also ... (353 words

I have to tell him to stop...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6723 days ago

27 February 2006 (F - Me and my boyfriend have been together for a very long time... and we havent long started to have sexual intercourse! my boyfriend and i want to make me orgasm. it will be my first orgasm.. but everytime im close to one i always tell him to stop.. its not like i want to but it ... (84 words

I always initiate sex and now he smells funny...could he be cheating?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6721 days ago

27 February 2006 (F - I have been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years now. At the beginning of our relationship I used to have to beg him for sex and he still would not give it to me. He later said he just liked to look at porn a lot that is why he wouldn't have sex with me. Slowly, he began to ... (153 words

My wife and I are having big problems-do I leave or find another woman or just stay put?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6623 days ago

27 February 2006 (M - Oh woe is me. I need some advice on what to do. I am a married man (10 years), have kids, happy go lucky attitude, professional, well paid, blah blah. I am confident, funny and tall (6'2). The problem is that my wife has switched off the care button for me. She doesn't ... (204 words

Do I ask her out yet or would that be insensitive?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6724 days ago

27 February 2006 (M - There’s this friend of a friend of mine who I don’t really know very well but really like and have asked out previously in the past when I’ve seen her but to no avail – her having a boyfriend. Being the old romantic that I am, I sent her a cheeky Valentine asking her out. ... (197 words

He read my diary and found out about me kissing another guy...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6718 days ago

27 February 2006 (F - My boyfriend of a year has been asking me over and over again about me kissing another guy before we were together while I was down in Florida. I kept telling him that I just hugged him because he gets upset easily and I think he's pretty sensitive. Well yesterday, he was ... (210 words

Di I want to marry her because I feel guilty for what I dod with my ex?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6724 days ago

27 February 2006 (M - i've been with my gf just over a year and have just got back from holiday with her. i had a messy break up with my x gf and still speak 2 her sumtimes but i met up with her on my lunch break from work and he had a play with eachother. we didnt have sex but satisfied eachother ... (102 words

Should I tell her how I feel?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6724 days ago

27 February 2006 (M - Somebody please tell me what i should do... I am 20 years old and in the Air Force, i have felt complety alone almost my whole life until i was a senior in high school. I made a friend in my math class and when my little brother almost died she was the only person who not only ... (160 words

He's shagged 15 men and slept with 20 prostitutes, in his past-he's very unemotional! Should I end this?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6724 days ago

27 February 2006 (F - Hi all, When do you know when a relationship should end? My boyfriend of 4 months claims that he loves me more and more but I don't believe him because I really don't feel it. I actually feel that he takes me a little for granted and that he is very insensitive and ... (211 words

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