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To browse questions by day in August, 2006, use the links below (in brackets, number of questions on that day)

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Archived questions from: August, 2006 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


What sex positions hurt the least?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6248 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - which sex posion herts the least do you fink!? im a virgin and would like some help for any ideas?... (20 words

He is married and I am in love, what should I do?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6165 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - I am 16 and i am in love with this guy that is a lot older than me, i dont know what to do because i see him a lot and when i see him he turns me on, but he is married. I have tried to forget about him but when i see him again it starts all over. What should i do?... (64 words

My husbands friend flirts with me, could there be a real attraction?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - Hi. I'm really unsure as to how my husbands friend feels towards me. He's single. He keeps eye contact and flirts with me when he's drunk. Every time I see him, he makes comments about my clothes, not bad or good, just comments on my boots or coat etc. Last night (he was a ... (123 words

My period is early, could I be pregnant?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6536 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - I am 16 years old and had sex with my bf 7 days ago, a condom was the only form of contraception we used but it came off during sexual intercourse. I am scared now incase i am pregnant, i went to the doctor the next day and got the morning after pill, but i have come on my ... (77 words

She treats him like he does not exist, how do I tell him she's not right?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - hi my friend was dating this girl but she dumped him for someone completely different. he still likes her but she won't go near him she treats him like he don't exist. his mom is friends with her mom and she acts like she really don't care. is there any way to tell him that ... (58 words

Should I leave my current gf and get back with my ex-gf?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

31 August 2006 (M - Should I leave my current girlfriend and get back with my exgirlfriend? I've been with my current girlfriend for about 1 year now. In the begining, I thought I loved her. I am not sure if I do. I tried to tell my current girlfriend that I am not over my ex fully, but s... (282 words

What is the average penis size?

This question has 22 answers - newest was posted 6346 days ago

31 August 2006 (M - what is the average penis size?... (6 words

My fiancee is leaving me and I just can't seem to get on with life. Please help

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6194 days ago

31 August 2006 (M - Hi there. I need help on how to get through what I'm going through. My wife-to-be is leaving me and I just can't seem to get on with work or life. Please help... (33 words

My insecurities are affecting my marriage! What can I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6346 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - I am very insucure and it is affecting my marriage. it has affected us so much that he sleeps in our sons room now how can i get this under control and get the trust back? i am so afraid that i am going to lose him that i end up pushing him away because i am afraid of getting ... (91 words

My wife left me. How can I get her to fall in love with me again?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (M - my wife of 15 years has left. how can i get her to fall in love with me again. ... (19 words

How do you cope when you see someone your partner has slept with before? This is really bothering me. Help

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - How do you cope when you see someone your partner has slept with before? I see them all the time, as there are lot's of girls my boyfriend has had one night stands with, and it kills me. I cause trouble with him or just ignore him after I've seen one of them because I can't get ... (174 words

He dumped me because he still has feeling for his ex! I miss him so much!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - I met this guy in high school. i have been talking to this guy for over two months. i have known him for over a year. we met and he was my valentine. we talked for a month and out of nowhere he stopped. He then had a girlfriend and several months passed. then on thanksgiving i ... (350 words

After being dumped so many times should I continue with this game??

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6536 days ago

31 August 2006 (M - Hi all!Heres my story in brief.I have met the love of my life when we were both 20 but she dumped me.I did everything to get her back but I was hitting the wall. So, I found someone else and got married to forget her(I know its stupid)10 years later I met her by accident... (403 words

I said no to his mate but my ex still fell out with us both!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - Im Confused. Please help me. I went out with a guy.. lets call him george, and after two weeks i ended it because i had loads on my mind, then a few week later his mate asked me out, i said no, but despite this, my ex fell out with me and his mate. I don't know what to do! ... (60 words

I cant move on from her as shes come back to live with me with our son... please help I dont know what to do...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6527 days ago

31 August 2006 (M - Hi everyone, i split with my gf of over three years a couple weeks ago, her decision, feelings changed . gone, lost faith cos of arguments ages ago when we were rocky, but we sorted that out and seemed to be getting on with the issues not returning and at least totally living ... (838 words

Her bf is tearing her apart and i'm secretly in love with her!!!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (M - Hi Everyone, I'm best mates with this girl, shes seeing this guy who is awful and has cheated around 16 times on her and is just horrible. She wont leave him because "she loves" him, shes 14, he's 17 and im 14 too. She lost her virginity to him and he is just using her for th... (215 words

I think Im in love with my boss!

This question has 46 answers - newest was posted 3418 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - Help, i think im in love with my boss. Last xmas we slept together and yes it was awkard after we came back to work purely on my part because i felt guilty as he has a wife. I know its wrong and nothing has happened between us since. But he gets jealous when he knows ive ... (116 words

My parents are always at each other, its now depressing me alot....

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - I need help. Im 14 years old. My mum and dad always argue. Its really derressing me. Its like they hate each other. My mum tried to tell my dad how she felt, but that made it worse. Please dont tell me its their problem, cos I'm getting dragged into it now too. I love them... (69 words

Ive turned into some who doesnt care about anything since she left me...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - i have just broken up with my girlfriend and i realy loved her. she messed with my mind and now i have turned into a person that dosent care anymore about life or anything. how am i supose to get over her? ... (42 words

Am I just being silly or am I right to be jealous ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - HELP! I don't know whats wrong, my relationship has been a little up and down recently and I am extremely confused. At a party the other nite a girl was all over my boyfriend, everyone the party noticed and said it to me, there are photo;s too. this girl was touching him, ... (187 words

He has no respect for me and has threatened me with a gun but I still want a relationship with him!!!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6538 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - I feel that he has no respect for me whatsoever. One day when we were discussing he mentioned his sexual activities with his ex-girlfriend. Even the day after, I tried to make him understand that he should apologize for what he said and he kept saying more about the ... (104 words

Does she view me as a friend or relationship material ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6537 days ago

31 August 2006 (M - Well my problem is that i've recently fallen for this girl big time who I've met through her being a friend of a relative. Over the past few weeks, we have met up 7 or 8 times (as mates), we text, and speak on msn for hours and hours. Sometimes on msn it'll be like "shall we ... (305 words

We couldnt have kids, I went back to the affair for comfort, now its all over ...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (M - Hi, I have recently broken up with my girlfriend of 16 years. IT is mostly my fault. I had an affair sometime ago in the past eight years ago to be precice. we patched things up after that and have been pressing ahead since. back in 2005 feelings changed betwen us -... (293 words

When I try and contact him the phone cuts off.....

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - I am going with a guy who is 21 i am 22 i have not heard from him for nearly three weeks and when i try to phone him it cuts off please tell me what to do as im really worried about him ... (50 words

I think my boyfriend is gettin bored of me....

This question has 18 answers - newest was posted 4931 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - I have been seein my boyfriend for 10 months now and a think he is starting to get bored of me beczuse everytime i ask him does he want to come to my house he always has a excuse as to why he cant come and i am reli worried because i like him alot and dont want to lose him. ... (63 words

He just wants to be friends with benefits...

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5438 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - I'm in love with this man, we have been going out for a year, He left to Michigan for a month to go visit his grandma. Plus on top of that it was our year anniversity at the same time. I had a day planned for us when he came back home, and then when he came back and he told me ... (244 words

Things are not the same since I cheated, I really regret it, I love her!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (M - I cheated on my girlfriend a good while ago and I am very sorry. I was going to tell her but I couldnt get up the courage. Eventually one of her friends told her. She didnt talk to me for a while but after a while she gave me one more chance things havent been the same since ... (74 words

Should I tell my Co worker that I like him ?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - Should I blurt out my feelings ? There is a mutual attraction between myself and a work colleague which has been building up for months. The frustration of not saying anything is really taking it's toll and me. It also seems to be taken a toll on him. We are both becoming ... (118 words

Will I get another chance to be with the guy I like ?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - There's this guy i really like, but he's seeing someone else. We were together for about 2 months, and they've been seeing each other for about that long too. Will they end soon? Will i have a chance with him again?... (45 words

I cant find the words to tell her its over.....

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6499 days ago

31 August 2006 (M - I am in a relationship with a hot headed girl, where I feel like a prisoner, and i constantly taking verbil and some physical abuse off her. I have very little confidence and self asteam now but I am trying to get out but i just cant say the words. any suggestions to h... (67 words

My online guy wants to meet in person, im a bit worried incase he doesnt like me....

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - Hi all, ive met a guy online and we have been chatting for a bit and exchanged photos, he now wants to meet me which is great, but im worried about meeting him in case he dont like what he sees. Also i maybe overreacting but i think he talks to other girls on the site as ... (107 words

My colleague is obsessed with me!! Help!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (M - There is this woman who works in the wages office next to my office, we have known each other for years. Recently she has started flirting with me. She comes into my office all the time, she asks me who I am seeing and whats going on in my life! Its like an obsession with ... (105 words

This older woman at work is copying my style, its awful, how can address this ?

This question has 26 answers - newest was posted 6037 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - Could somebody please give me some advice on how to handle a situation at work, im 25 years old and have my own sense of style, recently i have noticed as well as many others an older women of about 40 is buying cheap copie of my clothes and wearing them in the same kind of ... (94 words

Is he a rebound relationship ?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6536 days ago

31 August 2006 (M - 3 months ago my girlfriend split with me the next day she went of with another man however she kept coming back to me for sex and telling me she misses me, in the 3 months they see each other everyday and have been away 3 times together, is he the rebound? ... (55 words

How can I build up his trust in me ? He was hurt badly before, and will only commit to being friends!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - Hi my name is Hels. 6 weeks ago I was approached by a really nice guy in a club, we talked for ages and he asked me out for a drink etc. Couple of days before we went for this drink he asked are we meeting as friends as im not ready for a relationship. To cut a long story ... (182 words

Ive waited 2 weeks for her to call since our breakup...but no contact. Should I just move on?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (M - I had a short relationship of about a month and half. Everything seemed cool but my girlfriend decided to break up saying "she was confused". It has already been two weeks since the break-up. However I am still hopeful that she will call back. But she hasnt so far. Should I ... (94 words

He's a great bf and helps me with the kids...but I fear it's too much responsibility for him!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - Iam a solo parent in a long distance relationship with a great guy. We have only been together about a year and a half, 8 months of which I have been out of the country. Due to work commitments I had to leave my children with my parents for a year while I worked in another ... (198 words

I was his standby girl and now that I'm moving away-he seems frantic to get in touch! Is he having 2nd thoughts?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - I was with my boyfriend for a long time. We broke up over a year ago now and he moved back to him hometown. It was hard at the beginning but got better as time went on. I did occasionally hear from him...not often, only when he was drinking and was on the outs with his current ... (135 words

My friend says I should make a move on this girl I like..but I'm afraid of rejection! What should I do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6442 days ago

31 August 2006 (M - i'm 19, and the girl in question is 18. i have know her for about 4 years, she was my gf briefly in the past. we always stayed friends. in the past 5 months we started talking a lot more on the phone and texting each other. after a while i got the courage to ask her out but she ... (247 words

He gets texts from his ex but says I shouldn't have contact with my ex! Double-standard? Is he playing me?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - hi i have been with my boyfriend for nearly 4 months now and already we have a problem. ive found out that hes been recieving text messages from his ex-gf and then deleting them straight away, and telling me they are from one of his gay mates. to be honest i wouldnt mind him ... (151 words

I've fallen for my best friend's brother and she's pissed off at me! What should I do?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5595 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - I am an 18 year old girl who has fallen for her best friend's brother. I understand it may be weird for my friend to imagine us together, but we really love each other and I do not understand why she can't be happy for us. She has made it clear to me that if anything... (146 words

I have an arranged marriage where I serve my husband and his family...but I need a social life, too! Help

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6519 days ago

31 August 2006 (F - 29 yrs old lady , having 3 yrs old baby husband is of 35 . We got married 5 yrs back .but having conflicts from very beginning.I don't know , that how I explain it. We belong to a Sub-continent family , having so many ethical n religious n social obligations.My h... (786 words

Torn between long-term bf and this other guy! But the other guy has a new gf, now. Should I just forget about him?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

30 August 2006 (F - i have been with my boyfriend for nearly two and a half years. i love him but things aren't the same anymore. i know a man through friends who i am very attracted to and last year we ended up kissing. nothing ever came of it, as he knew i had a boyfriend but i know he is ... (141 words

Both attending different uni's this fall...should I tell her our relationship won't work or keep trying?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

30 August 2006 (M - my gf just moved to the other side of the country and in the next year ill proably see for like 2 weeks. I love her very much but a year is a long time to wait for 2 weeks. I kinda know its never gonna work out , it cant but she seems to think it will. we both start ... (92 words

I tried dating and sleeping with other guys to get over my ex bf...nothing works! Help me!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

30 August 2006 (F - I cant get over my ex boyfriend, i tried dating other guys, sleeping with other guys, going out every weekend but its not working he is in my head everyday everynight. I took peoples advice and tried to move on as he obviously is as he wasnt answering my calls but i dont know ... (62 words

I kissed a guy just after he argued with his wife...was I wrong to do that?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

30 August 2006 (F - i kissed a married guy with kids and enjoyed it, it was after he had an argument with his wife outside the pub, and she punched him in the face. He told me he was gonna leave her and we kissed i would have done more but my friend pulled me away, i feel kind of guilty but not ... (66 words

Are her orgams real or fake?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 6262 days ago

30 August 2006 (M - I think i gave my girlfriend an orgasm but i dont no! the last three times me and my girlfriend have had sex she has been on top and after about 10 mins she says she feels a pulsing inside of her a few mins later she says she has 1 big pulse and then goes numb. is this an orgas... (102 words

I want baby with my husband...but he doesn't want this. What can I do to convince him?

This question has 19 answers - newest was posted 5009 days ago

30 August 2006 (F - I would like a 3rd child, ( I have 2 from my previous relationship, he has no biological children) but my husband is happy with my two, in fact we are in progress of him adopting them) For a year and a half now I have been talking to him about it but to no avail, any ideas how ... (75 words

my 74 year old college professor is flirting and trying to have sex with me. I am disgusted by his behaviours..what should I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

30 August 2006 (F - I have a 74 -year-old college professor who tries to flirt and have sex with me and other female students. Plus he is always in my face. I try to ignore him and tell him that he is making me feel very uncomfortable, but that doesn't seem to work. I am only 20 years old, and I ... (110 words

This 14 year old has a crush on me...and I 'm an adult! I don't want to date him so what should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6539 days ago

30 August 2006 (F - There is this 14 year-old boy that I have known for four years and like as a younger brother as well as a friend. The problem is that he seems to have a crush on me. I know that he and I couldn't legally date and have sex until he is the minimum age of 18, but I think that he ... (139 words

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