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Archived questions from: April, 2006 (see latest questions)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


I would like to stay in contact with my ex, but how much is too much?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6659 days ago

30 April 2006 (M - My ex seems to contact me less and less, although I do make sure I send her an IM every now and then. When I do, we have some really good conversations. The other night, when I IMd her we only talked for a minute, but she seemed like she was upset about something. I asked ... (294 words

We're supposed to be getting married, but now she broke up with me, what should I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6661 days ago

30 April 2006 (M - I hope this is the right place to put this post. My fiance broke up with me 2 weeks ago. Well sort of.... She told me 2 weeks ago that she needed a break for now. She said that she just wanted to be friends for now. She is a divorced mother of 2 and says that life is just ... (428 words

How can you ask a guy out?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6661 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - hi I was just wondering does anyone have any good advice/ideas on how to ask a guy out so that there is no pressure and we can still be mates afterwords. Thanks... (35 words

I really like this guy A LOT, what should I do about it?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6661 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - Help! I am a 29 year old disabled woman and I am completely in love with a man 20 years older than me. I have never had a relationship, serious or otherwise, with anybody else and this man makes me feel special, feminine and sexy for the first time in my life. The attraction ... (104 words

I need advice on how to get a guy to notice me...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5902 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - I like a guy, but i don't no if he likes me how can i get him to notice me?... (20 words

How can I let this guy know I'm alive?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6661 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - Theres a guy i really like but i don't even think he know's i exist! What should i do?... (20 words

I think she's scared of commitment, what can I do to help her?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6658 days ago

30 April 2006 (M - Me and my girlfriend are both 19, i've had quite a few girlfriends in the past and she hasn't had any serious boyfriends. It hasn't been going very long and we have just had 3 weeks away from each other because of work and holiday, this means surely she should have missed me - ... (108 words

I slept with a girl on Holiday before we dated, but I told her I didn't, I'm feeling quilty.

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 6661 days ago

30 April 2006 (M - I have told my girlfriend that I didn’t sleep with this girl on holiday. It was before we started seeing each other. This type of thing has come up before and she has already told me that she would finish with me if I told her that I haven’t slept with someone in my past when ... (170 words

He said we could work on our relationship, but now says he can't trust me!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6656 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - Hi, Please help me with the way I'm feeling right now. Since 2002 I have been single. I have loads of guys come over to me to ask me out but most of the time i'm not interested, since I think Im too choosy! I met this guy, and felt like I instantly fell in love with... (284 words

I don't want to cheat, but I know I need the attention my husband isn't giving me!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6649 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - My husband and I have been together for 9 years, married for 5 years. We have 2 beautiful sons. A 3 year old and a 9 week old. Before I became pregnant with my youngest son, one of his close friends used to make passes at me and flirt a little. We texted back and forth from our ... (248 words

I'm not sure if I should go to the next step yet or not. How can I tell?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6607 days ago

30 April 2006 (? - hi i am 16 yrs old and all i have done in relationships is kiss. i have got a bf at the moment we have been going out for about three weeks, but ive known him for ages an liked him for quite a while, i think im ready for the next step in our relationship (tossing him off) but ... (155 words

My boyfriend watches other women...what can we do to fix this problem?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6503 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - my boyfriend has a problem with watchin other women and we both think that he needs help,so what can we do to get rid of his obsession of watching other women?... (31 words

He says he doesn't feel it, then why does he flirt and have sex with me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6653 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - Help! I'm old enough to know better (in my early 30's!) but I have a crush on a guy and it's killing me! I just can't stop thinking about him. To be fair he's told me he doesn't feel "it", and is just attracted to me but it'll never be a relationship - but one minute he's ... (188 words

I'm a tomboy, but want to be more girlier. What should I do?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 4472 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - hi i am 16 and i am a tomboy. the only problem is, is that i want to become a bit more girlier in the way i look. i want to start wearing make up and girlier clothes but its hard cos my older sister who is 17 is still a tomboy and i am afraid she will tease me. i also think my... (114 words

I would like to want sex, but it don't happen...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6658 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - I am 22 and still a virgin. The problem is that I have never wanted to have sex with anyone. I was with a guy for three years who I never slept with. I am quite religious and I hid behind that but the truth is that although I loved him madly, and we had great foreplay etc, I ... (156 words

I need advice on how to ask a guy out...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6660 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - I want to ask this guy out that I really like- not sure how to do it any ideas??... (19 words

I can't tell if he likes me or is just really friendly...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6632 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - I like a guy at the Territorial Army unit i belong to he is playful and picks on me (in a funny way) does he like me or just being friendly... (31 words

I've fallen in love with him and now he's with someone else!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6197 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - I met this boy on holiday who i began to really like.he liked me too and when i found out,i thought that we could start a relationship.but because we live so far away,we didn't see eachother for months.he started to get less interested but i became more interested.hes now in a ... (112 words

Should I be there for my ex when he isn't or no?....

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6661 days ago

30 April 2006 (M - I don't know if you rememeber my previous questions... But this is mostly me asking if what I'm doing is ok, Recently my ex started dating another guy who is, to be honest not that great, he isn't that quick in the head and studders alot, maybe it's because he plays hockey ... (207 words

I don't think I want to be with him anymore, what can I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6661 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - i have been goin out with my boyfriend for 3 months altogether now as we have split up a few times. i used to really love him to bitz but now i am feeling as if i don't want 2 be involved with him. i dont want to finish things between us though because it was me who finished it ... (90 words

He's getting texts at weird times and I think he's lying to me. Am I right?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5433 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - i really need some unbiased advice. im 29, married (hubby 50). the thing is, hubby does occasions mechanical work on vehicles, purely an occasional sideline., there is a woman, around my age, that became a customer last year, but over the past month it has become wierd, he went ... (265 words

I'm wanting my belly button pierced, can anyone give me some advice?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6661 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - Hi there. This is a question for all the females out there who have had their belly button pierced! I'm a teenager at 15 years of age. I will be 16 in july, and on my 16th birthday, I am wanting to get my belly button pierced. I am aware that at 15 years old, you have to have... (220 words

He totally ignores me, should I just leave him?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6661 days ago

30 April 2006 (M - I've reached a point where I'm very angry, feel used and emotionally abused, and although I've always made excuses in the past. I'm sick and tired. I've written before pretaining my problems and all the advice always points in one direction. My bf ignors me, but when we're t... (204 words

How can I get his attention?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6657 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - eevery friday i go to a cafe with friends. there is a really cute waiter there which i have developed a crush on. the thing is i don't know how i could develop our relationship. he always smiles at me when i go in, and asks me how i am. what can i do to get his attention as ... (64 words

I gave it all to the affair and now I am left with nothing.......can you help?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6658 days ago

30 April 2006 (M - We were best friends for 4 years and extremely close when we both discovered a deep attraction for each other. For another two years we secretly met up to spend time with each other. To be honest, she made the first move, but I felt so attached that it seemed the right... (378 words

Should we have the official talk or should I just give up?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6656 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - Should I just ignore or initiate a final talk? I broke up with my bf because he always ignores me and hurts my feelings, one friday's night, I deadly missed him and wanted to speak with him, he refused to pick up my phone when he was partying. I gave him the last call and le... (474 words

How can I tell if he is the one for me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6658 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - I have been with my boyfriend for nearly 3 years. Its always great and i am so happy but other times i have doubts. When im happy i feel that he is the one for me. I really love him and he is everything that i could ever ask for. I think i have too high expectations sometimes ... (136 words

I told my friend about my feelings for her and now things are not the same!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6661 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - I recently told a female friend that i liked her and have some feelings, but only mentioned this because she was pressuring me into telling her, she made out that she knew what i was going to say so i told her because of this. She said it wouldnt effect our friendship at all, ... (152 words

My partners ex came round and the exs best friend is always hanging around our house!!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6661 days ago

30 April 2006 (M - Help,I am in steady relationship, my partners ex came round to the house on a Saturday pm, and played with thier son for an hour ( late evening ), must add that I work away from home..Am I being paranoid, I told partner that this is not right, but not a problem if I was home. I... (100 words

Dropped by my new friends and I have a drug problem!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6661 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - Hi, I hope you can give me some advice for my problem. About 2 years ago, I fell in with a bad crowd and began to do drugs alot. At the time I had a really nice boyfriend but we split up cos of the way I was changing. I didnt care that we split up cos I had a whole new set of f... (319 words

I think this guy doesnt like me anymore because I wouldnt flash him!!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6661 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - hey! okay there is a guy that i like and i was talking to him and he was like i like u to but then he wanted me to like flash him and all other stuff and i said no and then he was like oh i thought u were different and he all this stuff and i dont think that he likes me any m... (91 words

He told me hes attracted to this girl at work and now I cant trust him!!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6661 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - Iv been with my bf for 2 yrs now. He just recently told me he met this girl at work who he really gets on with and was attracted to, he gave her his number and given her lifts home a few times. When he told me I was so hurt, he told me he instantly regretted it and he really l... (108 words

Her words and actions conflcit. Does she just want to be friends??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6661 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - I just recently became friends with this girl. But back before we met and became friends, she used to have a HUGE crush on me. She would drive by my house to see if I was there (I don't know how she knew where I lived), look up my pictures online, try to find me at party's or ... (532 words

Is there any chance we can make good what was wrong??

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6661 days ago

30 April 2006 (M - I'm a 34 year old guy who up until recently and due to a severe lack of confidence, have had no sexual partners. Through internet dating, this recently changed and I met a lovely young woman who I was blissfully happy with but our relationship was not without problems. Firstly, ... (318 words

Its all over and I wish I could erase the memories we shared!!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6661 days ago

30 April 2006 (M - I've been in a long distance realtionship for two years with my girlfriend who has a five year old son. I found out from someone that my girlfriend was pregnant for someone else where she works and she was at least 4 months. She never told me. I don't know if she was scared or ... (92 words

One day he talks to me, the next day he ignores me! I have no idea how to handle!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6099 days ago

30 April 2006 (F - i am in love with a lad called danny but he is really messing me about. one minut he likes me the next he isnt talking to me. we have never gone out but we got close and it scared me so i stopped talking to him for a day or so then he just backed off. i really like and have no ... (73 words

I seem very emotionally over wrought at unlike me. What's going on?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6662 days ago

29 April 2006 (M - Why am i so emotional all of a sudden? Hi, im 19, and have been going out with my girlfriend for 4 months now. The last 4 months of my life have been the most emotional ever, i've had some highs, and some very low, low's too. Sometimes i can just be watching TV and some... (167 words

My friend asks guys out I want for herself!!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6662 days ago

29 April 2006 (F - How can i get boyfriend if my friend whenever i tell her who i like goes and asks him out for herself?... (22 words

She has a partner already and I can't have her and I'm having a hard time coping. Any advice?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6661 days ago

29 April 2006 (M - Hi, I am in a bit of situation. I have been with my partner for 14 years and have a 13yr old son. But we do not live together. Strange i know but it works for us. The thing is i have met somebody at work who is just an angel she is everymans perfect partner. My friendship with ... (255 words

I like a girl but shes just got back with her ex!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6662 days ago

29 April 2006 (M - There's a girl I really like at work. Problem is she's just got back with her ex. What do I do now. I don't want to move on, especially if she splits with him again. How do I find out if I'm in with a shot?... (46 words

I have a crush on my friend's husband...I'm fighting it but am having a tough time. Help me!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6662 days ago

29 April 2006 (F - hi there.. I have recently come to the conclusion that I am attracted to my friends husband. I work with both of them and they are both lovely people. I have recently separated from my violent husband and we are proceeding to divorce. I am very aware that this is just a daft ... (248 words

I want more from our long distance relationship to be more but am scared I will ruin it!!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6656 days ago

29 April 2006 (M - I am 21, I have a friend that lives in another country, she’s 21 we met on holiday 2 years ago. I have been to see her and now i have just finished an amazing month doing another holiday with her. We have gotten really close and we mean so much to each other as friends.... (203 words

Shes really popular and im scared to ask her out!!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6558 days ago

29 April 2006 (M - I fancy this girl who is really popular. We speak alot on msn and at school but i never see her outside of school. she likes me as a friend but i want to be more than a friend. I have a feeling though that my mate who is really good looking and popular will ask her out soon... (108 words

How can I deal with my bfs lack of ambition??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6656 days ago

29 April 2006 (F - I love my boyfriend to bits and he treats me like a princess but i cant help but get annoyed with his lack of ambition. So far in his life everything has fallen into his lap and this is what he thinks will happen now. I am saving like mad for a mortgage deposit and he spends ... (110 words

Jealous of my ex and another guy but I know I have no right!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6661 days ago

29 April 2006 (M - hello, Some of you might remember i was posting about my girlfriend suffering with depression and sadly she has left me and obviously i'm finding it very hard we are still talking to each other but today i she told me she was going to the cinema with another guy and i'm angr... (142 words

I think im in love with a much younger guy!!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6662 days ago

29 April 2006 (F - Me and this single guy who lives by me we are attracted to each other, nothing has happened yet but small talk, he's works and is doing some construction for his overly protective parents,so i hardly get to see him now. He's 33 and i am 48,he has a daughter 13 from a previous... (155 words

I care for him despite the age gap and but i know my family wouldnt approve!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6662 days ago

29 April 2006 (F - So a little over a year ago, my uncle introduced me to a certain guy. I finally met someone that I care very deeply about. He's wonderful. Funny, intelligent, caring, and we have a lot of the same interests and great conversations. I'm starting to develop really strong romantic ... (357 words

Where can my bf get help for his anger problems??

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6092 days ago

29 April 2006 (F - Hi, My boyfriend has got anger problems, hes fine until we have an argument and then he starts to push me and he has grabbed me by the throat before. I would like to help him... but where can he go??I have sent him to his local docter and that was no help. So... my question... (65 words

I slept with my ex on the bounce. Now my most recent ex wants me back but he found out about the other and has changed his mind!1

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5393 days ago

29 April 2006 (F - Ok so me and my bf have split up for nearly 2 wks now, so on the rebound i went and slept with this guy that i used to go out with it meant absolutely nothing and i was single and my bf at the time didnt give a crap about what i did. Recently i wrote him a letter explaini... (249 words

We broke up out the blue but i still feel we can find happiness!!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6656 days ago

29 April 2006 (F - Is "I wasn't happy so therefore I don't think we will be happy in the future" a good enough reason to break up after 5 years and buying a flat together? I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with my boyfriend and we were happily planning a year travelling around ... (171 words

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