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To browse questions by day in November, 2009, use the links below (in brackets, number of questions on that day)

1 (95), 2 (112), 3 (91), 4 (96), 5 (97), 6 (108), 7 (86), 8 (89), 9 (103), 10 (98),
11 (109), 12 (109), 13 (100), 14 (83), 15 (101), 16 (100), 17 (118), 18 (107), 19 (99), 20 (69),
21 (89), 22 (100), 23 (126), 24 (106), 25 (94), 26 (101), 27 (98), 28 (78), 29 (119), 30 (123),

Archived questions from: 16 November, 2009 (see latest questions)

(More questions from November, 2009)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


I'm finding it hard to manage... any advice would be welcome.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5365 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - Hey, Ok I'm doing my leaving cert next year. I am finding it hard to manage. I work 8 hours every single saturday and sunday. When I am home, I have to cook the dinner and clean up the house. My mum is always really tired from work, and I dont like her doing much around ... (291 words

Why lead me on if nothing is to happen?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5365 days ago

16 November 2009 (F - I started a new job a month ago. Working with a nice guy, but he's giving mixed signals to me (I think). He has a girlfriend and they've been together for 2 years but he flirts with me. He's sent messages/emails saying 'I love you', always complimenting me, telling me I loo... (127 words

He gave me a back hander across the face when I mouthed off as he was yelling at me!

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5355 days ago

16 November 2009 (? age 30-35 - Hi aunts. I have a real problem here. I'm just not sure what to do any more. Me and my boyfriend have been arguing a lot lately but last night it escalated and he backhanded me across the face because I mouthed off to him while he was yelling at me. I dont know whether to leave ... (127 words

He goes "soft" and I don't know what to do???

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - How do you fix a guy's problem... I mean like me and the guy I like a lot!, where in the middle of doing it and he just went soft. I looked it up on webmd and it said that it cause be caused by too much drinking which he does drink a bit too much and I dont know if its me or ... (93 words

Should I look for someone else?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5364 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 51-59 - I've began seeing a man of a different ethnicity than I am. Although I think this isn't such a big problem, I'm unsure if he would be serious with me because of culture/ethnic issues in the future. We are both adults, way past the issue of parents telling us what to do, he's ... (549 words

I want to be with her but I also want to feel wanted.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 36-40 - Hello, I am 21, currently back in a relationship with my ex, we dated previously for 5 years and took a 5 month break. Our past relationship was not healthy towards the end so she broke up with me. She recently told me she wants to try again and I agreed to it because I do ... (169 words

I'm not happy in my relationship. How can I talk to him about my feelings?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5365 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME! I'm feeling really down at the minute and i think it may be because of my relationship. i have been with my boyfriend for 2 years and im only 19 so i know anything can happen and there are plenty of more fish in the sea etc but i dont want to lea... (336 words

I am pregnant and ignoring two men. Which one should I choose?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 41-50 - I need advice on this one. Its tricky. Am pregnant. The father of the baby has not been very supportive. He buys food and well made me sign a receipt saying I owed him 100 quid so I did and will pay it back to him and get him to sign a receipt but the whole process upset me so ... (812 words

I am in lust/love with a straight man... or do I just miss my ex?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5358 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 30-35 - Hi Guys + Gals I am in a strange situation which is pulling me apart. I currently live with this guy who I met in 6th form and we bonded really well. Since I met him I was attracted to him, although he is straight and has a girlfriend. (he knows I am gay). Anyway his pare... (203 words

Is there a way to tell a girl I care for her without jeopardizing a friendship?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 30-35 - The girl I like doesn't know it but I want to tell her. It's become apparent that she is gay but I have not actually asked her so i don't know for sure. She invited me on a date and we had a great time and laughed at each others jokes. I made her a birthday cake and she loved ... (120 words

Can a life-long cheater ever be trustworthy or am I wasting my time?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5330 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 41-50 - part one; in aug 08 my then finance added some guy to her facebook and when asked about it she said she thought she knew him, she then deleted him and i thought that was the end of it, or so i thought. part two; in jan 09 she went to her work christmas party got drunk, she t... (235 words

I am in love with a girl, but she has a boyfriend!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 30-35 - Hey I'm 16 years old and i'm Having Problems. I realy like this Girl i know and i Cant stop thinking about her. thing is she has a Boyfreind alrdy. I'm lost i'm not relay Used to being in love as i'm no ladies man shall we say I dont know what i sould dont i'm So sure ... (77 words

How do teachers (especially in the UK) deal with student crushes?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 30-35 - How do teachers deal with student crushes? In the UK if a teacher found out a student has a crush on her/him, do they reported immediately or do something maybe tell other teachers about it? etc or do they just keep it to themselvves?? Just wondering;.... opinions.... (51 words

I love my mother, and want to overcome my deep feelings of resentment that she didn't protect me growing up.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - Hi, I'm going to try to make this as brief as possible... Ever since my mum and dad split up when I was four (I'm now 20) me, my sister and mother have been living with my abusive alcoholic stepdad. He has verbally, mentally and physically abused us for the duration. My real ... (339 words

Is this relationship over? Is trying to talk through the trouble ruining my chances?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 36-40 - Long story short... we have had our fair share ofups and downs, it's LDR, he broke up with me first time because he wasn't ready and then asked to take me back a few months ago, I took him back met up with him again, felt like i couldn't ever be more in love... miss him to ... (345 words

What is more important; love or bread?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 36-40 - Love or bread? Which is more important to you? Sometimes, I really wonder should girls be practical and choose guys with good family background as in rich, average looking and with a high education level or should she really have to just believe in loving the person in ... (65 words

I am so down... How can I make my relationship better?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - im feeling really down at the minute and i think it may be because of my relationship. i have been with my boyfriend for 2 years and im only 19 so i know anything can happen and there are plenty of more fish in the sea etc but i dont want to leave him, i just want to make our ... (302 words

He acts like he is not interested, but his eyes say something different.

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5361 days ago

16 November 2009 (? age 41-50 - How can I make him confess instead of using his boddy language although he knows that I am 9 yr elder than him.I know that he loves me too much but he avoids me and he tries to show to public that he even doesn't see me.He looks at me secretly and when he know that I notice his ... (101 words

I'm too shy around a guy I like

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5365 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - I'm too shy around a guy I like. I see him all the time, and usually when I do we're amongst a group of mutual friends... they'll talk with one another about general things. I do make contributions to the discussion but because i'm shy around him, I tend to talk to everyone... (346 words

Long Distance Troubles

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 36-40 - I've been in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend for 8 months now. He is only 2 hours away but it's still a long ways away when you're in a relationship! I'm 23, live in a small town where all my family is and I've owned a boutique here for 2 years now. I have come ... (291 words

His penis smells of sex!!!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - i have been with my boyfriend for 7 months now, i love him so much and he always tells me he loves me... but on 2 occasions, i went down on him and his penis smelt like sex, now im paranoid hes been sleeping with another girl then coming back to me. do i have the right to be ... (173 words

Help! He broke up with me and I'm pregnant!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - I am 7 months pregnant and 19 years old, my boyfriend who is 28 has just left me to go back with his ex wife, I am crushed, how do i win him back? how am i going to cope with a baby on my own i need him. please help me! x x... (54 words

Trying for a baby

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 36-40 - Hi I have a question I really would love some advice on. My long term boyfriend and I are trying for a baby. In anyways I have been off the pill for the last year and now no longer using condoms. My boyfriend and I had sex umprotected sex on the 7th, 8th and 9th before he left ... (141 words

My best friend seemed surprised that a guy likes me, and not her.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (? age 41-50 - At work, there is a guy that I have been crushing on- we talk once in a while, but we don't talk as much because we're in different departments. I told my friend about him and she knows I like him. She happens to knows his older sister and hung out with them before with another ... (193 words

Is this really the price I have to pay for my happiness?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 36-40 - I dont really know where to start... Back in June I posted about how I had canceled my wedding to my fiance of 3 years and left him, and how i felt bad because he was beyond hurt. I was given a lot of advice on how he would get over it eventually and see it was for the best etc... (490 words

I tend to think he likes me but then at times I'm not sure because he still claims to love his girlfriend.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - I have feelings for my best friend and he knows but the problem is I can't figure out if he feels the same way about me or not. He's kind of confusing because he's hinted around saying that he does and jokes around about how everyone's going to be right and we'll end up ... (242 words

This guy in college is REALLY pissing me off! How do I play this?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 30-35 - Hello everyone. I've these few problems. In short, I am a 20 year old male. I am in college now. I am still single, so you can guess I've a confidence problem. I've issues talking to girls. So, my problem is I've few friends here. They are always bulling me, calling ... (217 words

My trust issues may destroy my relationship. How can I work beyond them?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - hi. i use to go out with a boy on/off for two years, i loved him so much, he was my first love...he use to lie and cheat and make me feel small infront of people, i knew deep down he didnt love me, he only wanted me when he felt like it. a year on i let go of him, it took me a ... (350 words

My husband and I have violent and abusive arguments. Can we fix this or is it too broken?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 41-50 - Last week I had a big arguement with my husband. It was the day before a big exam he had and he swore at me several times pushed me and in anger told me to get out. I left but then he rang and profusely apologised. I returned home but was still so angry with him the next day. ... (173 words

My boyfriend keeps going soft!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - hey guys, ok so me and my bf had sex a few weeks ago, it felt really good, but he really struggled to get it in me we tried and tried but it just wouldn't and he kept getting soft again because it was taking so long. Then we decided to go and by some lubricant which we thought ... (129 words

What are some ways that will help me cope over the next 6 months?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 41-50 - Hi, I hate my job, I am leaving in May, as I am enrolled on a course from September, so am planning to take summer off and relax, but that is still 6 months away and I feel like I am cracking up, I work 8am to 7pm, very stressful and since 3 girls left, I am alone and feel l... (169 words

Can we help our long-time friend? If so, then how?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (? age 41-50 - My friends and I are a pretty close group of 4 people- we have all known each other since grade school/junior high, and we're all now in our mid 20's. Three of us are concerned about our one friend "Jane." Jane is trying to fit in with some people at work, but it has totally ... (314 words

Incorrectly accused of having an emotional affair - now what do I do?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 4975 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 41-50 - I stopped a mild emotional affair attempt cold in it's tracks and I'm VERY frustrated and confused. I was e-mailing a friend of my husbands with work-related things. (My husband knew all about it.) Looking back through the e-mails everything was so casual, innocent and SLO... (584 words

Do you think my ex will come back after 2 years of not hearing from him?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - i had a boyfriend whom i introduced to a friend of mine.they started getting close my friend didn't have anything to do with it she already had a fiancee but my boyfriend started pestering me about her i understood his intention and i left him without giving any idea that i am ... (92 words

How long does it take to get over a 6 month relationship after he broke up with me?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5357 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 36-40 - What is the normal time to get over a six month relationship after a man breaks up with you. its been a week and i still want him back but he says its done. we agreed to start over as friends but i back out of that because i know i still love him and will try to make him come ... (70 words

I'm too afraid to tell him outright that I like him in case he hates me for it!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - Hey ok ive wrote here before about a guy that me and some others thought really liked me and then when he was asked he denied it but still continued to show it. For some reason he would talk to be on msn but i had to start the convos and if we were to meet up i had to arrange ... (311 words

I don't think I'm having sex right! Please help!

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5360 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 26-29 - Okay my name is jake. im 14 years old and i had sex i think! i dont no if i did it right or not. i mean she didnt make a sound it felt good 4 me but she didnt even move... i kinda thought she was dead or asleep. what am i doing. i was wondering if someone could tell me what i ... (93 words

How long are you supposed to be casually dating before it becomes a proper relationship?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - What's the longest amount of time you've 'seen' someone before you make it a proper relationship. I've been seeing this boy for about 4 months now but he doesn't want to take it further into a relationship yet. It's basically a relationship anyway as i see him everyday and we ... (96 words

My cheating wife says she wants her family back.

This question has 22 answers - newest was posted 5352 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 51-59 - I recently learned of an extramarital affair my wife was invloves in. I came home early to discover her texting on her cell phone. When I asked to see it she screamed empahtically no and ran into my 4 year old childs room. Upon convincing her I would not be upset we went down ... (354 words

My boyfriend has such a complacent attitude towards me but says he wants to be with me

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5356 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 41-50 - Please help. I've been with my boyfriend for two and a half months now. I really like him and he says he really like's me but his complacency towards me is making me miserable. To put things in context - his work is long and stressful and I see him most nights he is free. When ... (747 words

I don't love my girlfriend, how do I go about breaking up with her?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 30-35 - Hi, I really want to break up with my girlfriend. Trouble is she really loves me but I do not. She studies in my other class "B". And her friends study in my class "A". And I am really good friends with them. I am so terrified at breaking her heart and breaking the relationship ... (138 words

Happily married but having dreams about my high school girl! Is this normal?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5362 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 36-40 - i have been happily married for two years now and i keep having dreams about a girl i really liked in high school. i really wanted to date this girl but her mom didnt want us to. is this normal for me to keep dreaming like this? im happy with my wife but in my dreams its like ... (76 words

Have I fallen out of love? Or am I just confused?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 36-40 - i have been with my bf for almost 3years now the one time we broke up because he was a player and i figured i had to move on. i fel for his friends kindness and mistook it for love he heard im dating his friend and he came back to fix things its been a year and a few mont... (224 words

How to cope with hurt of your wife comparing you to her ex....

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 36-40 - my wife was divorced and she had a baby that was 6 months old when i first met her. and after another six months we got married. i know the true story of what happened with her ex husband as she only married him because she was very young (18 at the time) and confused due to so ... (353 words

Is it acceptable for a man to hit his girlfriend when she stands up for herself against unfair accusations of infidelity?

This question has 12 answers - newest was posted 5365 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 41-50 - Is it normal (or acceptable) for: -a man to accuse his girlfriend of infidelity for more than one year? -for the woman to raise her voice and shout, after one year of being falsely accused and asked the same question over and over and over again? -for the man to then h... (170 words

How do you make a long-distance relationship work?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - Does anyone have any tips on how to make a long-distance relationship work? I only see my boyfriend at weekends as I'm at university. I was blocking him out of my head so I didn't feel sad but ended really screwing up by cheating on him. We've talked through it all and ... (67 words

Should I give my ex boyfriend another chance?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F - Ok I am thinking of getting back with my ex. We broke up cause he went travelling round the world. I knew he had this planned when we got together and we didn't mean for things to get serious but they did. We were together about 6 months before he went and we had an amazing ... (164 words

Me and my girlfriend have lost the spark, how can I get it back?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5359 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 30-35 - Hi, i've been with my girlfriend for 9months now and i love her to pieces and would do anything for her. Recently she said that the spark wasn't there as much as it used to be but theres nothing to worry about and she loves me very much. I live away at university and come and ... (238 words

I have become ill due to his unfounded accusations and jealousy, help me!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 41-50 - My boyfriend looked through my phone and found a call that was a wrong number. He started to tell me that I had met with someone when he was out of town and I told him to just call the number back if he wanted. He called, threw the phone towards me and said it was "some guy". ... (409 words

What are "bang bang" shoes?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5326 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 36-40 - What are "bang bang" shoes as in that n-dubz song where she says "you left me standing in my bang-bang shoes" And where can I get some? lol x... (32 words

Husband keeps graphic photos of his two ex wives!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age - My husband of eight years, soon to be ex, has kept a collection of pictures and videos of the sex life he shared with his two ex wives. These are very graphic -- he describes himself as perverted -- and would qualify as hard core porn, not love making, lots of fetish activity. ... (250 words

My g/f's friend is racist, rude and dangerous. Should I attend the party if he is coming?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 36-40 - I'm having a problem regarding the boyfriend of my girlfriend's friend and work colleague. He is a distinctly unsavoury character and when i first went to a work do of my girlfriend's and he turned up he was nasty, rude, arrogant and racist (he referred to me as 'white boy' ... (893 words

My b/f doesn't give me enough time, any help?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - Me and my boyfriend are in a comited relationship..since 4.5months..we both really love each other..but the problem is that he is not giving me time..he stays 545km away from me..we generally sms each other..he used to give me a lot of time earlier but now a days he ... (137 words

He dated my friend and now my friends don't like him!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - Hi. So, about two months ago, I started dating this guy. I really really like him, and he's basically one of the kindest and sweetest people I'll ever meet. He treats me very well and tries his best to make me happy. Thing is, not long before he started dating me, he us... (286 words

Is he using me till he finds the love of his life?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (? age 36-40 - hey im inlove with dis guy we now ha almost three years together i do really love him,but problem is that im sure if he really love me.we broke up for ten tyms and make up again my problem is,is he using me until he gt the love of his life cuase he always tel me dat he love ... (123 words

I have slept with 44 girls can't stay attracted to any women!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5351 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 41-50 - I have slept with 44 girls now and I can't seem to find the one. I dont want to settle for second best and I feel like the right girl hasn't come along. I am a male whore and I enjoy having sex. But I get annoyed with women quickly and little things make me loose attraction. ... (154 words

I've been in love with my sister for 3 years!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5364 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 30-35 - i need help i'm in love with my sister shes 17 and really beautiful and i'm 15 and i cant stop thinking about her every time i see her i want to grab her and kiss her and never stop this has bin going on for about 3 years now and i dont know if i sould tell her or what so plz ... (64 words

Love sick-caught in the middle of marriage and another woman

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5367 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age - Hi, I have been married for 15 years, have two boys, aged 12 and 14. My marriage has been on the rocks since we had our second child. My wife does not show me any love, she's cold and resentful that I don't do more in our household. I try my best and will do anything... (425 words

My life is in tatters with an ex that won't move on and a new guy who isn't that interested in me. I don't know what to do!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5315 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 41-50 - My life is in tatters at the moment. I split up with my ex in july, mutual decision but since then it's been hard to move on as he is in daily contact with me. I have told him to cut contact but he can't go a day without texting me. The other wk I snogged a guy he knows on ... (386 words

Long impossible question about building bridges made of thoughts and dreams

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5367 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 41-50 - So, long story short, I'm returning to my gf after a few months of LDR. I recognize where she is essential to my life and where I need to control myself, in terms of my sexual appetites, my work habits, and to some extent, my freedom, as that is the exchange one makes in a ... (194 words

Christmas gift after 1 month of dating?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5363 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 36-40 - I've been dating this guy for about a month now, what do I get him for Christmas? I know I should get him something based on his personality, hobbies, etc but I don't want to overdo it. Any general ideas or opinions on what would be a good gift at this stage of a relation... (92 words

It's impossible falling out of love

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5367 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - Okay i Fell in love with this guy summer of 09 when i was visiting my couzin in L.a...! he always flirted with me and told me he loved me..long story short he really liked this Girl named Miranda But he Used me and this girl named Bethany but he told every 1 the same thing your ... (197 words

Young and in love with 2 boys..HELP!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5367 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - I am young, and not naive, so please don't baby me. But I am in a dilemma. School started just 2 months ago and I have been with my boyfriend about that long. However, my entire summer was spent single, and I really enjoyed the freedom of being able to do that; kissing whoever ... (310 words

We broke up because of his problems, do I contact him now?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5367 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 41-50 - I am hoping that someone can help here with this problem I am having. I recently broke up with my partner last week, who has been having problems with a minor drinking problem and seeing a therapist for this and small bouts of depression... When he broke up with me he was c... (185 words

Peter Pan has left the building

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 51-59 - My boyfriend and I have been living together for the past 10 years. I recently told him that he might want to consider moving out and becoming more of a responsible grown up- that his fear to act like an adult and his fear of committing to a marriage was enough for me. Having ... (486 words

Why do we like falling asleep on the phone together?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - hey everyone, i know this is gnna sound weird but i have a question; me and my boyfriend love sleeping on the phone with each other. when we talk at nights and we are about to fall asleep we dont say good night and hang up we tend to fall asleep on the phone. or even if we ... (164 words

How do you tell your best friend that you like them?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - Hey everyone, ok so one quick question is how can you tell your bestfriend that you strongly like them? i'm in a situation where i really like my best friend but he just came out of a 1 year relationship so obviously i'm gonna give him some time. But when the time is right, how ... (86 words

I want to know why he dumped me and how I can get him back!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5367 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - This is my dilemma. Though me and my boyfriend were dating a short time I can't quite figure out WHY he dumped me n I want to know how I can get him back. This is what happened.I live in miami dade county and he lives in broward.he use to come get me every other day so I c... (308 words

I just turned 18 and thought my mom would trust me with my boyfriend now, but she doesn't!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5364 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - Okay, so around october I started dating this new guy that I'm dating now. Last thursday I turned 18. In my mind I thought this would change things a little bit. So I asked my mom if I could help my boyfriend move into his moms house. My mom said no because she didn't know his ... (160 words

I prefer older guys! Should I hold off on dating?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5355 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - this may sound bad but im 16 and i've noticed lately that im more atracted to guys in like there late late teens or like 22, so like 18-22... i just ind guys my age anoying and inmucher....i just want to find some one to cuddle with and feel safe with...corny i no lol but wh... (79 words

Is it possible to have a no-strings attached thing with him again?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5367 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 36-40 - Over the summer, I had a fling that was purely lustful. I went in not wanting anything. I told him I would be starting school in Sept and moving. I could tell he didn't want me to move. The relationship was great for what it was. It seemed like he was more into me. I would... (377 words

I slept with my ex, even though he has a new girlfriend. I want him back, how do I do it?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5358 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - Okay, so I have a kind of bad story, but I need some advice, without bad comments please. So I have been talking to my ex whom I dated about five years ago. I am still crazy in love with him, and he told me there is no reason why he would not go out with me. (before he got a ... (230 words

My girlfriend can't seem to make up her mind- me or this other guy. Did I screw up? How do I win her back?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5365 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 30-35 - Alright, my girlfriend of 2 years recently started hanging out with her one friend, who i had a feeling liked her, however i didn't want to be one of those controlling boyfriends so i said that i wasn't going to stop her from seeing him (although i did tell her that i didn't ... (600 words

My boyfriend wants a baby and I don't. What do I do?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - Im 18 and im in college and my boyfriend is 20 and he wants a baby. Now i dont think he ready for one and plus i want to wait but he dont. I love him so much that i dont want to loose him. So everytime we get on that subject and i say no he gets mad what do i do?... (63 words

Age difference a problem after 5 years :(

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5354 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 41-50 - My boyfriend is 17 years my senior - I am 27 and he is 44. For most of our relationship this was never a problem, I never saw his age, only the person he is, but lately it has started to really bother me. It has nothing to do with our different interests or anything like th... (495 words

Should I hide my emotions from my boyfriend?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - Hi im 18 and sometimes i get emotional and i just want to cry my eyes out cuz either im happy or mad and have no other way to let it out. But i dont like to do it around my boyfriend because i think he might think that i am a cry baby or something is that bad?... (61 words

I cheated on my boyfriend. Should I confess?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - I cheated what should i do? I got back with my ex last tuesday and i cheated on him last night. We only dated a month the first time we went out then broke up. it was never anything serious but this time it was starting to seem like it might be serious. i was drunk and all i ... (86 words

I am a mess because my girlfriends bad dreams!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 30-35 - hey my girlfriend was sexually abused and has nightmares about her uncle. she cuts herself sometimes and she tells me about the dreams and i cant handle it so i cut myself. i have gotten her help and i went to the police and im not asking about cutting because i know y... (139 words

Why can I only remember my bad dreams?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (? age 30-35 - Why when I have a good dream I cant remember it but when I have a bad I can? I would like to remember the 'really good ones' but of coarse the bad dreams are more clear than possible?... (41 words

How do I tell my mom about my boyfriend, who she probably won't like?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - Hi im 18 and my boyfriend is 20 and I have been dating my him for a year and some months now and we are in love but i havent told my mom. The reason for that is because she is so strict with me and i kno when i tell her i wont see him that much like i do now. but how do i ... (150 words

An unlucky guy looking to have sex, what do I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5367 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 30-35 - Well, I'm 18 and I really want to have sex. "Saving it" for someone special stopped meaning something to me a bit ago, I just simply want to do it. I haven't had any luck with girls and the last girl I was seeing just flat out stopped speaking to me... So...I'm not exactly an ... (148 words

How do I get the sexual hunger back in our relationship?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5367 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 41-50 - I am worried about our sex life! B/f of 4 yrs.we've always had a good sexual relationship. Lately he's never in the mood. Has had to increase his blood pressure meds to get his BP under control, which he says affects his libido. But also I don't desire him the way I did earl... (227 words

I'm afraid that I'm so hungry for comfort I'll jump into any relationship!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5367 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - Things have been very confusing for me lately, I just started University, one of my best friends abandoned our ten year friendship for a guy that she knew I liked (who I was also friends with) over the summer, my grandmother is very ill and despite all my amazing friends ... (307 words

My mom said I can't go to a dance, but my girlfriend is going. I don't want her grinding with other guys. Help!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 30-35 - My mom wont let me go to a school dance this weekend because she found out i was grinding with my girlfriend at the last one. We are 15 and we have had sex so its not even that special, but she thinks its bad. My girlfriend still wants to go with her friends, but she is very ... (100 words

He's giving me contradictory statements, how do I handle this?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - Hey!! i'm really confused and need all the advice i can possibly get! Basically...theres this guy that i kinda got together with at the end of summer..but then he had to go back to wales and i'm still here in London. But..we kept it going as a long distance thing..... (380 words

I never told him that I loved him! What should I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5367 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 36-40 - please give some pieces of advice.... my problem goes this way.. i am an ESL teacher for more than a year. i told myself before not to fall inlove with any of my students. but after a year i met a new student who comes from Osaka Japan, he had been my student for two months a... (116 words

She loves me but she doesn't know what to do. Neither do I!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 30-35 - Hi everyone, some of you may still remember my weird story with the girl I fell in love... Well, there is a huge update which I want to discuss.. Well, I got told the last time that she would be probably playing around with me, because she aroused me and was just wanting fun... (519 words

I don't want to provide all the perks of a relationship if I'm not in one!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 41-50 - I got reunited with my old childhood crush about a year and half ago. It had been 14 years since i seen or talked to him. Well, i spent time with him shortly after we got reunited, and i could see why i liked him all those years ago. We stayed in close contact even now. I was ... (644 words

Are we a couple of does he just want a hook up?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5367 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - Does he only want to keep hooking up? I met this guy Matt*(fake name) at a party in late September, his friend told me he was interested in me and he found me on Facebook, he then gave me his number and we've been hanging out since but I feel like we don't actually talk and... (395 words

Should I give up my virginity?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5365 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 26-29 - hi, basically im 15, and im seeing a guy and hes very open about sex and hes not a virgin. i am and hes kind of asked about if i would and i kind of want to but am really like nervous about it all and how its all going to work lol. theres no point saying all the underage stu... (112 words

How will my ex react if I wore another guy's jersey?

This question has 11 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (? age 30-35 - heyy guys :) i need fast answers for this one please! so this guy tht i flirt with all the time wants me to wear his football jersey to school 2moro. we both jus flirt, he has a gf tht goes to a different school, we will never be in a real relationship. me and my bf broke up a ... (159 words

He said he wanted nothing to do with me. Did he just use me for sex?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5367 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 30-35 - i really need help...i started talkin 2 diz amazing boy nd i started fallin in love wit him the only problems was dat we werent going together...we started having sex and everything was fine until i stayed at his house he started trying 2 make me jealous but he took gr8 care of ... (128 words

I don't know if she has a boyfriend. Should I ask her or her best friend?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5367 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 36-40 - I like this girl who ive talked to a handful of times but shes never mentioned a boyfriend but i still dont know for sure if she does or not, her best friend goes to the gym i go to and i see her almost everyday, should i ask her friend if shes single (she will most likely tell ... (76 words

How do I find out if there is an 'us' without sounding needy?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 36-40 - hi a while back i met this guy and we instantly clicked, the sex with him is amazing i can go so far as to say that its possibly the best sex of my life!!!the thing is he lives in another country which is not a huge deal its like 45min flight and he's been to see me and i've ... (255 words

Will sex become more enjoyable for her with time?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 30-35 - Hey everyone, Just a really quick query and my girlfriend have reached the stage where we are starting to have sex. She has had it before so shes not a virgin but hasnt had it for a little while i.e. a few months. We have only done it the once and, when we di... (97 words

Am I over reacting if my boyfriend has a wedding on the day of my birthday and I do not want to attend?

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 41-50 - Am I over reacting if my boyfriend has a wedding on the day of my birthday and I do not want to attend? I am not close with the couple that is getting married and my birthday is the only day out of the year that it is all about me. He gives me a hard time about it and says ... (120 words

Because I text a girl my girlfriend broke up with me!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 30-35 - Me and my love of my life were back together and we went to the car wash and she brought her friend she went through my phone when i wasn't looking and saw that i text another girl, she freaked out and confronted me and walked off, i dont know what to do. the text to the girl ... (145 words

Should I go (and risk being hurt) or stay well away?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5366 days ago

16 November 2009 (M age 36-40 - I'm having a problem regarding the boyfriend of my girlfriend's friend and work colleague. He is a distinctly unsavoury character and when i first went to a work do of my girlfriend's and he turned up he was nasty, rude, arrogant and racist (he referred to me as 'white boy' ... (861 words

I feel so betrayed... he's addicted to porn.

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5068 days ago

16 November 2009 (F age 41-50 - Hi I was in a very abusive marriage for 12 years and had 3 children when i got divorced i never thought i'd find anyone who would meet up to my standards but i did, we decided to move in together after 3 years of dating and shortly after found out he was addicted to porn, i ... (99 words

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