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To browse questions by day in November, 2008, use the links below (in brackets, number of questions on that day)

1 (86), 2 (106), 3 (107), 4 (107), 5 (96), 6 (120), 7 (74), 8 (83), 9 (93), 10 (122),
11 (116), 12 (133), 13 (138), 14 (108), 15 (102), 16 (104), 17 (120), 18 (119), 19 (117), 20 (110),
21 (89), 22 (105), 23 (109), 24 (112), 25 (142), 26 (95), 27 (103), 28 (104), 29 (92), 30 (114),

Archived questions from: 28 November, 2008 (see latest questions)

(More questions from November, 2008)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


I feel like he doesn't care about me anymore...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5719 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - well, I've been officially dating this guy for 10 days. Before that we were basically together for like 3 months but he never officially asked me out. We always used to talk about a lot of things and really deeply too. I felt really into him and now ever since we've been going ... (142 words

When after pregnancy, can I expect to get my periods back?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 36-40 - Heya guys. Well I had my beautiful baby son just over 3 weeks ago! Everything is going pretty well, and I love him to the moon and back. I'm breastfeeding him, Which I've heard can mess with your cycle? I was wondering when to expect to get my periods back? When will I become f... (85 words

Why don't white guys approach me?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5711 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 41-50 - I'm a good looking, outgoing latina who is highly attracted to white men. My question is, why is it that they'll check me out - but not approach me? ... (29 words

What can I do for my 16th birthday!??!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - this isnt a relationship question or anything but i would really appreciate all of your suggestions. so this sunday is my 16th birthday :-) and tomorrow night(saturday) me and my friends wanted to celebrate and party...we love to club but we cant find n e teen clubs open ... (116 words

How can I tastefully approach this young woman?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5718 days ago

28 November 2008 (M - Hello everyone! I have known a young lady, Vivian(22) in September who works in the same field as I do(we met at a trade exhibition). I recommended her to some students for lessons(she tutors privately), and we see each other on a weekly basis in a school where we both do ... (287 words

I want to find out if I can have kids or not?

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28 November 2008 (F age 36-40 - I'm not sure where to start. I want to find out if I can have kids or not? I don't know what type of doctor to go talk to. I'm really scared because I don't want it to be true that I can't have kids. I love kids and I want at least one of my own blood. Please help me or give me ... (74 words

How to kill 2 birds with one stone - birthday/christmas pressie!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 26-29 - Okay, so me and my boyfriend have been going out for 3 weeks and I know its not that long, but his birthday is in 2 weeks which is really close to christmas. So I was going to get him a birthday/christmas present... but I really don't know what to get him... I asked him what he ... (96 words

Is my teacher in love with me or am I just being paranoid??

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5719 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - Hi, I know that this may sound like a little ordinary “a little girl in love with her teacher”… But I think that the case is “an older teacher in love with his student”. Allow me please to say that I love him like a girl loves his father. So, for me, he’s like my second father... (518 words

Is it normal that I am 20 and still a virgin?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5719 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - Is it normal that I am 20 and still a virgin? All my friends have been in serious relationships, however, I have not. I have been on a few dates but I have never felt attrated to anyone. My friends say im picky but I dont want to hurt anyones feelings or end up being hurt mys... (99 words

Was what I did really bad or am I overreacting here?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5706 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 36-40 - Me and my boyfriend have been together only for 3 months now, we work together and he was engaged twice before and his 2 ex-fiancees also work at the same company and we have common friends, however since our relationship started i've been hearing bad things about him (things ... (957 words

How can I change from the "girl with an attitude" to being "the nice girl"?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - I want to the sweet girl but, I'm know as the girl that has an attitude. I don't mean to be like that but it come out that way. What do you like i need to work on?... (38 words

Is he living a double life?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5718 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age - My boyfriend had just split up with his wife when i met him. We had a great relationship, he moved in with me but several months later he devastated me by going back to his wife. Shortly after returning he was back in touch telling me he had made a mistake. I said i couldn't ... (279 words

It really hurts how much he has change, why did he start treating everybody so badly?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - Right basically, ive split from my boyfriend and i still really like him even tho he hurt me really bad by leading me on after we went on a break by his choice by kissing me and then ending it for good, but hes really changed. He used to be sweet,funny,kind,loving and my best ... (284 words

I like a boy but he doesn't meet my standards, should I let it go or wait it out?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - Have a boy I like, but he don't meet my standards n by this i know for sure it wont work. But I really like him. Should I let it go or should i wait it out?... (37 words

Is it true that a man and a woman can't be close friends without sooner or later being sexual in the end?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5719 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 41-50 - hi all,i got a problem that needs solving,i have a best friend who is a guy,he is also the best friend of my guy,thing is we were friends before my guy and i got together. i will call my best friend R. R and i are so close that i tell him everything and so would my guy...yet ... (511 words

I'm getting a divorce! What are my legal rights to his inheritance??

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5717 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age - I am getting a divorce after ten years, I need to know if I am legally entitled to his inheritence or what reasons I would not be entitled to it.... (30 words

I love him but have never had anyone else and now I find myself looking at others, why am I having these thoughts?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - this may sound stupid and may sound as if im taking my boyfriend for granted. ive been with my boyfriend for two and a half years im 20 and hes 18 initially the age caused a few problems between us but we worked through all the problems that arose. we started getting into a s... (238 words

My mom made us break up. He told me to contact him anyway but now he never replies, what is going on?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - Ok. I dated this guy for a year and my mom got us broken up cause she wouldnt let us see or talk to each other. He told me to try and call him everyday and i do but he wont anwer or he wont text me back. when he does, he's high? what do i do?... (59 words

My boyfriend works abroad and it is getting hard to make this work, I don't trust him anymore and I don't know what to think. Is he fooling me around?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 3655 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age - I have been in a relationshipe with a younger man for 4 years now and he has recently been seconded abroad to work during the week and coming back at weekends. This was supposed to be for 3 months but now this has extended to six months and I am finding that when he now comes ... (423 words

I'm attracted to my cousin and the thought of someone else being with her drives me crazy! What to do?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5718 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 36-40 - Im frm India im really attracted to my cousin and have sexual fantasies about her. she is med student in another city , weve rarely met , except for a few family reunions. but the last time we met ( years back) in delhi , it just set up some unknown sparks , i really couldnt ... (192 words

My wife became violent and we're having a divorce! She is trying to take our kids from me, what shall I do?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 41-50 - Heres my story. And it's a long one at that.... Some fore years ago i married a woman that already had five of which i took on as my own due to my wife telling me that the biological father was a bad egg. I had another two children with her one 3 yrs, the other no... (175 words

I'm afraid I will mess this one up because I don't know how to make out! Anybody have an advise on this?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - i dont no how 2 make out and i dont want 2 mess up i love this boy... (18 words

I've recently been feeling ill and I don't know what's causing it.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - Hey, I know this is a relationship advice kinda site but was wondering if anyone could give me some help on this issue. I've recently been feeling really ill after I have eaten, usually stomach cramps, nausea etc and I dont know what's causing it. Friends and family h... (150 words

Is she just fooling me... or does she really love me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 30-35 - There is this girl i love who is my friend, i told her i liked her and wanted her to be my gf but she said no that she is not ready for a relationship,but she still allows me to hold her hands,looks me in the eyes and smiles at me always. But she has too many male friends,i ... (92 words

I'm 16 he's 22...?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5719 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - I'll start with some background information. I'm a 17 year old from NY. I will be 17 in January. My parents, as well as many other people have told me that I am very mature for my age. I'm pretty set in my ways, I'm happy with who I am. However, I do understand that I still ... (532 words

Her parents!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 36-40 - Okay so I'm 23 years old and I've been with an amazing woman for about a year and a half. We do everything together and ts been by far the best time of my life. We get along great and share almost identical values, ambitons, political views, everything. When we do have ... (353 words

His inlaws still don't know we're married!!!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5716 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age - Hi, My husband and I have been married for over a year... and he still has not let his In-Laws know that we are Married. What do I do? He says he has told them... but a recent telephone call from his sister let me know that they do not have a clue... How do I approach him w... (65 words

Why does she contact me more than anyone else if we are supposed to be just friends?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5719 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 36-40 - My ex and I are trying to be friends and I am trying to deal with the fact that she's dating one of her old boyfriends. I keep telling her that I'm cool being her friend, but I don't really think that I am. To make matters worse, we work together, so she is pretty ... (165 words

What can I say to recover the relationship...?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 41-50 - Is there anything I can do/say in order to get my girlfriend back? Last week i got a bit down and kept my girlfriend at arms length,she was supposed to be going away for the weekend and i felt that i would get better when she got back. My mother died two months ago,my girlfr... (279 words

I was just wondering what type of things make a girl feel good...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 30-35 - Alright, so I know this might not be the most appropriate question, but I'd rather ask it anonymously to people I don't know then directly to somebody I do know. Well here's the story, I'm a 15 year old guy and have had a serious girlfriend for 2 years. This year our ... (147 words

Why can't we just stay together?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost three years, the longest I've ever had. But we break up and get back together all the time. I'm tired of that because if he wants to be together why can't we just stay together? another problem that I have is about a year ago he ... (445 words

Why after 15 years of blissful marriage have I just started to look at my wife and ask myself do I fancy her???

This question has 20 answers - newest was posted 5682 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 51-59 - Why after 15 years of blissful marriage have I just started to look at my wife and ask myself do I fancy her any more. It has just started and driving me crazy, I can't talk to anyone as I don't want to upset her, I love her to bits . I just want to feel the same as I did last ... (79 words

Mom says if I choose to be with him now I can pack my things and leave with him!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - Okay, so there's this boy.. he's amazing. A little age difference.. he's 19 and I'm 16. I've never had a boyfriend so it's no wonder why my mother is freaking out. She knows of other boys I've talked to and usually is a cool mom BUT now that me and this boy are getting serious, ... (146 words

Should I ask her out again or just stay close friends?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5639 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 26-29 - Okay, there's this girl that I liked ever since school began. Ever since the very first da I met her. I got to know her a little bit and thennwe got closer and closer until the school dance came up then I asked her to the dance. It took some time for her before she actually ... (146 words

Why am I still feeling like this over a boss that fired me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - ok a while back i got a really good job that i liked fairly well, as much as you can like a job where you make 7.60 and hour. 7 months later we got a new manager. I really fell for him. i mean completely. i was having a lot of family issues, stress, and just a really bad cou... (287 words

Are there any obvious ways to tell if he likes me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - Hey. I've got a teenage boy trouble dilema i need advice on: Of course, i like this guy in my year at school (no problem with age incase you were wondering, he's only a month older then me!) Anyway, i'm mates with him and we have a laugh- he's really funny and stupid (in a... (313 words

Do feelings really just fade away?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5719 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 36-40 - Ok so my girlfriend of 2.5 years broke up with me a couple months ago. I have been an idiot and kept pressing the issue of getting back together, even though i know she needs her space right now and doesn't want a boyfriend. I didn't do anything serious to invoke the break up ... (234 words

What does it mean when a lady plays with her ear lobe?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 36-40 - What does it mean when a lady plays with her earlobe when talking/flirting with a man?... (16 words

How do I speed up my period so it will end sooner?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5060 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - Me and my boyfriend have the whole house to ourselves on Sunday and we hardly ever get the whole house anymore. It should hopefully be good but there's one small problem.. I'm on my period. My periods normally last about 5 or 6 days and on Sunday it'll be the 5th day. I was j... (102 words

He's offering his friendship back. Should I take it even though I feel more for him?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5719 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - A mate and I were really close (friendship wise only) I fancied him at first. I didn’t know he had a gf till 2 weeks after we first met. Thought it a stupid reason to break a potential good friendship over, gambled and stayed friends. Was hard but managed until he broke up with ... (450 words

Am I taking his 'manhood' away?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (? age 41-50 - Im an auto mechanic (almost all the commuter's request me) and also fixed everything around the house (like the night table). This really bugs my husband because he says that cant care of me and Im taking his "manhood" away. I mean come on if he wants to fix something all he ... (85 words

Does it sound like I'm pregnant?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5719 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 36-40 - Hiya everyone, Im really worried for the past 3 days ive been off college sick with the stomach bug, but ive also having doubts that im pregnent since i saw somone else post about a stomach bug yesterday, Anyway ive been sleeping with my guy for over 5 monthsand hardle... (171 words

Are doctors used to silly questions like this? Should I ask?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 36-40 - I am looking for some female advice, I am thinking about going to the doctors just to ask if everything is ok "down below", I have always felt a little unsure if I am "normal" and I was just wondering if doctors are used to "silly" questions like this as I don't want her to ... (77 words

Why won't he walk away from me and save his current relationship?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5717 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 41-50 - hello aunts...i know what im doing isn't right...ive been seeing a guy who has a gf for almost six months...and have made 3 attempts to cut him off and obviously have been unsuccessful... i truely don't know what to do...he seems to be kind of weird...i told him that i have ... (389 words

I need him back! It's platonic love...

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 5716 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 30-35 - i'm 15yrs old totaly straight but i've fallen for my bestfriends lil bro(llyrs old) i know he loves me too and right now is just afraid because what we are doing should not be shown in public and has been forbidden by his parents we used to be so close but now he seems s... (125 words

How do you tell someone to lose weight without crushing them?

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 5719 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 41-50 - I've been with my girlfriend for over 6 years now. We're going through a number of problems, which I addressed in another question, but in thinking about the possibility of us getting back together, there is one issue i just don't know how to deal with. When we met, my girlf... (260 words

He said he has forgiven me but I haven't forgiven myself?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (? - me and my boyfriend met at the beginning of the year and before we met i had booked a trip to go trevelling for almost a month. we moved in together a week before i went travelling and within the week i realised that he had a problem with coke. he was upset that i was going ... (360 words

Is he playing with my mind or does he really want me back?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5718 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 36-40 - I really want my ex back after 2 months, we are still sleeping together about 2 times a week, talk on the phone everyday, and see other most days down the pub, He knows i still have feelings for him and would go bk to him , but he says we are friends, but i want more, he gives... (201 words

Am I just lonely or do I really miss her?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 36-40 - as i have said before, i broke up with my ex back in june, we were going out for 8 months, i broke up with her because her family is crazy(litteraly),i just felt bored and like i deserved someone better than her, as it has been 5 months, not a single girlfriend since her, about ... (151 words

How do we keep our families intact and remain friends?

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28 November 2008 (M age 41-50 - i am married since 7 yrs and has got happy family of three,we've a 2 yrs old son.i am a practicing gynaecologist and also work nearby govt hosp.a staff nurse from there and i have been friends since last 7 months.she is married has got 3yrs daughter.she always cribs about her ... (158 words

Am I the problem?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 41-50 - hi, my boyfriend and i liuve together, he is was divorced decades ago. my problem is, when his ex-wife calls or i hear her name being mentioned, i feel uncomfortable. when i try to be honest with him and tell him how i feel, he tells me that im the problem, or brushes me off ... (60 words

Depressed girl.

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - I'm a girl and I'm 17 years old.. this tragedy happened to me 2 years back.. my second cousin showed interest in me by his behaviour and I fell in love and then suddenly he started to ignore me.. now it's been 2 years and I still love him.. extremely.. even I cannot put it in ... (261 words

Why doesn't my boyfriend love me...?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 41-50 - Me and my boyfriend met 2 years ago. He exposed his love to me at the beginning. He loved me so much at that time. About 6 months later he is starting to change. I really love him so much. I always agree and accept whatever he wants. He even knows that I love him so much but ... (119 words

She has also made up so much crap about me that I find it hard to believe she was at one point my wife...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 41-50 - I have been married for four years and my wife and I broke up some two months ago. At first she wanted me to stay with friends for a while as to give ourselves a break, but still being husband and wife. I soon found out that she was starting to go out with friends and have our ... (165 words

I'm having trouble getting over my girlfriend's past

This question has 19 answers - newest was posted 4944 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 36-40 - I'm having trouble getting over my girlfriend's past. She is a virgin, so with her being a virgin, I believed she had never done anything remotely sexual. I was wrong. Within the first 3 months she told me about flashing some random mexicans. It upset me because I ... (665 words

I think my best friend is flirting with my girlfriend!! What do I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 30-35 - I have been going out with my girlfriend for about 6 months now, and i really like her, but my best friend is not the tallest guy around and hears that my girlfriend said she would never go out with him because he is too small so decides to confront her about this. ever since i ... (118 words

She shared a bed with her ex... I want to trust her, but I don't trust HIM

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 30-35 - I've recently started seeing someone. We've been together for about a month now, but something bothers me. She told me recently that she and her ex boyfriend booked tickets to go to a concert together. That was fine, I had no problem with that. Then she told me that out of ... (281 words

He insists on unprotected sex but I don't want to fall pregnant!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 41-50 - Me and my husband have been married for about 10 months now. Everything's been going OK, we're socialising, and popular in our local neighborhood. However, our sex life is the only issue which is causing problems... my husband only ever wants sex when he's under the influe... (244 words

Have any of the female readers felt the same way about their current partner?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 41-50 - I'm a bit confused and need some advice. Last week I started chatting online with a very nice young lady, and we have been texting constantly every day since. I met her for the first time last night down the pub, and after we said good bye I sent her a text asking what she ... (117 words

What position is less painful for the first time?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - it will be my first sexual relationship with my boyfriend but just by precaution...what position is less painful for the first time? - girl on top? - boy on top? ?????... (34 words

Should I wait until she returns from this "trip" to give her an ultimatum, me or him? What should I do?

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28 November 2008 (M age 30-35 - Basically I am seeing this girl (not officially my girlfriend) who has a boyfriend of 2 years who lives quite far away. She has told me that she has fallen in love with me, and I have fallen in love with her too. But she also says that she still loves her boyfriend. I have told ... (262 words

I'm starting to fall for him, but he is so young - what should I do?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5716 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - I have problem, I starting to fall for this dude, but he is young, its a 3 years differents n age. I know for sure that he liks me as well. But Im payin hard to get, b/c his so young. What should I do? ... (45 words

I'm soooo in love but miserable and confused.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 26-29 - Dear agony aunt: My boyfriend hasn't been having the best of luck these past few months, he says he has problems in his life because everything hasn't been going right for him. Now I try to help him but he pushes me away and because of this we usually breakup quite often an... (99 words

Is it possible that the combination of alcohol and the pill caused me to have a miscarriage?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5719 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 41-50 - Hi recently I was having sex and the condom broke.... my husband immediately pulled out and he hadn't yet cum. I was also missed the pill around tht time for a few days as we had gona away and I left them at home. When I got home from our holiday I continued the pill as normal. ... (112 words

Back with my ex after 2 years and I'm NOT happy!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age - Back with my ex after 2 years. I split with my ex for 2 years in that time I had a relationship with some guy that didn't work out, after it finsihed my ex who I had been with for 15 years said he wanted me back, I said I'd need time to think, it wasn't long and I said ok ... (296 words

Should I be worried that he's cheating on me?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - Well here it goes again my 3rd question in 5 days guess I needed more help then I though or I just think way to much either way here it goes. My b/f who just turned 18 and I had been dating 3 months everthing was going great I loved him he loved me we were a match made in he... (373 words

My boyfriend is overprotective of his phone but checks mine non-stop!

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 5669 days ago

28 November 2008 (F - Something isnt right. My bf (who is 19 and so am i) of 2 months seems overly protective of his phone considering how he goes through my phone non stop and always has to know who im calling/texting etc. When he gets a message, if I ask him casually who it is he won't tell me... (416 words

Should I be her slave?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 41-50 - Hi, I am back, thanks Irish 49 for calling me naughty.. trust me I am.. now there is twist in my story.. my neighbour has my picture, well 2 days ago I went to her house when she was all alone and we were very intimate.. just then she said "be my slave or I will expose your ... (99 words

Why can I never get a girlfriend?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 41-50 - Hello aunties, Hope you doing fine. Well I am a 28 year old man, I have had a few failures in my life; been an average student; working in a gas station, put petrol in people's cars, although an MBA by qualification.. as I am looking for job, couldn't get one, so to survive I ... (138 words

I caught mydaughter masturbating with a balloon, is this some kind of fetish?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5721 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 51-59 - I caught my 11 yo daughter masturbating with a balloon. I don't know what to do. STOP! Before I get a lot of hatful, prude comments, it's not that my daughter is masturbating. That is normal. No problem there. Should I stop her masturbating with a balloon. And befor... (116 words

How do I get him back to being the good loving father and husband he used to be??

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 41-50 - In the last few weeks my husband's ego has become an issue. He won't do certain things claiming "they're bad for my ego". He's even refused to spend time with our 4-year-old son and 6-year-old daughter, claiming "That will deflate my ego". Everything he does revolves ar... (139 words

How to win back my wife's trust after chatting to women in the Internet?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 51-59 - i have a dilemma where i've lost my wife's trust due to some stupid decisions i've made by chatting to women on facebook and texting someone else flirtatiously and now face a situation where my marraige is in doubt.How do i win back her trust and what do i need to do in order ... (60 words

Is it right to date married men?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 36-40 - Hi Friends, my question is this almost all men that approach me are married men. It is right to date married men? I find out that these married men i love so much more than the unmarried. Show i go on dating them please help.... (46 words

My mum and I never got on well, I don't know what to do...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - ok right me and my mum have never got on well. we always have arguments and i have s.a.d seasoning depression and this time of year is the worst for me.. my cousin died in september and hes best friend hasnt spoke to any one about him since last week when he phoned me asking me ... (249 words

I can't ask her to quit her job here - but I don't know if I can live in this city forever either. Help!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5717 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 41-50 - Ive been with a woman for 8 months. We're very much in love. She's Spanish and I'm American, and we live here in Spain. The problem is I don't much care for the city we're living in, and have a better job opportunity with a lot more money, in France. The place is also much ... (282 words

How can I appeal to my girlfriend more?

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28 November 2008 (M age 30-35 - Hello...My girlfriend and I have been together for 8 months and we love eachother very much...I'm a little curious, we're both virgins and don't want to sex for a long time, and we're happy in the positions we're in, but, you know, what's something I could do to maybe get her ... (122 words

Does he still care or is he using me?

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28 November 2008 (F age 36-40 - I met this guy a year and a half ago when I was in a bad relationship which ended and he was there with me. Around this time we were like the best of friends but he had asked me out and I had hesitated because he's like 8 years older and is my mother's business partner but I ... (186 words

Since I am Filipino, am I Asian? I was never told, just that I'm part Filipino.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (? age 26-29 - Since I am Filipino, am I Asian? I was never told, just that I'm part Filipino.... (17 words

Married man having sex with son's best friend!!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5711 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 51-59 - I am Joe, I have been married to my wife Hannah for 17 years and we have 2 great kids, I am also gay or bi. I had a few times had sex with men in high school and college, but when I met Hannah who is so beautiful we got married and the feelings for men went away, but two years ... (182 words

Should I call it quits with my boyfriend and give this other guy a chance?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5721 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - Okay so me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 years recently things are just different... I get so mad at him for picking his friends over me when I feel like I'm the one that does everything for him. Also there's been this other guys who's been trying to talk to me? ... (80 words

She's just not herself since we broke up...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 36-40 - hello friends, We broke off a month ago. She still behaved like before but I brought myself to the friendship boundary and she was often hurt by this but soon she adapted herself to this to some extent. Since then we have been having hard time accepting this friendship and it's... (257 words

5"8 160 pounds how much weight will I gain during pregnancy?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5644 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 41-50 - I just found out I am pregnant but I am sooo worried about weight gain. I know your suppose to gain a certain amount but i've known too many people who had an amazing body then after baby it was gone, but then again i know some people who lost all the weight. I'm 5'8 and 160 ... (101 words

I feel like she just doesn't love me anymore.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5721 days ago

28 November 2008 (? age 30-35 - Since school started after the summer, my girlfriend of nine months has been feeling distant. On IM she started giving short answers and stopped calling me. I knew she was having problems, but those problems had nothing to do with me, and it felt like I was paying for them. ... (127 words

Could I be pregnant? Increased appetite at 3 weeks too soon?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5716 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 41-50 - Hello everyone, I'm curious on if I am pregnant or not. It is still very early, I would be 3 weeks and 3 days if so. I am dating a really good man that i've known for 6 years,for the past month of October and this month of November we have been having sex allllllll the time ... (341 words

Cheating wife - long but impossible to answer, please try...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5721 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 51-59 - It's a long conveluted story, but in a nutshell: my wife suffers from bipolar disorder. it had not been properly diagnosed until recently but we've been dealing with it since we dated(7yrs total-3.5 married) We both have had the same number of partners prior to our ... (937 words

He had sex with other men in prison!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5684 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 36-40 - My boyfriend and I have been dating for about 2 years now and he spent 1 year in prison, He admitted to me he had sex with other men while in prison, but he says it won't happen since he is out of prison now. But I wonder could he be gay? or was he desperate? I like him a lot, ... (65 words

Do I let her go?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5712 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 30-35 - I was with a girl for 18 months and it may not be a super long period of time and we are still young but i knew she was something special. Not like any girl i have ever met. I love her with all my heart. Well at nights for the past couple months i would get on a website and ... (364 words

What can I eat/do to be better for our first time?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5719 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 41-50 - I'll be with my GF this weekend and we might have sex for the first time can any one tell me what i can eat/do to be active enough since my pennis cannot erect/becomes weak after i have release,also should i use condom or not.i need to enjoy and also her to enjoy too.... (54 words

She was paid to go out with me!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5719 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 26-29 - She was paid to go out with me, then I found out and after I did she said some mean things then she started going out with another girl after she told me she was straight. A couple of weeks later she dumped her girlfriend and asked me out again. I said yes but I don't believe ... (145 words

My ex GF wants to meet for coffee... what does it mean?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5721 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 36-40 - Two years ago I dated this girl for about six months but I broke up with her for some pretty shallow reasons. I've totally missed her ever since, even while I've both been in other relationships. We sort of kept in touch after we broke up and around Christmas last year I a... (137 words

How much "baggage" should one take before bailing on a 6+ year relationship?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 41-50 - I've been with my girlfriend for 6+ years now. I love her, I know I do, and we get along very, very well. But there have been mounting problems over the last few years that have recently come to a head, and I'm finding myself helpless and stuck. For years, my partner didn'... (767 words

I'm in love with my brother's 24 year old friend!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5719 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - Im 15 Yrs Old And Im In Love With My Brothers Best Mate Whos 24 Yrs Old. Isit Wrong That Im In Love With Him. I Really Want A Future With Him And He Wants To Be With Me But His Worried People Will Say Something About The Age Gap. Iv Told My Brother Im In Love With His Best Mat... (103 words

How can I tell him I'm not comfortable on top when he's just trying to protect me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5721 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - When I was younger I was sexually abused. I have had help to get past this and now I feel comfortable with the idea of having sex with my boyfriend. He has told me he wants to also, but is getting a bit over the top when it comes to his idea of making me feel safe. The biggest ... (94 words

What do men think of women that sleep with them on the first date?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5721 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 41-50 - What do men think of women that sleep with them on the first date? Are they considered a slut and not girlfriend material or is there a chance that it can work?... (32 words

When is enough enough?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5721 days ago

28 November 2008 (M age 36-40 - If someone has said that they have some feelings for you, but they feel there is too much getting in the way (distance, family etc), is there any point trying to win them over, even if you really like them?... (40 words

Will it cause too much trouble if I start dating my best friend?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5721 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - Okay i have this best friend. the whole i tell him everything and he tells me everything. He can make me laugh forever. over the thanksgiving holiday we talked on the phone forever. 7 hours in two days!!! and at school we meet up between every classs!!! he has been my best ... (301 words

How many men out there prefer pubic hair on a girl?

This question has 16 answers - newest was posted 5543 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 36-40 - How many men out there prefer pubic hair on a girl? I'm an Asian and I know by experience that most Asian men love pubic hair on a girl. What about the majority of men in the world? Are most men put off by that?... (45 words

Will a smaller penis change the way sex feels?

This question has 10 answers - newest was posted 5719 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - While I was with my ex we had sex quite a bit, but that relationship ended pretty badly. Now I'm with another guy and we've gotten pretty close to having sex a few times. I've done other stuff with him and found that his dick is noticeably smaller than my ex's. Will this ... (67 words

How do you know if you're ready for sex?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5721 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - Everyone always tells me that you need to be ready before you have sex, i get that. How exactly do you know if you're ready though. I feel comfortable with the idea of having sex with my boyfriend now but I get really embarrassed talking about it with him. Does that mean I'm ... (80 words

He says he doesn't want a fling, but doesn't want anything serious - what DOES he want?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5721 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 36-40 - Can anyone enlighten me to what a guy means when he says he doesn't like flings but he doesn't want anything serious. He doesn't want anything serious because he's going traveling and claims it might stop him. But then he keeps saying how he wants to get to know me and vows ... (110 words

He wants friends with benefits but not a relationship - should I go for it?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 5717 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - so about four months ago i met the absolutely perfect guy. perfect! and two weeks later he dumps me for some other chick that ended up being such an absolute female dog. anyways i flipped out on him and threw a fit cause before we even started dating and got together i made the ... (300 words

He is so good-looking it makes me feel like a troll. Can he possibly like me back?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 5721 days ago

28 November 2008 (F - There's this guy I like who's a friend of a friend, but he's too attractive. We get on really well and make each other laugh, but he is really really good-looking and although a fair few guys tell me I'm attractive, this guy is SO attractive that being in his presence makes me ... (169 words

Do I need hymen removal surgery after so many years of being a virgin?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 5717 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 51-59 - I am 38 years old and I am virgin. I have a boyfriend (he doesn't know yet that I am virgin) and I want to make sex with him. I am afraid that after so many years my hymen has become very thick and the penetration will be extremely difficult. Do I need hymen removal surgery?... (56 words

Why can't I stop eating?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 5721 days ago

28 November 2008 (F age 30-35 - hey, I'm female and 5" 4. I recently had a still birth. After the loss of Dillian I weighed 14.6 stone (202 lbs). In the last month I've lost 3.7 stone and now weigh 10.9 stone (149 lbs). I've often made myself purge after eating and do a lot of exercise. I force myself to go ... (240 words

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