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I'm attracted to my cousin and the thought of someone else being with her drives me crazy! What to do?

Tagged as: Forbidden love, Love stories<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (28 November 2008) 4 Answers - (Newest, 30 November 2008)
A male India age 36-40, *tarrsky writes:

Im frm India im really attracted to my cousin and have sexual fantasies about her. she is med student in another city , weve rarely met , except for a few family reunions. but the last time we met ( years back) in delhi , it just set up some unknown sparks , i really couldnt explain it , then we chatted online a lot since , and all i could think about was her . i have sick thoughts that someone else may lay their hands on her . thats my sad plight , . PN : OK i guess i dint mention , but once i called her up and told her that "i think i have fallen in love with you" ( she reacted - " are u nuts ?"), but since i was nervous i sounded a little too firm !! , she was shocked and told that her parents are nearby . later she emailed me saying that she only thought of me as an "affectionate brother". i guess we forgot about that bnow ,but the feeling keeps resurfacing again . can you please help ?

View related questions: cousin, spark

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A female reader, luvy duvy United States +, writes (30 November 2008):

luvy duvy agony auntYour more than welcome!! I'm glad I could help...I just got out of that situation not too long ago...So, don't forget to remind yourself that she is your cousin.

To contact me personally for any advice go to

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A male reader, starrsky India +, writes (30 November 2008):

starrsky is verified as being by the original poster of the question

thanks a million for the support ladies :) so i want to hear more

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A female reader, luvy duvy United States +, writes (30 November 2008):

luvy duvy agony auntSweety...I was in the same boat with you more than onnce. I hate having hot cousins...but this is what you do...keep all of your sexual fantisies as fantisies...when you feel yourself getting hard in the pants when your around her...walk away. (yes...I know, it will take strength, but you have to) Remind yourself constantly that she is your cousin. If you can't shake to a friend or someone you trust about it.

and...if she is not a blood relative it's okay, but I personally would stay away from any family members.

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A female reader, petina1 United Kingdom +, writes (30 November 2008):

petina1 agony auntshe has given you her answer and you must accept it. Maybe when you meet up again she will confirm her feelings about it. She may see you as a bit of a nuisance if you keep on at her about your feelings if she doesnt feel the same way. Women/or men for that matter don't like to be hounded if they arent interested that way. You must try to disassociate y ourself with other diversions for your sanity. good luck. hope this helps.

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