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Archived questions from: 19 July, 2006 (see latest questions)

(More questions from July, 2006)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


I got dumped for being "too quiet"!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - I had a bf but we broke up b/c I was to quite. I just didn't know how to have a relationship at the time. I still don't. How do you have one? I can flirt and everything but when it comes down to like the serious stuff I get nervous and choked up. ... (54 words

Will guys care that I have braces? Are they worth it?

This question has 9 answers - newest was posted 6580 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - I have a pretty bad overbite, and at the end of next month i will be getting braces. But i am really worried that once i get them i am never going to have a boyfriend. And that may sound weird, but it's the decideing factor in weither i am going to get them or not. I know in ... (146 words

I don't believe my boyfriend when he says he isn't cheating

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6418 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - I have a boyfriend and I think I love him.He says he loves me too.But I don't know if he is cheating on me because he hardly ever calls me and he is always getting text messages and calls on his cell phone from other girls.And he always talks about hangin out with them.But when ... (85 words

I accidentally caught my boyfriend drinking with another woman

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - My Boyfriend has a face phone and sometimes his phone accidentally calls people. Last night his phone called me, my voice mail captured up him talking and laughing with some girl. When i asked him what he did that night he said he was with his mother. When i told i heard him on ... (100 words

My boyfriend is moving too fast! I don't know whether I'm going to have sex right and I don't want to get completely naked!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - Hey guys, I know I've been asking a lot of questions lately but I really have just been thrown in to the reality pool at the deep end, so I'm really confused with everything. Anyway to the question... I'm 16 and my boyfriend has already had sex before he was with me. I... (158 words

I'm worried about my husband's cocaine addiction. He's stealing from me and lying about it!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - I met my husband when I was 14 and am now 24. We have been married for 4 years with 4 girls aged 8, 4, 3 and 1. We lost a baby boy in 2004, a few weeks before the 2nd aniversary back in May my husband started taking cocaine. He said he needed it to get him through the ... (196 words

After I masturbate, I get depressed...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (M - HELP! I know this must sound sorta wierd but every time I masturbate I feel really depressed and as if I'm a bad person for it. Is it a bad thing to do?... (33 words

My period stopped the day after sex! Normal or bad sign?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - I had sex whilst on my period and the following day it stopped completely. Is this a bad sign or normal?... (21 words

I think I love this guy, but is he interested in me... or just my boobs?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - I love this guy but he likes my mates. I love him so much but he never will like me and people say he is only talking to me because of my boobs. What should I do? Leave him, move on or what? Remember he is my first love. Help me please. xxxxx... (54 words

His family just simply wont accept me, but I dont want to lose my boyfriend!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - I have been with my boyfriend now for almost 2 years and his parents just do not accept me. We started out in a long distance relationship in Nov. 2004 and more than a year later, we both made the decision that one of us would move. I was the one who moved as he only a year ... (495 words

Im really worried about my boyfriend going in the army, I keep having nightmares about it!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 5953 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - hey guys im 16 and my boyfriends 16 and hes joing the army in september and im really worried about him getting hurt i havent slept for almost 2 weeks and when i do finaly doze off i have horrific nightmares about his death and i have to watch it over and over again. can ... (81 words

I like it but got freaked out... What should I do now?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6578 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - Hey guys i really need some advice. im 16 and my boyfriends 15. weve been together 3 weeks and things have started to get a little intamite, i mean all we've done is kiss but last time we kissed intamitly he put his hand up my top and was touching my brests it came as a huge ... (130 words

How can I carry off girl on top ?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5720 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - My boyfriend and I want to try me on top, but I have NO idea what I am doing! Please help me! How am I supposed to move? What do I do? He claims women LOVE this position, but we already tried it once, and I couldnt even get him in me... (52 words

He tells woman in chatrooms that he loves them and has now joined a dating site!!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6572 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - Hi, I really need some advice! I am 44, I have been with my fella for 5 years now (he is also 44) and in that time he has told several women in chatrooms that he loves them! Thats bad enough and hurts a lot, but now I've found out that hes joined an online adult dating site! ... (145 words

Shall I ignore him, or just tell him to stop contacting me completely ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - Shall I tell ex not to text/email or I just ignore? Still dearly in love with him, but I dont feel he loves me back in the way I want. He ignored me and put his friends first. We broke up 3 times, every time he got me back because I love him so much and so unconditionally.... (232 words

I want him to stay over but what will my son think?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - Just a quick question. I'm 23 and have a 4 year old son. I have been seeing a guy for 3 months now and a month ago introduced him to my son. They got on brilliantly and have seen eachother 5 times since, each time going really well. My boyfriend is totally accepting and ... (154 words

She has hepatitis and wants to leave ME?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - GF has hepatitis B and she wants to break up- Having been dating this girl for almost 1 year, she is very caring and sweet. We are a good match in many things and talk about our future a lot recently. Unfortunately yesterday she came over and told me that she got Hepatitis B ... (155 words

I hardly know her but she confided in me that shes pregnant, what should I do ?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - When i was in a lesson the other day. A girl who sits next to me who i don't know that well. And have only started talking to her through this subject told me that she thought she might be pregnant. I didn't believe her to begin with but i think she's being serious, i'm the ... (137 words

After losing my virginity it still hurts each time, should I be concerned ?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6385 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - I'm 18 and lost my virginity a couple months ago and it hurt really bad and ive had sex twice since and its hurt those 2 times also. i was very tense each time but i think thats because it hurt. why does it hurt and should i be concerned about it?... (52 words

He has a sort-of girlfriend, but he still flirts with me. What does it mean?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6265 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - I have a problem for you...first off, I have liked this boy for ages and met him when he was sort of seeing another girl. He used to flirt with me all the time. Then I found out he and this girl had gone out one night and ended up now as boyfriend and girlfriend. I got really a... (95 words

Im a bit curious to play the field as im not sure if me and the bf fell in love properly!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - What should I do? I'm 20, have been with my boyfriend nearly 4 years, it is the only serious relationship I've ever been in. He is a great guy but lately I have felt really wistful about friends who are in new relationships and all of the 'first-time' jitters that happen and ... (272 words

How can I get over this guy and move on ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - How do you get over someone? Apart from getting with someone else, or turning your affections to some one else. As both of those are easier said than done. The boy I'm trying to get over messes me about, and doesn't like me, and there is no-one that likes me that I would go ... (80 words

After a string of failed relationships, need some advice on how (or if) to make this one work...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - Im very confused. I had a great bf who was loving, committed, caring and we hv the best chemistry until everything change when he got a new job. He became hot-headed, intolerant and selfish. In the end, we broke up after 3yrs as we cant see eye to eye on certain issues. One of ... (429 words

Scared that shes hanging out with the ex and will get back with him, as we have only dated a short time!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (M - alright, so seeing a girl for about 3 weeks now, and moving along quite fast. so she says she cant hang out this week because she is with her best friend on monday (which i promote, never give up friends) and again with another friend on tuesday. well, late last night she d... (166 words

She broke up with me but wants me back... I'm not sure what to do! Any advice welcome

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6568 days ago

19 July 2006 (M - hi i've been going out with a girl for a year.she lives in my home town but we started going out while i was at university.i came home every weekend as she had to work and i couldnt live without her. holidays were realy good but term time was hard and we missed each othe... (643 words

Am I gay and should I date this girl?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6571 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - hi im a 16 year old girl.ive only ever dated boys but now ive been lookin at girls and thinkin wat it would be like to be with a girl. my friend is gay and told me she likes me and wants to be with me,i have been thinkin about it and i do like her in the same way but im scared ... (77 words

I'm 16 and in love with a 36 year old with a girlfriend... What should I do next?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6574 days ago

19 July 2006 (? - Dear Cupid... I've been having a major problem for the past two years. It's a long story, so I hope readers will be patient enough to read everything. I'd really appreciate it. I'm a 16 years old girl, and I've had feelings for this guy since I was 14. Problem is, he i... (348 words

Should I forgive?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - hi my boyfriend of 5 years had just told me last night that he has been seeing someone else at work. he said that they did not have sex but they have kissed touched etc. he is feeling really bad about it and is ready to do anything to make up for his mistake. I know he's ... (82 words

How can I know if he's in love with me or not?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - Guys: Tell me how i would know if my boyfriend has fallen in love with me?... (16 words

Should I give him another chance or just leave?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - hi just need some advice. I started seeing my boyfriend late october time last year we were only really seeing eachother and not actually a couple until after christmas... i found out recently that he had a long term relationship with a girl when we first met who he pr... (427 words

Advice from those people having affairs please.

This question has 27 answers - newest was posted 6573 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - hello..a question to those of you having affairs(come on you know you're out there)i have begun an affair but have no intention of leaving my husband for my lover and neither does my lover want or expect me to. we are both happy about this decision as it is one we both ... (167 words

Affairs, advice from those who know.

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6083 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - hello..a question to those of you having affairs(come on you know you're out there)i have begun an affair but have no intention of leaving my husband for my lover and neither does my lover want or expect me to. we are both happy about this decision as it is one we both ... (119 words

STD's, how are they caught?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - Can u get an STI from someone even if you use a condom? I heard that contact with any part of the genital area can still get you infected.... (29 words

I'm gay, he's gay, but my female partner can't cope!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - I am in a committed gay relationship with a woman and we have a child together. I have always thought our relationship was strong and nurturing. We have been "there for each other" as lovers and friends. Due to work stress and long hours , in the last couple of years I have ... (279 words

Feeling low, help me out guys!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - hello guys at the moment Iam feeling low I have failed two units on my college course can't find a job and iam skint most of all I have bad habits I can't shrug off help me here guys thanks... (47 words

Is she avoiding me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (M - The other day I was with my girlfriend of two months and we were at her friends bday in a caravan down by the coast. All night her friends were saying how cute we were, when are we getting married, what are we going to call the children etc. this didn't phase me and we both ... (190 words

Is honesty the best policy?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (M - Earlier thie year I was going out with an American things were cool at first but then she started getting a bit clingy, I tried to break it off but was unsuccessful. As she was leaving in June I let it slide, but now that shes back home she won't stop e-mailing me and is now ... (90 words

After 7 months, my BF came clean and told me he used to date someone who was pregnant!

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - My boyfriend after 7 months he told me that before he met me, he was dating this women for 4 weeks and that she was 8 months pregnant. I feel that he should have told me from the beginning of our relationship. I feel that he's been lying to me the whole time. We've done so ... (118 words

He's nice and I'm smitten, but what if I say something and he rejects me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6583 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - I am 21 years old. I have been single for 2 years and 9 months. I recently meet this wonderful guy who I seem to be smitten with. I like everything about this guy but I'm afraid if I tell him he will reject me. He acts pretty friendly towards me and does lil things to make me ... (228 words

Lost my viginity and it didn't hurt?! Is this unusual?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6583 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - hello. Im a little bit confused because everything i have heard implies the contrary. Im 19 years old lost my virginity tonight and it didnt hurt .. at all. is this unusual?... (32 words

Can't date guys my own age as they are too immature. Should I date this older guy?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6581 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - I am 15 and the guy i am crushing on is 19, i know the age differece is not huge but... I know most people are going to say "your too young to be dating an older guy" but i've tryed dating guys my own age and they are just WAY too immature. Events in my life have made me mat... (107 words

How do I control my attraction to only beautiful looking women-is good looks most the most important thing?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6583 days ago

19 July 2006 (M - I am stuck in a big fix here. and this is taking my life in a negative direction where i am losing interest in work and family and its a total unrest situation, as i am getting frustrated looking for some wise decision on this. My Problem : I am attracted too much to good loo... (532 words

I'm not madly in love with my girlfriend of 2 years... and another girl wants me!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (M - I'm 23, male, a lil loopy. OK, I've got myself into a little bit of trouble. I'm currently seeing a girl for the past 2 years. We like everything ( I mean everything ) the same. She loves me and would seriously do anything for me. She's stable and reliable and in the past 2 ... (119 words

Was I right to leave my ex-best friend?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6583 days ago

19 July 2006 (M - I feel completly insane. At the beginning, I really felt like being different is who I really am, but it’s so hard. I hate my ex best friend now. Ever since High School I’ve noticed that he hung out with so many of the wrong people. I didn’t want to get involved so I ... (181 words

Dad doesn't believe that I won't make the same mistake with my new boyfriend...

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6583 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - I really need advice guys. I met this wonderful guy and we fell for each other. The only problem is my dad won't allow me to have a boy and girl relationship since my past lover just left me and got me pregnant. But I told him that I won't commit the same mistakes again an... (105 words

Why is my ex back in touch with me? What does she want?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6583 days ago

19 July 2006 (M - Hi, I'm still in love with a girl I used to be with, who's married (she married the first guy she went out with after me). It's been almost ten years now (I'm 35, she's 40). We tried to stay friends or at least loosely in touch afterwards but the last few years I've been thi... (139 words

I deleted her 'MySpace' account, a few months ago and she thinks her ex did it! What should I do...tell her the truth?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6583 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - I know this might sound stupid but i had a controlling ex so i feel like i have to tell everythin but when me and my friend weren't really talking i deleted her myspace like a few months ago and she thinks her ex did it and i think she might be mad if i tell her i did it but i ... (73 words

I'm needing some good tips on how to 'feel up' my bf. I really want to give him pleasure!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - Hi. I need tips on how to feel up my guy. I'm a virgin, 22, and don't really know what to do at all when i'm with my boyfriend. I've only petted him through his jeans once and for a few seconds only because it was new for me, but i want to be more confident when im with him. ... (103 words

I feel bad for the way I left a bad relationship! (long post)

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - I was in a relationship for a year with a guy from Morocco. It all started like a fairytale and seemed neverending. We started to live together from an early stage and everything was wonderful. I had to go back to my country to work for 2 months since I was studying abroad. ... (1329 words

I'm male and I can't forget the time I touched a guy's penis when I was 10! It's really bothering me.

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6583 days ago

19 July 2006 (M - About 4 years ago When I was 10 I had a sexual encounter with my friend (He was a guy) All I did was touch his penis. But now I regret It but can't help eating myself up inside about it and wondering why I did it. I Had girlfriends in the past and Have a crush on this one girl ... (139 words

Could unprotected sex make my GF's urine smell?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (M - My girlfriend told me that her urine smells bad up to 4 days after we have unprotected sex. She told me that there is something wrong with me, but I am in great health. What should I do?... (38 words

I thought he was cute when I was 13... Now I'm 15 and I keep seeing him everywhere!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6552 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - I'm gonna start my story a few years back, my first day of high school and i see the cutest guy i have ever seen in my whole entire life. He's good looking to boot, not only that but he is extremely nice! I never approached him, because i was 13 and he was 17, but every ti... (658 words

Am I still protected if I didn't start my Pill on the right day?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

19 July 2006 (F - I recently started the pill. My period started on Tuesday 7/11 I got the pill on Friday 7/14 and started taking it while I was still on my period. Now I am reading things that say I have to take it either on the DAY my period started OR the Sunday AFTER regardless of whether or ... (76 words

Ladies..if a guy approaches you, what's the first thing you would like them to say?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6583 days ago

19 July 2006 (M - ok this is a question for the women. if a guy was to randomly approach you, what would be the first thing you would expect/like them to say?... (28 words

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