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Archived questions from: 12 July, 2006 (see latest questions)

(More questions from July, 2006)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


My friend seems on a downhill slide and I'm really worried about her!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - Hi, I'm worried about my mate. We are both 23. Last year she lost her job. She went really depressed but seemed better when she got a new man. When we talk on the phone I ask her how the job search is going. I go out looking for jobs for her. Well I hadn't heard off her in... (201 words

How do I write a sexy email to my boyfriend?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6588 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - Hi, please help. I need advice, tips, examples on how to write a sexy e-mail to my boyfriend. He really wants me to do it and so do I, but I don't know what to write!... (37 words

Is there a substitute for sex?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - Do guys enjoys dry humping? Why? Or what would they prefer instead.....but not sex!... (14 words

I don't want to wait years for my friend to get over his ex, but if he'd ask me to be his girlfriend, that'd be fine!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - Where to start? Been friends with this guy since the beginning of the year. We ended up kissing recently, but thankfully he put a stop to it because he was still confused over his feelings for his ex. We had a talk a few days later and I told him I had been on dates with ... (727 words

My soulmate is married to someone else...

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - My soulmate is married to someone else. I am trying so hard to let him go so I can move on. Let me explain briefly why I feel he is my soulmate. When I was a teenager (I am now in my late 20's), we had a very strong connection and he would often say to me and my family that ... (203 words

He's wonderful, I like him immensely, and he's involved with someone! Should I wait around?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - Hi, I know this must be a common problem. There is a guy who I have known for 2 years, and well I like him immensely, and we have become a closer and bonded recently. The problem is he is involved with someone, but does not see a future with her. I know that's a no-go territor... (135 words

So scared that something's going to happen to my boyfriend in the Army!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - Hey I'm 16 and I could really use some advice. My boyfriend, age 15, is planning on joining the Army when he turns 16 next month and the thought of losing him is unbeariable, even though we've only been together 2 weeks. He tells me he won't get hurt but I'm still really w... (165 words

I've always been slim, but now I'm getting skinny!

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6588 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - How Can I Gain Weight? I've always been a in slim/skinny body type area but reccently I've been losing weight like nothing which I think it's cause of the Bristish summer. But now my collar bone is showing and I don't like it, I don't like it at all. So if anyone can ... (69 words

How do I ask out the new manager without causing any awkwardness in the department?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6588 days ago

12 July 2006 (M - Quick question, I work in a small ofice where everybody knows what everyone else does. However at the moment we have a new manager in for this week from another department. I am a guy aged 20 an it is safe to say am fairly outgoing. She is beautiful. She is onl... (178 words

I had a strange dream about my boyfriend's best mate. Should I feel guilty?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - I have been in the best relationship of my life. My boyfriend is loving and caring. The thing is that last night I had a dream about his best friend and I. We were in a car and the next thing I remember we were sharing a passionate kiss. And then we shared a few more. It ... (82 words

Should I believe what he says?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - If a guy tells a girl his feelings then should she believe him or not ???... (16 words

Worried about my first gay relationship

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6536 days ago

12 July 2006 (M - Hey, I recently posted a question which was named 'I'm a gay teen, have met another guy 16 on the interweb but feel so down because we're not together!' when I was anonymous, but since I have signed up, and I'd like to say a few more things, because I found this site really u... (352 words

My friend has body odour!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - my friend at school "beatrice" has bad odors and i am afraid to tell her incase she gets offended, and hits me, she does need to have a wash and clean herself, maby shave but she doesnt realise that she smells real bad, what should i do.... (47 words

In an abusive relationship and I feel stranded

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - I am married and have only known my husband for 2 years. We have a 15 month old son together. We have separated once for six months because of abuse. But he is only on a peace bond as I told the courts I lied about the assaults although I hadn't. I am really stuck and he ... (141 words

I fancy my teacher at school!

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6295 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - I fancy a teacher at my school who is leaving next friday what do i do?... (16 words

When we argue it disappears for a while and doesnt come home, should we still get married ?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - hello i need help from anyone out there well me and my partner have been together on and of for 5 years and we have a little girl together who is 2 now the relationship was messy but then it sorted out and we were so happy together we have even arranged to get married next year ... (229 words

I really lack confidence and fear that I am really not meant for love!!!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6587 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - I am not that very confident in my appearance and it affects me with guys and if I have a interest in a guy I will just ignore it and say "Well he wouldn't want me anyways" but I really wouldn't know. I also have a hard time talkin to them if I really like them. I guess I'm not ... (94 words

My girlfriend seems to have calmed down a bit, is this normal ?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (M - This is a short question but recently my girlfriend is acting a little different...Since leaving school and completing her exams she has started to go out with her mates a bit more....She does not act her normal self around me and doesn't show as much affection however its only ... (192 words

My boyfriend doesnt like it that I hang out with other guys, how can I get him to see they are just friends!?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6588 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - My boyfriend keeps getting angry with me when i hang around with other boys. Alot of my friends are boys , and when i hand around with them i am relaxed and alot louder and confident than when im with him... he keeps bringing this up in conversations and it really upsets h... (93 words

How can I get her trust back ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (M - I lied to my GF and now I feel terrible. It was only a small lie but she is still furious. How can I regain her trust? ... (27 words

What is it that women love so much about cuddling ?

This question has 8 answers - newest was posted 6575 days ago

12 July 2006 (M - Why do women love cuddling? Many young girls, and even teens and adult women like to cuddle with their daddy. Its also pretty well known that women like to cuddle with their boyfriends or husbands, especially after they make love. So whats the big deal? Why do women love ... (59 words

Why is it that when my girlfriend performs oral, it takes forever or it doesnt happen at all!?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6584 days ago

12 July 2006 (M - I can't cum when girlfriend is giving me blow job. i'm 15 and have been going out with my girlfriend for 6weeks now and we have started to have foreplay but for some reason we she gives me a blow job it takes ages for me to cum. why is this?? ... (54 words

Im still having trouble getting past my ex, How can move forward ?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (M - Hi, I've been without my ex now for several months and recently I found some photos which served to re-open old wounds. She was very very pretty - but really quite a nasty and mixed up person at times. Dont get me wrong - there were good times too, but largely she pleas... (121 words

I had my baby and I don't feel attractive now!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - Hey guys, I am an attractive young mum who has a two year old baby. My problem is that after breast feeding my little one for 13 months i have lost the firmness in my breasts. I was 36B, now i am 36D....which i am very conscious about. Also, i feel that my breasts are not attr... (100 words

We are married, want children but there is no sex!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - Hi, we have not been married long, we love each other so much and get on fantastically. There is just one problem, we want a family and our sex life is non exsistant. The flame is not there, OK maybe a bit more for me but not at all for him. Any ideas on how I can change ... (75 words

My relationship is going through a rough patch!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - Dear Cupid, I am 24 and have been with my boyfriend for 9 months. We have a long distance thing and everything was fine and i was so happy. Then we decided to move in together. I was gonna move there but it all fell through because of his money issues(In all honesty i ... (190 words

My partner is constantly controlling me, and wont give me enough support financially or otherwise! please help!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5832 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - my partner and i have been together for almost 4 years and have a beautiful son. but my partner has no respect for me and controls everything. after my son was born he would not give me any money it was 8 months until he started to give me $15 a week then eventually went up to ... (296 words

Im gaining weight at a rapid rate, could this be due to my period ?

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - Hi On last sunday i weighed myself and was so happy to of lost a few pounds, then ever since i came on, last thursday i have been gaining a pound every other day. Im so disapointed as im on an eating plan and as far as im concerned doing everything right, why am i gaining wei... (65 words

My Bf is always belittling me and didnt even say happy birthday to me yesterday!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (? - Dear Cupid, ive been with my current bf for just over 3 months. about 1 month ago we fell out badly and nearly split up bcz of the way he was treating me and belittling me. we sorted our problems and he told me how he truly felt about me n my feelings. evrything has be... (145 words

What should I do about my best mate flirting with my guy ?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - Dear cupid i need some help with my best mate. because she has been firlting with my boyfriend who i have been with for a month and i have liked him for like 3 years she said she is only firlting with him to make her ex jelous but i think she likes him a bit but i th... (114 words

How can I make a relationship last, I get bored after about 2 months with a guy and dont know how to change it!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6590 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - I always have this problem. When I meet a guy, I get bored after 2 months being with him. What should I do? Spice up the relationship, but how? Or, should I break up with him, because I know he is not the guy I want to be with?... (49 words

I'm 16 and think I'm in love with my married neighbour!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6587 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - I just turned 16 about 2 weeks ago. I've had feelings for my next door neighbor for about 4 months now. I've known him my whole life. He's 24 and married with 3 kids. He is having trouble with his wife. His wife knows about me and what is happening between me and him. He now... (263 words

My folks want to send my 24yo paramour to jail, because I got pregnant!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6587 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - I'm a 15 year old female. And I had sex with a 24 year old male. I just found out I'm pregnant. My parents want to send him to jail. But can I just lie to the doctors, etc? I dont want him to go to jail. What do I do?... (51 words

Am I just looking for reasons to break up with him before he joins the service?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - My bf is kind of egotistic sometimes and it makes me so upset. I mean, I know that everyone has an ego once in a while, but it really bothers me. And see, it never bothered me before until recently, basically since I figured out how little time we have until he signs up for t... (191 words

The passionate sex has died off, and we can't seem to find a time we're both ready to bring it back!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - My partner and I have been together for around 19 months. We are both divorcees and now live happily in a blended family. Recently I unexpectedly but happily discovered I'm pregnant and expecting our first(and last)baby together in November. My partner is 39 and I'm 32. At t... (333 words

I text and call, but he doesn't return any of them. He says he likes me!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - I really like a guy. And he says he likes me. But nothing has happened, and he seems to not be returning any of my phone calls or text messages.... (30 words

Wondering about my "banana bend"...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6515 days ago

12 July 2006 (M - My penis bends to the left a fair bit making it kinda banana shaped. Is this normal?... (17 words

Do I believe my boyfriend, my eyes or my ex-friend?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6590 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - I recently ended a long friendship as I found out that my friend was backstabbing me and she cancelled coming to my graduation five minutes before, saying she was very ill and then went clothes shopping. She told my friend that the guy I was seeing (he has since broke it... (147 words

Ladies: Do you play mind games when you're interested in someone?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (M - CAn any of you devulge to a mere mortal man what kind of mind games a woman would play on a guy in work if you fancied him? I think I'm being ... (36 words

Asked him not to break off with his girlfriend just to be with me, and he disappeared!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6590 days ago

12 July 2006 (F - Me and this guy have been really good mates for years now and have always been attracted to each other. Nothing has ever happened between us but all of our friends tried to set us up. However, we lost contact for a while and he got a g/f who he is still with. Recent... (121 words

My daughter's mum wants to have another go! Great, but I'm with someone else now...

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

12 July 2006 (M - I realise this is something I have brought on myself and feel like I am an awful person but I am really confused with what I want!! Basically my ex-girlfriend of 5 years ago, who I have a daughter with, is wanting to give things another try. I am currently living with my girlf... (304 words

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