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Archived questions from: 4 July, 2006 (see latest questions)

(More questions from July, 2006)

Dear Cupid: Relationship help and advice


I want him to be sorry for using me...

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - I dumped my boyfriend as I found out he was just having fun and using me. How do I make him regret driving me away?? ... (25 words

I think I should hate him for saying terrible things, but I still like him!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - I really fancy this guy and he was being really nice to me and everything, like being a good friend and messing around with me and sticking up for me in front of other people. Then one day at school his friend was really nasty to me and when he found out he seemed like he ... (348 words

I don't want his height to be an issue!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - I am going out with a lad that is smaller than me and when I go to kiss and hug him its awkward. Can you give me any tips? thnx xx... (32 words

The body English is there, but do you think he likes me?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - There is a guy who I Like but I am not sure if he likes me. Last time I saw him, I was surprised he remembered me, last time I saw him it was a while back, and has ignored me before. He made a joke and said "of course I remember you". Sometimes he avoids eye contact with me,... (153 words

We'd planned to meet, but she's dropped off the map!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (M - My friend and I have been getting along perfectly, then 1 month ago she suddenly lost contact I met this girl in June last year. She is 33, I’m 38. We spoke occasionally when we met through an activities club. Then one month later she gave up her job because she was feeling ... (432 words

Unsure of my feelings for my sex-crazy boyfriend, and attracted to another guy!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - I've been in a relatonship with this guy for almost two years. At the beginning, I felt I love him, but right now, I don't know whether what I feel for him is gratitiude or love because of the many things he has done for me in our relationship. The problem is we fight a lot an... (169 words

Is it wishful thinking or is my friend interested in more?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - Hey, I really need help... I'm dying! I've been working with a guy since Christmas (7 months now) and we became good mates. I liked him then and let him know... but he already had a girlfriend. he was cool about it and we stayed great friends. We spoke to each other when ... (400 words

My fiancee is in love with another man...

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6596 days ago

4 July 2006 (M - I have been with my fiance for over 3 years now and we love each other dearly. recently she told me she has feelings for someone else but she loves me and wants to be with me but she feels guilty because she feels this way. We have talked about this but I dont know how to help ... (102 words

Should I tell him I love him?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - The guy I´ve been dating has just moved to Italy for 6 months. I´m in love with him, but haven´t told him. If he asked me I would go there to be with him. should I talk to him???... (39 words

Do I have a chance with my text-message-guy?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - well, i have a crush on a senior in college. at first i SMS him anonymously in september 2004 but later i introduced myself by showing my picture in Friendster. i think it went quite well. when i first SMS him, he already had a girlfriend. then, we were in the same project but ... (308 words

First he got into a mood because he ex was texting him, now she's not he's in a mood *again* !!

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6588 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - ive been with my boyfiend for just over 3 months and care for him very much, baybe even the "l" word. he was with a girl previous to me for 18 months and made his life a living hell, she was so cruel i would wish it on my worst enemy. she was constantly texting him up until 2 ... (113 words

Why is she wearing the ring I bought her, given that I've been dumped?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6596 days ago

4 July 2006 (M - HI, my girlfriend broke up with me, we were going out for 3 months and i bought her a ring whilst we were going out.. she didn't wear it very much, but now because we broke up shes wearing it most of the time... how does this work?... (48 words

Should I tell her that I now find her very arrogant!?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - A year ago I moved in with an old friend. We used to get on really well. Recently I have experienced some very negative feelings towards her. Sometimes these feelings can be quite nasty. Recently she seems to have become very self absorbed and can be quite arrogant. I find ... (112 words

Can we learn to love each other again,the way we once did ?

This question has 7 answers - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (M - I am going round in circles and could do with some help as I do not know what to do. Sorry if I ramble in advance. Basically my girlfriend and I have been together three years and had the usual ups and downs in that time, possibly and probably more than we should of. W... (864 words

How do I get my son to respect me?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6528 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - i know alot of you have children out there so i need some advice!have a teenage son well nearly a teenager who thinks hes in his twenties the way he goes on,hes mad about computers,clever and a one for the girls,problem is hes so horrible to me i sometimes feel like crying hes ... (109 words

Im scared and mixed up, my Bf's ex is due to give birth any day and im worried sick!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6582 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - How will i cope over the next few months? i met my boyfriend 6months ago, he had just split up from his ex wife, he is 26 and i am 21. we have a fanastic relationship and get on really well, we hope that in the near future we will get married and have children. however,... (111 words

I'm 23, shes 15! We love each other and will wait until she is 16, but will this work, is there any point!?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6226 days ago

4 July 2006 (M - Sorry if this gets a bit long.. Ok here goes I’m 23yrs old and have been close friends with my next-door neighbours since I can remember, in fact they are more like family than friends… Anyway we moved about 3 years ago, but only 10 minutes away so I still went round like 3-4 ... (572 words

Fallen in love with a boy who has a girlfriend (who is my enemy)!

This question has 2 answers - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - hey,I am 16 years old and i have fallen in love with this boy in my class who has a girlfriend who give sme dirty looks and is pratically my enemy now, everyone hates her, she is so insercure wen he is around me. the thing is he keeps on talking to me an asking me to go out ... (169 words

Having children and getting married is high on her list... But low on mine. Anyone like to share some wisdom?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (M - Hi, I (I'm 43) have met this women that I am very taken with, however I don't want children. We have not been going out long, but in talking have found out that getting married and having children is high on her list. If a women (age 31) has always loved children and has... (164 words

We're getting married... I snooped a look at her phone and found she's been texting a man! Now I'm in a pickle..

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (M - i secretly looked at my girlfriends phone , and saw that she was texting and calling another man . i cant confront her because she ll know i looked on her phone , its cutting me up as we are planning on getting married ... (44 words

My partner's ex wife has been making secret visits to him at work!

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4 July 2006 (F - hi, need some advice from you guys.ive been with my partner awhile now and always been close well i thought we were.we had an argument and it come out his ex wife had been going to see him at work for no reason he says,but he never botherd to tell a little seed was ... (147 words

Finding it hard to be a best friend and maybe sister-in-law!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6596 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - Hi,this is really getting me down. My best friend got together with one of my brothers. She never said she liked him before that but now they seem very happy.However, I just still feel weird about it - I guess because my friend did not 'ok' it with me. She talks about my ... (120 words

She loves me but isnt in love and I want her back!!

This question has 14 answers - newest was posted 6589 days ago

4 July 2006 (M - Hi need some advice , i will try not to bore you too much, anyway me and my partner of 4 1/2 years split up 9 weeks ago, we have 2 children and moved into our first home 2 months previous to break up, before that she lived with me and my parents for 3 years. Basically she says... (168 words

I feel so worthless!!

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (M - A while ago someone at my school said I was worthless. To begin with I didn't listen to him but I'm now starting to think this is true. My friends leave me in the dark sometimes and everytime they go out I look on there pictures (on things like myspace) and they always seem to ... (210 words

Is this how it's meant to be?

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6598 days ago

4 July 2006 (M - Simply- my foreskin is attached to the head of my penis, is this normal?... (14 words

Why did he "test" me with an email from his ex, and how can we get back to the way we were?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - I need as much advice as possible on this one guys, so if you have the time, I'd be very appreciative! Ok, I'm ex is 41 with 4 children from 3 different mothers. When we were together I found an email from his ex, which was left on the table, saying all the things t... (569 words

I think I need to lose my virginity!

This question has 13 answers - newest was posted 6573 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - Hi I am 14 years old and I feel Im getting to that age where I think I should lose my virginty. I don't have a boyfriend or anything, but I really wanna not be a virgin anymore. Any advice? StIlLaViRgInNY... (42 words

Should I be suspicious that his phone is now on "vibrate" not "ring ring"... What's he hidin'?

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - Is it weird that i have noticed my b/f of a year keeping his phone on vibrate when it is usually always on ringer. My best friend said i really shouldnt be so concerned because of that but i feel like if he is doing that he is trying to hide calls coming in or something. I said ... (84 words

Am I obsessed, or just in love?

This question has 5 answers - newest was posted 6580 days ago

4 July 2006 (M - Hi, I'm 15 and been dating a chick for 5 months now. We went to the movies about 4 nights ago and the shirt I was wearing smells like her and I won't wash it. I keep smelling it cause it reminds me of her. Is this bad? Please help. I asked her about this and she said it means... (94 words

I'm ready to make out and I think my girlfriend is too!

This question has 4 answers - newest was posted 5920 days ago

4 July 2006 (M - My gf and I are ready to make out. I have done it before and I'm entirely comfortable with it. She has never done it before and she claims she is ready. What is a good and pleasant way I can approach this situation? If possible I would like detailed advice =D thanks a ton... (57 words

After a one night stand I think I love him

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - How do I get him??? We started talking on a dating site and agreed that we would just meet casually because we were both mutually attracted to each other on a physical level. Well, we met and the night was amazing. He turned out to be an even better person face to face than on ... (207 words

How do I outlaw my in-laws?

This question has 3 answers - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - I'd like to get peoples advice on this...what do you do about your annoying, nosey inlaws? Im talking about your spouses parents. My inlaws always look for a way to see whats going on in our marriage so that they could butt in, rule it some how (my husband doesnt know how to ... (145 words

He puts material goals above what really counts in our relationship

This question has 1 answer - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (F - I have been with my guy almost a year. Type of a guy a woman wants to feel secure only the love is questionable. He has a tendency to get lost in his neverending quest for things to be at their best for us. Nothing wrong with that to want the best. However, I am in the dark ... (185 words

Should I go for it with my cousin?

This question has 6 answers - newest was posted 6597 days ago

4 July 2006 (M - I’m not sure but I have a funny feeling that my female cousin, if the situation was right, would let me have sex with her. Some time ago over her house she shows me a tattoo that was on her ass. Then when over at her house while asleep on the sofa she comes downstairs and slee... (241 words

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